Chapter 34

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Anika giggle laying on the sand besides her husband having her head on his chest while their legs are entangled staring at the shining sky " which is looking so beautiful filled with countless stars.

No I'll be the shining one shivaay ... see there. I'll be that one. She says pointing towards the star which is shining so Bright among all other stars .

Yes you are star. My star. Who brought light in my life and made me realised how many things I've been missing in my life. He says in his intense soft voice looking at her beautiful face. Anika get quiet and turn her face away not meeting her eyes with him. Shivaay can see how she is feeling shy with his remarks . Even in dark he can see how blood rushes towards her cheek as he said those words. He smiles and slowly. Get up putting weight on his elbow and lean on her removing the tendrils from her face.

We've been together since four years. But whenever I say you something you blush like roses. He whispered placing kiss on her cheek softly

Shivaay,,, she whispered his name and try to get up but before she does " he comes on top of her and Pinned her on the cold sand.

You won't go. I won't let you leave me this time. He mumbles in his sexiest voice gave her open mouth kisses on her chin. Anika closed her eyes and bite her bottom lip in anticipation. I can't tell you how much I've been controlling myself baby. He rubs his thumb on her cheek bone and yet again placed a kiss near her lips

Shivaay " she whispered his name and immediately latched her mouth with him giving chill down to his spine. He immediately held her face in his both hands and started sucking yer lips like his life depend on it. He is feeling desperate for her touch. It's feeling like " he's been missing this pleasure since Ages. and he craved for it like a human needed water to survive. He wanted it so badly. But because of her comfort " he was holding himself. But when today she is itself approaching him and she is ready to submit herself to him. then why the hell he would think to pull off and withdraw it. With those thoughts " he held her neck in his large hand and gave her long sucks making her breathless. Anika so wanna continue it. But lack of oxygen forced her to nudge his shoulders to stop. Which he unwillingly did and started placing kisses on her jaw to neck rubbing his thumb on her chin. Anika moans and held his shoulders in her tight grip feeling herself losing infront of him.

Shivaay we are outside. Shivaay anyone can come. She managed to speak between his torture on her.

No one gonna come here. He sheathes in his hoarse voice take his destination down to her neck to chest. He take advantage of her arm less dress and suck her each and every area of her chest.

Shivaay " she cry when he bit her skin and a big dark spot he left there. But soon he soothes it licking with his professional tongue. Suddenly anika gasp when she felt his hand on his breast and in no time it's been left naked infront of his eyes by him.

God I missed them. I missed them so much. He mould with his large hands and then replace it with his mouth sucking it like child. Eventually Anika held his hair and pushed him more to give him access to assault her breast.

Shivaay after few second when she couldn't control her excites "  she pulled him up and kiss him again which was last string for him to control himself and he immediately started working on his own clothes during the kiss. Soon their clothes have been removed by him or better to say torn and he yet again took his place on top of her.

I can't wait enough baby. He whispered in her eyes breathing heavily slowly settle between her legs making her finch feeling his hard rock cock on his sensitive core. She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes. Feeling her little nervous he speaks delightful words in her ears and soothe her.

Everything will be fine. I'm here... I'm here. Saying this he slowly held his shaft and pushed inside her making her hissed little. It's been almost a year they had sex last time. and now she is feeling difficulties having him fully inside her. But his soothing words and soft kisses done magic on her and she asked him to proceed. Which he obliged like an obedient husband and started thrusting in her slowly but gradually.....

It's fine. It's fine. He caresses her hair and kiss her sweaty forehead looking direct into her needy eyes. He smiles massaging her scalps little and move in and out stretching her inside. After almost 2 minutes when he felt ,,she is ready to take him fully in. He forced himself and took his pace which made her feel fits of joy inside her. She clutches his shoulder and started ranting for more. Seeing her Demanding" a proud smile sat on his lips and he started giving her heavy thrust taking her in another world of pleasure. Where she just want him no one else.

In morning

Anika yawn and toss on the bed  trying to hide her face feeling piercing rays of sun. But it's too bright for her to continue her sleep and unwillingly she open her eyes.which was blur for few second but afterwards when her vision clear she got panic finding herself in unknown place. She gasp and sat up straight looking around like a child who got lost in the crowd.

