Chapter 12

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Shivaay open his mouth to stop anika. But she already have been gone in washroom. And he's left with malika who is clinging over him praising him again and again for getting her locket"  which apparently he'd got for anika. But this girl  just always  consider everything as hers.  He rolls his eyes in annoyance and broke the hug holding her arms.

Malika  can you please calm down. This is not for you. I've got this for anika.  Last night she had birthday as well. But I didn't know that.  and I didn't wish her or  got her anything. So when I'd got to know ' she shares  birthday as yours. Then I'd ordered her this locket as gift. This is not for you girl. I've given you gift already last night. And I guess that's  way more bigger  than this. So stop assuming everything as yours  like always.  He Huffs in  frustration seeing her coming between anika and him again and again and ruining everything. Whenever he try to fix things between them. She is the first person who jumps in ' ,and things goes back "where they were before. Or better to say it get worse.  Now see in the morning. He was coming alone to get anika from here. But he don't know how she just got to know, and she called him for asking where he is going.  Being dumb he told her and In next second she was in his house having her bag saying she is coming with him.

So you mean to say that you didn't get this for me. She grit her teeth in anger feeling like to break each snd everything in this room along that anika "who is not taking name to leave their lives.  As much as she try " she always comes between them and her all hard work goes in drain. 

Yes that's what I'm saying.  Last night as well I've done such big mistake and forgotten her birthday.  I was so busy arranging your birthday that , i couldn't remember my own wife's.   Hearing him she  shakes  her head in infuriation and hissed gritting her teeth. 

So you regretted to celebrate my birthday. She ask looking at him angrily. 

No it's not that. I didn't. Don't take me wrong. He raise his hands to  touch her arms. But she didn't let him and move away. 

You have itself said that you regretted shivaay. Don't  twist the words now. She sobs making him feel guilty for saying all this to her.

No it's nothing like that. Try to understand. He huffs trying again to make her understand. But she just step back and shook her head. 

You know what spend time with your wife.  I don't care. Here take this locket and give it to her. I'm sure she will be happy to  get it. Saying this she glares  him and  stormed away from there leaving him hell frustrated being stuck in these two women.  If he  pacify one of them. then another one get angry. But to be honest anika's anger is still valid. As he forgot her birthday and didn't even wish her. But malika ",he don't know why  she is seems  pissed. He  groan and  left behind malika  till anika is in the bathroom.

After couple of minutes

Anika  assumed  shivaay would be  still standing outside in the room waiting for her. But when she comes out. She found no one  in there indicating he's gone long time ago. And she was expecting too much from him without any reason. She knows that whenever  time come  to choose between her and malika. He will always choose malika. Then how can she thought that he would wait for her  to come out and pacify her.  She sneers on her own silly thoughts and move towards  Balcony coughing badly. God already she has fever and on top of that  this flu and cough. She  heaves out breath and lean on the railing  feeling fresh breeze on her face. But soon hee peaceful moment  turned into sore", when she saw shivaay is standing and malika is crying hugging him and same locket is in her hand hanging in her fingers.   Lump formed in her throat seeing the scenario. No matter how much she try. He will never be hers. Somehow he will end up with  malika no matter what. Before an hour only " she was telling him that she is coming between them. His and her friendship is ruining them. But seems like nothing went into his ears and all crossed by his head like a wind without giving him a single lesson. She exhale the long breath and went back into the room deciding to not hope anything from man like shivaay who is nothing but bipolar.


Yah that's what I was saying. You just have to call the factory people and ask them to Change the colour. Anika told Arsal pointing towards tablet screen which he was holding it.

Yeah you are right. Let me call them. He pinch her cheek  and walk little away to call them.

Hey anika what are you doing here. Malika comes towards her along with shivaay having smile.

Nothing I ... but she stopped when she saw her having same locket in her neck which shivaay had got  for her. That's  mean he in actual gave it to her after seeing her crying. She exhale the long breath and look at shivaay who is already looking at her having  disappointed face for couldn't keep standing on his words and yet again listened malika over her.  

Anika they said they will change the colour and in three days samples will be ready to display. God you are an angel.  You  removed my tension in few seconds. You know what ",I think you deserve a good outing tonight. So why we don't go club together ha. Arsal suggested taking seat besides anika making Shivaay's blood boiled seeing him sitting with his wife so closely resting his arm on her chair.

