Chapter 28

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Shivaay " I didn't mean that. It's not the way you think. It's just I'm" afraid to face Same thing again. I don't want to find myself alone yet again like last time. I know how I'd felt" when I lost my child. And there's no one to hold my hand and assure me that he is with me. I was alone dipped in deep sorrow which was scratching my pain more and more. I I can't tell you how I was feeling to be on death bed trying to keep my conscious" so that I could plead god to not take my baby away. But god done whicn he wanted. He took my baby away and left me giving me this burden full life "which is making hard for me to lead every second. She whispered last word having difficulty to speak having countless tears in her eyes .

Anns " he whispered cupping her face lovingly and peck her Forehead breaking into tears.

I wish I could correct everything. I wish I would had stayed that day along with you instead listening malika. Might if I would had been there that day "then the weight of my guilt would had been little low. But I was such an idiot that I listened to that woman and left you alone to face all this. I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry. He join his Forehead with her and peck her nose weeping silently along with her...

I promise this time I'll be with you. No matter what happen. I'll stay by your side. And won't leave you for a second. Last time I was influenced by wrong people. And to be honest "I wasn't in good state. But this time " nothing sort of gonna happen like this. So stop thinking that I'll leave you yet again. Did you understand. saying this he held her elbow and pulled her in hug letting her cry her heart out feeling solace in his arms which she she never got ever before.

I love you Anns. I love you so so much. He expresses patching kisses on her head numerous times. Anika nods her head and closed her eyes thrusting her face into his neck while sniffling.

After sometime.

Shivaay  fill her plate with the food which he made and  speak excitedly. Here have this. And tell me how's it.

Anika smiles at him and take the bite of the food and In none second her eyes widen in amazed finding it  quite  nice.  Infect its tasty than she imagined.  She never thought that her husband can cook. As he never touched anything at home. Always she is the one who used to do his work and used to cook for him. But today "he amazed her by his cooking skill.

It's actually really nice.  I really liked it. Saying this she took spoonful food and shovel it making him smile brightly seeing her eating his hand made food.

I'm glad you like it.  He hold her hand and kiss it lovingly caressing it with his thumb. Anika always wanted them to be like this.  She always dreamt to have good times with her husband. But
In those years "somewhere she had lost the hope that  it will happen.  But maybe her destiny had another plan for her. and  now she is sitting with her husband enjoying his hand made food " that also specifically he made for her. 

Anns I need to talk to you. Anika who was busy in thinking "she comes back into the reality hearing her husband.

What is it ??? She whispered softly.

Actually my Friends are keeping the college get to gather. I mean my all classmates are gathering to have a good  time. So  if you don't mind. Will you come with me. He ask having hope in his eyes to hear yes from her mouth. Anika bite her bottom lips and immediately her thoughts went towards malika " who surely gonna be there and she hesitate to say spending.

Is everything alright. ??? He asked grasping her hand. 

Yes. It's fine. It's fine. I'll come with you. She says giving him tight smile "which didn't go unnoticed by him. No matter how much he is doing to get her trust on him. But somewhere  it always lack of.  She  still  hesitate to tell her heart out things to him . And suppress it instead  considering him to enough worthy to tell about her thoughts. 

That's great.  Be ready in evening. Anika nods her head and got busy in eating without letting him know about the thoughts going on in her head.

In evening

As usual she got ready according  to his taste. She is looking heavenly gorgeous in pink gown  having a butterfly on her  side  waist along with pink net gloves making herself irresistible.  Surely whoever gonna see her. He gonna fall in love with her instantly.

Wow "  she heard a gasp  from back making her alert her  husband is here. She turns and found him standing gawking at her without blinking his eyes.  He slowly travel  towards  her and rested his hands on her waist  pulling her closer.

You .... You are looking so gorgeous baby. He is having hard time to speak seeing the ethereal beauty standing infront of him. Anika blush and bend her head not able to handle her emotions"which are rushing inside her making  he radiant.

You are giving hard time to control myself Anns. He chin her up and try to take her pinkish lips in deep kiss. But she block his way keeping hand in between. 

You will spoil my makeup. So no kisses husband.  Hearing her " he formed his lips in pout and yank her closed making her gasp. 

Then make sure to remove the makeup at night. Surely I won't let you sleep today. Listening about his plans " she widen her eyes in shock  and got red in shyness.

Shivaayyy "she gasps. 

Yes shivaay ki jaan. He smiles and  nuzzle into her hair making her giggle. Suddenly she hissed when he  suck her neck skin  and left  a  hickey there.   Seeing a red spot on her neck made him smile and left his
Waist not before grabbing her hand in his palm.  

