Chapter 05

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Malika you here ??? Shivaay first look at anika and then malika who passed him smile and take seat exact near him keeping her hand on his arm.  

Yes I'm here.  Actually I was here with my friends.   But then i saw you " so I bid bye to them and decided to join you guys. By the way what you guys doing here. I didn't expect you two together. She says looking at both of them having extra big smile which anika is finding creepy. 

Actually we are here for dinner.  Mom arranged for us. Anika rolls her eyes seeing him giving all detail to his this female friend" who  just search ways to  thrust herself into their lives all the time.

Oh really. Even I didn't have dinner. So let's eat together what's say. Shivaay so wanna say no " but she is his best friend and he really don't want her to feel bad ' so he just nods his head looking at anika who just wanna escape from this shit as soon as possible. As she knows. She gonna feel left over between them whole time till they are here. 

Let's order , she takes the menu card and started placing order for trio of them. 

Anika I know Shivaay's  likes dislikes... but not yours. So shall I order same as mine for you. She says raising her eyes up looking at anika.

Yh fine. You can. I'll eat it.  Anika says  tapping her finger on the table without looking at shivaay whose eyes are  just stuck on her. 

Thank you. I've ticked it. You can bring all these. She passed the card to waiters who nods and left from there leaving them together.

Anika you are looking  pretty today.   Malika   complimented having tight smile on her face which anika very well knows it's all fake. And the praise which she is  doing its out of jealousy.

Thanks.. anika mumbles stretching her lips.

Shivaay always liked red colour don't you shivaay. But he said red colour only suits me no one else. That's why "I always add hint of red in my outfit. You remember shivaay "once you had got me a full bunch of red flowers in the college . Omg anika  you don't know how happy I was when I'd got it.  I'd literally kept those flower in my room for whole one year despite them  dying.  And this bracelet ' he had got me along with that.  And see "it has red stones as well.  Shivaay closed his eyes and clear his throat  straightening up on his seat. He is trying his best to  stop malika for blubbering all this infront of anika. But she is doing it non stop without taking break for once.

It's nice. It's really nice.  Anika simpers fidgeting with fingers not feeling good between them. She knows she is telling all this to jealous her. But to be honest" it is working. She is indeed making her feel jealous and sad thinking ' same person who gave her all this. He never brought his wife anything " since she came into his life. Leave bracelet or flowers. She don't need them.  She never fond of these objects  at all. But He never talked to her sweetly which she expected least from him. 

Guys food is here. Anika flinch hearing malika's voice. She blink her eyes and clear her through settling properly on the chair. 

God it's looks delicious.  Malika rubs her hand seeing her favourite food infront of her" which is actually shrimp pasta with dazzle of tomato sauce and Basil.  But when anika saw it "   Her face got  subtle and she look at shivaay 'who is talking with malika on some topic and she is picking stuff from his plate shovelling into her mouth.   Being between them she is the one who is looking outsider ... she is his wife. And she should be the one" who behave with him like this. But instead malika is doing it snd it's making her hella uncomfortable between them. 

Anika where are you lost ,, why are you not eating anything.  Malika bring her back on earth nudging her hand 'which was resting on the table.

I actually can't.  I've allergy with basil.   I can't breath  if I consume it. She says keeping the plate aside  along with the napkin which she had rested into her lap. 

Oh I'm so sorry anika I didn't  know it. We can order something else.   Malika take card to order but anika stops her nodding no.

It's ok. I'm not that hungry. You guys carry on.  I'm ok with my drink. She raise the drink and then take a big sip lightning the mood.  Shivaay closed his eyes and rub his forehead being stuck into all this. He knows she is not liking all because of his friend sudden appearance here. And it's valid as well.   Malika shouldn't had come.  It was being arranged for him and for her specifically. But she came and now everything has ruined here and atmosphere as well  has  turned sour.

Shivaay you will always be so kid.  Look you have smeared the food on your side lips.  Let me clean for you.  Malika move closer to his face and started wiping it with her fingers. Shivaay try to deny it. But it was already too late and her hand was on his face.

You guys eat. I need to use the washroom. Anika excuse herself and left from there not feeling to sit there anymore.  She knew that something gonna happen like this. And her doubt was right. Now she has been stuck between these two people "who are not leaving single chance to make her left over between them. 

Malika what you doing. Stop it ok. Shivaay couldn't control himself and  push malika little away 'who was clinging With him like leech.

What happened shivaay ?? Is something wrong.  ??? She frown seeing him behaving odd infront of her which he never done before. 

