Chapter 27

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What do you mean. Why are you saying this shivaay.  She  sniffles having tears in her eyes which are continuously rolling from her eyes making her vulnerable.

Why I'm saying this anika. You are asking for it. Today whatever happened " it's all happened because of that piece of paper " which you were hiding till now. And not only that. You had signed it as well. And you are saying why  "what  do I mean.   From last  two months "I've been trying to fix things between us. I'm trying my best to mend our relationship despite your disapproval. But  I don't think so even single day passed "when  you didn't ask me to let you go. I'd told you in clear language that I don't want us to get divorce. But I don't know "what got into you that not only you were ranting about it. Infect you already have done it. You had the papers all along with  you and you didn't even care to tell me. Anika for once tell me "what place I keep in your life. Why you are just keep hurting me with your ruthless behaviour towards me. 

Seeing him putting all the allegations on her" she free her elbow from his arm and step back  sniggering  with weeping eyes. 

You don't know that  Why I did I keep the  divorce papers with the sign. You are asking me shivaay. For mere few days only you saw me showing you little my ruthless side "  and you got offended as well as feeling heart broken. Then have you thought about me. Who's  been facing all this" since I've came into your life. I don't think so even single time  you appreciated me or showed me little affection. All the time I've been neglected and side lined by you. You never gave me the love " which a husband should do to his wife. I've always faced your harshness and negligence. You never treated me as your wife.   And you are saying  whatever happened today " it all happened because of me. ( she sneers ).  Then no it didn't happen because of me. Infect you are the main reason that people got chance to  speak about our relationship. If you won't had told everyone about our personal l life. Then no one  would had dared to speak about it  anything. But no you did. That's why now our marriage  has became laughing stock for  people. Whenever they feel like "they just talk about it and insult me like I've been criminal in all this.    (She sobs)You says that it's all my mistake. Yes you are right. It's my mistake. If I  would had taken action on the first place.  then surely I didn't have to face all this. But being naive and an idiot. I kept waiting for you to be change. I thought one day you will be different and will start loving me like your wife.   But I guess it ruined my three years of life and during that I lost my child as well. She chocked having thick hiccups  stumbling back making him gasp. He immediately grasp  her in his arms and try  scoop her in his arms. But she didn't let him and move back.

You always blame me shivaay you always do.  That's why " those papers were lingering in my cupboard. Because I knew that  you can never change your habit to hurt me.  And when next time you will do. I won't think twice to keep the papers infront of you and leave your life forever. Hearing her his chin quires and immediately pulled her in his arms  hugging her tightly. Before an hour he was feeling betrayed and what not. But after hearing her he had realised. He is the only one who persuaded her to kept the papers with her. He has done so many things bad with her that now she is not able to trust him and still believing that one day he will again leave her  stomping her heart  under his shoe.

Leave me shivaay. Let me go.  Leave me. She struggle to come out  from his arm. But he   Grasped her tightly in his  hold  kissing her head time to time soothing  her with his tenderness. 

I'm sorry Anns.  Im sorry for putting you in such situation. I'm so sorry baby ... he apologised again and again tightening his grip on her. But he knows sorry is just a word. He can never  erase the pain which has lingered on her heart and mind for life  time because of him. 

After  couple of minutes

Feeling him still hugging her she got awkward and try to break  apart. But he didn't let her and squeeze her more in his grip making hard for her to have breath. 

Shivaay let me go. I need to breathe. Hearing her he unwillingly  loosen his grip around her and immediately let her go.  But still his hands are resting on her arms. 

You ok baby. He ask  clearing her dry tears from her cheek.

I wanna go  for freshen up.  She said looking down fidgeting with her fingers.   Seeing her not looking at him made him feel like she doesn't want to talk to him anymore and wanna escape as soon as possible from there. So unwillingly he nods his head and shows her the way of room. Which she understood and left from there leaving him alone in big empty hall.  He sighs tiredly and sat on the sofa running his hands on his face.

