Chapter 26

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Shivaay stop there. Stoppp beating him. She come towards them fastly and try to push them apart. But instead leaving each other they are attacking  at each other like hungry animals. 

Don't come between us anika. I will kill this asshole.  How dare he laid his eyes on my wifeee.  Shivaay screams and raise his hand to  smack on arsal " but before he do he's been pulled by his brother behind.

Leave me what are you doing. Let me gooo. I will kill him.  he try to free himself " but his brothers tighten their grip on him. While arsal is in handle of other two men " who is wiggling same like him .

You will kill me ha. Youuuuu. Who is the only oneon the mistake.  If today you won't had been in anika's life then"  she would had been happy with me. Till now we would had been married  somehow. But you came in between and ruined everything. And left me empty handed taking her away .  Hearing him anika gasp and look at arsal  shockingly not able to believe on her own ears after whatever they heard. 

Shut up just shut the fuck uppppp. Anika is my wife"  was my wife and will be my wife. Don't even dare to think about her. You never had right on her. She was always mineeee. shivaay growl and immediately punched his face coming out from his brothers grip. And their fighting started again. It's feeling like soon  one of them gonna die  the way they  are fighting with each other. 

Stopppp it. Just  stoppp both of you.  Anika comes in between trying to push them away. But in that process one of them raise his hand to hit another one. But mistakenly it hit on anika's shoulder making her yelp in pain.

"Ann's" shivaay  immediately stopped and his all attention went towards his wife " who is going to collapse. But he held her on meantime stopping her to fall down.  Whole hall filled with silence while arsal got horrified after realising he is the one who  hit her.

Annie I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I ... he  attempted to touch her shoulder. But shivaay didn't let him and  shoved him away making him stumble.

Don't even dare you bastard. Don't even dare to touch my wife. Otherwise I will kill you. He threaten him having fury in his eyes holding his wife who is moaning in pain grasping  her shoulder. 

Stop showing  her sympathy. When you are the one who is on the  mistake like always. It was always you who caused her to get hurt. You never ever loved her. If you would had then " you won't had hurt her on the same place. I've seen her. Since she got married  to you. she never been in peace. All the time you done something and she got hurt. But I didn't leave her alone. I was there for her to console her. I never left her alone in her frail state. . I made sure  that she  stays happy.  But you never did. You always. Caused her to stay sad. So now when you guys are getting divorce then what's your problem ha. You should be happy that you are getting rid of from a unwanted relationship. Let me marry anika and make her my queen. You should not have concern with that. Arsal shout raising his arms in the air expressing his all Wishes whicn he suppresses till now inside.

You guys are getting  divorce. Pinky said looking at her son being shocked and hurt on the same time.

We are not getting  divorce. How many times I've told you. We are not. So stop dreaming to get my wife in your possession. You will never succeed in it.   Shivaay bawled  in his warning tone taking his collar in his fist leaving anika in secure position. . 

But why  did you change your mind shivaay. when you always wanted to do it. I remember how you used to tell me that you can't wait to get rid of your wife. As you can't stand her. Then what happened now.  Why are you denying it.  I guess it's good opportunity to tell people that you don't wanna live with anika. Just get divorce and finish the thing. Malika  intruded coming towards him aiming to touch him but he move away pushing arsal and didn't let her finger laid on him.

Anika who was sobbing silently standing besides him . She  gasp and look at shivaay shockingly after hearing malika's statement. Instant betrayal gushed towards her making her feel weak.

Don't malika. Stop fuckin   dragging my past things now.  You know that I said all that in anger. I didn't mean a single word of it. He kept his tone mild  while firm looking at  both people "who are trying their best to break his and anika's relationship. 

Oh common shivaay. Don't be so ridiculous. Me and you both knows you never loved anika. She was always a girl " who's been smeared on your face by your mother nothing else. I will suggest you  shivaay "this is good time to  tell the truth.  Don't need to hide your fake relationship.  Malika  claimed having subtle tone  on her face seeing her plan working.

Ok that's enoughhhh.  That's fuckin enough. I've got to know what are you trying to do.  But I won't let you to get succeed. I agreed  me and anika had issues in our past. We were not a happy couple. But that's doesn't we are still stuck there. We have been changed. Our prospectives having been changed regardless. Me and anika are willingly wanna give chance to each other and we are happy.   He stated  in his firm voice holding his wife in side hug without leaving her for second.

