Chapter 06

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Whattt?? anika widen her eyes when her boss told her on the phone that loan she had taken From him. It's been paid by shivaay. and not only that. He got double amount of it.

But how ??? I mean I didn't tell him. She Exhale the breath keeping her hand on her hip feeling hell angry on shivaay 'who paid the money after doing such insult of her. Literally he had called her his mistress "who takes money from him for sleeping with hkm . And now he just gave money back to her boss "like he is most Lovely husband anyone ever had.

I don't know anika. I already wasn't fond of taking money from you. But your husband not only returned money infect he gave interest on the top. Arsal says shaking his head feeling somewhere angry on shivaay. Who made him lost the chance to be in really good books of anika. He knows " she respects him and finds him her a good friend. But still he wanted to be her so close by helping her in the problem. But seems like mr shivaay Singh oberoi didn't let it happen and paid him back making his effort go in drain.

It's fine now arsal. Either way I'd to pay you back. So if he done it then it's ok. I'll deal with him. Anyways thank you for your help. It's means a lot. That time when there's no one to help me. You came ahead and removed my tension. Thanks again. I'll see you later. Saying this she cut the call and closed her eyes tight feeling frustrated on shivaay for pulling this stunt. But she is anika as well. She would never take money from that person "who didn't help her " when she asked first time. Infect he insulted her by calling her his bed warmer. She grit her teeth and immediately went into the room fuming in anger..


In room

Shivaay is fixing his cufflinks when his eyes scan through the door from where anika enters there. She look at him sternly and went towards the dressing. After one minute proximately " she comes back and smacked a file and the check on his chest gritting her teeth.

This is the bloody check of 50.000 grands. And the shares " I'd in my work place. After gathering all of the amount it's 120k. And after this 80k left. Whicn I'm gonna return you soon as well.

What the hell are you blubbering. He says throwing the file away scattering the papers on the floor.

What the hell I'm blabbering or what the hell you played stunt by returning money to my boss. When you had denied to give me money on first place. And literally called me your mistress. Then why the hell you are playing nice now infront of me. I didn't fuckin need your money. I would had payed on my own. Hearing her shivaay clench his Jew and pulled her towards him twisting her arm on her back.

You are my fuckin wife. And I won't bear "if you would take loan from a stranger like this. And insult me like shit. Your this stunt had made me so embarrassed. Being wife of billionaire" you went to beg money from that bastard arsal. He shout tightening his grip on her wrist making her blood boil seeing his audacity to talk like this" when he itself had pushed her to take loan from outsider instead giving himself .

Mind your tongue mr shivaay Singh oberoi. Don't call him bastard when you are itself. And what did you say wife , your wife ( she sneers ). Since when you started calling me as your wife.  till yesterday I was nothing but a just a bed warmer for you. Since we have got married. I don't think so a single time you ever considered me as your wife. I was just a woman "who sleeps with you in your room. Every night "you just use me for your physical pleasure" then leave like I don't exist at all. We don't have any respect or any affection in our relationship like normal couple . Mostly from your side. We are just living two strangers in one room who have nothing to do with each other. So don't call me your wife when you don't consider me as one. And second thing about the loan" then I didn't ask you to pay me free. I was eventually going to pay you back. But mr shivaay Singh oberoi without thinking anything Straight away declared me his mistress" who pleasures him. So that's why instead asking man like you again" I requested arsal and he landed me take this shit and don't try to smear your favours on my face . I don't want it. She speak in her rude tone and shoved him away making him stumble. But before she leaves. He fist her hair in his grip and yanked her back making her yelp in pain.

Oh so now that guy has became more important to you ha. I knew that from start. The way he looks at you. Something is really cooking between you two. And my guess was right. Miss anika is all ready to make him her well wisher despite being married. Don't you. But sorry for bursting your bubbles. I won't let you carry on your this affair. You belongs to me. You accept or not. You are my wife. I won't let any other guy to do favour on you. And about the loan then
Keep your these pennies with you. I don't want it. I didn't pay to take it back like your sweet arsal. Did you understand. He says in his crisp voice pushing her away making her step back.

You are the beast oberoi. You are fuckin inhumane. Already you had made my life unbearable. Now one more blame you smeared on my face. He is just my boss. Nothing more. Don't take other people as you "who just wonder around his so called friends all the time despite being married. I know my limits and boundaries and I would never cross them which you do every day. Hate you shivaay Singh oberoi. I really do. And you know what I'm done with this marriage. Soon I'll get the papers of divorce and let's get part away. I don't wanna live in this toxic relationship anymore . She wipe her tears harshly and left from there feeling like to take his life for calling him characterless. When he itself is big one.