Where's this place. She mumbled looking around trying to figure out "which place it is. But she is not able to recognise anything. Fear sat in her thinking might she's been kidnapped. But as per as she remembers " she was with shivaay. And they had moment on the beach. ( blood rushes towards her cheek even in her frightened state. ). Then how come she came here. She exhale a frightened breath and about spring up from the bed when a large hand stopped her to get up. She slowly raise her head up and found her husband is standing shirtless with water dripping from his hair looking all handsome and irresistible.

Shivaay "" she stand up on her feet and immediately hugged him tightly resting her chin on his shoulder.

Oh thank hod you are here shivaay. I thought I've been kidnapped.

What kidnapped ??? He chuckle and broke the hug looking at her face amusedly.

I didn't see you around. And on top of that this place is unknown. So I'd got scared. She chimed in her fearful voice earning a melodious laugh from his mouth.

Oh Anns you are so cute. How can you thought that I would let anyone even take you like this. Don't forget your husband is shivaya Singh oberoi. And without my permission. No one can touch your hair even. He whispered near her mouth and peck her lips. Anika blushes and hugged him again closing her eyes being so near him.

By the way. Last night was best night of my life. I can't tell you how much I've been craving to touch you. He smiles placing kisses on her forehead.

Yes obviously it was best. After all mr oberoi's fantasy of having sex under the open sky got fulfilled. Shivaay chuckle and tuck her hair back taking her face in his palms.

You don't know how many things I've planned for us. This was just a demo. He winks making her have gasp in fear. Shivaay snigger seeing her cute expressions and placed a tight kiss on her forehead.

I've got an adorable wife. Didn't I. He whispered in his soft voice removing the tendrils from her forehead getting good view of her beauty. Anika bite her lip in anticipation and bent her eyes not able to continue looking into his blue oceanic eyes.

By the way someone is looking so sexy in my shirt. As she heard his words. She look down and got shocked finding herself in his shirt which is barley covering her butt cheeks. She gaped and about to pull the shirt down to cover her legs. But he didn't let her and in no time he pick her up in his arms making her sequel.

Shivaay what are you doing. Bht instead answering her he grin and put her on the bed and  come on top of her making her breathless

Shivaay you are wetting me I mean drenching me with your wet hair. She stutter trying to shove him away but he just Hold her one arm and pinned it above of her head.

Where did I wet yoy baby. Let me see. He smirk and slid his another hand between her legs. Anika try to close her thighs denying to give him accesses. But he didn't let her and In no time placed his hand on her core and started rubbing her numb with his thumb drawing circle around it making her have delightful Moan. Suddenly she exhale a long breath "when he slid his two of fingers inside her and started moving it like a processional. She immediately arch her back thrusting her face into the mattress feeling weak on her knees and part her legs throwing it either side. Seeing her enjoying his touch a naughty smile appeared on his face and he started pleasuring her with his expert fingers.

Shivaay I'm going to cum shivaay she cry feeling ecstatic and about to let go herself "when he remove his fingers and placed his mouth on it making her yelp in surprise. Her shame is long gone and she immediately kept her both hands on his head pushing him more while her legs are on his shoulders.

Oh yes shivaay mmm oh yes baby. Growl left her mouth feeling his tongue flickering around her pu*** making her wet down there.

Oh yes shivaay fuck me please I need you. Hearing her he tear apart from between her legs and immediately demand her to go on her legs and arms. Which she obliged and did whatever he's ordered.

You are good girl. Aren't you anns . He placed a small feathery kiss on her shoulder and shoved inside her. This time he is rough and hard on her" not like last night "when he was too careful to hurt her. His thrusts are urgent and full making her yelp in pleasure as well as pain. She wanna scream to stop. But on the same time she wants him to continue as well. Which actually shivaay enjoying and continue his pace until he didn't unloaded inside her.


After sometime a

I love you anns " he whispered kissing her back while laying on the bed besides her. Anika slowly turn her face and look at him drowsily.

