Chapter 11

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Anika it was perfect I ... can't tell you how big tension you have removed from my shoulders. I was literally hopeless to get this deal. I thought it will go to khans. But you made it. You didn't let me get disappoint and got us deal. God girl you are a magician. He speaks while walking with her having brightest smile on his face which she barely  finds on his lips .

It's my work arsal. Don't thank me that much I was just doing my work. She Coughs and then pass him smile.

Yh right that's why you came with me even you were sick. You are sweetest anika. I can't tell you how much lucky I feel to have you with me. Trust me you are my stress reliever. Saying this he hugged her resting his hand on her back. Anika pat his shoulder and then broke the hug bringing distance between them.

Ok I guess you need a good meal after such a amazing work. So why don't we do Lunch together. What's say. Arsal Speaks  rubbing his hand in excitement.

Yh fine. Let me freshen up then we will go for lunch. Anika murmurs fixing the bag on her shoulder.

Yh ok. I'll wait for you in lobby he flick her nose with his finger and then gave her way to leave.

Thanks she mutter and Swoop away from him.

I wish you would become fully mine. He mumbles dreamingly keeping hand on his heart while watching her retreating figure.

After sometime

Anika is sitting sea side restaurant seeing the menu while arsal went to get extra napkins for her. As she needed it to wipe her nose. Which is badly blocked because of sickness. When she had got up in the morning. Hee whole body was paining badly. On top of that throat pain and flu was putting fuel on it. If arsal didn't need her here. Then surely she would had taken rest at home. But he called and without telling him she is sick ' she came With him. During the journey'when he had got to know about her sickness , he suggested her to go back home and take rest. As he can reschedule his meeting. But she refused and told him she is coming with him. She don't want her sickness to make him loose his such important deal.

Right now she is watching sea lost in her own thoughts when she felt presence behind. She thought it's arsal. So she clear her throat and took his name turning to her back.

Arsal you came back I ..... she turns , but next second she widen her eyes when she found shivaay standing with stern face having his hands in pant pockets.

Shivaay she whispered his name and instantly stood up .... First she look at him and then her eyes landed on malika ' who came out from behind him having brightest smile. Seeing her there 'she remember all the fiasco which happened last night. Because of this heartless woman she is sick today. She is dipped into much hate for her that she even decided to kill her by pushing her in to the pool. How cruel can she be and fake on the same time infront of shivaay.

Shivaay you here ???? Arsal who had went to get napkins who baffles seeing shivaay standing infront of him unexpectedly. He didn't   think even miles away that shivaay will be here. But In actual ' he is stending infront of him glaring anika who is in her own zone.

Yes I'm here ..... after all you kidnapped my wife. He speaks having sarcasm into his tone , turning his eyes towards him Tearing them from anika.

You joke so much shivaay. I didn't kidnap anika ok. It's just we had urgent work to deal with . So we had to come for two days. Isn't anika.

Oh really that's why you brought my sick wife here who was nearly dying till yesterday. He raise his voice little up making people look at him ... anika flinch and immediately kept hand on his chest stopping him to create scene here.

Malika who was standing besides shivaay she grit her teeth seeing her resting her hand on shivaay like this. She wish' if shivaay won't had been here then till now she  would had broke her hand pulling it out from the root and throw it in this deep sea.

Shivaay stop it. Don't create Scene here please. People are watching us. Anika whispers trying to calm him down ' but instead listening to her" his anger is overpowering him more and more looking at arsal with pure hate. Who first brought his sick wife here and now he was planning to have gala time with her.

You are still trying to shut me me down anika. Can't you count his mistake for once. He bloody didn't care about your health and brought you here. He should had thought that you can fall more sick because of travelling. But no !!this guy was thinking about his business more than his Employees health. Seeing first time care into his eyes   made anika perplexed . She didn't expect him to react like that. It's first time happening. And not only that he specifically came for her after driving hundreds of miles.

First of all I didn't know that anika is sick. And when I'd got to know "I'd asked anika to go back home. But she wanted to come. As she didn't want to lose the deal "for which she was doing work from last two months. So I couldn't say no and brought her here.

But still it shows that you care about your deal more than anyone's life. Such a selfish bastard you are. He about to say more but anika stopped him in between holding his hand.

Ok that's enough shivaay. Calm down ok. I've came here with my own will. No one pressurised me to come ok. So stop fighting and relax both of you.

Oh really he should relax after staying in worry whole way because of you. At least you could had told shivaay about your departure but seems like you didn't bother about it and slid away from the home without making any noise. Malika intruded in between showing sympathy to shivaay keeping hand on his shoulder trying to make numbers infront of him.