It's not right malika. You shouldn't be here. He says frustratedly seeing her acting like this infront of him. . Here he was trying to spend some time with his wife. And from no where this girl has landed and behaving so out of character' which she never done before.

Shivaay what are you talking about. What I've done. You are hurting me witn your harshness shivaay.  I never saw you this way with me. Tell me what's wrong. She shed tears cupping his face in her hands  looking  at him sadly. 

Shivay exhale the long breath and remove her hand from his face  being exasperating. 

Look I don't wanna hurt you malika. But I'd came here with anika. And I don't know " from where you have came and everything has been spoiled.  It's been many days some heating issues were going on between us. And I'd thought during this dinner' I'll sort out. But no !!you came and now  she just left like this feeling uncomfortable.

I didn't make her uncomfortable shivaay. I never intended to. If she is insecure then it's her issue not mine.  You are my best friend shivaay. And if I talk to you or spend time with you 'then no one should have issue with it. Neither your wife. Moreover I didn't know that you wanted to be with her. Otherwise I would never jump into your Privacy. I'm So sorry ok. I shouldn't had do it.   Infect I think I should go now. You should spend time with anika. Hmm saying this she  shed tears making him feel guilty because of his out burst and about to leave but he stopped her holding her wrist.

Don't go like this malika. I will feel so bad if you will cry like this.  Please try to understand.  Im Trying  to fix things between me and anika.   He says having sad gaze making her sigh. 

I want you to do  as well. And trust me. I'm not one of them 'who would try to bring rift between you two. If you wanna spend time with her then do it.  I won't interfere. She smiles patting his hand

Thanks malika. Thank you so much. He  blink his eyes pressing his lips together in tight line and take her in hug.   Malika grin and rest her head on his shoulder tightening her grip around him looking at anika " who came back from the washroom a minute ago.  Her eyes can tell " she didn't like the scenario infront of her.  She is feeling not good seeing them together . And that's thing Malika  wanted and she hugged him more tightly.   Anika bite her lip controlling her sobs and turn her face away not able to see it. 

Come let's go and dance. Till anika comes. We can dance right. Before shivay protest "she held his hand and dragged him in middle of stage and started dancing with him. Anika heaves out a long breath and shakes her head in disbelief. This man can never get Over from his friend. No matter what happens "always malika will be in his heart.  he will love her only. No one else. She sobs and went back on the table and set on the chair without looking at them.  She tried her best to stay  there. But then  her patience gave up and she left from there grabbing her bag and coat which was hanging on the chair.  

Anika ..shivaay got panic when he saw her going out and he immediately run behind her to stop her. But it was already late. She set into the texi and drove away from there in blink of eyes.

Shit he curse running his fingers in his hair kicking his leg in the air.

Shivaay what happened ?? where anika has gone. Malika play  clueless seeing  the texi driving away in fast speed.

I'm going home.   He announced and started walking towards his car.

Drop me home shivaay. Malika ran behind him request him while running behind him.

Go home malika on your own. Right now I need to see anika. He speak in his thick voice being frustrated with her behaviour

M. But I. She open her mouth to say something but he just set into his  car and drove away from there. 

At home

Anika comes in the room and throw her bag away along with her coat on the sofa and set on the bed closing her eyes. She is feeling so low and tired with all this.   No matter what happens. Nothing can be fix between them. even though if they  try to . Still something happen " which will bring them down again where they were standing before.   When she had got married to him. She had hope that things will get fix between them. Bht nothing sort of happened like that. Infect it got worse. And now she is feeling  worse day by day. And she knows it will turn more bad with passing time. He always wants malika. And no matter what she does. She will always Between them. She  exhale the long breath trying to ease the lump into her throat. But it didn't work and tears started trickling by from her eyes.  She don't wanna cry for that person " who doesn't care about her. But still her tears betray her and she  end up getting weak not able to control her emotions. 

After some couple of minutes she sniffles and decided to take cold shower instead sitting here and crying for useless person like him. She just grabbed the towel from rack and went inside but forgot to close the door.  She remove her dress along with her undies   and stood under cold shower Having closed eyes. After few minutes her body stiff ' when she felt someone standing behind her. Before she turns snd see whose he. She's been taken in back hug  making her realise who the hell dared to enter into the bathroom like this. .

Why did you come back. I thought we would spend time together. Shivaay said nuzzling into her hair tightening his grip around her waist. Anika heaves out a long breath and turn off the shower and left the washroom grabbing the towel.

Shivaay  presses his eyes tight snd went behind her wrapping the towel  around his  waist.