An. No I'm sick  and .....

Wow that's a great idea. Even I've heard there's many good clubs are around here. It will be fun if we go there. Isn't shivaay.   Malika squeal happily nudging shivaay  bringing his attention back on her " which was lurking over anika.

Huh yh fine. We can will be great. Anika rolls her eyes and turn her face away folding her arms not feeling to go anywhere. She just want some peaceful place where she could sit and think about her life. But these people are just planing to go on such loud place. well she can't even say anything anymore.  As she knows her opinion doesn't matter. All matter is this malika "who just shove herself in everything and plan on her own ",without asking other person 'What does he want.

Anika I need to talk to you. Shivaay announced bringing her out of her deep thoughts. She clear her throat and look at him plainly.

You can talk to her later. First let's order something and eat. I'm starving. Malika interrupted in between pulling him with her towards the   Table. 

Yes shivaay.  She is starving. So feed her.  I don't think so any of us want her to be sick. Otherwise you will be really sad to seeing your friend in pain. Isn't. Anika pass him tight smile and stood up making arsal  confused..

Where are you going ??, dinner is on the way. You didn't eat anything since morning. As these words slipped out of his mouth shivaay snapped his eyes towards anika and creased his forehead In worry. 

You didn't eat anything.  Shivaay ask moving towards her leaving malika behind" who is feeling like to throw this anika in the ocean right away and finish all the hurdles between him and shivaay "which are stopping them to be one.

I'm fine.  I'd drank juice and ate some snacks.  So right now I'm not feeling to eat anything. Anyways when you guys will plan to leave. Let me know. I'll go.  Saying this she walked away from there without looking back. Shivaay exhale the breath and lean on the table knowing why her mood have been spoiled. Surely she has seen that locket in  malika's neck. And it must have hurted her seeing it with her which  supposed be in her neck.

At night

How am I looking??? Malika jump infront of shivaay  showing him the dress twirling around.

It's nice.  He whispered  being not interested in her dress at all. His eyes are just searching for anika. Who didn't come yet.

This locket suits my dress. Doesn't it. Shivaay nods and kept tucking his eyes towards the door from where anika suppose to come.

Shivaay where are you lost. I'm talk to you. Look at me na. She cups his face and make him look at her making him annoyed. 

For god sake leave me alone for sometime malika. He screams being hell irritated with her  so much  clingy behaviour. God he is fed up with her this nonsense.  Even his wife don't climb on him the way she does.  Anika always gives him space and don't lurk around him all the time.  But this girl is just every time sitting on his head.  

You shouted at me.her eyes welled up making him groan. 

Calm down malika. Don't Piss me off. For god sake. He huffs and set on nearby chair holding his head. Suddenly his all attention went towards his wife who is coming looking all beautiful and marvellous in pink dress having her curls open which are reaching till her butt. God  he murmur  not able to take his eyes off of the beauty infront of him.  One day this girl will take his life with her killer looks.  He smiles on his own thoughts and move towards her.

You came ,,,??? He smiles taking her hand in his palm rubbing his thumb on her fingers. 

Yh I came. She  answers taking her hand back From his hold disappointing him. But still he didn't accept the defeat and travel his hand towards her hair and  tuck them behind her ear having glint on his  eyes. 

You are fine right.  I mean you still look little sick. He mumbles rubbing his thumb on her cheek without caring about the audience " who are watching them with pure jealousy. 

Why do you care shivaay.  ??, I don't think so it should bother to you at all.   She sulked  removing his hand from her hair.

I do care .... I.  Shivaay what are you doing here. Come let's go we are getting late. Malika interrupted between there conversation taking his arm in her hand having brightest smile giving bitter look to anika. 

Yeh I can see that how much you care. Anika answered shivaay sneering and passed by him leaving him with malika behind. 

Let's go we are getting late. She mumbles and walked away from there following them from behind. 


As they  entered in club loud noises and music hit their ear drums '"which excited malika and she pulled shivaay with her towards dance floor and started grooving with her.

God it's look so fun. Come let's go Annie.  Arsal says excitedly holding her arm. 

Err I can't I'm sorry. I'm little tired. You go and enjoy. I'll sit there. Arsal made sad face . But then he shrug his shoulder and left towards dance floor dancing with other girls. Anika sighs and went towards Less crowded place and sat there looking around boringly.

