Chspter 02

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I wish ..... I wish you would had died. ??? He mumbles last words and went in slumber leaving me Statue on my place. I agreed" he never liked me. He always had carried hate for me. But I never thought that he would wish for my death. I've been facing many things in my life. Literally everyone expressed their hate towards me.  whether him or my own parents. But it's first time " he is wishing upon my death. Which broke my heart into piece making me feel immense pain in my heart. I sobs keeping hand on my mouth and come out from his arms " which were grasping around my waist. I set on the bed and look at his face finding him sleeping peacefully after ruining everything between us. Only one last string had left behind. I thought might now he will change. But seems like we are standing on same place where we were before. Or better to say it gotten worse.

Shivaay I whispered and caresses his hair with my shivering hand making him move in sleep and he took my hand under his cheek.seeing him sleeping so peaceful like a child made me wonder"How can a person behave so ruthlessly 'when he is awake and how he looks innocent on the same time while sleeping. I wish he would behave nice to me for once and treat me as human. But seems like " it will stay my dream only and would never get that which I always longing for.

I hope your wish grants shivaay. I hope I die and then my All pain get fade away and you stay happy. I smiles having tears in my eyes and Pulls my hand back from under his cheek.  I my thumb on his cheek for few seconds and went in the washroom having puffy eyes.

In morning

Whole night I spent laying In the bathtub. For a second even I couldn't close my eyes and kept thinking about his words and gestures. Which straight hit bottom of my heart. No matter how many times" I tried to divert it but always end up thinking about it and made my dry eyes wet again. When I'd got pregnant" i'd thought " might now things will be sort out in my life. Maybe a little love. A tiny bit I'll able to get from him. But god took my that hope as well and and snatched my baby away without showing a little mercy towards him . Now I've been landed on same place where I was before.  I sniffles while having numerous things in my mind. But Nothing is helping me to get peace. Everything has been so messed up. I don't know" what to do and how to handle things. But I've have to. I can't just sit and cry like a loser. I've to start doing things which was doing before. I don't wanna relay myself on  that person " who don't wanna see me in his life ever and wants me to be dead. I closed nh eyes tight and comb my hair fastly for removing tangles from them. It will pain to normal person if someone would pull her hair like that. But i don't feel anything. Nothing is affecting me at all. And maybe it's because the Chern in my heart is more deep than anything esle and I'm feeling all numb in my whole body. Suddenly I gasp " when I l heard shuffling sound from behind. I turn and found him Sitting on the bed rubbing his forehead. Seems like he have gotten headache because of heavy drinking. 

Anns can you get me lemonade.   He murmur  still tossing his fingers on his forehead. First I felt to ignore him and leave from here. But  my heart didn't let me and immediately went off to get drink for him.

In kitchen

I'm making drink for him when pinky my mother in law entered " who seems like didn't except me to be here and look at me shockingly.

What you doing here anika.  At this time you should have been on the bed.  Doctor has strictly asked you to take rest.  She says looking at me worriedly making me sigh. 

I'm fine.  I've enough  rested. Don't wanna do more.  I says emotionlessly filling the glass with lemonade. 

Are you fine right. Your wounds still looks little fresh. She Says softly carsssing my head . 

I'm Fine. Don't worry.  Anyways shivaay must be waiting for me. So excuse me.

Shivaay ?? did he came back.  When  he returned.  I about to pass by her. But she stopped me holding my elbow.

He returned 2 am at night.  I said softly without letting her know the whole matter. As I know if I told her that he came drunk ... then she will  be angry  on him which  will piss him more and in end he will curse me only.

I'm going I whispered and left from there before she stops me again.

I came in the room and found him still sitting in same posture having savour headache.I sighs and went towards him with slow stops.

Here's the drink.  Have it. It will ease your pain.  As he heard my voice he look at me and scrunched his face in annoyance.