In hall

She comes aiming to go in garden to have fresh air. But she stopped when pinky calls her name. Anika take a long breath and turn her face away having forced smile

Where are you going. Come and select some jewellery and clothes for yourself for evening. She says having smile on her face.

Maa I've many clothes. I'll wear one of them. She managed to speak clearing her throat.

Oh don't be ridiculous. Come and take something. She try to ask her again but grandma interrupted glaring anika.

If she is saying she has enough things. Then why are you pressuring her. Moreover I've called these people mainly for gouri. She is the one" who gonna give me grandson unlike her "who deliberately done the accident and taken her child's life. Hearing her anika flinch and clutched her dress in her fist again diverting her mind towards her child death "which she was trying her best to forget. But this woman yet again Touched her weak spot.

Maa this is not the way you say that. She was his mother. And she would never do such things to harm her baby. Pinky try to make grandma understand but she twisted her mouth and just snapped her eyes at her.

Oh of course you will take her side' after all you got her here. Bht remember one thing " she will be always killer of my great grand child. I know that she deliberately did it. When I'd seen this girl first time. I knew that she is not right for shivaay. And guess what she proven it by killing her baby. Anika bite her lips controlling her sobs and threatening tears and immediately left from there not able to handle all the blames "she is smearing on her face. All the pain all the sorrow gushed back into her after listening her bullshit. And she started considering herself killer yet again after hearing her allegations.

Maa why would you do that. Pinky shakes her head in disbelief seeing her mother in law being such heartless towards her grandson wife .

I don't think so she said wrong. Moreover this is all for gouri. So calling anika and asking her to choose stuff was not necessary. Isn't maa. Jhanvi says passing extra auger coated smile to grandma" who nods her head I approval. Pinky rolls her eyes and left from there not before glaring her son who was standing on the stairs watching all this without doing anything .

In evening

After sitting for hours in park crying like anything anika decided to go back to home. Sky is getting darker and she shouldn't sit here that longer. She clear her swollen eyes and got up Heading towards oberoi mansion. After walking ten minutes " she reached home and got confused finding it full of people. First she couldn't understand what's happening but then before few hours scenario she remembers " When house ladies were busy selecting dresses for them. That's mean they had some function and they didn't bother to tell her. Well she is not interested either. Being in many people suffocates her-and she don't like it all. Thinking about this she tuck her hair back and going toward her room when pinky held her arm and stopped her.

Where have you been. I've been calling you from ages. All guests have been arrived and you coming now. She whispered passing smile to people time to time behaving normal infront of people

I just went out. She says tucking her hair back.

Ok fine now go and get ready and come out quickly. I don't want people ask me about my daughter in law. And yes do something of your eyes. They are all red and swollen.

I can't do anything for them now. They will be like this forever. She whispered fidgeting witn her fingers. Pinky sighs and feel so bad for her. And really wanna take her in hug. But right now it's not time for to that and she ask her to go and get ready.

Go please. Come fast. she says pushing her slightly leading her towards stairs.

Yh going. Saying this she left from there.

She comes back in the room thinking her room would be empty. But seeing malika with shivaay laughing on something made her annoyed. She huffs and went inside without communicating with them.

Anika where have you been ??? All the guests are arrived and you came now. Malika says walking towards her.

I had some work. She look at her sternly and went in the Bathroom taking her clothes.

What happened to her shivaay. She seems bit off. Malika says holding Shivaay's hand.

I don't know. Come let's go out. She will come on her own. Malika nods her head and left from there. As they came into sight of the people " Specifically ladies they started whispering about them. Which they royally ignored and got busy with family. On the other side Anika don't wanna go outside. But having no other option" she has to meet people and go in the party. So unwillingly she Fixed her dupata and walked out from there. She stood up on the stairs and felt anxious seeing hundreds of people around. She so wanna run away from here and stay alone with her own self. But before she do " pinky comes and dragged her down stairs and started making her meeting people. Shivaay who was busy with his own business . His eyes got tucked on his wife who is looking gorgeous in her long dress having minimum make up. He literally forgot to blink his eyes while gazing at her. He smirk and about to walk towards her side when malika held his hand and stopped him.

