Chapter 10

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Seeing shivaay infront of malika made her bewildered. Her feet quivered while her body turned cold in fear of of his wrath. If he got to know 'she is the one who pushed anika. Then surely it will be worst day of her life. He will be so angry on her ' which she can't afford to  face. She can't see hate in shivaay's eyes. She always saw glee in his eyes whenever he sees her. And today if he got to know about her evil side then surely he will hate her. Which she can never imagine to face.  She squirms around and  run her eyes here and there finding some excuse  to cover her fault. But there's nothing which could help her. suddenly her eyes fell on the laptop on the recliner and her mind click remembering '  she had seen anika working on it. A  evil smirk played on her lips and she immediately threw the laptop in the pool taking advantage of the darkness.  Till shivaay reaches near them she already had been leaning  on the edge pretending she is helping anika to come out. 

Anika sweetie hold my hand and come out.  Come this side please. She fake cry  moving her hand in the water. Shivaay who was all shocked seeing anika struggling for her life. He immediately run towards her side and jumped in the pool to save her life.   Anika exhale a little  breath ,as her head pumped out of the water. Bht then yet again she went in depth of water making impossible for her to keep her sanity. Her muscles loosen while her eyes got  half closed to accept the defeat. But before she do. She's been pulled by shivaay up and hugged her tightly rubbing her back. But instead reacting anything she fell in his arms lifelessly making him panic ...

Shivaay please get her out. She doesn't not seems fine. Rayaansh says  leaning on the  pool forwarding his hand towards shivaay which he held it taking a long swoop and started dragging anika along with him. 

Anika open your eyes.  Anns please he kept her on the floor as they come out and started patting her cheeks to wake her up. But she is too fragile to move. her slow breathing terrifying shivaay more in fear of losing her . .

Anika anika get up. Just wake up baby. Hey hey. He calls her feeling all over tensed  in fear of losing her.  His lips quivers  while his hands turned ice cold even thought of not having her with him in his life. He flinch and started moving his eyes all around having loads of things in his brain. He is not able to understand what to do and how to save her. Suddenly the nudge on his shoulder and voice from his friend bring him back to earth when he suggested him to pump her chest. Shivaay sniffles and immediately got into action and started pumping her chest asking her to wake up. 

Anika please don't do this. Please open  your eyes Annie. He sobs pump her chest continuously looking at her teary eyes.  But when she didn't react having no That option he move down and started passing her cpr  through his mouth and then again went back to pump her chest. After doing three four times when he didn't get any result'  he set back with thud taking her in his arms. Malika smirk  realising  might anika is dead. Finally she have gotten rid of her. Now there's no one who would  come between her or shivaay. Her dreams  were In process mode only that suddenly anika exhale the breath and started spitting water out of her mouth  making Shivaay's heartbeat come to normal pace. He immediately held her fragile body and hugged her tightly keeping her head on his chest. 

Thank god you are fine. I was so scared to lose you.  He Sobs kissing her head many times making Malika grit her teeth in anger. God why she is so hard  to die. Why she just leave their life forever and let them be in peace. She curse her having burning  fury in her heart.  But then she plaster her famous innocent face and caresses anika's head who is shivering in Shivaay's  arms resting her head on his chest. 

Anika sweetie  I was telling you  that let be. But you didn't listen to me and still tried to take your laptop out. Now look what happened. Because of that you fell in the pool and nearly taken your life. Huh she says  caressing her hair  trying to convey shivaay that she fell in pool because she was trying to take laptop out of the water but during this she slipped and collapsed in it.

Shivaay I think you should take her some warm place. She needs to change her clothes as soon as possible. Otherwise she will fall sick.   Rayaansh suggested seeing anika shivering.

Yeh Right. He immediately carry her in his arms and run towards the parking lot where he had parked his car.

Let me open for you. Rayaansh who had came behind him. He open the door of the car and helped him to keep the anika in. 

Here make her wear my jacket. Rayaansh remove his  jacket and passed to him. Shivaay wanna say no instantly but seeing her condition he unwillingly grabs it and made her wear it.  If his clothes won't had been soaked then surely he would had made her worn his own coat. But unfortunately he don't have any other  option except accepting his jacket. 

Thanks he murmur and went towards his side of the car.

Annie. He whispered touching her face and cheeks. But she is not in state of  reacting his touch or say anything. 

I'm sorry he whispered and squeeze her hand looking at her being guilty. Somewhere he  knows it's his fault. All the time she fell in trouble because of  him.   He squeezed his eyes  in remorse And  then decided to drive away  before she get more sick.

At home

He brought her in the room and first thing he done to change her clothes. After making sure she has worn enough warm clothes he covers her with the blanket and decided to dry her hair which are soaking wet still. Already her  temperature is going high and he really don't want her to get sick more badly having dumped hair. After drying her hair with dryer ' he try to wake her up but she is till unconscious state in shivering motion.