Where the hell were you. I've been waiting for you so long. What did you took so long.  He snatched the drink and drank it while scolding me.

I don't think so I've any magic stick with ke whicn I'll swirl around and in non second drink will be prepared. I'd to make  it obviously it gonna take time. Seeing me being rude with him. He grit me teeth and held my wrist so tight making me pull besides me.

Don't even dare to talk to me like that.  You know that i hate those people who yell at me like this.  So maintain your attitude and don't shout. He  speaks in his thick voice tightening his grip on my wrist. 

You are hurting me let me go.  I mewled trying to get my hand out of his hold. But he held more tightly looking at me tip to toe. 

Where the hell are you going early this morning. That also in that condition when you should be on the bed.    Hearing his little concern towards me I scoff while  sneering and pulled my  wrist  back from his  hand.

Since when you have started caring about me ha. In those three weeks. I don't think so a single day you even thought  about me. That time when you should had been with me. you left the country with your so called friend and spent your days there. And now you are  showing me your fake concern.  Keep it with you. I really fuckin don't need it.  Saying this i got up and about to  move away from him. But he again grasp me and pulled me back on the bed and this time he hovered me  without letting me move. 

You had forced me to do this. I was not in this condition to stay in the house. Again and again my mind was diverting thinking about our baby. So  thanks to malika " who forced me to go in abroad to spend sometime in peace.  so that my mind get better.   But why  do you care. After all you are the Reason of everything. You  are such a stubborn that despite  handling the situation you left the house and then accident happened which took our baby away. Hearing him tears made their way from my eyes and a painful sob left my mouth

So you are  calling me murderer of our child don't you.  As I said those  words having a hiccup he stopped and loosen his grip from my wrists open his mouth to say something  but nothing came out except air.  I sneers and wipe my tears  with my palm .

Thanks for proving me that I'm the one who killed our child.  I was already battling up with my many  things. and you have increased one more.  You won't stop hurting me right ??? . 

I I I .... He try to  say something again but when he got silent yet again I just pushed him and stood up  abruptly making me moan in pain feeling sudden pain in my abdomen.

Hey you alright???? He immediately stood up and raise his hands to touch my shoulders but I didn't let him and move back.

You have done enough don't do more.  I'm fine I can take care of myself.  You just keep thinking about yourself.  Saying this I grab my bag from the table and left from there not  feeling to see him more. As I know if stayed longer there. then I'll breakdown and he will get one more chance to hurt me again. 


Anika where are you going.   Don't you know it's breakfast time and  you have to prepare for all of us. Hearing   grandma's hoarse  voice I closed my eyes tight and stopped fisting  my  hand on my bag belt controlling my feelings. . 

I'm getting late for office.  I managed to say controlling my emotions.

And what about people who are starving here. Don't you care about them.  Right now you should be here and handle your household. But seems like you care about your office more  than anything else. I'd told you pinky this girl is not right for shivaay. But no" you didn't not listen to me and made her marry to him just because she was your friend's daughter. It was so good that if shivaay would had got married to malika. He would had been happy and we as well.  At least  we didn't have to face her tantrums. Dadi scoffs looking at me with pure  hate ' which she always carried ' since I have came into this house.  She always wanted malika as her  grandson's wife. After all she was belong to wealthy family same like them. And for keeping their status high"they wanted to bring a high class daughter in law.  But it couldn't happen and I'd got married to shivaay in rough circumstances. And since then her behaviour never been good with me and she always being hostile towards me. 

Maids are there to make it. I'm getting late and ... I about to say more but she just smack her hand on the table with loud voice making me close my eyes.

You know that  I hate people who argues with me.  But seems like you have  forgotten about it don't you. That's why you are still standing there and ignoring my order.  Just go back into the kitchen and make breakfast for all of us.  Just gooo she screams making me  helpless infront of her. Sue is elder and I really do respect her. But the way " she behaves with me I'm afraid soon my patience will break and I'll do that which I don't wanna do at all. I sighs and decided to make breakfast for everyone " who didn't buzz and sitting on their seats  like I'm their servant and they owned me.  

