Chapter 14

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Anika sat on the stairs as shivaay took malika with him who was bleeding to death. In span of time" she's been rolled from the stairs and fell unconscious infront of her eyes. But she didn't push her. She and her god knows " that she didn't push her. She was in so much in shock after learning " she killed her baby that it didn't even come into her Brain to harm her. Then how can she say " that she is pushing her and in none second " she squirmed and fell from the stairs. She have seen many evil people in her life. In which one of them was her father. But malika is something else. You can never guess " what is going on behind her smilie face. One side she behave so nice Infront of shivaay and family. and next moment when is with her. then she becomes a dark devil"  who is ready to consume her any time. Now she is sure that everyone will blame her. They will say that she is the only who pushed her. And why won't they " when malika itself was ranting to not push her from the stairs. These thoughts are going on in her head that when sudenly someone held her elbow and started dragging her making her knee hit hard on the edge of stairs leaving purple bruise on it.

You low class " how can you be so heartless. First I'd thought that you are just graceless and mannerless . But I didn't know that you would be cruel as well . That girl  just had went behind you to bring you back in the family thinking you must be hurt seeing people taunting on you. She just tried to comfort you. And you gave her this fruit of her good deeds. First you killed your child. Bht still we gave the name of accident to it. But now you pushed malika. How dare you. I'd already knew " that you are not good for this family. But no one listened to me. Now look what happened. Because of you malika life is in dangerrr. I won't leave you. I won't. Grandma raise her stick to hit her but pinky comes in between and stopped looking at her with pleading gaze.

Stop it mother. Just stop it ok. She didn't push her. She can never do this. I was standing near the stairs. I've seen"  she didn't even touch her. It was malika who deliberately slipped and fell from the stairs. Stop jumping on conclusions without knowing anything. She sobs looking at her with pleading gaze for not doing such stunt " which will leave her in guilt later.

You will take her side only. After all you have brought her here. But I won't buy your lies. Me and 50 of people have seen her pushing Malika. You can't justify it at all.this girl has pushed her and that's the truth. Today she has crossed her limits. She has tried for take someone's life. She has to get punishment. And I'm the only one who will give her. Saying this she yet again raised her walking stick and hit directly in anika's Arm leaving a big scar on it. But It didn't hurt her. As she knows this woman will behave like that.  she always just searches ways to get her in frame. So obviously she will degrade her no matter what.

Anika .. pinky sat near her and take her in hug hiding her from getting beat from grandma.

Why are you doing this. Stop it. You can't hurt someone like this.this is so unfair and cruelty. She cry glaring grandma whose eyes turned red heading and she hollered in loud voice.

Oh really this is cruelty. Then what about her ' who literally have pushed someone on death bed. And it's not first time happening either . She has done before as well with her child.she killed him same the way she has done to malika. I'm feeling like to grab her hair and drag her on hard floor. She swiftly move her hand to get grip on her hand when suddenly a strong grip on her wrist stopped her which is none other than anika's.

You graceless. She raise her another hand to slap her. But that been clutched as well by anika and in no time she pushed her away making her stumble making family shocked. No matter how family gonna react or this grandma. But she is done with their bullshit specially this grandma's. Who is nothing but witch in her life. Since she has came in this house. This old lady just searches ways to humiliate her. She never left chance to take her down. All the time she blames her for everything. Whether if someone else is on fault. But enough is enough. She won't bear anymore. Specially won't be called murderer in the case of malika.

Enough. That's enough mrs oberoi. You can not manhandle me like this everytime. You have done enough in the past. I didn't answer you ever" thinking you are elder to me. But you are the one " who whenever  get chance " you get ready to grip on me and say me whatever comes into your mouth. Just because I don't say anything.but not this time. This time i won't let you  hurt me like this. Specially for malika who is such a bitch and evil woman. I didn't push that psychopath. I repeat i didn't..... she itself made such scenario that it looked liked I've threw her from the stairs. But I didn't do it. Infect she had put me in such shock state that I couldn't even move. Then how can you thought that I would push her .... I know any of you won't trust me. And I don't expect as well. As I know you guys hates me so much specially you grandma. Who always was in fond of malika. You always wanted her Shivaay's wife. That's why since I've came into this house. You are taking baseless revenge on me like I'm your last birth's enemy. But you know what " it was good if shivaay would had got married to her. It was better. At least she would had showed how to be an real evil.. Here you would had scream and spread your negativity and there she would had done same. A evil meets evil. She chuckle while having tears dripping eyes making grandma more mad and she screams her lungs out of her seeing her humiliating her Like this. No one in her life ever raised their eyes even infront of her. But this girl. She has done it. And not only that she bloody has called her an devil. How dare she. How could she. She won't leave her. She will take her lifeeee