Annie he whispered her name caressing her Forehead hoping she would open her eyes with his touch. But instead she flinch with his cold hand  and exhale the long breath clutching the bed sheet tight.

Why did you go into the water Anns. It was just a laptop. Now see you got sick. He talks with unconscious anika Rubbing his thumb on her cheek thinking about the time when he had seen her struggling into the water. Literally his heart had came into his mouth while seeing the scenario. He never felt  like this before  for  someone.  But today whatever he experienced. It was so dreadful and left him  breathless.  Suddenly his attention went towards his mother who enters in there having bag in her hand.

Anika this gift came for you. But soon words dead into her mouth when she saw anika laying on the bed while shivaay is sitting besides her all drench in water. 

What happened shivaay ?? She panic and run towards him.

How did you get  wet.  I don't think so it's raining even. And anika , what happened to her??? She ask looking at Anjam worried.

Mom actually we had went in malika's birthday party and anika fell on the pool.  He stammers rubbing his forehead.

Whattttt she widen her eyes and started checking anika's temperature and got panic finding her burning into fever  trembling badly.

Oh my god she has high temperature.  And she is shaking as well.  Shivaay got panic and touch her face again realising her temperature is going up second by second.

P. She doesn't seems fine shivay. Call the damn doctor.

Err yes mom yh. He run his fingers in his hair and call the doctor immediately who said he is going to come soon.

I'm going to get cold water and piece of clothes. Till then you change your clothes and then sit besides her.   

Shiv. Im fine. Mom.  I'll stays with anika.  He says taking seat besides her pulling her closer rubbing her back. 

Stop being an idiot shivaay. You will get sick and her condition will get worse more.  Go and change your clothes till then I'll stay here. Shivaay unwillingly nods his head and left towards washroom to change his clothes quickly not before sparing glance at anika in worry.

After couple of mintues

He comes back and  again set besides anika taking her in his arms. The way she is shivering and her teeth are clattering making him more tensed. He  squeeze her in his arms covering her all over with the thick blanket. But still her state is same.

I'm going to get water. Pinky  immediately got up and run  out to get water and clothes.

Annie  he wrapped his arm  around her and rub her  hands with his own giving her little warmth.  Always whenever she goes with him either she  get insulted or fell in trouble. She was saying him that she don't wanna go. But he forcefully took her with him. Now see what happened. Worry lines formed on his forehead and he  squeeze her in his arms rubbing her back.  Meanwhile pinky come back running into the room but not alone but  also with the doctor. 

Sh. Doctor thank god  you have came. Can you check how's my wife. She is burning into fever.   Her condition doesn't seems fine. With her hoarse breathing I feel like she got the throat pain as well. Do we have to hospitalise her or having to do something else. He bombarded question on doctor who calm him down keeping hand on his shoulder and  then set on the stool near anika. After checking her temperature he got tensed and look at shivay..

She has 104 fever.  It's not good for her having this much fever. She can have seizures as well.  Hearing doctor shivaay gasp and look at his mother who  kept hand on her mouth in shock. 

For ease her fever I think  I've to give her Acetaminophen injection.might that helps. Saying this he pulled out a Syringe, filled with the liquid and injected straight into her vein  making her move her head feeling pain. Shivay flinch and immediately set besides her keeping hand on her arm and another one on her forehead to relax her. 

Hopefully till tomorrow she will be fine. Keep emphasis her with cold water drained clothe.  Anyways when she wakes up then keep hydrating her and feed her something. After this give her these medicines. He scribble his doctor handwriting on a paper and give to Shivaay which he  immediately took it in his hand.  

Hopefully she will be fine tomorrow. Anyways I should leave. Saying this he grabs his bag and left from there. 

Give me. I'll ask khana to get these medicines as soon as possible. Pinky ask shivaay who obliged and passed her.  She about to go but shivay stopped her calling her name .

Mom what's this ?! He ask pointing towards the bag.

Oh yh arsal's driver had came and he said he sent this birthday gift for anika. As he couldn't give her at office. 

Birthday gift means ??? He frowns. 

Anika had birthday today. Don't tell me you had forgotten like always. Hearing his mother he  went in perplexed and look at anika who is sleeping besides him holding his hand on her chest. 

Mom I .... He stammers

So you forgot it yet again. Didn't you. She sneers shaking her head in disbelief . 

