Chapter 25

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Seeing his wife " he immediately pushes malika away giving her threaten glare for not messing up with him and went towards his wife " who is not able to understand what's happening here.  

Ann's !!he immediately  come towards her and look at her tip to toe finding her looking an angel in the dress which he chose for her.

You are looking an angel. He  complimented her raising his hand to touch her cheek" but she didn't let him and pushes his hand away.

What were you doing with her??? Why your hand was on her arm. Hearing her shivaay  take a long breath and  kept hands on her both arms while answering in patient mode.

I  just was warning her to stay away from you. I don't  like when useless people like her would insult my wife  and try to be over smart with her. So I was showing her  actual place nothing more. Anika raise her brow up and didn't buy whatever he is saying to her. His past  deeds were so bad that now whatever he does even if it's in her  favour " it looks so fake and forced. She doesn't feel the way she should. She didn't say anything and look at malika " who do giving her death glare indicating that surely he  said her something " which she didn't  like.  The way her eyes are dripping hate  definitely she is hating seeing them together.

Yh ok that's fine.  Anyways  if we are done then shall we leave. She said softly  keeping hand on her stomach.

No we are not leaving until we don't buy dresses  for all the functions. I don't want my wife to look less Luxurious than others. Come let's go.  Saying this he clasp her hand and dragged her towards the railing "which is having loads of dress hanging. 

After sometime

I'm hungry. Shall we grab something to eat. Gouri says keeping hand on her stomach. 

Even I'm hungry. So let's go. Shivaay answered keeping his wife near him without leaving her for second. Which is pissing malika off like hell. Before few months " he was same man "who used to wonder around her and never cared about this piece of shit. But she doesn't know what got into this man now that he is not even sparing her glance and all busy with this anika holding her so close that barely air is passing through them. 

So what shall we eat. Shall I order pizza. Hearing pizza anika's instantly look at him. She didn't think that he would  remember her likes. Before a month she had told him about it. And he still remember about it. Seeing him caring about her her mind went into the past " when he barely used to take her out. And if he did then always ended up in disaster. Either his friend used to get appear from no where " and if she didn't then their dinner used to end up on fighting and mostly she used to come back hungry. He never cared about her the way he has started doing recently.   But now it's  feels so hollow and empty.

Hey what you think ?? what would you like the topping. He nudge her bringing her back on earth  keeping menu infront of her. 

Just order whichever you like. She smiles at him and the look at malika " who is giving her death glare. Surely she is not liking at all seeing them together. And just hating them to the core specially her for being with shivaay. But she doesn't care what does she think.  If shivaay wants her to be with him then "definitely"she will stick with him . She don't give shit about others.

At night

Anika stood infront of the mirror caressing the lehnga which he bought for her.  All dresses are beautiful but this is special one " because it's his  favourite colour and he specifically told her to wear it today.  He wants to see her in this.  She had tried to told him that she didn't want the bride to look off seeing her in heavy worked clothes. But he didn't listen her and here she is standing wearing it.  Right now nervousness is lingering all around her. She is not feeling to go out. And  as she knows "like always" she will  end up  getting humiliate infront of others and there won't be anyone standing besides her. But shivaay is continuously  asking her to get ready.  As he wants him and her to go together in  function. He doesn't want her to be away from him for a second.

You ready ..... but next second gasp left his mouth when his eyes caught ethereal beauty standing infront of him. She is not looking less than an angel ducked up in his favourite  colour. He always had flex that his wife is prettier among all of them.  And today seeing her like this his proud got more hype than before.  God if she will continue to look this much beautiful then surely he won't able to control himself.

Shivaay I'm ready !!!hearing her soft voice " he blink his eyes coming back on earth and leisurely  move towards her.  He slowly slid his arms around her and pulled her closer making her gasp.

are you planning to kill me today girl. His one  arm is wrapped around her waist then another one  travel towards her face making hard for her to grasp some air.

"Shivaay "she whispered looking at him nervously. Seeing her getting tensed in his hold he feel proud  on himself and pulled her more closer making her nose touched with his. 

You don't know what are you doing to me. I'm afraid" I'll loose control  infront of the people. if you  kept looking this much pretty.  He whispered nuzzling on her  jawline making hard for her to stand on her feet.

Wr are getting late shivaay. she mumbles in spell of his touch which is making her numb and  weak on the same time. 

I don't care. I just wanna be with you. Let them wait for us. Saying this he yanked her more closer and about  to take her lips in deep kiss when suddenly someone barged in breaking the moment.

"Shit "Anika immediately pushes him away and stood in distance  fixing her dress looking down in shame not able to meet her eyes with the person " who entered in without knocking.