How dare youuuuu she screams on top of voice shaking whole house with her anger.

On the other side

Miss malika have lost quite loads of blood. But unfortunately we have run out of her group blood in our bank. So i would suggest you to arrange it before it gets too ate. Hearing doctor malika's parents cries. While shivaay went in shocked zone. He's not able to understand what he has to do. And what not. Instead getting better situation is getting worse second by second.

Now you will stand statue like this ha. Won't you do anything. Because of your bitch wife my daughter is in danger. She is fighting for her life because of that woman. She just had went to show her little sympathy. but your fuckin wife pushed her from the stairs. Listen shivaay Singh oberoi. If something happen to my daughter then.  I will sue your whole family. You all will rot in jail along with your evil wife. Now you should pray that my daughter should be fine. Otherwise a dreadful punishment is on the way. Malika's mother screams while crying bitterly in sorrow of losing her daughter " who is so precious to her. Shivaay closed his eyes and fisted his hand tight which made her wrist pale. Anger is just over powering his brain and started making him blind to see any right or wrong. He hissed and then open his eyes again looking at them with stern face.

You don't need to punish anyone. Whoever has pushed her. She is the only one will save her life. Saying this without waiting for their answers " he stormed away from there having red crimson eyes which can scare anyone. Right now saving malika is big task for him. No matter what he has to loose for that.

At home

After somehow getting anika out of the clutches of grandma " pinky brought her in room and made her sat on the bed...

You alright. ??? She says  pushing her hair back wiping her tears With her palm. 

I'd told you to not say anything.  now see what  she have done to you. Pinky sobs wiping the blood from her arm where grandma had hit her.

You didn't say anything that's why you have reached on this situation. And because of your this sacrifice "I'm suffering as well.  I know sometime we should keep quite. But  not for always. Because of whole oberoi clan grandma has got so much guts to do anything. She don't care about any other person's feeling and does whatever she feels like.   She is controlling us.  She thinks "we are her puppet and we have to follow her no matter what happens. That's why today when she hit me. no one dared to come  ahead to stop her and kept  watching like a spectator. I'm done with all this ok. ( she sobs ) I'm tired seeing people taking me granted. In this house  no one wants me here not even your son with whom I'm married. Then why the hell I'm here. I think I should leave. That's only better for us and specially shivaay " who is iso much attached with his best friend "that mostly he forget That he has wife at home.  Pinky shook her head and take her hands in her palm.

It's nothing like that. He cares about you.... She about  to say more but  next second she squirm  when she heard her son's scream.

Anika anika  where are you anikaaaa ??? he screams from outside making pinky and anika scared.

Shivaay pinky takes his name and run outside following with anika. As they reached on the stairs shivaay who was standing in living room he stormed towards them and In no time he held anika's wrist and started dragging her with him mercilessly.

What are you doing. Leave me. Where the hell are you taking me. She shout trying to free herself. But next second he stopped and yanked her towards him holding her elbow.

You pushed her right. You threw her in the mouth of death. Now because of you she  is fighting for her life and death. Doctor said she needs blood otherwise she will die. So now when you have pushed her in death bed then you are the only will give her blood and save her life. Being universal donor. I guess you are enough capable for giving blood to anyone. So let's go.  Hearing him she grit her teeth and shoved him away making him stumble back.

I didn't  push her .... how many times I've told you.  I fuckin didn't. She itself have pretended to slip and put herself into this situation.  Anika screams frustratedly for not able to put sense in his brain.