Do you mind if I take seat here.??? Someone asked gaining her attention. She look up and found  a handsome man standing infront of her holding his drink.

Err yh sure. She smiles at him and scoot away giving him space to sit besides her.

This place is so full. I didn't expect It. He start conversation earning smile from anika.

Yah it is. She answered tucking her hair back.

I don't like that much crowded place. I mean it little suffocates me. He initiated looking at her  admiring her beauty.

Same. I don't like either. It feels so tight and burden. 

Correct.  It does.  By the way you seems really like me. I mean we both have same energy.  Doesn't we ?! He smiles resting his drink on the table. 

Maybe. Anika gave him tight smile and turn her face away not feeling to talk to him.

Err we are talking and I didn't even introduce myself.  Hi I'm   Saad.  He says forwarding his hand to shake with her. 

Anika. She told hand shaking with him. 

Err will you dance with me. I mean when we have came here. then let's try to mingle between with these people. He chuckle offering her his hand.

Saad party bird "what are you  Doing here. Come let's go on the dance floor. A girl comes there and hugged him from behind making awkward between him and anika.

Reeya I'll come later.  Leave me for sometime.  He pleads removing her grip from His neck.

No you are coming with me and that's final.  Saying this she gripped his wrist and took him away. 

Well that was it. Whoever will come in none seconds he will be leaving her behind like" she never existed.  She chuckle on her own thoughts and decided to get out of here" instead sitting here like a clown all alone. She heaves out breath and  walked out from the back door. Not before taking the drink from the counter.  Shivaay who was watching her from last ten minutes while standing with malika he excused himself and left behind her.  He is feeling restless the way boys are wondering around her. Already he was pissed with this  arsal and  one more  asshole was  trying his luck on his wife.   He grit his teeth and walked out from the back door "from where she left. He comes out and started wondering his eyes all around to get her glimpse and  here you go after whole one minute "he able to locate her sitting all alone on the beach sand looking towards ocean holding the glass of juice.  He slowly padded towards her and took seat near her making her realise his presence. 

What are you doing here ???, she asked without looking at him. 

Can't I come  and sit with you. He chuckle scooting more closer to her but she instantly swipe away making him disappointed. 

Yes you can.. if your friend doesn't follow you like a know  sometimes I feel like she is your wife infect not sometime always I feel like she is your wife not me. Who all the time wonder around  you and don't like you to mingle with anyone specially me.whenever she finds you a inch near me. She Just get crazy and do that  which she shouldn't. And to be honest" I think somewhere If she is doing all this then you are the main reason. After all you want that as well. Her eyes welled up not able to hide her emotions inside her. She try her best to be strong. But in end of the day she is human as well. And it hurts her heart seeing her husband going behind another woman and don't give shit to her existence.

You are again bringing malika between us anika. And that's the main reason we couldn't fix rift between us. He stated making hee sneer hearing his answer. She turn her face and wipe her tears harshly biting her trembling lips.

I don't bring her shivaay. But still she is between us. You agree or not. It is the truth. Look if your happiness lay in her. Then I don't mind "  if you divorce me. As I know we don't have strong relationship. It was never been. I am the only one who is trying harder to be genuine in it. You don't have  single contribution in it. So better if we apart our ways "instead hurting each other again and again. She sniffles taking his hands in her palm looking at him with teary eyes.

Shivaay shook his head and instantly pulled her towards him and claimed his lips with her making her shock. Yet again he chose the intimation instead words. She expect him to tell her what does he want for their future And why he is doing all this. But instead doing that he is kissing her pulling her in his lap.

You want anika to be with you forever right?? Malika clenched her hand having red eyes while looking at anika and shivaay who are kissing each other.

What do you mean. Arsal who was standing besides her " he frown tearing his gaze from Shivika.

I know that you are in love with anika since you have seen her first time in your office. So tell me do you want her in your life forever???

Arsal went in dilemma and then nods his head slowly.

Then help me to get shivaay. It will be equal equal deal. if you will help me to get shivaay. Then automatically you will win anika and can spend your rest of the life with her. So tell me. Is that deal ??? She says forwarding her hand towards him having stern face. Arsal first look at anika and shivaay and then slowly slid his hand in her palm making her smirk.

Precap ......gouri's baby shower and malika fell from the stairs and all blame come over anika 🥲


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