Ups i think I've came  on the wrong time. Errr I'm sorry.  Erm come out soon after you finish. Function is going to start. Rudra  speaks without looking at them
Trailing his fingers on his forehead and immediately left from there.

Yeh you came wrong time. Shivaay sniffles patting his hand on his chest feeling  irritated with his brother" who entered in their room and broke their moment. Otherwise till now he would had got the taste of these rosy lips" which are tugging him from long time. And he is craving to taste them. 

Shall we leave. Hearing her " he clear his throat and nods his head forwarding his hand towards her " which she hold it sliding his fingers  in it and left with him. 

Seeing shivaay coming   malika immediately fixed her dress or better to say pull her top more  down to display her cleaves and slid the dupata aside little trying to look sexy.   Today she have decided " she  will talk with shivay and fix the rift between them. She can't let him to be angry That long. He has to understand that she is the only one" who is made for him not some crappy ugly woman like anika.

On the other side

Shivaay who comes down along with his wife having smile on his face. Suddenly he tensed when he felt grip around his arm tighten. He look his aside and found his wife nervous and anxious seeing the crowd. He can understand "why she is feeling like this. As whenever a function held in their house. She always faced humiliation and it was always unpleasant moment for her. That time he wasn't with her. And always behaved like spectators. But not this time. This time he won't let her feel alone. He will assure her that he is with her and no one can dare to touch her.not even her single part of skin.

I'm with you. You know that right. He whispered trailing his fingers on her back palm.

Yes. She answered passing him light smile " which he reciprocated and immediately cupped her face in his palms caressing her cheek.

I won't let anything happen. Ok. Just enjoy the function. And if someone tried it say something then come to me. I'll itself will show him his real path. Anika nods and bend her head down fidgeting with her fingers.

Hey "he again whispered raising her face up keeping finger under her chin making her cheek rosy with his intense gaze.

You are looking so beautiful you know that. I just can't get enough looking at you. He says pulling her closer making her anxious because of loads of people around them. Anika blush and hit his Chest lightly fake glaring him.

Let me go. Everyone are looking at us.... She whispered wiggling in his arms. But he held her tightly admiring her beauty.

Shivaayyy. She whined pulling puppy eyes.

Fine "he loosen his grip and step away but not before patching a light kiss on her cheek which made her gasp with his sudden move.

You are sometime too much. She rub her cheek and look around finding ladies are looking at them like she has grown horns on her head. She can clearly see jealousy and amusement in their eyes. As she remember" they is the same ladies who always targeted her and humiliated her. And today seeing her with shivaay they all are shocked and confused on the same time finding him too lovey dovey with her. And it's not only them who are not liking her with shivaay but there's is one more person there as well. That's malika who is continuously tucking her eyes on them like an evil.

Shivaay anika why are you standing there ??come here. Pinky calls her children when she found them standing in the corner together.

Yes mum shivaay intertwined his hand with Anika and took her along with him while malika follow their suit to stand besides him before someone Take the place.

Anika can see grandma is not liking her here. The way she is glaring her. Clearly hate is dripping through her eyes. But  now she doesn't care "what she thinks. She has borne enough of their tortures and hate. Now she don't give shit about it. She rolls her eyes and held Shivaay's arm caressing it slowly which surely giving fit of joy to Shivaay feeling his wife trying to claim him as hers.

Shivaay you are looking so handsome. Shivaay who was busy looking at his brother ceremony. Suddenly his anger rose up " when he heard malika. He look at his left side and got angry seeing her standing with her having brightest smile.

What are you doing ?? He asked rudely gaining anika's attention who didn't know thus maliks is standing near them.

It's my cousin's function have you forgotten. ?? She chuckle Moving towards him but instantly shivaay brought gap in her and him making her disappointed.

unfortunately ... yes I know that. Bht that's doesn't mean you have to cling with me like this. It will better for you. If you keep a good distance from me and don't try to wonder around me like a bee. Saying this he grasp anika's hand and went on another side where his mother is standing along with his dad.

Shivaay I'm not getting good vibes from her. She is surely not having good attention. Anika said looking at malika who is burning in anger fisting her palms tight.

I don't care. Let her do whatever she wants. I don't give shit about it. You also don't bother and enjoy the function hmm. He kept his anger aside and passed smile to anika patching a kiss on her hand.

Malika stomp her foot seeing them together and stormed away from there. she reached in the garden and scream making all the workers look at her shockingly " who were busy in their work.

I wont leave you shivaay. I will kill your bloody wife. She growl in annoyingness and pulled her phone out dialling someone's number.