Anika sneers and look at shivaay who immediately removed her hand from his arm disappointed malika.

Ok I think now whatever's done we can't fix it right.  so better if we calm down and don't fight. Arsal suggested earning glare from shivaay which he ignored it and pulled chair for anika to sit. first she  look at shivaay for few seconds and then take seat at The chair. Shivaay rolls his eyes and also sat there following with malika who will of course cling with him near by.

Anika are you alright ??? Arsal shows her worry when he saw her eyes weeping. Shivaay who was looking away still in angry mode. He turn his face towards anika instantly and got worried seeing her red face ...

Hey are you alright ??? He held her hand in his palm which made him panic realising she is still sick.

Yh I'm fine. Don't worry. She clear her throat and sniffles wiping her nose with the tissue.

Sh. You doesn't seems fine. You are still burning in the fever. He says touching her forehead with his hand. Anika so wanna shout and ask him why the hell he is showing sympathy to her. When he and she both knows he don't give shit about her existence. then what the hell happened to him today that he travelled all the miles here just because he was worried or wanted to pretend infront of arsal.

I'm fine just need little rest. Saying this she remove his grip from her and stood up making Arsal and shivaay confused.

Where are you going ??, shivaay stood up as he saw her leaving.

In  my room. I wanna sleep for sometimes. Saying this she left from there before he stops her again and start interrogating her.

Ann he calls her name from behind  but she already walked away from There  having her head down.

If my wife got more sick because of you. Then see what I do  to you arsal. Keep this straight in to your head. Shivaay bangs his hand threatening arsal and went behind anika to check'  if she is fine or not. On the other side  anika comes in room and lay down on the bed pulling the blanket. She kept her head on her both palms and curled her legs up  feeling hell tired.  Tears made their ways from her eyes making her feel so vulnerable. She always wanted a peaceful life. She was literally done with  so much nagging in her life. But seems like god had more plans to  get her down and made her tied with shivaay ' who is nothing but a big fiasco. every second of their togetherness making her  tired with her life. She just feel like  to run away from everything and never face these people who always caused for her pain including her husband who is nothing but trouble maker in her life. As much as she tries. Their life can never be fixed. He will keep making it worse. and if he won't then his female friend will surely do. Who is   Searching ways to wrap him around her fingers. She sobs and rub her face on the pillow soaking her tears in it.

I'm tired so tired. She whispered and cry all alone clutching the pillow tight in her hand.  Suddenly she flinch when she felt someone presence behind her. Before she makes the attempt to turn snd look she's been taken in back hug. 

Hey shivaay whispered and snuggled with her pulling her closer to him resulting   her back stick with him properly.  She  sniffles and immediately  wipe her tears not feeling to show him her vulnerability side. 

What you doing here.  She clear her throat and sat up coming out of his arms.   Shivaay take long breath and  raise up while looking at her.

I was worried about you.  You were not well  last night. And when I didn't find you in morning. I'd got  tensed. He  told truth instead  wrapping it in different lies .

You didn't do  it ever before. Then why  suddenly you have started caring about me. I didn't ask you shivaay.  She  scoot away from the bed and filled the glass with the water for  clearing the tingling sensation in her throat which is irritating her like hell. 

You are my wife. And it's my responsibility to care about you. It's not any formality or something. He stated standing up on his feet going towards her.

Since when"...Since when you have  started considering you as my wife.  Because to my memory "before few days you are the same person who  was planning to leave me.  As i was nothing but a curse on you. Who's been set on your head without your were literally counting days on your fingers. Then what happened now. Why are you just coming behind me like a lost puppy when I'm trying to Make things fine. She stated looking at him sternly.

So you are doing all this to leave me. He chocked earning silence from her.

I've asked you something anika. He shout making her flinch. But she controlled her emotions and speak.

I'm doing that which you always wanted shivaay. Not only you , your family and friend as well. She speaks in her low tone keeping hand on her forehead which is banging so badly

And how did you assume that I wanna leave you. He says moving closer to her making her lean on the drawer.

You always said that shivaay. She whispered looking down without gazing into his eyes.

Oh really I said that. Wow since when you have started taking my words seriously ha. As I remember I've been always non serious according to you. Then why the hell you started believing on my words now.

Shouldn't I shivaay ??? It was cleared by you that we won't have any kind of husband wife relationship. I shouldn't expect anything from you. In started I'd still a little hope. But when you didn't show up in hospital while I was fidgeting with my life. That day only reality had hit me hard and I'd got to know that no matter what I do. I don't have even tiniest place in your life. As if I would had then you would had stayed besides me instead going out of country with your so called friend.