I'd thought that at least  she will give me a little happiness by giving me  great grand son. But she couldn't do that as well. and finished him  also.   I can't believe a mother can do this.    As these words slipped from her mouth I stopped and rooted on my place. All the trauma  all the pain came back as she mentioned about my baby.  I was trying really hard to control myself. But she just touched mu weak point and gave me heartache yet again.   I grit my teeth not able to control my emotions and went towards her where she was sitting. I keep my hands on the table and look at her with blood shot eyes which scared her  I predict "the way she looked at me. 

I didn't kill my child. Did you understand grandmaa. I fuckin didn't not kill him. I really don't think so I mother would deliberately try to take her child life.   It's just he wasn't written in my life so good took him away. But I didn't kill him. I didn't not. For you people. It was just a little  fetus. But for me it was my  hope. My life.  But how would you understand. When for you I'm not human even.  You think that  I'm most heartless and evil woman " who entered in your life and ruined your peace.  But don't worry. Soon I'll fix  things and then you don't have to see me anymore. Anyways enjoy you breakfast I'm getting late.  I wipe my tears harshly and left from there not before glaring mu Husband" who was standing on the stairs edge   Looking at me blankly. Seems like he have heard all  conversations. But still he didn't come to take my side and standing there like a doll.


See  this girl had got wings. I'd told you she is  evil. But you pinky  don't understand anything. You still take her side. Now look today because of your so much love she has started hovering at me as well. Shivaay shivaay did you see how that girl behaved .   Your wife has yelled at your grandmaa. She insulted me. How can she do this.  Control her shivaay. Before it gets too late  just  do it.  Grandmas screams looking at shivaay who silently standing on his place looking at the door from where anika went. But he didn't utter a single word and stood there  subtle having his hands in his pants pocket.


In the office

Nick you came back.   I thought you will take rest for few days. Her friend Krystal said taking her in hug. 

I couldn't stay at home so decided to come back at work.  Anika managed to answer having fake smile for hiding her inner pain.

Your wounds are still fresh. They doesn't seems fine. She says touching her forehead. 

It is fine.  Don't worry. Anyways I'll see you later.  I'm going to clock in.  Saying this she passed her smile and left from there.

After swiping her card she directly move towards her boss office and knocked on the door. Which surprised her boss to see her there. 

Anika you came back.  Arsal her boss immediately stood up looking at her shockingly. He thought she will stay at home and will take rest. But seems like plan have been changed.

Err yes  arsal . I Couldn't stay at home... so thought to come back.  She passed him smile and got in having note book in her hand whicn is full of his schedule.

I've your  all schedule. So shall we start.    Saying this she about to continue but he abruptly got up and took her in hug making her startled with his sudden move.

I'm so sorry for your lose  Anika. I know I can't compassionate for your pain. But still I'm so sorry. Anika closed her eyes controlling her threatening tears and broke the hug. 

Thanks arsal. She managed to pass him smile tucking her hair back.  He nods his head and took his seat back on his chair.

So shall we start. He nods and she started telling about all the meetings " he has to attend. 

Oh yes anika ,,,  while  you here so why don't you reschedule my meeting with  ansari's. It's been two weeks I've been cancelling them because of your absence.  But  when you are here. So why don't we attend it. 

Ok  I'll do it. I'll let you know the time. Anyways you carry on your work. I should leave. Saying this she left from there leaving him having content smile on his face. Now days he missed her so much and finally she came back. He tap his pan on the table while thinking about her and then got busy in his work. 

