Chapter 07

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Shivaay baffled when he found his wife laying on the floor having Mouth bleed. His hands turned cold" while his eyes flicker trying to erase the scenario infront of him. But when reality checked him" he immediately run towards her and took her head in his lap patting her cheeks.

An anika get up. Wake up please he murmur shaking her trying to ask her to open her eyes. But she is laying subtle like this.

Shivaay she is turning cold. We have to take her in hospital. His mother cry rubbing anika's hand trying to give her warmth but nothing is working on her.

Shivaay look at his mother and then his wife and in no time he carried her in his arms and started running towards exit. Malika try to call him from behind. But he least bother to hear her walked passed by her and his family " who didn't expect like this specially grandma who"  somewhere is reason of all this fiasco. She is the one who spread all the crap around the society. And today because of it" they faced all this. She held her head and set on the sofa feeling hell tensed.

In hospital

Shivaay wanted to go inside along with her. But doctors didn't let him and asked him to stay he is not allow inside. As the door closed " he kept one hand on his mouth another on his hip and started walking restlessly. He didn't expect all this. He didnt know that she would  face such brutal behaviour from people. It was their personal matter. And it should had been between family. But the way it spread around the people it's not valid at all. But main thing is hitting him and that's anika's sudden dreadful reaction. He always thought that she is so strong and would never do such thing even in her dreams. But he was wrong. He was totally wrong. She directly tried to take her life not able to bear all the allegations " which's been  smeared on her face. But he can't just say that it was less trauma. It was such strong that it could collapse anyone pushing the person to take his  life. Now he hope she should be fine. Nothing should happen to her. Thinking about this he set on the bench and held his head in tension

Shivaay malika set besides him and try to take him in hug. But he is really not in mood to come in hold of her and he step away keeping his fisted hand on his mouth.

She will be fine. Don't worry. I've seen those medicines. They weren't very strong. Moreover you know that she does many things to attract you. And maybe it was one of it. As these words slipped from her mouth shivays snapped his eyes at her and grip her arm In his hand making her flinch.

This seems to you an act malika. Do you know how serious thing it is. She is bloody tried to do suicide. You have seen it. How bad things she faced before an hour. And you found it causal. He hissed looking at her with blood shot eyes which scared shit out of her.

I'm sorry It's it's nothing like that I just I just. .... She stammers looking at him with frightened state.

You are not sorry malika. You bloody not. So better just don't behave nice infront of me. Ok. Now kindly leave me alone. I don't want you  right now infront of me. I want some lonely time. He says pushing her away losing his grip from her arm.

But shivaay I .....

I said leave malika. He stated in his crisp voice making her sigh in defeat. She look at him teary eyes and walked out from there. As she reached In isolated place where no one was around. She groans and hit the wall in anger.

How can you be so dumb malika. Why didn't you use brain before blubbering all that. Now look what happened " he got angry on you. Such an idiot and brainless you  are . She scold her own self fisting her hands tight In anger.

On the other side

How's she doctor??? How's my wife. As doctor came to his sight he stood up and walk towards him along with his mother.

We have removed all the poison from her stomach. She had consumed quite so many tablets all together. Which made her so weak and now she is in fragile state. On top of that her diet doesn't seems good either. Seems like she didn't eat anything from past few days. Hearing him shivaay closed his eyes and remember ' that he didn't see her eating since many days. And other night " when she was going to. He had dropped it on the floor.

But how's she now??? Pinky sobs looking at doctor with hope.

Right now she is fine. Just sleeping in influence of medicines. But soon she will wake up. Just make sure as she get up make her drink water frequently and try to feed her as well. Saying this he pass them smile and left from There. As he went shivaay sighs and ease his heart feeling relax after hearing about her well being. He was so scared when he'd seen her laying in his room unconscious. Literally soul had left his body. He was just praying that nothing should happen to her. Otherwise how won't able to survive. As things came to his brain that how would he had live without her if something would happened to her then. it click his brain  and his breath stopped for second. He can't imagine himself without her. His life without her seems so dull and impossible. But one question hit him badly and that's whyyyyy.

