Chapter 13

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Anika part away from The kiss and look at him with her doe shaped eyes with little baffled state.

This is wrong. She murmur trying to shift away from his lap. But he didn't let her and yanked her towards him resting his hand on her nape.

Nothing is wrong. You are my wife. He stated in low voice pulling her more closer holding her waist. Anika look at his face silently and then sneers making him confused.

What's wrong ??? He frown tucking her hair back with his fingers and then travel back his hand on her cheek caressing it.

It's just you always call me your wife " when you wanna Have sex with me. And as I get agree and you done satisfy yourself.  then i become same anika " whom you hate to the core. She chuckle having tears in her orbs which soon slipped out from her corner of eyes.

It's nothing like that ok. I don't hate you. I can never. He whispered kissing her forehead rubbing his thumbs on her soft cheeks.

Anika didn't answer and kept looking in his eyes remembering the night when he had came drunk and had wished for her death openly. And expressed his hate for her.  which he's been carrying in his heart since they got married....

Let's go from here. Better we go in our room. Anika blink her eyes coming out from her flashback and stood up. She open her mouth to say something. Bht before she do. She's been carried by him in her arms.

Let's go. He kiss her forehead and about to head out with her. But before he do " they have been stopped by malika's voice. Shivaay closed his eyes in annoyance and turn finding her standing along with arsal having smile on her face " which anika knows it's fake and she is feeling jealous seeing them together.

Where aRe you guys going ??? We thought we gonna chill here and then gonna head for dinner. She smiles smacking her hand on her another one controlling her rage"  which is dripping through her eyes clearly.

Erm actually me and anika had another plans so. Shivaay answered putting anika down. But he didn't leave her wait  and standing holding her tight.

Oh common shivaay we are on group trip. How can you just make your plans with anika. Come let's go inside. They are serving really good drinks. And I want us to drink them together.  come let's go. Saying this she dragged him with her clutching his hand tight. He try to remove her grip. But she didn't bother to buzz a little and took him away leaving anika all alone behind. She sighs and fold her arms turning her face  away seeing him ditching her yet again. Whenever she feel like he is little nice to her. And maybe a little care have taken place in his heart. But Next second all hope just get crush down bringing her back to the reality.

Nick what you waiting for. Come let's go inside. Arsal hold her hand and dragged her with him inside.

It's been two days they have been back from their trip. And in those two days anika have seen shivaay barely. As he have something important going on in his office. And he seems busy there. And on top of that malika's art gallery was having issue to set up. So obviously shivaay had to come into the help and use his surname to fix her problems. No matter what happens. If malika is in problem. then surely shivaay will be the first person " who will come to help her. And if he won't " then she will itself drag him into that reminding him she is his first priority no one else.

Today is baby shower of gouri . So anika took half day off and decided to go home. As if she didn't go home early then malika type another woman is there as well in her life. Which is grandma. She will lift up whole house on her head to taunt her and remind her so called responsibilities  towards her family. Which apparently never been theirs "  whenever she needs them. But when things comes on them. Then surely she has to pay for her part no matter what.

Thanks she thanked texi driver and got in the house carrying her bag and some office files to work on later. If it needed. As she has decided after helping in everything " she won't stay in the function and will remain  in the room instead hearing people questions and taunt of family for not having baby. She knows they will degrade her " which will hurt her heart do badly. So better if she don't go in and stay in her room. Thinking about this she comes in the hall and frown seeing malika already present there helping everyone to arrange stuff. The way she is moving in the house like bee. It's feeling like she is the daughter in law of this house. Not her. And maybe she is. After all everyone loves her here specially grandma "who always wanted her to be Shivaay's wife. But god had another plans and anika became his wife instead her.

Oh so you remember the way of home. Anika flinch hearing grandma taunt and found her standing folding her arms.

Being daughter in law of this house. You should be the first person "who should present here for helping us. But no you prefer your so called cheap job more than your own house. Don't you. She taunts shaking her head in disbelief.

I've came early to help you in everything I ... anika try to justify herself but grandma showed her hand and nods her head.

Being nothing to this house except daughter of family's friend " malika is here to help us. She's been running all around since morning. But you " who should be here. You preferred your work over family responsibilities.