You didn't do right thing malika.  You are playing with wrong person.  You don't know that what im gonna do to you. If I didn't  turn your life. in hell then my name is not shivaay Singh  oberoi. He thoughts in his brain gritting his teeth and immediately called  someone.

What have you done till now. didn't you get a single clue Against her . He shout  in his Raspy voice scaring other side of  the person.

I'm sorry sir ... but we are trying our best. Soon we gonna get  all the proves on our table.

Do fast. I can't see her walking around freely after doing so much. I want the result as soon as possible. Did you get that. He said in his raspy voice tapping his foot on the floor continuously in  restlessness .

Yes sir. As the other side of person answer shivaay cut the call and throw his phone on the sofa...

Count your days malika. Soon you will be behind the bars. He murmur clenching his chin in his four finger tips.

In the others side

After getting a good bath anika comes out running the towel in her hair. It was literally long day for her. It was so tiring and exasperated that she couldn't get time to breath even. . First was the function and then suddenly all that fiasco "which shook her deep down and made her so exhausted. She can try whatever she want. But her life can never be in peace. Always she will end up in some problems" which won't take name to get finish. That's why she tried to escape from all this. Even was ready to leave shivay as well. Whom she loves dearly" no matter what he done in the past.... But yet  again she got pulled back where she was standing... now neither she can leave nor she can stay. These thoughts wre roaming around her brain when suddenly she felt burning gaze at her. She flicker her eyes lashes and turn finding shivaay is sitting on the bed staring at her with soft gaze.

Shivaay you here ??? she whispering his name moving towards him with slow steps.

Yes I'm here. He held her wrist and gently pulled her in his arms settling her in his lap making her realise her state of dressing as well as their position.

Shivaay "she whispered looking at him intensely.

Yes ... he kept hand under her thigh which is covered with the towel and pulled her closer to him.

What are you doing. She asked Breathing heavily parting her lips making hard for him to not feel anything.

Just staring at my beautiful wife. Is there any problem. ?? Anika got crimson red hearing him and bent her head down not able to look into his eyes. He smiles seeing his shy wife and trace his fingers on her cheek tucking her wet hair back.

You know why I'd married you ,? He whispered still having his finger trailing on her cheeks gaining her attention.

Because when I'd seen you first time. I couldn't take my eyes off you. I couldn't bear the imagination of seeing you with someone else. I don't know but my heart urged me to marry you as soon as possible despite not knowing anything about you. You were stranger to me. I'd never seen you before. But still I felt so connected and I said yes to my mom without thinking once. I agreed " I was late to follow my heart lead. But I knew that no matter what happened. I won't let you go. You will stay with me forever. He smiles on his own words and placed a chaste kiss on her cheeks.

You are mine anika. Just mine. No one has right over you.i won't let anyone laid his eye on you. Never ever. He whispered rubbing his thumb on her lips sensually and pulled her in deep kiss cupping her face with his both hands resting his thumbs on her Cheeks. Goosebumps burst on his skin having her taste after so many days. He was yearned to kiss her... everyday he was dreaming to taste those lips. But he was holding himself back thinking she is not comfortable. But today he couldn't grasp his feelings and took her delicious lips for kiss.

Shivaay she breath heavily slightly pushing him away clenching his shoulders. But he shook his head and again took her lips. He started devouring them like he is hungry from ages for them. He slowly yank her closer and swirl his tongue inside her mouth taking good time to taste her. Her sweet and little minty taste made him feel heaven on earth. He just wanna keep devouring on it for lifetime. These thoughts were going on in his brain that suddenly phone started ringing making him annoy. He pushes the phone and Try to continue "but when phone didn't stop ringing anika break apart and stopped him kissing her.

Shivaay my phone. She says taking long exhales catching her breath.

I don't care. Saying this he dip his face in her neck and suck her skin but she again pushed him making him groan.

