Chapter 35

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God anika you are so cute. He chuckle moving towards his wife and about to capture her lips " but instead kissing her he stopped in mid way finding his cousin brother standing with his wife.

Om " he whispered his cousin name making anika frown and she immediately turn her neck to look back.

Bhai ,, om padded towards them fastly and take shivaay in hug while anika has been taken by gouri.

I missed you bhai. Why did you stop coming home. Om ask breaking apart from his brother keeping his hands on his shoulders.

You know that why I stopped coming. Grandma was against my wife. And I couldn't tolerate to stay in that house where my wife didn't have any respect.

I can understand bhai. It's your life. You can spend however you want. By the way how are you. ??, you seems more energetic than before. Om says patting his shoulder.

Surely I'm. After all I've got what I wanted. Shivaay smiles taking his wife in side hug placing a chaste kiss on her forehead.

Wait a second anika ,, are you pregnant. Hearing gouri,, smile faded from anika's face and she look at shivaay worriedly.

It's ok ... he assures her rubbing her arm softly.

Yes she is. We are expecting our child. Shivaay announced making om squealed in happiness.

Oh bhai I'm so happy for both of you. Om yet again take him in hug Making shivaay chuckle.

Thanks. Anyways come have seat with us. He held anika's hand and made her sit besides him while om and gouri sat on the other side.

So tell me what you wanna have. ??? I'll order it for  both of you . Shivaay ask looking at om and gouri.

Whatever you ordered. Ordered same for us. Om speaks holding his wife's hand.

Yh sure. Shivaay waves for waiter and placed same orders as theirs. After waiter departure. They are talking about random things when om speaks.

Arrr bhai " grandma is sick. She's been hospitalised for a week. Yesterday only we brought her home. To be honest she misses you a lot. All the time she asks for you. Om hesitate to tell him " but then he told the whole matter to him. Shivaay sighs and lean on the chair folding his arms.

I know that she is sick. Hearing him anika widen her eyes and look at him shockingly. As per as she knows. Her husband loves his grandma dearly. And if she used to get sick in the past. Then he was the one who always used to stayed with her and take care of her. But this time he is behaving like " it's some normal thing.

But I don't wanna come home. I don't want my children to be in danger yet again because of her stubbornness.thats why I didn't come neither talk to her. He completed his sentence interlocking hand with his wife ...

But bhai she is serious. She is not well since you are gone. I would suggest you to come home for once. Om try to argue. But one glare from shivaay made him quiet and he shook his head.

Can we not argue about this topic anymore. Shall we,, I really don't wanna talk about it. shivaay chimed sternly without having expressions on his face.

As your choice bhai. Om made disappointed face and then decided to not ask him same question again and divert the topic with his work.

After two hours

They come home and shivaay directly took his wife in their room. Where he helped her to change her clothes and then he tuck her on the bed.

You sleep. I've some work to finish. He peck anika's head and about to head away but she stopped him clasping his arm.

Shivaay " she calls his name making him turn his face towards her.

Yes baby. Do you need anything. Is something wrong. Is there somewhere paining. He asked softly rubbing his thumb on her  womb.

I'm fine.  Just sit with me for few seconds. She interlocked her fingers with him and make a space besides her for him to sit there.

Shivaay she clasped his both hands in hers and settle properly  on the bed taking a soft breath.

I I think you should go oberoi mansion.  Hearing her" Shivaay's worry lines faded which had formed because of her add behaviour. Now he get it " why she was behaving like this. Surely she wants to convince him to go to his house and check on his grandma. 

Why I should I go oberoi Mansion. I don't think so anything is there which has left for me.   Anika shook her head and  kept her hand on his face rubbing her thumb on his  beard.

Shivaay your parents are there. Your family is there. Moreover your grandma is sick. And I really don't want your family think that I'm binding you with me and taking you away from them.  So I would suggest you to go and meet them. 

No I'm not going. In past whatever grandma done to you.  I really don't wish to see her again. For me you are more important than anyone else.  I just want you to be save along with out children. And about mom and dad then I meet them often.  So you don't worry about them. And stop stressing yourself.

But shivaay I don't want you to regret later.  She insisted looking at him sadly.

I won't regret for anything until you and my children are safe. I jisr want you to be protected and sound nothing more. Hmm. Now stop thinking about others. And sleep  ok. He cups her face and gave her a tight kiss on her lips then her cheeks and forehead.

