Chapter 33

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Anika never thought that one day she will come on honeymoon with her husband. Since she got married. She always thought that their relationship is for time being. Anytime it gonna collapse. And her dream will remain dream for life time having a good life with her husband. But she was wrong.  Whatever she thought slowly slowly it's coming on right place. And her dreams are getting true.... She closed her eyes leaning her arms on the car door and feel the fresh air on her face making her feel bliss.

Seeing her happy" shivaay feel content in his heart. Finally she seems normal and genuinely happy. Otherwise since she got married with him. She faced problems only nothing else. His family ,  his friends and specially him "always caused her face grief.  She never  been in peace. But now he promise himself. He will not let her go back in her old pace. He will make sure that she never cry in her life time and she enjoy every moment of her life forgetting all the pain which she faced in her past.  Thinking about this "he  move towards her side and kept his chin on her shoulder making her stiff. She immediately turn and look at his face which is so near her  that she can feel his breath fanning on her cheeks. 

Shivaay .... She whispered his name having tint of smile. 

Yes baby. He wrapped his arms around her waist and placed soft kiss on her cheek.

Driver is here.  She eyes towards the driver who is busy in driving without sparing glance at them.

He is not looking at us don't worry. He says removing the tendrils from her face  caressing her cheek with his thumb admiring the beauty"  which belongs to him. And he can't be enough proud of that. He smiles on his own thoughts and kissed her corner lip which was enough for anika to  get straighten up and she slightly pushes him away settling properly on her seat looking here and there fidgeting  with her fingers in nervousness. 

She knows he is not intimating with her first time. They were full on sexually active. But still seeing his tenderness towards her making her feel jiggly inside. It's something different experience which is giving her butterflies in her stomach.

Are you nervous ha. He slowly slid his arms round her waist and yank her towards him. But she just glare him and  remove his arm.

Don't shivaay. We are not in the room.  She whispered having horrific expressions on her face.

Fine !!! Considering her comfortableness he stopped fidgeting with her and sat there wrapping his arm around her shoulder which she didn't mind at all. And sat there having content glint on her face which shivaay is finding  bliss to watch.

After sometimes

They reached on their destination and first thing shivaay done to help his wife to come out from the car. Who immediately left his hand and run inside to see the Magnificent scenery infront of her. Shivaay chuckle seeing  her excitement and decided to Make the workers understand about their work. He is busy talking with them. When his wife called him gaining his attention.

Ok that's fine. You may leave. He pat servant's shoulder and went towards his wife " who is standing In the garden which is on top of mountain. And she can see all the clouds while standing holding the railings.

Shivaay it's so beautiful. She smiles running her eyes all around in excitement.

Yes I know it's so beautiful. He whispered taking her in back hug nuzzling into her hair. Anika chuckle and turn her face looking at him with love " which he yearned to see from Last 8 months.

I'm glad you are happy Anns. He tucks her hair back and peck her small nose. Which turned little pink because of the cold.

Shivaay I'm feeling cold. Seeing him getting cosy with her in middle of the garden she divert the topic and suggest him to take her inside. Which he understood and pick her up in his arms making her gasp.

What are you doing shivaay. Put me down. She pat his shoulder to ask him to keep him back on floor. But he is not in mood to do that and took her inside.

You don't leave a chance. Don't you. She chuckle caressing his face.

Should I leave any chance to  be with my wife baby. He smirk and throw her on one of the sofa and come on top of her making her squeal .

What are you doing shivaay. She  laugh nervously "as he come on top of her looking straight into her brown big eyes.

What do you think what I'm doing. I've been waiting to doing this from ages. But couldn't get the chance. He whispered in his sexiest voice and suck her skin under her ear. Anika giggle and clutches his shoulders in her hands tight feeling ticklish.  he about to travel down and take her top off from her shoulders. When suddenly a security guard came inside making anika widen her eyes. She immediately pushed shivaay away and sat up straight fixing her clothes.

I'm im sorry sir. I I didn't mean to barge in like this. I just want You to come and check the security system with your eyes. So that we could approve it. Shivaay felt so angry and annoyed with his sudden appearance. But then hearing about the security system. He calmed down and nods his head.

Fine you go. I'm coming. He answered trailing fingers on his forehead.

Yes sir.the guard nods his head and walked out. As he went shivaay pulled his wife in his lap and kiss her cheek.

You must be tired right. Go and freshen up. Till then I'll sort out the things. Ok. Anika nods her head and gave him quick hug.

I'll be back soon. He place a tight kiss on her lips and left from there unwillingly. He so wanna stay with her all the time. But he has to be little vigilant about the security as well. He can't put his wife in danger because of his desires. Thinking about this " he gave her quick glance and walked out from there.

I should freshen up. Anika murmured and left to take a good long bath.