Where are you going shivaay. Come I'll make you meet with my new friends. Before he protests "she dragged him with her having smile.

Isn't Thar girl with your son was his fiancé... mrs Ansari ask pinky pointing towards malika "who is busy clinging with shivaay.

Yeh she was. But now they are just Friends. Pinky stated.

Yes but it doesn't seems like. Your son seems more interested in her than his wife. No I mean at this time he should be with his wife. Bht he is sticking with that girl. She chuckle looking at anika who Bite her lips in discomfort holding her dupata.

Pinkh grit her teeth and look at shivaay Angrily " who got confused with his mother's gaze. She eye him to come towards her. But he didn't understand and stood there looking at her. Meanwhile grandma comes with gouri and om and happily announces their pregnancy and wishes them a healthy life ahead with their child. Media click their pictures and started asking them question. But among all of them one journalist was clever and he diverted his topic towards anika.

Wasn't your elder daughter in law pregnant as well. And recently she lost the child in accident. But you guys neither talked about it nor you guys announced it publicly. Hearing him whole oberoi clan attention went on him. Grandma baffled and try to answer but she is facing hardship to say anything

Err actually she had accident and lost the child. She stammers giving death glare anika who is having hard time to stand there after hearing  reporter. .

R. But we didn't get any news about it. When this accident happened. He again ask  aiming his Mike towards her.

She just errr .... Seeing her stammering all the reporters Turn to anika and walk towards her fastly making her stiff in her disguise. She try to leave. But she's already been surrounded by all of them  making impossible for to leave.

Mrs oberoi seems like senior oberoi having issue answering our questions why don't you lighten us what happened??How did you lost the child??Was it accident or something else. Anika look here and there trying to escape 'but there's no way to disappear. She's been trapped badly in people.shivaay try to go but malika moans in pain hitting her leg with table and his attention went to her.

Ara I've heard she itself didn't want the child. That's why she deliberately done accident to create the reason. A lady spoke giving reason people to whisper who was unaware of this matter.

Yes Kalyani ji itself had told us that she killed her child as she wasn't ready to bear a baby. Another lady spoke making anika stumble back. Shivaay who was busy with malika he immediately turn his face and look at anika " who is having hard time between loads of people. He couldn't control himself and run towards them. He pushed people and stood infront do anika holding her wrists in his both hands and glare everyone.

What the hell you guys are blubbering. Is this the way you guys talk with someone who lost the child recently. He screams giving death glare to everyone"who steps back seeing him angry.

Oh really then mr oberoi why don't you tell us what happened. How did your wife lost her child. Was it actually accidental or stunt to do it deliberately. Reporter says having creepy smile on his face which made Shivaay's blood boiled and he punched his face growling like lion.

How dare you to say this. How could you. He screams and fly one more snack on his face but khana came and stopped him along with his team.

Leave me khana I'll take his life. How dare he question about my child's like this standing in my house. I'll kill you. He jump trying to bounce at him back but his people grip him tightly without leaving him.

Sir please stop it. They are just making you angry to get hot news. Please calm down. Khana says trying to stop him but he is not coming into hold.

Shivaay stop it. Don't create scene here. Just stoppp grandma screams in order tone showing hand to him and she continue. And you people Just get the hell out of here. Khana just show them way of out. Khana who felt shivaay is in control now " he left him and started pushing reporters with the help of his security.

But pinky is it true that she aborted her baby itself. God now days girls are so heartless. They don't care about anything except themselves. Look at her for her selfish reasons " she took her baby's life. I can't believe someone could do like this. Such inhumane behaviour. She gasp talking with other ladies who are giving disgusting look to anika who is standing statue on her place.

Just shut up. Just shut the fuck up ladies. If you can't talk good then don't be so heartless. Just leave my house right now before you get same treatment the way those reporters got. Ladies just twisted their mouth and left from there still talking about this controversy.

Anika you ... pinky turns along with shivay thinking anika would be standing behind them. But they got panic " when they didn't find her there. Thats mean she left long time ago when they were busy handling the situation. Shivaay look at his mother being baffled and run towards his room calling Anika's name. But it was already too late when he reached there he found her laying on the floor unconscious having empty small tablets bottle in her hand indicating she eaten all of them.

Anikaaaaaaaa he screams .....

Precap ......... shivaay confronts grandmaa.

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