Shivaay where are you lost .... Let's go inside. His mother says nudging him bringing him back on the earth.

Sh. Err yh let's go. He side hug her and took her in along with him

Seeing her pale face" something broke inside him. In some hours only she got so weak. He slowly set besides her and held her hand in his palm placing a soft kiss on her fingers. He intertwined it with his hand and kept his face on it looking at her face. While gazing at her he remember how she was standing alone facing all the hurdles and people's taunts and there's no one beside her to take her in his wings. Not even him"  who was too far standing like stranger. The way it was her child " it was his as well. But she faced all this all alone and he couldn't protect her.he couldn't do that which he should had. But now regretting is useless. As things already have been crossed above his head.

I'm sorry.... He whispered caressing her hair softly. Anika who was in waking process. She open her eyes slowly and look at him drowsily

Anika he smiles and immediately stood up still caressing her hair. Anika first look at him and then his hand which is on her head. It's same hand which he used to pull her hair before some hours ago. She remember how he tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled them harshly and now same hands are caressing them like nothing happened.

You are fine right??? Is somewhere paining ... he asked the question bringing her back on earth.

You here. ???? I thought you won't be here like always .... She whispered in her gurgle voice blinking her eyes slowly.

What do you mean I won't be here. Of course I was here with you. Anika first look at him and  then run her eyes around making him confused.

Whom you are searching for . ??? He asked following her eyes.

Malika where's she ?? She must be around you right. Hearing her shivaay got silent and look at his mother who knows why she is saying it.

Err she is not here. Me and mom are here with you. He whispered rubbing his thumb on her forehead.

Why did you do it anika. This is not the way to handle the situation. I thought you are strong. He says looking at her disbelievingly.

Anika flicker her eyes and let her tears roll down from her eyes being stuck by reality. That's mean she is alive after trying to kill herself . She thought she will take her life "then things will get fine. She will at last get peace. But seems like she's been saved to face more problems in her life. She didn't want to live anymore. She wanted to end this. But things didn't go well the way she wanted and now she is laying on the bed surrounded by her husband and mother in law.

Why did you save me. You should had let me die. I don't wanna live anymore. She sobs feeling hell tired with her life which's been treating her so badly since she has born.

What rubbish you are talking about anika. Have you gone crazy. I can't believe you would wish for your death like this. He scolded her looking at her frustratedly seeing her wishing for death openly like this. .

It's not big deal shivaay.   I don't think so anyone would care about it.  But at least my own pain will ease away.  It's better than slowly dying everyday.  I don't wanna live having allegation of my baby death on my head.  It's so unbearable.  She sobs  remembering each and every person's words who blamed her for her baby's death. Including him " whom she had married. Shivaay's lips turned into thin  line  having tears in his eyes.  he try to say something  but because of having thick lump in his throat he couldn't say anything. 

Anika darling are you alright ???? Before shivaay or pinky console her or say something " malika comes in holding a big flower bouquet in her hands.  SHe comes in  with t bouquet and kept aside of her which made anika uncomfortable. Shivaay look at her and immediately  picked it up keeping it aside. 

Aww anika  I didn't know that you are such fragile.  But people were harsh as well. They shouldn't had said all that to you. I was there and saw how they mercilessly treated you. I'm so sorry sweetheart. She made soft eyes caressing her hair making anika flinch.  

And shivaay I'm sorry to you too as well.  She move toward him and take him in hug making anika roll her eyes. Which didn't go unnoticed by shivaay and he stepped her away from her grip.  He  rub his Forehead on irritation and speak....

Malika I think anika Needs rest. So better if you guys leave her alone. He eyed to his mum who understood and nods her head. 

Yeh let's go malika. Let anika rest. Doctor said she needs to have some silence time.  Disturbance is not good for her. Come ... she side hug her and started taking her out.

M. But I wanna stay I .... She try to argue but pinky didn't listen and took her  out. As she went shivaay look at anika and  sigh seeing her sleeping  again.  He slowly bend down and peck her forehead softly. Today whatever happened. It shouldn't had happened like that. She didn't deserved it. And somewhere he is feeling guilty as well For not reaching out  on the time to save her. If he would had then things would had not turned worsen the way it did.   He sighs  and kiss her forehead again and again. 