I love you too ""she rest her face on his chest and place a peck there. Shivaay let out a small chuckle and pushed her hair back getting good view of her beautiful face.

You are prettiest woman I've ever seen. He expresses his feelings kissing her forehead.

I know that. She giggle and got cosy with him snuggling with his naked body. Simultaneously Shivaay wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer looking out side enjoying the sun set.


After spending full one month in their honeymoon spot. They came back home and now it's been five month of them in their own house. Now anika has started living tension free. All the fear of losing him has gone. It's feeling like" all the bad cloud has faded away from her life and now she is travelling on good pace of life. And it will be surely continued until shivaay is with her. Those months she had realised how much her husband loved her. And she is the only woman he cherish in his life no one else. She agreed their past was not pleasant. They were going on bad pace. But now it's gone and now things are getting smooth every second making her life nothing but a bed of flowers. 

Ann's " someone calls her name bringing her back to earth.   She turns and found her husband entered having bouquet of flowers "which is his routine to get for her whenever he comes back from his work. 

Anns" he calls her name again and take her in tight hug making her chuckle.

Shivaay" she whispered his name and inhale his fragrance which she missed whole day.

I missed you. She mumbles hiding her face in his crook.

I missed  you too sweet heart. I missed you so much.  Saying this he place three four kisses on her cheek and then crouched down resting his hand on her baby bump.

And I missed my babies as well. He caressed her bump and place a kiss on it forming her cheeks  into red.  She caresses his head and  hold him to get up. 

You are fine right.  Is there somewhere paining. He  asked helping her to settle  on the bed.

Yes I'm fine don't worry. She smiles caressing his cheek. 

Glad to hear that my little babies didn't tease mama whole day.   He rub his thumb on her belly and  kiss her temple.  He remembers how she had cried"" when she had got to know about her pregnancy. She was literally freaking out thinking about it. If he won't had been there.  then till now" she would had drained herself while crying. But he consoled her and gave her assurance that he is with her and no one can harm her or their child. Last time he wasn't with her. Or better to say he was blind in stupid friendship that he didn't realise how big  mistake he was doing. But this time he won't do it. He will make sure that  he keep his wife and child safe.   No one can touch even a single hair of her. So she shouldn't worry about that. Which actually worked and she stopped worrying about it and in actual she started enjoying her pregnancy and now she is almost five months pregnant and why won't she when he had her one first day only. ( he felt proud on himself ). 

Shivaay  did you do dinner. Shall we go out and eat. Hearing her He so wanna deny because of her likeness towards unhygienic food " but seeing her cute face he couldn't do it and nods his head.

As my highness says. Let me change my clothes and then we will go dinner ok. He kisses her hand and left to get in Casual clothes while anika  decided to change her clothes as well into some baggy so that no one would recognise her pregnant

After sometimes

He comes out and found his wife is sitting on the bed waiting for him. And she's already been changed in new pair of clothes. 

Shall we go baby.  He says keeping hand on her back.

Yes. She kept her both hands on his palm and stood up with the help  of him.

Carefully ok. Anika nods her head and they both left for dinner. 

In restaurant.

Here come sit. He  pull the chair for her and then itself make her sit.  After that he take itself seat on near by chair.

So what you wanna eat. He says opening the Menu card infront of her.

You know that what I'm gonna have. She grin making him chuckle shaking his head.

Yh of course. Saying this he Raise his hand and order the waiter. Who instantly come towards them and  started talking  their order.

One large pizza and one chicken Parmesan along with margarita and pinna colada and plate of fries. . He  orders looking at his wife. Who is looking around like an adorable child.

And please put extra jalapeños and chicken on my pizza ok. Anika immediately interrupted as waiter turn to leave.

Ok mam!! Saying this he left from there.

You won't  stop eating spicy don't you.  Shivaay chuckle  tucking her hair back.

It's not my demand. It's baby's demand. She pout acutely caressing her bump .

Oh Anika "" he laughs seeing her cute face and got up to kiss her lips " when his eyes fell on the people,, whom he didn't expect to see at all there.

Precap ..... grandma is sick and anika ask shivaya that he should go home and check upon her once. After all she is mother of his father.

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