I'd reason ok. I wasn't feeling good so malika said I shouldn't stay infront of you. It will hurt you more seeing me infront of you. That's why I'd left and ....

So it proven that your own pain was more important to you than your wife ' who was on death bed losing her own child. She chocked having tears in her eyes. Which in non second started felling from her orbs .

No it's not that you are taking me wrong I ....

I'm taking you right shivaay. It's just you only the one 'who is confused with your feelings. You don't want me shivaay. You are just temporarily restless seeing me going away. But I'm sure as I'll leave ' things will be fine in your life .You will be happy with malika ' who is your soulmate. As she the only one who understands you well. That's why whenever something happens in your life. Instead coming to me you go to malika finding the solace. She is your best friend i get that. Might she spent more time with you than anyone else. But friendship has limits shivaay. There should be some boundaries. Which lacks between you both so much. She all the time lurking around you. Now see today she is again with you. Whenever I think that things gonna be fine between us. She erupt from no where and we go back where we're standing behind. Things are out of control now shivaay. Better you understand earlier and let me go. As I think I'm the only one who is ruining your life no one else.

Why don't you say that , you have got someone else in your life instead pushing me away like this. He sneers making her shake her head in disbelief.

You can never count your mistake right. You know that how to change the topic and bring over me. Isn't. God shivaay that's why I'm saying let me go. I can't be with man like you ' who can't even respect me.

I won't let you go. Did you understand. You are not going anywhere leaving me. He screams holding her arm tight into his hands making her cry in pain. She Moans and started feeling fretted... seeing her confirm he realised what he is doing and he immediately got soften taking her face in his hands.

Hey you alright. I'm so sorry I didn't mean that. Please forgive me. Come .... come take rest. He immediately picked her up in his arms and rest her on the bed scooting near her. He rubs her hand and immediately passed her the water which was resting nearby.

Drink slowly he whispered caressing her hair while feeding her water. Anika's eyes filled with tears and she hiccups between while slurping the water.Seeing her condition he felt guilty for yelling at her like that. But he don't have fully mistake as well. She is the one who pursued him to shout at her. Who the hell told her to demand separation from him when she know that he would never let her go.

You got so weak he whispered caressing her face with his fingers.

I'm fine. She whispered removing his hand from
Her face. Shivaay sighs and look at her tiredly.

Why are you running away from me Annie. You don't tell me anything about your life. All the time you are just escaping and hiding things from me. And one of them is your birthday. As he talked about her birthday she snapped her eyes at him making him little startled. But then he manage himself and held her hand in his Palm.

Why didn't you tell me you had birthday yesterday. He ask squeezing her hand softly

I don't celebrate my birthday. It's not that important day that I would announce everywhere without any reason. She answered taking her hand back from him.

But you could had told me. Might I would had do something. I mean ....

You don't need to shivaay. I don't expect anything from you. When my parents didn't even wish me then you are my husband for whom I was always been unwanted.

It's nothing like that ok. Stop assuming things on your own.

Im not assuming things. I know that shivaay. Moreover you knew about my birthdate .it's just like every time you forgot. And to be honest I get that as it was malika's birthday as well. So I guess it usual to give more importance to her than me.

Ok cut it now. Stop fighting about it. I'm done Seeing you ranting same stuff again and again. For sometime forget about her and let's spend time with each other. Shall we. Saying this he take out a small box and open it infront of her having tint of smile on his face.

I know it's not that special the way it should be. But still I specifically have chosen it for you. How's it. Anika first look at the locket and then him silently without giving expression.

You didn't have to do this formality shivaay. I don't need it. Saying this she closed the box and kept it in his hand back making him shock. He open his mouth to say something but before he do malika barged In calling his name.

Shivaay I've been waiting for you so long outside. What are you doing here. I was. ..... she was going to say more but stopped when she saw jewellery box in his hand. Her eyes twinkle and she immediately snatched from him.

Oh god shivaay it's so pretty. She squeals taking the locket in her hand having shiny eyes.

You were going to surprise me with this. Omg shivaay. She giggle happily and immediately take him in hug without letting him speak to her. Anika
Shakes her head and slipped out of the bed slowly.

I'm going to freshen up. She mumbles in her low voice while coughing and went in the washroom before shivaay stops her

Precap ...... malika keep deal infront of arsal that if he wants anika then he has to help her to get shivaay. Later they go in club

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