In after noon

Anika is trying to do her work "but her all attention is towards today's fiasco. She never yelled at someone like this. Specially grandmaa. But today she don't know but she couldn't control herself and blabber whatever came into her mouth. But what she can do" as she mentioned about the baby. She couldn't   Hold her emotions up and just said it whatever came into her mouth . Suddenly her attention went on the phone when it start ringing. Seeing her husband's tenth call she groan and cut it itself. She is really not in mood to talk to him. But this guy is pissing her off since morning. Surely he  is ringing her to scold her for behaving ruthless with his grandma.  But she don't have time to take his tantrums. So she's been cutting his call.

Anika shall we leave. Suddenly she jumped on her seat when her boss  enters there without knocking.

Err yh let's go.  She grabs her bag and phone and left from there. 

In  a cafe

Anika is busy with her boss clients explaining about their ideas to them. But her boss's all attention is on her without hearing a single word of her.

... So what do you think mr Rana.   Client spoke ... Arsal immediately jumped out of his thoughts and clear his throat.

Ar.  Yh I'm fine with it.  If you are good with it then shall we sign.

Yeh sure.   Mr ansari smile and toss the drink with him. Anika smile at them and  fix the papers in the file " suddenly her eyes fell on particular person who seems like her husband.  And he is not alone.  Malika is with  him whose hand  is resting on his shoulder and both of them are having chat.

Shivaay she whispered tucking her eyes on them. Shivaay who was sitting with malika busy in talking ' as he got eyes on anika he stopped    Look at her plainly. Anika shakes her head in disbelief and turn her face not  feeling to look at him anymore.  World can be ups and down. but this  guy won't stop meeting with his friend and share each and everything with her which currently he should do with his wife.  

Err excuse me I need to go washroom .... she  excused herself and left from there. Shivaay who noticed her going he  mutter sorry and went behind  her. 

Anika  entered in ladies washroom  and stood infront of the mirror looking at her fragile state. Tears made their way from her eyes and she lean on the counter  crying silently.

So you are here ha  ... enjoying with your boss after insulting my grandma at home. Hearing his thick voice she turn and found him standing infront of her with  stern face  having his hands in his pocket. 

You here.  What you doing here??? Don't you know " it's ladies washroom. and if someone found you here then how shameful thing it will be mr oberoi. He  sneers and move towards her with slow steps making me lean on the counter. He kept his hands on the both side of her and caged her between him looking straight into her my eyes.

I don't care ... I don't give shit about it. But the thing which I care is " and that's my family insult" which you have done today. No one ' means no one dare to raise their voice infront of grandmaa. But look at you. Not only you disobeyed her " you insulted her. How dare you ha. How on earth you got guts to do it. And now here enjoying with your boss like nothing happened. Anika shakes her head in disbelief and speak in her shaky voice.

You care about your grandma. You care about each and every person of this world" except me mr oberoi. You saw me arguing with dadi. But you didn't hear which topic it was. Don't you. Oh well why would you care " when you don't give shit about me. For you " only your happiness is most important thing than anything else. When I was fighting with my life and was losing my child.  that time you didn't care to come and see me. That time you went another country to ease your pain without caring " you should be with your wife at that time not in any other country. But no "you didn't give damn to it. And now you are expecting me to respect someone" who was blaming me for my baby dismiss. She sobs Looking at him being beyond hurt making him speechless.

She didn't mean that way she just. ..... he try to justify his grandma act " but end up getting silent making her chuckle.

Leave it. You have nothing to say mr oberoi. She shoved him away and about to head out when he clutch her wrist and pulled her towards him and In no time he latched his mouth with her. It was just few seconds of his lips on her when his friend enters there having smile which soon fade away seeing them together.

You guys here ??? She mumbles looking at anika with pure disgust fisting her hand. Anika can clearly see that she is not happy at all seeing them together. She is feeling like to take anika's life right here for laying her hand on her x boyfriend' which she guess Is not x for her at all.

Anika what you doing here ??, she asked glaring her.

Nothing saying this she gave plain look and left from there before she ask her something more.

Precap ........ pinky ask shivaay to take anika on dinner. Later anika's step father ask for money to her

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