Where the fuck are you. Here these two fuckers are planning to have babies" and you bloody didn't even turn up yet. Don't you want that bitch. I can't handle all this shit alone. Just come fuckin fast. She screams and cut the call hitting her leg in the ear.

She has gone mad. One of the worker whispered to another one. but unfortunately maliks heard it.

I'm not mad. You are mad That bloody anika is mad. Not me. Just fuck the hell out of her you bloody trash. She yells at him like bitch and went inside huffing like an angry bull.


Are you hungry ?? shall I get you food. Shivaay asked his wife and when they took place on one of the corner sofa.

I'm not hungry that much. Don't worry. She try to deny " but one glare made her heaves out a long breath and she nods her head.

Fine. Shivaay smiles and got up patching a kiss on her forehead.

I'm going to get it. He flicker her nose and left to get food for her and himself as well. Seeing him going anika sighs and take her phone to scroll down. When suddenly she gasp when someone covered her eyes with cold hands.

Guess who's here ??? Anika frown and touch the hand being little panic not able to recognise who covered her eyes.

An. Who's there. ???

It's me. Arsal. You silly. He come infront of her look at her disbelievingly for not recognising him.

Arsal you here ??? She frown finding him in their family function. As she very well knows. Shivaya would never invite him because of his insecurities . Then how come he landed here.

Yes I'm here. I've been called by girl side. Why ?? You didn't like me here. He says folding his arm having sad face.

No it's nothing like that. I was just thinking how come you been invited. She smiles looking around for shivaay who didn't come back yet.

Anika can you please stop looking for him . He is not worth of anything specially your care and love towards him. He never gave dammn about your feelings anika.he always used you and humiliated you infront of people. He don't deserve you Annie. I think you should get divorce. Hearing him Anika immediately snapped her eyes at him making him conscious about his sentence and he straighten up fixing his collar.

This is my personal matter arsal. It will be better for you if you stay out of it. I'm enough big to know about right or wrong. So it will be good for you if you stop giving me suggestions. Did you understand. Anyways eat food , enjoy the function and leave. Saying this she got up and left from there not liking him giving her suggestion to leave shivaay. She agreed shivaay and her having problems. But that's doesn't mean " she will give chance to people to poke their nose between them. She will itself solve it instead letting others to take advantage of their situation. She Huffs and left from there leaving arsal back who kept calling her from behind feelings regret to say her bluntly to leave shivaay. It was better if he would had taken time as well as her faith towards him. and then he would had talked to her. But no he instantly jumped into the conclusion coming into malika's words.

In the other side

Shivaay who came back having plate in his hand. He got angry as well as confused seeing anika not there " where she was sitting before. And behalf of her this arsal is sitting there " whom he is sure they didn't invite in the wedding.

What are you doing here ??,? He asked bluntly going towards him.

I've been invited by girls side. Is there any problem. Arsal answered giving him tight smile folding his arms.

Where's anika ??? Shivaay grit his teeth resting the plate on the table.

She left for room after telling me that you guys are getting divorce. She was looking little off. so I said to her to go and freshen up. But I'm little ecstatic. Not little but actually I'm really really ecstatic. Finally she gonna get rid of you and then me and her gonna be one. As you guys will be divorce. I'll propose her and then I'll make her mine for forever. As shivaay heard him without anything he growl like a hungry animal and just Grasp his collar throwing him straight on the floor without caring about his brother's function or anything. Right now he just wanna kill this man who dared to laid his eyes on his wife. No matter what issue they are having. But he can't let other people to take advantage of it. It's their thing. Their issue. No one has dared to speak about it. No one means no one  

You will make my wife's yours. Youuuuuu fuckin bastard. He Growl throwing punching on his face beating him up without fearing a little about anything. Right now anger is just over powering him and he wanna finish this particular man " who dreamt to make his wife as his.

Shivaay what are you doing stop it. Shivaay stopppppp grandma screams marching towards him fastly seeing him beating up that arsal without having little mercy.

Shivaay you will kill him . Shivaya stop. His brothers come running towards him and try to pull him away but instead stopping he started throwing slaps and kicks on arsal " who is protesting as well but he is not that strong as shivaay.

Me and anika are not getting divorce. Did you hear. Me and anika will never get separate. So stop dreaming to get her in your life. You fukin asshole. He screams and hit him on his chest making him yell in pain.

Shivaay what are you doing. shivaayyy stopppp. Anika who came running from her room after hearing noises. She shout widening her eyes seeing the scenario infront of her.

Precap .... Grandma ask shivaya. If he and anika has decided to get divorce then she wants him to get marry with malika. Later shivaya left the house with his wife.

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