Wow shivaay you are really good in facade don't you.  I mean look at you. How you are trying to smear lies on  us "like we  don't know anything.  Me you "your whole family knows "you don't like anika. Everything is fake between you two . There's nothing reality in your relationship. Being  married to anika. You always preferred to spend your time with me instead her. And that thing your wife knows as well. Don't you anika. Malika  asked looking  anika who went in flashback  when she used to wait for him for late nights.  But always ended up  waiting only. He  always never  turned up making her feel deceived everytime.

Shivaay  you don't need to hide it. Just tell everyone about the truth and let this girl go. I promise no one will say you  anything. Infect I'll itself  give you permission for that. Grandma stated calmly without having a little trouble in speaking. And why would she" when things sre going according to her choice.  She never liked anika anyways. And if her grandson doesn't want her then it's fine. Let them get divorce. 

I'm not hiding or faking anything grandma. I genuinely wanna  live with my wife. Why you guys don't understanddd. he screams feeling hell angry and frustrated on the meantime seeing everyone pressuring him to let his wife go like this. 

Oh really then what it is ha. According to these papers your  anika has already signed  for  divorce. It's only you who left to do.  Malika said keeping divorce papers infront of him having smirk on her face. While  shivaay widen his eyes looking  at the papers  not able to believe what he is seeing. He snatched it from her hand and look  at it and then he drag his gaze at his wife who is standing hanging her head down.

Did you sign it??? He stammers having betrayal  in his eyes. Anika shook her head  denying  snd come infront of him holding his hand.

An. It's nothing like you think.  I was angry that time and .....

But you did right. You wanna divorce my grandson don't you. Shivaay i had told you she is not worth of you. But you didn't listen to me.  Now look what happened " she is itself taking divorce from you without letting you know.  It's high time "you should realise that she  don't deserve  you. Better just let her go and marry malika who loves you truly. Grandma  speaks in between seeing the things getting place into her  favour. She was Already searching something big "so that she could kick anika out. And now when it's happening then she would never miss this chance ever.

You work so well putting fuel in fire grandma don't you. Hearing him grandma grit her teeth and snapped her eyes at him viciously for talking  to her like this.

Shivaayyyy ... she howled.

Don't  grandma. Just don't scream at me. I'm seeing how you are taking side of these people.  Just because you have problem with my wife. What do you think " you guys will pressurise me  and I'll divorce her. Then you are wrong. I would never do that. Never ever. And about marrying this bitch then I'll prefer to take my life rather than marrying her. It's impossible for me to give her place in my life. Me and anika are not getting divorce !!! you guys can try how much you want. But if will not happen... never ever. It's my mistake"  who came here and decided to stay  in this house despite my wife's discomfort. If I won't had brought her here then surely"  we didn't have to face all this. But it's not late either. I can go still. I don't wanna live between those people " who are highly bent to separate me and my wife. Let's go Anns. We won't stay here anymore. That place where you are not welcome. I'm not either. Come let's go. We should leave. He side Hugged his crying wife and about to escort " but before he take steps ahead. He hes been blocked by grandma making anika gasp.

What nonsense you are talking about. You are not going anywhere. It's your brother's wedding. And you can't just leave the house like this. Hearing her shivaay grit his teeth snd step towards her like a hungry lion making her step back.

I've been listening to you since I born. I never disobeyed you ever... if you said it's day then I said. It's day. If you said it's night then I said it's night . Infect not only me but whole family. We never said anything after your decision "whether if we liked or not. You been insulting my wife since she came in this house. Whenever you got chance you humiliated her and never cared how much it's hurting her. And maybe somewhere I was the reason of her not being in peace in this house. Because I never cared about her and always side lined her. I never gave her respect which she deserved and because of it. You guys got the chance as well to yell at her whenever you feel like. and never treated her as human. And being naive and kind hearted she never said anyone anything. But today I'm standing with her. Her husband is with her. And I won't allow anyone',,I repeat I won't let anyone touch her. She is my wife. My proud ,my possession.. and if any of you tried to humiliate her or tried to remove her from my life. then surely he will face real shivaay Singh oberoi whom no one ever seen. Did you understand. Now move. Saying this he brush pass by grandma and left the house before grandma or any of another peeps of the house stop him.

Pinky Shakti stop your som. Ask him to not leave. Why are you guys silent. Ask him to stop. Grandma screams looking at pinky and Shakti hoping they would go behin their son and will bring him back. But no one moved from their places and stood there having content smile making her feel angry and helpless on the same time.