Now you are looking fully mine. Anika frown by his words " but couldn't understand what he said.

How ??? She asked while frowning. But instead answering "he grin and dragged her with him saying they are getting late for the party. 

In car

Time to time he is looking at his wife  not able to take his eyes off from her. Anika is saying to him to look straight on the road. But he is the one "who  is not able to control himself for not looking at his wife.  He is finding her most beautiful woman in the world right now. Surely his friends and classmates will be Jealous   For winning  lottery in the name of his wife. 

Shivaay we have been reached. She pointing towards a big door  Leaning on the  window letting her hair fly  aside. 

Yes we have been. He got in and park his car aside.

Let's go in. He got down from his side and run towards his wife and itself down the door for her like a true gentleman. Anika got crimson red and slid her  net  gloved hand in his  palm.

Shall we go  ???" he says intertwining his arms with her.

Yes let's go " she smiles and went inside along with him. 

In big garden side.

As they planted their feet in the party "all people's eyes travel towards them. Men just stopped  whatever they were doing and started gawking at anika making shivays clenched her waist tightly in possessiveness Seeing  others looking at his woman.

Shivaay" one of his friend Lucas come towards him and take him hug in greet. Slowly all people started gathering around him and meet him.  

Is she your wife.??? One of them said pointing at anika hoping to hear she is nothing to him. But soon  disappointment spread his face when shivaay introduced his wife. 

Yes she is my wife. My love of life. He possessively held her and  patched  a tight kiss on her forehead admiring her  beauty. 

Oh .... She is really really pretty.  The guy said still staring at her.  Now his constant gaze made anika  uncomfortable. She gave the guy tight smile and scoot towards shivaay more closer.she was in process to  come in comfortable zone " when suddenly her eyes landed on malika who is standing little far away murdering her through her eye seeing her with shivaay. The way she is clenching the glass tight  in her hands "surely any minute it gonna crush because of her hard grip.

Shivaay   Come inside.  Here louds of people wanted to meet you. One of his friend said  pointing towards the table "where some of his classmates  are sitting there.

Let's go baby. He hold  anika's waist and took her along with him . Malika who was standing in little distance "she follows them as well having pure hate for anika  to come here like this. She thought shivaay will be alone and she will able to talk to him. But no this bitch came with him and trying to  grab all the limelight.

You are ok right?? Shivaay asked his wife tucking her hair back. 

Yes I'm ..she smiles. 

That's good.  He trace his  thumb on her forehead and gave her a Soft   kiss. 

Wow seems like someone is deeply in love with his wife. Affan  his one of friend said seeing him busy witn his wife. 

Why won't  he ??? when his wife is  the prettiest. Saad  said  being spell bound by anika by her charming beauty. 

By the way malika why are you sitting idol. You didn't  talk at all since we have sat here. What happened to you. Why you seems so out of place. Sidra says gaining malika's attention "who was all busy staring at anika and the dark red spot on her Collarbone  predicting all their intimate encounters.

She is right. You didn't even talk to shivaay your best friend aka x boyfriend. Lucas winks giving her teasing smile.

She don't need to talk to me. As I'm not interested to do either. Moreover whatever happened in college it remained there only. . And I've moved on from ages. Didn't hang myself in those childish things. Shivaay stated side hugging anika looking straight at the malika "who grit her teeth and tighten her grip around the chair holder:s controlling her rage.

Wow seems like Someone had fight. Sidra smirk resting her hand on her mouth.

You Just shut up ok. Don't need to make unnecessary fuss about it. Saying this malika smack the drink on the table and left from there in anger giving reason to her classmates to talk about it. But during all this anika who was sitting silently. She didn't like the way shivaay answered everyone. She feels like still he is into her and she is being used by him to   to make her jealous. which made her felt little off. She is his wife but still his name is being attached with malika and it's not sitting well with her.

This is my favourite song. Come let's dance guys. Lucas pulled his girlfriend with him following with others and went towards the ground to dance leaving only shivaay and anika on the table.

She spoiled my mood. He murmured in low voice thinking anika didn't listen to him. But she did and now she is feeling regret to come here with him. She should had denied on the first place " when he asked her to come with him. But now it's too late and she is facing all this.

Hey where are you lost ??? You seems little off. Shivaay asked anika holding her hand in his grip.

I'm fine. She said softly and got up from the chair whilst shivaay follows her behind. She walk through the dancing group and about to head away. But he grasp her wrist and pulled her towards him making her gasp.

Will you dance with me wifey ... he smile kissing her forehead pulling her closer. Anika so wanna push him and wanna say that she doesn't want to do it. But seeing louds of people around her she dropped the idea and nods her head unwillingly. Shivaay got happy and slowly started swinging his body according to the music.