Then sleep with me. Shivaay  open his  mouth to denying. But seeing her face " he couldn't and nods his head.

As you say. He peck her head and slid besides her taking her in his arms.  Anika rested her head on his chest and started playing with the buttons.

Erm if you want I can come with you. I promise we will sit there for  few minutes and will come back.   Moreover it's not  like they know about my pregnancy.  I will wear such clothes that they won't able to find out.  Infect I'd taken promise from gouri to not tell anyone and she said she and om won't do it. So what's the worry about. 

But Annie. He try to argue. But she made puppy eyes making him sigh in defeat.

Fine we will go. But just for  few minutes after that we will come back ok. Anika smiles happily and  attempt to kiss his cheek but he instantly turn his face and taken on his lips having mischief grin.

Shivaya she hits his chest fake glaring him. But  instead taking her anger " he pulls her closer and started placing kisses on her whole face making her giggle.

In morning

As per as her request they got ready. Shivaay made sure that she isn't looking pregnant. He really doesn't want anyone  put bad eye on her or their children. Already  they have faced a big tragedy like this in the past. And he really don't want to experience that again. He wants their baby to be fit and fine.  He agreed last time he wasn't with her.  She was alone to face all that. But this time he is. He will make sure that he keep his children protected and no one can harm them at all.  With those thoughts he put shoes in her feet and then help her to stand up.

Let me see. He look at her tip to toe and nods his head.

You are looking great. Come let's go. He wrapped his arm around  her  waist and left the home.

In oberoi mansion

Whole clan is busy  doing lunch when suddenly pinky's eyes fell on the door " where she found shivaay and anika standing holding each other hands.

Shivaay anika " she immediately left her lunch on the table and run towards them beaming like a child. In no time she reach near them and engulfed them in tight hug making anika smile.

Oh god I missed my children. She caresses their heads  and places kisses feeling herself in heaven after getting glimpse of her kids.

Shivaay ,,grandma speak in her tired voice because of sickness and stood up on her feet with the help of her walking stick.

Om immediately comes to her side and help her to walk towards the door.

Shivaay,,she sobs and take him in hug resting her head on his chest.

I missed you my child. She cry holding him tightly in her hold.

I'm right here grandma. He caresses her back and place kiss on her head.

Why did you leave your old grandma like this. Do you know how much I've missed you.   I used ro call you every day. But you  didn't even bother single time to pick it up.   Why are you so angry on your grandma. 

I'm not angry on you grandma. If I would had then I won't had came here on the first place.  Grandma smiles and  break the hug cersssing his face with her wrinkled  hands.

You look so thin.  Seems like someone didn't bother to take care of you.   She shot glare at anika who divert her eyes very well knowing that she still doesn't like her.

I'm fine grandma. I'm good.  Anyways come let's get in. It's not good for you to stand like this.  He side hug her to take her " while anika followed him Behind with pinkh and other people. 

Anika you are looking more prettier than before.  Your skin is glowing.   Pinky expresses caressing her face. 

It's not normal glow pinky aunty. It's p.... Gouri about to say more but om immediately stopped her clasping her hand giving her death glare. 

I mean bhai must be taking care of her very well.  She completed her sentence feeling to smack her head for blowing out everything. When specifically anika had said to her not tell anyone about it.   

I'm going to get something for you all. She passed nervous smile to everyone and escaped from there before she blubber one more thing from her out spoken mouth. 

Shivaay malika is still missing. they couldn't find her anywhere.  That poor soul has disappeared like she never existed.  Grandma chimed making sad voice. 

Maybe it's her deeds fruit grandma.  Whatever She's done to my wife and child. I think it's nothing whatever happened to her. Shivaay answered feeling unbothered about the women " who was his friend once.

She was your friend shivaay. How can you talk about her like that. Stop blaming her for other people mistakes on her.  You and me you both know how did your baby died.  She  scoffs glaring anika making shivaay shake his head in disbelief.

You still didn't forget to hate my wife " didn't you. He says grounding his teeth in rage.

Why won't I not hate her. When she always been cause of bad things in this house. That's why I've been telling you to leave her. But you are the one" who didn't pay head to me and infect left the house with her.  Shivaay closed his eyes tight in anger and stood up making everyone tensed feeling atmosphere heating up.