In the other side malika is not able to comprehend that be chose yet again anika over her . After doing so much " still he stayed firm with that bitch and infect left the house for her without giving damn to anyone not even grandma " who he respect alot. She had thoughts that after today " he will leave anika. Infect she had solid plan to separate them. But instead leaving her" he took her hand in his palm and left his own house. She closed her eyes suppressing her urge of breaking everything and then snapped at arsal " who is equally shocked with all this. He had full hope that today things will go in his favour. But nothing sort of happened like that. Infect seems like their lies literally made their relationship more solid.

On the other side

Shivaay is silently driving keeping hand on his temple while his arm is settled on the car window. Worry lines literally creased on his forehead showing how many things are going on in his brain. And about anika then she is silently sitting besides him sobbing or better to say having thick hiccups having her head down. Shivaay can understand what's going On in her brain. Whatever happened today. It literally traumatised for her. But he don't wanna talk about that with her not before asking her about divorce papers. Which apparently malika found with her signs. He wanna know that what does she think about their relationship" and what she wanna do ahead. With those thoughts he stopped the car infront of the hospital making his wife frown. Before she opens her mouth to ask " why they are here. He come out from the car and move towards her side.

Come let's go .. he held her hand and took her in.

Why are we here ??? She asked taking her steps fast. But instead answering her "he took her inside holding her hand tightly.

Shivaay Singh oberoi ... reaching towards reception as he took his name. Lady stood up leaving all her work and ask him to follow her. Seems like they were already waiting for them. Anika thought.

Good evening Mr oberoi doctor greeted him as they entered inside a cabin.

Can you check my wife's shoulder doctor. It's getting swollen. Doctor nods and requested anika to sit on the small bed and started examining her.

It's swollen badly mr oberoi. Doctor speak making shivaay worried and he instantly move towards his wife" who is sitting there closing her eyes feeling pain because of the little pressure doctor is putting on her wound.

I describe some medicines. They will help her to feel less pain. And some oinement with that " you have to massage her at least for five nights. So that her muscles relax and her swollenness loose. Doctor said grabbing his pen and paper to scribble his hand writing on it.

Don't worry I'll take care of her. Shivaay answered without looking at his wife " who's feeling so impatient to get his one gaze at her. Hit he is the one " who is not even giving her single glance and busy in conversation with doctor.

After some minutes when doctor done telling " how he has to take care of her. Shivaay just nods his head having stern face and slipped out from the room following by Anika behind like a lost puppy

In car

He open the car door for her and help her sit in it and not only that he had put seat belt around her. Anika can see he is angry on her. Bht still he is not forgetting to take faces of her and making sure to comfort her as much as he could.

Shivaya i .... She open her mouth to say something. But instead listening her he closed the door went towards driving seat and drove away from there.


Seeing him taking the turn in jungle type area made anika clench the seat. She gulp and look at him for explanation. Bht instead answering her. He is driving silently. Soon their car came to half infront of a big massive house surrounded by greenery and louds of tall trees . She have never seen such a beautiful house before. It's same like her dreams which she never predicted to get in real. But it's happening and she is watching it with her bare eyes.

Chief a tall man come running towards them and open the door for shivaay bowing his head down. Shivaay nod his head slightly and got down from the car following by anika "who didn't wait for him to open the door for her.

"Chief "I've arranged everything here whatever you asked for. Even the security have been tight around the area so that their shouldn't be any danger or something. You can stay here tension free. And if you need anything then let me know I'll take care of it. That same tall man said following Shivaay who entered inside the house trailing fingers on his forehead.

Hmm that's fine. You may leave now. He orders the guy " who obliged and left from there. As he left shivaay descend the stairs which led them towards sitting area and sat on the sofa holding his head.

Shivaay why Are you silent??? Why are you not talking me. Please say something. I can't see you silent. Anika sobs looking at her husband in hope " he would say something but instead speak he stood up and and About to head towards upstairs. But before he do " she clenched his arm stopping him.

Shivaay don't do this please. Talk to me. I can't see you quite like this. Please talk to me. She pleads sniffling holding his arm firmly expecting him to talk to her

Let me go anika. I need to freshen up. Finally he spoke but that also for leaving from there.

No shivaay yoh l can't leave before telling me " why are you angry. Why are you not talking me. I wanna know that what's bothering you. Why are you not talking to please. Let's discuss. Otherwise I won't able to be in peace. Let's talk. Seeing her ranting again and again he squeeze his eyes ands scream in loud voice making her gasp.

Is there anything left between us to discuss that you wanna talk to me anika. Just answer me. Do you consider me enough worthy that you wanna talk to me regarding our relationship. He shout holding her elbow in his arms giving her disbelief look as well as hurt which is dripping clearly through his cyan blue eyes.

.... Cliffhanger

Precap... shivaay ask anika did she sign the divorve papers.

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