"Anika ""He calls her name gaining her attention.

Yeh "she said looking at him plainly.

You are feeling ok right. Since we have came you didn't talk to me properly. He asked tucking her hair back tracing his fingers on her cheek.

Shivaay can I ask you something ??? She said keeping her hands on his chest.

Shiv. Yes you can ask me anything. You don't need my permission for that. He smiles.

Did I come between you and malika. ??? Have I been smeared on your face when you were already in love with her. Hearing her he bewildered and immediately shook his head taking her face in his palm.

I don't love her. I did never. It was just childish for me to make her my Girlfriend. as i had thought "she will understand me more than any other girl. As she is my best friend and we been together from long time . But I was wrong. I was utterly wrong. I've been trusting her since we met. If thought no matter what happen. She would never want bad of me. But It wasn't true at all. She was hiding her evilness behind her smile. Which I've seen now. So don't even think that I've ever loved her. She was just my friend which she is not anymore. Now she is nothing but a murderer to me who killed our child. And surely I will make her pay for whatever she has done to us. Understand. Anika nods her head having tears in her eyes and hugged him keeping her chin on his shoulder.

Dont ever think that I've loved that woman. Anika nods her head and remain in his arms hugging him tightly.

After few minutes when she felt she is fine. She broke the hug and look at him with red puffy eyes.

You have spoiled the makeup. Shivaay smiles wiping her tears.

Oh I think I need touch up. She sniffles clearing her face.

Do you want me to come witn you. He smirk moving towards her.

No I'll go alone. She chuckle shaking her head and left from there leaving him feel empty without her. He sighs shaking his head and went towards his friend to have chat with them.


Anika is fixing her makeup when someone called her name from behind.

You are Shivaay's wife right. Anika turns and found a lady looking at her with fearful face.

Yes I'm. Anika says softly looking at her curiously

Hi I'm mavia. I used to study in same class with shivaay. She says forwarding her hands to shake with her. Anika smiles and do it without thinking once.

I just wanted to talk to you regarding malika. She is not the way she looks. She is really dangerous or better to say a psychopath who can harm anyone when things comes on her likes.

What do you mean. Anika frown looking at her curiously ....

I was Shivaay's friend. We used to go school together. And malika didn't like mine and his friend ship. She thought I'm taking him away from her and. ....

And ??... anika stutter.

And she threw me from the second floor of our school building. A fearful gasp left anika's mouth after hearing her. She can't believe whah she is listening from her mouth.

What??? She bewildered.

I couldn't do anything for her. As my family was not that wealthy as her. But I don't want you to face same like her. Just be careful anika and don't let her to do anything. I wanted to let you know that she is an evil. She can do anything in rage. So be careful and try to stick with shivay ad much as you can. Don't leave him alone specially when malika is around. That woman is a bitch. Anika paled and nods her head keeping hand on her mouth.

Than... thank you for telling me all this. And don't worry surely she will pay for whatever she done to you hmm. Mavia nods her head and hugged anika bursting into tears. Anika caresses her hair soothing and determined to tell shivaay about it as soon as possible before malika does something big.

Take care of your self. Anika pat her shoulder and immediately left from there in hurry fidgeting with her fingers.

On the other side

Shivaay is busy with his friends when he felt hand on his shoulder.

Anns you came ??? He asked turning his face thinking it's his wife. But his mood god sour when he saw malika instead her.

Shivaay "she smiles and kept hands on his chest moving towards him.

Why are you not talking me shivaay. Why are you being so rude to me. I've always thought good of you. Why are you not treating me good. I'm your best friend shivaay. I'm malika .... your malika who always stood besides you whenever you needed. I miss you shivaay.i miss you so much. She sobs and hugged him making all people shock with her move. They all make faces seeing her clinging with him without his will.

What are you doing malika leave me. Let me go. But instead leaving him she is tightening her grip around him more sobbing.

No shivaay please don't do this to me. I love you. I love you so much. Please accept me. Please she cry making hard for him to get himself out of his hold.

Just accept me shivaay. Just let that bitch anika go. She don't deserve you shivaay. She is not worth of you. Please understand that I'm the only one " who can keep you happy not anyone else shivaay. I love you I love you so much. Please accept me please. She rant continuously making herself vulnerable infront of everyone gripping shivay so tight.

What are you doing malika. ??Leaveeeee me for god same . Stop clinging with me like a leech. Shivaya used his full force and shoved her away making her stumble. But that didn't stop her and she again try to get grip on him. But before she do someone held her elbow and placed a nicest slap on her face making her fell on the floor with bleeding lips whilst everyone went in shock zone seeing the scenario.

Precap ....... Grandma is sick

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