After a day

Oberoi clan is busy having their evening tea like nothing happened before a day in their life. They didn't give shit to anything and enjoying their life. And  to be honest why would they do it either. When it happened to anika " whom they hate  most in the house.  They just took it randomly like it took place in their neighbour house instead in their own . After all  it was all for anika not for them.  Meanwhile grandma and  jhanvi are discussing about  gouri's baby shower  "when shivaay enters there having anika besides him whom he is holding  hugging her waist.  Seeing his family being unbothered shook shivaay. But pinky and anika are normal. As they  know they don't care about her at all.

You brought this girl back into the house after her so much doing shivaay. Because of her we faced so much humiliation yesterday. Grandma screams making shivays frown with her behaviour. Here instead showing sympathy or anything she is blaming anika for yesterday scenario. Has she gone mad or she had memory lose that  she is behaving like this.  But  seeing his wife scared"  he grit his teeth and showed Hand to grandma to keep quite who got shocked with his rudeness towards her. .  

I'll talk to you later. First let me take my wife in room. Seeing him  taking side of his wife made grandma baffled. She didn't expect this. She thought he hates her. But what happened in day that he changed such drastically.  But before she opens her mouth  to say something " shivaay pick up anika in his arms and took her with him following with his mother.  He brought her in room and kept her on the bed covering her With blanket. 

Take rest ok. I'll be back soon.  He kiss her forehead and left from there not before Instructing his mother to be with his wife. 


What the hell Shivaay how can you show hand to your grandma like this. Grandma screams stomping her stick on the floor. 

Oh really you had problem  of me showing you hand. Then what about yesterday when because of your one   Stupid rumour "anika faced  all that shit.   You and me both very well know that it was just a incident which led us to lose the baby. And  maybe it had to happen. He wasn't written in our lives. Bht you have made such a big topic and spread such shit that people got chance to  blame her for everything.  How can you grandmaa. How could you .....

Stop blaming me.  It's all your wife's fault. She is the one who is on mistake.  And that accident it was her preplanned to take the life of her child to gain your sympathy. And look she got it.   That girl is big curse on us shivaay.  As much as early you will learn it. It will be good for you. Better just throw her out of this house and marry malika.  As  she said it malika who came in the house her heart swell in joy having big smile. She  look at grandma excitedly and already started preparing herself to be wife of shivaay Singh oberoi the love of her life.  

Are you crazy Grandma.  Do you know what are you blubbering.  Why would I marry malika. If I wanted to then I would had do before anika. But I didn't  do it.  She is just my friend a really good friend. Nothing  more than that . I can never think of marrying her. Hearing him malika's hand turned into fist and  she boiled in anger getting rejection from him.  

I know you like her. And she was always been your choice for my wife. But sorry to say I don't see her as like this.  Moreover I don't need to think of it.when I'm already married. So it's better if you take this thing out of your head.  Did you understand. Saying this he glare her and left from there without realising malika havr heard  everything whatever he said.  Grandma who saw her , she open her mouth to speak. But before she do " malika stormed away from there crying.   


Khana did you ordered to remove all the news from the channels. Shivaay ask standing witn khana " his security man.

Yes chief , I've handled everything.  I've  specifically called each and every news channels and made sure to ask them To delete all the  news which they spread about  anika mam. And that reporter who had  gave flame to the news " he's been fired also .

That's good .... Make sure no one air it again. Did you understand. Khana nods gradually.

After sometime

It's been two hours shivaay is working in the library.  during this he didn't see the  time and kept working.  Meanwhile a servant came and kept  coffee his table. With the sound of cup resting made him come out of his zone and he look at the watch. Seeing it 6 of evening made him shook and he stood up. 

Shit" he cursed himself and immediately got up.   He rub his forehead and decided to check upon his wife whom he didn't see since two hours.  He fix things on the table and left from there.

Anika I ..... he about to speak more" but his eyes bulge out of socket when he saw arsal sitting besides her and not only That he is leaning on his wife like he is kissing her. 

Precap ....., malika's birthday

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