That's why i didn't want to come.  I knew that she will start her drama again.  But you pressurised me anika saying " she is my Grandma and I should care about her. But see what's she doing here.   Come let's go. We can't stay here for a second more. Let's go. He March towards his wife and held her hand in his palm for leaving. 

You are not  going again shivaay. You are not leaving your grandma like this. Grandma Cries making shivaay grit his teeth.

I'd came here because of my wife. She was the only one who insisted me to meet you. As she didn't want any of you think that I don't care about my family despite my denial. As I  knew that what drama you gonna create. I very well knew that you will again start ranting  your hatred for my  wife.   And look same thing happened. You are again trying to convince me to leave my wife. But it won't happen grandma. I won't let her. She is my wife ,my pride. And any of you can't convince me to let her go.  Did you understand.  Anyways it was my mistake to come back here like this. I shouldn't had. And I surely won't do such  mistake again. Yoh may stay happy without me. Saying this he side hugged his wife and started walking fastly  Towards  exit. 

Shivaay don't go like this. Shivaay don't leave your grandma. I promise I won't say anything to your wife. Please don't leave me. Shivaay please. Grandma cry following him behind. But he didn't look back and walking fastly towards the door. He about to step out of the house when suddenly he heard his aunt's screams. He turns along witn his wife and got shocked finding grandma laying on the floor unconscious.  While his family is trying to wake her up.

Call the ambulance. Tej screams holding his mother in his arms.


Anika held Shivaay's hand. When she saw doctors running towards the OT. Where grandma has been taken inside.

You alright??? Shivaay got worried seeing his wife pale and sweaty face. He immediately helped her to walk towards an arm chair and made her sat on it squeezing her hand gently.

Yoy doesn't seems fine. Shall we go home. Anika shook her head and closed her eyes tight clasping his hand tight. Pinky who was standing besides Shakti " seeing Anika's condition ,, she got tensed and went towards her.

You alright darling what's wrong?? Anika sniffles wiping her nose with her sleeves and shook her head passing her light smile.

I'm fine. I'm just feeling little noxious nothing more.

Let's go to the doctor. I can't take Risk with you and baby. I'd told you that we shouldn't go in oberoi mansion. But you didn't listen to me. Now look you all turned pale. Shivaay whispered wiping the sweat with his palm.

Shivaay I'm fine and babies are fine as well. I ...but she stopped talking when she felt burning gaze at her. She slowly tilt her neck and found pinky is watching her having widen eyes in shock.

You are pregnant.... I'm going to be grandma. She immediately cups her own face having joyful tears in her eyes.

Mom shshsh. Shivaay squeeze her shoulder and eye towards the Other oberoi clan" who are looking at them out of curiosity.

Yh I'm good I'm good. She giggle happily and then suppress her feelings thanking god thousands times for giving her such good news after ages.

Is everything alright ??? Jhanvi's comes ahead not able to control her urge for asking them.

Yeh everything is fine. Everything is going good . Pinky immediately stood up and corrected her clothes without meeting her eyes with jhanvi.

Yh obviously everything will be fine for all of you. After all the big stone is going to get remove from your life soon. Jhanvi sneers making shivaay frown.

What do you mean by that. ?? He seethed.

Which you heard. Don't you have shame shivaay. Because of you today you grandma is inside fighting for life and death. And instead being worried for her. Here you are thinking about your useless wife. Who is nothing but a black shadow..... she was going to speak further but one death glare from shivaay made her gulp and she step back.

Don't even dare .... Don't even dare to say anything about my wife. If any of you. I repeat any of you tried to humiliate my wife. Then you will see real wrath of mine !! did you understand. And about Grandma then me and you both knows " if she is laying inside then it's her own deeds fruit. If she won't had been so much negative and self obsessed then she didn't have to face all this. But anyways I know you guys won't listen to me and would do which your minds says. So I guess i should stop here. Infect why don't I leave from
Here. I really don't wanna stay in that place " where my family doesn't get respect. Saying this he clasp his wife's hand and stormed away from there without giving damn to anything. Right now his wife and children life is more important than anything else. He wants them to be safe and fine. Rest of the world can go to hell.

Precap..... grandma dies .... Later anika got to know shivaay is the one who is occupying malika with him

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