Stop lying. Everyone seen how she went behind you  and then collapsed on the floor asking you to not push her. He screams pulling her again towards him piercing his nails in her skin.

So you trust  malika more than me. Don't you.  She sobs looking at him being hurt with his behaviour. 

I don't trust on malika. But I trust on  my eyes.  Whatever i saw " Im saying that. Malika had went behind you to stop you  for leaving. But you are such ungrateful that  you shoved her away resulting her  felling from the stairs. Now you  have  to pay for your deeds. You gonna give her blood. Come let's go. Let's move He clasped her wrist and started dragging her with him barefoot despite his mother asking him to stop from behind. But he didn't listen and took her along with him.

I didn't push her I swear. Please listen to me. I'm saying the truth. Stop punishing me like this. She cry with hiccups holding his arm. But he jerk her Away resulting her felling towards window.

Just shut up anika. Stop smearing lies on my face. I've seen you pushing her ... he shout in irritation seeing her denying again and again from her crime.

I didn't do it for god sake. How would I'd done it when I was In So much Shock to learn that she was the one who done my accident and killed our child. Anika Let out a sharp piercing cry making him stop the car abruptly in the middle of the road.

Whatttt ? V he chocked while looking at her being traumatised with such drastic news.

She killed our child. I'm saying the truth. She confessed infront of me itself " when I was standing on the stairs. ( she hiccups Lowering her eyes tiredly) And then she started yelling that don't push me what I've done to you anika. But in reality I was in so much shock to react ... I didn't push her. I swear. she hiccups looking at him with teary eyes. Shivaay sighs and didn't say anything tucking his eyes on the steering.

You don't trust me right. Fine ok. Now I won't justify myself as well. You want me to give her blood. Ok I'll give it. Infect if you want my organs. Then rip me apart and give each and every of them to her. Atleast she should be saved. As she is most important person in everyone's life specially yours . She wipe her tears. And about to go down from the car but he clasp her wrist and pulled her back in the car while looking at her with soft gaze.

It .... It can be lie as well. I mean might she said it to hurt you that's all. He still denied not able to believe that his friend can kill their child. Anika sniffles and exhale the breath tiredly.

I was going on 20 lower speed than minimum . I know I was sad. But I was in fully senses. I was really careful while driving. But I don't know from where all of sudden " s truck came and hit the car making me roll out of the vehicle and we lost the child. She weeps remembering about the dreadful scenario when she had lost her baby.

Anika let me tell you she ..... he was about to tell her something but his phone buzzing stopped him In mid way. He excused himself and picked up the call.

Hello yh fine. Is she fine right ??? Seeing his way of talking anika understood he is talking regarding malika. She shakes her head in disbelief and got down from the car without letting shivaay know " who was busy talking with someone and left from there.

After talking shivaay cut the call and look towards anika's side. But he got confused when he didn't find her near him.

Anika. Anns. He immediately got down from
The car but she already have got disappeared from there like a ghost without leaving the clue " where she has gone.

On the otherside

Anika reaches home some how and directly went towards her room despite grandma kept calling her from behind.

Anika what  happened ?? Where did he take you.  And your feet. Pinky gasp when she saw  her feet all bruised up and swollen. But anika didn't  answer  her anything and directly went towards the  dressing room to take her things.

What are you doing. Where are you going? But yet again she didn't answer and  just dumping her clothes in the bag to leave as soon as possible from this house. Which is nothing but hell for her.  She have borne enough. But not anymore.  She won't sacrifice her life for selfish people like them. She have decided " she will leave from here and will never come back no matter what happens.  She zip up the bag and  look at pinky who is expecting the answer from her.  

I'm leaving. I'm done with your son and this house.  Just tell your son. In few days. He will get divorce papers.  Ask him to sign it and set me free. Saying this she  grabs her bag and left from there without looking back for once at pinky who kept pleading her to not leave. But now she has determined to not  stay here any more and left from there for forever. 

Precap .... Shivaay comes home thinking he will meet anika and will confront he for everything but when he enters he found his disappointed mother who told him that his wife left the house. Later he asked malika about accident 🥲.

There's no leap 🙂......

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