Anika closed her eyes tight and so wanna argue with her about it. But she didn't utter a single word thinking " she will create fuss out of it and shook her head in agreement .

I'm sorry. It's my mistake. I shouldn't had left like that. Anyways tell me what I've to do. Anika says in her soft voice clutching the file in her hand.

Grandma open her mouth to say something. But pinky came in rescue and side hugged her. Err come with me. I'll tell you. Come. she held her shoulders in side hug and took her along towards kitchen.

After two hours

Anika managed to finish all the work which was remaining. Or better to say there was nothing done. Malika was just pretending to be contributing. But in actual " she has done nothing. All the work was remain there whether if it was catering decorations or other stuff. But anyways if she pointed out then she will be only one " who will be considered wrong. So better if she don't do It and Leave it As it is. After making sure everything is done. She left for her room before anyone again catch her and ask her where's she going. She comes in the room and  found her husband is getting ready. She silently passed by him and went into the dressing room. Shivaay thought she must have gone to get ready. But when she comes out. He got confused finding her in usual clothes which is jogger with over sized hoodie.

What do you think " you are doing. Aren't you going to get ready. He frown while looking at her.

I'm not going. She simply answered and got in the bed covering her legs with blanket taking her laptop in her lap for resuming her work.

What do you mean you are not going. It's family function and your presence is needed there. Anika closed her laptop and kept it aside heaving out a  long breath.

I don't want to fsce humiliation yet again like last time shivaay. When ladies will see me out there. Then they will taunt me and will ask me impropriate questions.  which I won't able to answer. So better if don't go. I'm good here inside. Neither I've to face people's taunts nor I've to humiliate myself.she said looking at him softly.

I won't let this happen. I'm there to rescue you. He stated moving towards her.

Like last time. She sneers remembering how she was surrounded by media and different people. and he was standing with his friend watching his wife getting squeezed in different people.

Last time I was there anika.  I was standing infront of you. He defended  himself making her smile.

Yh after whole ten minutes when damage was already done.  Anyways let's not talk about it and just let me be here. I think it's better " if I don't go outside and  remain In my room. Neither people will get chance to insult me.  Nor you have to pretend for saving me. Hearing her he grit his teeth snd held her arm tight in his hand making her  squirm in pain. .

Just get up anika.  Don't force me to drag you  and change your clothes with my own hands. Just do as I'm saying. He says in his crisp voice looking at her with pure rage.

You can't force me like this.  Why don't you understand" my presence will spoil the function nothing more.    She  huffs removing  his grip from her arm rubbing it feeling so much pain. 

I don't care just get up and get ready. I don't want people ask me different question and  embarrass me.   He stated jerking her hand away which he held it before a second ago. 

An. So you care about  people  more than me ha. She sneers shaking her head. 

I'm not listening anything anika. Just get up and get ready. Come on get up. Saying this he remove the blanket and forcefully made her stand up. 

Go now. I'm not leaving without you. Anika huffs snd decided to go and get ready instead arguing with him more. As she knows if she is tried to make him understand more then " he  will get more angry. So better if she avoid it and do whatever he is saying. She huffs and went inside the dressing  room to get change

In  living area.

All guest have been arrived.  They all are chit chatting and enjoying their drink. While malika who was trying herself to be so close to the oberoies. She is trying her best to stick with grandma and family members and showing her effort  towards whole function renovation. Which is actually all lie.  Everything has been done by anika. She was the one who  arranged all the things. But when time came to take credit. malika came ahead and took all over in her hands like shamelessly. So that  oberoi clan get  more impress by her and they allow her to enter in their family as soon  as possible. She  is busy greeting people when her eyes landed on the stairs from where shivaay is descending along with anika. And not only that his hand is resting  on her back and he is walking proudly " which pissed her hell  out  and she feel jealous seeing them together. She thought things are still bitter between them. But the way he is sticking with anika. Seems like he has started having soft corner for her.  No this can't happen. She can't let him bend infront of anika.   No way.  Enough is enough. She has to do something as soon as possible before things get out of control.   And seems like she has to do today only without Delaying. These thoughts run through her brain and she started thinking   something solid to get rid of anika  today only. She smirks and fold her arms looking at Anika who is standing with shivaay silently.  

This is my wife .... Shivaay introduced anika to a couple pulling her by her waist lightly. 