Before an year. She had lost the hope that she will have future with shivaay. Always she thought that something gonna happen and he will ask her to leave the house. And then she will be left nothing but with empty hands. She had no hope in this relationship. The way her husband was ignoring her and Time to time used to give importance to his friend over her. She always predicted that soon the day will come ,,when he will say that  he loves malika and he wants her to leave him as soon as possible. But now it's feels like nothing but a nightmare. Which got over and now she is with her husband. Who seems to be in love with her over heals. Now she can't wait to have a good life with him forgetting their past. She agreed the past will never leave her. And she will always remembered whatever  she faced. And specifically losing her child. It can never be forgotten. But she can't let her sorrows come over her happiness. She will try her best to mend their relationship and stay happy. Otherwise she knows. If she kept bringing their past between them. Then she will be end up dying or in deep depression which will consume her slowly slowly. These thoughts are lingering in her brain that when she felt burning gaze at her from little far away . She tilt her neck and found her husband is standing in the door staring at her without blinking his eyes.

Someone is looking fresh. He goes towards her pulls her closer holding her waist.

I just took bath. She says bending her head down in shyness.

You should had waited for me. Water would had wasted less. He whispered in her ears making her widen her eyes.

You are becoming so bold day by day Don't you. She asked wrapping her arms around his neck.

You haven't seen my boldness wifey. If I came on my real self na. Then you will forget to see day light. He chimed in his thick voice making her widen her eyes.

Shut up and cook something for me. I'm hungry as hell. My stomach is grumbling with hunger.

Fine. Let me take bath. Then I'll cook you a delicious meal. He peck her forehead and about to head towards bathroom but yet again came back making her gasp.

If you want you can join me. He sniggers  holding her waist.

Shut up and go. She pushes him and run away from the room. Before he holds her again and take her in the bathroom to have one more shower.

In kitchen she comes inside and decided to cook food itself till he comes out. The way she is tired. He must be as well. So she really don't want to bother him and itself decided to cook a light lunch. She opens the fridge and get the already cooked chicken out along with salad stuffs to make sandwiches. She is busy in her work when her phone started ringing. She look at the I'd and found pinky is calling. She smiles and immediately picked up the phone excited to talk to her mother. But next second she got tensed when she heard grandma instead pinky's voice from other side.

I knew that you will pick up her call. That's why I decided to use her phone to call you. You must be happy after getting my grandson in your trap don't you. You have played so well to get him wrapped around your fingers. But let me tell you " it's for few days only . Soon he will be back to his  family and will itself divorce you. Hearing her anika grit her teeth and without any fear speak in louder voice.

It's enough grandma. You have done enough in past with me. But now i won't let and shivaay are happy with each other. And being his grandma ,,you should be happy as well in his happiness. But seems like you are highly bent to separate us. so that you could bring your so called favourite malika in your house. But sorry for bursting your bubbles. That's won't happen. My shivaay loves me only. And he won't come into your bullshit and leave me. It will be better " if you accept that shivaay wants to be with me. And if you can't then I don't care either. after all shivaay is not in mood to shift back in oberoi mansion. He is happy to stay separate with me and our future children. I wish you a really healthy life ahead Grandma and kindly stop being evil in your own grand son's life. Saying this she cut the call and throw her phone on the counter feeling hell angry on grandma who dared to threaten her like this.  Before  she used to respect her and never raised her head infront of her.  no matter what she does or say. But now she is enough of her bullshit. If she doesn't accept her as her daughter in law. Then it's her choice..  she doesn't care also. As long as her husband is with her.

Ann's. Hearing her husbands voice she turns and  found him looking at her  out of curiosity....

Shivaay ". She whispered his name and immediately plaster smile on her face deciding to not tell him about her and grandma's  conversation. Shivaya got little suspicious. But then he dropped the idea of asking her and move towards her.

What are you cooking??? He  says excitedly sliding his arm around her waist.

I thought to make  a light lunch for us. And then we can have little heavy in dinner. Hearing her he nods his head and wrapped his another arm as well  around her.

You did good. As I've already planned dinner out for us. He says  nuzzling into her hair closing his eyes.

Where are we going ???? She ask looking at him with questioning gaze.

That's surprise. So sorry wifey.  I'm not gonna tell you where are we going.

But shivaay. She made puppy eyes  thinking it would work on him. But he shook his head and speak.

These eyes won't work on me darling. So don't try it. Anyways let me help you to make lunch. Then we will eat together in the lawn. Anika nods her head and both got busy in cooking.

At night

Anika comes in her room after spending her time in the garden and stopped in the door when she saw a dress is neatly laying on the bed as well as all the accessories going with it along with shoes. As per as she remembers shivaay didn't leave her for a second. then who has arranged all these. But then she shrug her thoughts thinking " might he asked someone to do it for him.  After all he is a shivaay Singh oberoi. And he can do anything. With those thoughts she gets in and  pick up the dress. Which instantly catches her eyes. He surely chose it according to her taste. And she has liked  it very much. She bite her inner cheek controlling her smile and decided to get ready before he comes and ask her to hurry up.