Let me see who's calling. Saying this she forcefully come out from his grip and get the phone. But next second she got pale when she saw the id. She
Bite her inner cheek and look at shivaay who got confused seeing her pale face.

Who's calling ??? He frown finding her not in good state.

Grandma.... She whispered making him rolls his eyes.

Cut the call. He instantly said without giving  damn to it.

But shivaay .... She try to argue. But he didn't pay attention to her and snatched the phone.

She's been calling as well. Infect whole family did "except mom dad. But I didn't pick it up. so I guess they are trying on you. But you won't answer them as well. Let them call. I know why they are doing it. I've listened them enough. Now they will see my stubbornness as well. Saying this he cut the call and throw the phone another side making her sigh.

Fine. .....she huffs and went in the dressing room to change her clothes where her numerous clothes are hanging. Seems like shivaay had already planned to bring her here. That's why her all necessity stuffs are there.


Your plan back fired malika. Because of you now I've lost the trust of anika as well. Atlest she was my good friend before. But now because of you. I've lost that as well. Arsal shout walking here and there rubbing his forehead in tension.

Stop blaming me alone ok.  You are not some child whom I just said something and you done it.
You are fuckin adult "who can understand everything.
Moreover it was never been about you and anika . It was about me and shivaay.  We were friends literally from  school. But now he has started hating me from out of no where.  that  also because of that bitch
Anika.  Since she has came in his life. He's been scooting away from me. Bht now he started hating me to the core  and don't even wanna see me. I'd thought that if I'll take you  in my plan. Then might things will work. But no you are fuckin so dumb that you have  ruined things more between us.  Now only one  thing have left to do. She said moving away from him having   Pure evilness in her.

What it is. ??? Arsal frown looking at her.

Anika has to die.   She will only leave mine and shivaay life "when she will leave this world .  As arsal heard her"He  burn in anger and in no time he held her both arms harshly  and pulled her towards him scaring his red eyes.

Dont even dare malika. Don't  even think to laid your hand  on anika. I won't let you do such things. She is innocent. She has done nothing to you.  You can separate her and shivaay however you want. I can be in that plan. But I won't let you harm her. Did you get that. Saying this he shove her away  giving her warning look.   Malika hissed like a snake and turn her face away still sticking to her plan to take anika's life whether this arsal join hand with her not. Anika surely will die. That's only good way to get shivaay in her life.

On the other side

Anika comes out from her room and started exploring the house which is  massive as well mesmerising . She is impressed by the interior and design  of the house. Seems like shivaay has specifically   Made it by his choice. Everything is full of perfection and aesthetic.

Suddenly she  yelp in surprise when  shivaay wrapped his arms around her waist and placed  tight kiss on her cheek. 

Did you like the house. ??? He asked nuzzling into her hair making her smile.

Yeah it's really  beautiful. She turns and kept her hands on his chest looking straight into his blue eyes.

I'm glad you liked it. He caresses her face with his back  palm  and peck her forehead making her close her eyes.....

Shivaay she calls his name breaking the moment. 

Yes " he asked hugging her tightly resting his chin on her shoulder.

What will happen now ??? She asked making him frown. He broke apart and tuck her hair back of her

What do you mean what will happen. Nothing will happen baby.  From now on we will have simple life.where me you and our children.  Other than that no one else.  He answered pecking her nose.

Children ??? She stutter.

Yes children. I can't wait to have family with  you Ann's.  I just want  some little one come in our life as soon as possible and fill up our empty   Space.  Anika didn't answer and kept her head on his chest closing her eyes.   He expected an answer from her. But she chose silent over it snd tighten her grip around him making him think that like she doesn't want babies with him.

You don't want us to have family anns. He stammers  holding his heart  in fear to hear something unwanted from  her mouth.

Shivaay I ......

Precap .............seeing shivaay introducing anika to people as her wife made malika boiled in anger and she ends up hurting  anika which make shivaay so furious that he slap her infront of everyone.

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