She is so pretty. The lady says caressing anika's face admiring her beauty. 

She is. He smiles and kissed her forehead making anika  shell shocked with his sudden kiss that also infront of  guests. She is not able to understand his behaviour. That person who was yelling at her before half an hour. Now he is kissing her and praising her beauty infront of people.

Shivaay what are you doing here. I was looking for you every where. Malika comes toward him and held his arm with her hand. Which soon been removed from shivaay and he Managed his stern face.

I was here. Didn't go anywhere. Moreover malika I think you shouldn't be too touchy infront of guests. I don't want people to take our relationship in different way. Hearing him anika smiles" while malika just burn in anger seeing him talking with her so rudely. He never done this before. He always been so sweet to her. But because of this anika he is behaving like this. Enough Is enough today she will definitely gonna make him throw this anika out of this house. Whether she has to put her own life in danger.

Malika why are you standing there. Come and sit with gouri. Grandma calls her from little far away having smile on her face. which she never have when she see anika. But for malika she has different behaviour.

Yes grandma I'm coming. She glare anika and left from there.

Come let's go. Shivaay intertwine his hand with anika and took her towards family. Seeing anika there. Grandma rolls her eyes and speak bitter words.

She didn't have to come. I don't think so her shadow is good for gouri since she has lost the child months ago. Hearing her anika closed her eyes and look at shivaay" who shook his head and took her in side hug.

Soon old ladies started going towards gouri and started blessing her. She is getting loads of gifts which are so expensive and precious. Once anika had dreamed as well to sit like this snd take elders blessings. But it couldn't happen and she lost her child "her hope. Tears made their way from her eyes thinking about her baby "whom she couldn't even see. But then she immediately clean her face sniffling before someone notices her. But shivaay did and he immediately yanked her towards him softly looking at her with soft gaze.

Everything will be fine ok. I'm here with you. he assures her wiping the tear from her cheek which was still there despite her clearing her eyes away. Anika nods her head and rest her head on his chest snuggling on it.

Anika shivaay what you waiting for. Come ahead. Pinky smiles seeing her kids standing in side busy into
Each other.

Yes mom. Shivaay side hug anika and about to go ahead but grandma came in between making shivaay frown.

I don't want her to be near gouri. I know you will argue with me that why she can't. But I'm sorry she won't go ahead. She has lost the baby recently. and I don't want her to put her shadow on gouri.

What are you saying grandma... how can you be so insensitive. Shivaay shout seeing his wife's face who turned pale after seeing grandma's brutal behaviour towards his her .

G. No matter what you think and how you feel. She won't go near her and that's final. Did you understand.

Anika couldn't control herself and nods her head.

Excuse me I should leave. She remove Shivaay's hand from her shoulder and run towards upstairs.

Anika where are you going. Stop darling. Listen to me. Malika deliberately run behind anika and stopped her in middle of the stairs.

Anika darling where are you going?? Don't be mad on grandma words. Just stay here. Otherwise how gouri will feel " if she will see you behaving like that. Malika play sweet holding her hand infront of the guests and grandma.

Leave her. Let her go malika. Don't need to stop her. Grandma stated glaring anika.

Let me go. Anika remove her grip from her arm and try to go. But she again held her and stopped her in mid way.

Don't be so sad anika. Now this one you have to face lifetime no matter what. That's why I'm saying it's better for you to leave shivaay as soon as possible and set him free. I'm there to take care of him. The way your baby have got disappeared from Shivaay's life. You do same. Otherwise the way I've taken his life. Unwillingly I've to do same treatment with you. Last time was your lucky day. But not this time. She whispered having thick smirk on her face making anika shell shocked on her place. She can't believe what she heard from her mouth.

Suddenly she frown when malika gripped her hand tight and started doing drama infront of people to slipping down

Anika what are you doing. Why are you pushing me. Anika what I've done to you. Saying this she take a swift move and fell from the stairs rolling down and in no time she hit the ground and her head started bleeding badly. All guest and family gasp and screams her name on top of voice " while anika stood on her place being statue not able to understand what happened 20 second ago.

Precap .... Come let's go. And give blood to malika. You tried to kill her right. Now Being universal donor you are the only one who will give blood. Saying this shivaay dragged her along with him barefoot mercilessly.

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