After half an hour

She managed to get ready with minimum make up and now she is standing infront of the mirror checking out herself. She's nervous and excited on the same time. It's first time they are going out. And it's causing her have different kind of feelings gushing inside her.  She hopes everything goes perfect not like everytime leaving her heartbroken. Before few days only she was happy to go on the party with her husband.  She had thought that finally she will able to enjoy a normal function. But then his friend came over and spoiled everything. So Now she doesn't want to face same situation. She hopes" his surprise gives her a good memory not tears like always.

Anika let's go baby.  Hearing her husband's voice she come out of her daze and blink her eyes removing all the negative thoughts and decided  to enjoy the time with her husband. Which she  barely got in their relationship. She  fix her hair and left the room. 


Shivaay just forgot to take his eyes off from his eyes.... She is looking more beautiful than he imagined. The dress suited her so well. Surely his choice is best. Whether in choosing woman or clothes. God has blessed him with everything.  

Shivaay. Shall we leave??? She asked standing infront of him fidgeting with her fingers. Shivaay  who was lost in her beauty he managed to come  back on the earth and he   Instantly wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer.

Yes we are going.  He dipped his face in her neck and gave her open mouth kisses making her gasp.

Shivaay she breath heavily seeing her husband behaving  like that.

Yes baby ,, he  kiss her under her ear and look at her face having loads of desires in his eyes which she is not able to disguise.

Shall we go.   She again asked softly resting her hands on his shoulder.

Yes let's go. He remove his one arm and another one he wrapped around her and   Took her along with him. 

Whole way he couldn't take his eyes off from her. Time time he was watching her. If his one eyes was on the road then another one was on his gorgeous wife which is making him feeling proud on himself for having him with.

Shivaay look ahead. You will do accident. She nudges him holding his palm.

Don't worry. I won't do any accident. He intertwined his fingers with her  and peck her fingers. Anika blushes ans turn her face away out of shyness.

Soon after fifteen minutes of drive they managed to reach on their destination and shivaay helped his wife to come out from the car like a true gentleman. Anika slide her hand in his palm and got out of the car. But next second an unbelievable gasp left her mouth when she saw the scenario infront of her. It's looking nothing but a fairy land. Her husband surely has taken time to surprise her everything. Her eyes beams having a bright smile and look at shivaay who seems happy  seeing his wife's reaction.

Shivaay ,, she look at him with happy tears and wrapped his arms around his neck feel spell bound. It's exactly the way she wanted. Not too  much arrangement. But simple with candles  a big green tree along with water running near by. It's seems a peaceful place where she and only him are there. They don't see anyone around them.

Did you like it Anns.  ??? He asked hoping she liked his surprise.

Yes I did she broke apart snd kissed him unexpectedly. which he didn't predicted to get from her. But  when he is  getting then he is on top of the world. He smiles between their kiss and open his mouth to give her access to kiss him however she wants.

Come let's go. He really didn't want to be get apart. Bht keeping his desires asides " he decided to enjoy the date with his wife first. He doesn't want to rush the things to make her feel like  he  just done all that to get her under him. He want tomake it special and wanna make her feel important. So  keeping his desires aside he held her hand and took her towards the table.

My lady ",,, he pulls the chair and made her sat on it and then took his seat on his side without taking his eyes off from his wife who's looking breath taking beautiful.

What ? Why are you smiling. She chuckle seeing him staring at her continuously and smiling like an idiot.

It's just I'm crushing on my own wife that's all. He says intertwining his fingers with hers resting his elbow on the table.

We have been married for almost 4 years remember....

Yh I know that. But now only I've started cherishing. So it's all new for me. He says kissing her palm rubbing his thumb on her fingers.

I know it's too late. I should had done it way too long ago. But still I wanna apologies for everything which you face because of me. I'm sorry anns. Im so sorry for everything. I apologise for all the tears which you shed because of me. I'm sorry for all the moment when you needed me the most and I wasn't there. I seek forgiveness from your for all my rudeness and harsh words which I said to you. I just wanna make up for everything. I promise I will give you everything which you missed in your life . I'll keep you so happy that you will forget all the sorrows and pain. But just be with me ok. Never ever think to leave. I will die without you. And it's not just words. I'll surely die. Anika shook her head and immediately goes towards him and hugged him settling in his lap.

Don't shivaay. Don't talk about death. I can't lose one more person whom I love so much. Just don't say that you will die. Just don't. She sobs hugging him tightly keeping her chin on his shoulder.

I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. I won't talk about death. He rubs her back and place a tight kiss on her neck holding her tightly in his solace.

Precap ........ anika heard him talking about malika with somsone

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