You remembered your friend's birthday and even arranged party for her. But forgotten your own wife's birthday. what an irony. I don't know how anika would have been feeling seeing her husband doing the stuff which he should had been doing for her.  Sometimes I wonder how can she be that strong that she is facing all this without reacting anything. If i would had been on her place then till now I don't know what I had done till now. Shivay I think now it's enough. Things are going out of control. Start giving importance to your wife before someone esle comes and take her away from you. As I don't think so she has less well wishers who are ready to take her in their wings. She snickers darting  her eyes  towards the gift which is laying on the bed. And then left from there elevating  restlessness in Shivaay's heart and mind.   He look at anika and then the gift near by him. He immediately scrolled it down and found a big  flowers bouquet along with chocolates and box of something and card.   He slowly get the card out and open it with shivering hands ....

I know you had refused to celebrate your birthday. And didn't want any gift. Still I couldn't hold myself and sending you a little package . I've bought all this on last minute. Otherwise I'd planned many other things for you for your birthday .

Much love


Reading his name shivaay fums in anger and tear the card and threw it away. And then open the box which contains  a bracelet.  All the things which he should had done it. Someone else did for his wife. How could he. How can he snatch such precious moment from him. He grit his teeth having blood shot eyes and squeeze the bracelet breaking into pieces and then kicked the bouquet as well  scattering all the flowers Patels on the floor.   He bite his inner cheek controlling his rage and look at anika who is sleeping on the bed all red because of fever. His mother said he didn't give her gift.  But he did.  He did her gifts and that's loads of tears the tag of characterless and this sickness which made her so fragile and weak.  He squeeze his eyes and held her palm in his hand caressing her fingers. 

Ha..... hap... he try to wish her but nothing coming out from his mouth except air. Now what's the need of wishing her when  day  has already gone. On top of that she is not even in her senses.  She don't know that he got to know she had birthday. But she could had told him as well right. She could had said that she has birthday and he should wish her or give her a gift. But then he remembers she is same girl'  who  never demanded anything from him.his gestures are enough to keep her quite and she always keep things in her heart  instead sharing with him. Since they got married. He don't think so their relationship ever came on to the point when she ever shared anything with him . All the things she keep in her heart. And maybe he never gave her chance to say something. He always ends up making her so low in his life that she think it's not worthy to tell him anything. He chew his lip  and lay down  besides her taking her in side hug. 

I'm sorry he whispered kissing her Forehead feeling  guilty for not doing anything for her.  That time when he should had done something good to make her day special. he decided to do for his friend   That also infront of her eyes. He shakes his head trying to erase all this from his brain. But end up thinking about it again and again.

In morning

Shivaay open his eyes and first thing he done to throw his arm towards anika's side but he got panic when he didn't find her. Till yesterday night she was burning into fever and wasn't in state to move then how the hell she got up in early morning  and left the room.

Annie he calls her name and started searching for her. First he check the washroom and then he went dressing room.  He open his mouth to call her name again but he stopped when he didn't find her in there. More tension built into  his heart and he immediately run outside in hurry. 

Anika anika where are you. Anns he calls her running around the house.

Shivaya why are you screaming her name. Relax. His mother stops him shaking her head.

Mom where's anika. At this time when she should be in her room taking rest. She is not there.  Do you know where did she go.  Why the hell she left  like this.   He ask being frustrated for not finding his wife in his room. He had thought that in morning ad he will get up. First thing he will do to wish her birthday and will give her gift whicn he ordered last night for her. But seems like she didn't wait for him to wake up and  left somewhere.

She has left out of city for two days. Will come back soon. His mother informed putting flowers into the vase which she was arranging before his arrival.

Whattt ???? he widen his eyes

Yes. ... they had urgent work out there.  I wasn't willing to give her permission.  But  then seeing the situation I couldn't deny it and let her go. 

Mom are you crazy ??? How can you let her go. She was so sick till last night.

I'd checked her temperature she was almost fine. Infect the medicine which khana got yesterday I've gave her as well. She said she will take it time to time.   Now don't worry and go and freshen up till then I'll make your breakfast. Saying this she about to walk away but her son held her arm and stopped her. 

Mom  why didn't you wake me up.  I could had stopped her.  Seeing her son showing concern she shakes her head and remove his hand  from her arm. 

Why are you getting worried Shivaay.   I think you should be happy that she left for two days and you can have your room and everything all for yourself .  Enjoy your freedom which you always wished for.  Don't think about the girl who is nothing but showpiece for you.

Momm ...he squawk.

What mom ha. What mom.  I don't think so I've said anything wrong.  You are the only one who is pushing her away. You are forcing her to leave you. And if she is doing then what's your problem.  Go and have gala  time with malika. Stop wasting your time for girl like her 'for whom you never cared  of . Let her take sigh in relief for two days.stop behaving like you worried for her.  Leave her alone. She look at him sternly and left from there leaving her son all restless and tensed.

Arsal .... He grit his teeth feeling hell pissed with this guy who has stuck with his wife like leech .....

Precap .... He went behind her and later he gives her gift which  she refuse to take it

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