Why did you come back like this. Why didn't you listen to me when I was calling you from behind??? He says standing behind her " while she is getting her night suit in dressing room. . But yet again he got silence from her side and she walked out from there making him exhale the breath in tiredness.   He  rub his forehead in tension  and immediately come out but he frown when he found no one in the room. Seems like she has left from there.

God girl where are you??. He groans and about to go out. But stopped realising 'he is in the towel and he really  don't want himself to catch up being naked infront of someone. So hurriedly he wear his  trouser and white top and  walked out from the room. 

After looking her everywhere his eyes come to halt  on the kitchen where only the light is on "indicating" she is in. He padded towards it fastly and barged in finding her standing infront of stove making noodles for her rotating spoon in it. 

You said you don't wanna eat anything. Why did you lie to me. You could had told me. I would had ordered something else for you.  But anika prefered stay silent and   Turn off the stove. She shifted noodles in to the bawl and started slurping it with chopsticks. 

Why are you ignoring me like this. I'm asking you something anika. We went for dinner. And now you came back and eating these stupid noodles. He Yells snatching the bawl which resulted it to fall on the floor scattering all over the ground . Only one pack was left in the drawer. And in the fridge there's nothing to eat. Seems like she has to sleep hungry yet again like last past three days.

She huffs and rub her Forehead to ease the pain but it got increased more seeing him behaving so caring towards her ' which he is not at all.

Ohh it fell. I didn't mean to I just. Anika fold her arms and look at him sternly moving near him.

Shivaay why are you behaving like you care about me. You don't need to do it. Trust me. I won't fight with you. My capacity of arguing with you about all this has been finished. I won't say you anything. So just stop it. Think like nothing happened the way you kept doing since we got married.

I I didn't know that she will be there. I just. He try to explain but end up stammering making her sigh.

You don't need to give explanations to a person like me " who has no space into your life. I didn't mind of her being there. As I know the way you are behaving so out of character. Something surely gonna happen. And guess what it did. Your friend came there like she has fixed some tracker in you and ruined everything. Shivaay I don't expect anything from you. None zero ... but at least you can respect me a little. But I guess you can't do that as well. As you are too busy to hurting me and hating me on the same time. She says looking deep into his eyes trying hard to control her tears which she successfully done it walked past by him leaving alone there. He just rub his forehead and lean on the counter seeing her figure fading away from his sight.

Anika he whispered his name and about to follow her behind but his phone vibrate in his pant pocket.

Sir anika mam didn't take loan from any of bank ..she has taken it from arsal jaffari. Khana informed him making him shock.

Sh. Are you sure.???

Yes sir. He is the one who gave her 200k. Khana says on the phone making his boss trigger after knowing the truth. He had thought 'she has taken from some bank. And here she took from her boss. He already hate this guy the way he look at his wife. And now his attention has got more clear after knowing the truth. But he won't let him to be hero in her life. She is his wife. And it's his right to give her money. Not any out sider loser.

Khana immediately transfer money back into his account with interest. I don't want my wife to have loan on someone. He orders in his thick voice making khana shakes his head.

Ok that's fine sir. He will get money in some minutes. Saying this he cut the call making shivaay fums. He closed his eyes tight and decided to go to his room and talk to anika.

He comes in his room hoping she must be awake. But seeing her laying on the bed disappointed him. But he also knows" she is not sleeping yet. Few minutes before only she came back. So without thinking anything. He remove his shirt and lay besides her not before keeping his watch and phone on the table. He slowly scoot towards her and take her in back hug making her stiff.

I know you are awake and hungry as well. Infect I'm hungry also. I didn't eat properly in the restaurant. So let's order something ok. We can eat together. He says softly kissing her earlobe. But she preferred to stay silent and remove his arm from her waist having closed eyes.

Anika you shouldn't sleep empty stomach ok. So get up and let's order. Anika exhale tiredly and open her eyes without looking back to him.

An. I'm not hungry anymore mr oberoi. So please sleep and let me do as well. I've work tomorrow.

Sh. But I'm hungry na. He try to lighten the atmosphere but seems like nothing going to happen like that.

Then go and order for yourself. And let me sleep. Good night. She pulled the blanket on top of her head and closed her eyes for sleep. Seeing her not in mood to talk to him" he also accepted the defeat and try to sleep. Bht not feeling her warmth near him making hard for him to get peace. So after struggling for few minutes he scoot towards her and take her in back hug yet again resting his head near her hair. Anika feel irritated and wish to push him away. But she really don't have strength to fight with him at late night. So she let him do whatever he feels like and slept with empty stomach.

Precap .............. anika get to know shivaay returned money to her boss. Later they announced gouri's pregnancy publicly and because of it anika face backlash

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