Chapter 36

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Hearing his wife's sobs besides him made shivaay squeeze his eyes.  That's what was the reason "he didn't want to take her home.  Gradually be knew that as she will go in that house. She will get sad and yet again he has to witness her crying. But she didn't listen and pursued him to go and see his grandma. And to be honest he can understand her as well. If for few more days he won't had gone home then they would blamed his wife not him. Who was not feeling to see his family except his parents.  That's why unwillingly he went into the oberoi mansion and ended up seeing his wife in pool of tears again.

I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry. She hiccups making him squeeze his eyes in irritation. Simultaneously he stopped the car in the corner and look at her with soft gaze.  

Come here... he hold her elbow tenderly and took her on his lap looking at her lovingly.

Why are you crying baby girl. It's not your fault. Infect it's unfortunate for them to not recognise the real you. They don't know that  how they pushing a gem away from them.  If they would realise then" they would surely love you. But unfortunately it's not possible for them. As they are denying to  give you chance. So those people who doesn't  care about your feelings. You shouldn't as well. Let them be the way they want. You don't need to stress yourself. Moreover you tried your best to win them. But they are not willing to do. So why would you burn your blood and loose your precious tears for them.hmm. Now stop crying. You know that your husband doesn't like a single tear in your eyes.   He smiles and wipe her  tears with his fingers.

I'm sorry again shivaay. I'm so sorry. Saying this she throw herself in his arms hugging him tightly ...

You didn't do anything wrong baby.  So don't say sorry.  I don't have any grudges towards you. Infect I'm feeling lucky to get wife like you. Who tried to mend my family to keep my relationship alive with them. But when they doesn't want then. Who are we to say anything. Let them lead their life however they want. And we will live the way we have decided. Hmm anika nods her head and subsided her sobs making him sigh in relief.

I love you Anns.  I love you so much.  For me no one is important than you. If you are happy then I'll be happy. And if you won't be. Then I'll be sad as well. And I guess my wife doesn't want his shivaay to be sad. Isn't. Anika broke the hug and  nods her head like a child giving him reason of chuckle. 

Good girl. Now go back to your seat. I don't want people get  naughty ideas seeing our position. He whispered earning gasp from her.

You and your unexpected turn on. She hit his chest playfully and shifted in her seat trying to hide her red chubby cheeks from him. Shivaay chuckle seeing her cuteness and  pinches her cheek softly. 

Shivaayyy she whined pulling puppy eyes.

Ok sorry.  He  giggle and then turn the ignition on to leave from there. He about to drive away when his phone disturbed him.  First he tried to ignore it seeing om calling. But  when he didn't  stop calling him. He groan in frustration and picked it up.

Om don't ....... But next second his face colour drained  making anika panic. She immediately straighten up and  started waiting for him to say something. Soon phone slipped out from his hand making her pale as well seeing his face.

Shivaay what happened ??, what's wrong. She asked keeping her hands on his arms looking at him concernedly. 

Anns grandma ... she ...  tear drop fell from his eyes drifting her into  tension again.

What happened to  grandma  shivaay. Is she ok. ....

She  .... She..he burst  into tears and take her in hug  somewhere conveying her what is the actual matter.

She is no more Anns. She is dead. Gasp left her mouth in shock  and she immediately wrapped her arms around him caressing his hair  with her soft hand.

Whatttt .....


It's been month of grandma's death.  First four days they had to spend in oberoi mansion for the funeral. and in those days , tej and jhanvi tried to blame shivays and anika for grandma's death. But Shakti and pinky shut them up saying their children doesn't have any fault.  Grandma died because she was sick. No one had fault in it. Shivaay was ok when they were blaming him. But when things came on his wife then he took the matter in his hand and showed their places  knocking their heads properly and calmed them down and somehow spent four days there and came back into their house along with his mom and dad. Who happily came with him without showing a little sadness and why would they. When it was nothing but prison to live in oberoi mansion. Whole life they spent hearing grandma's  orders. Now they really didn't want to spend their rest of their life hearing tej and his family's. So they decided to come along with their children  to live with them forever.  Moreover anika needed someone mature with her at this moment.  Her own mother was never been an option. As she was never been interested in her daughter's life and how would she ,,when she never been her family. Her family was her husband and kids from him. So pinky is best mature person for anika to tell her about things. And to be honest she loves her dearly more than her own mother. If she won't have been there. Then today might she wind shivaay won't had been together. But she was there and made her son realised his wife's importance.

Anika here eat the apples. Don't eat these crisps darling. They are not good for babies.  Pinky says keeping the plate in her lap and took the crisp bag in her hand making anika sad.

Mom please babies wants to eat crisps.  she try her best to melt with her cute puppy eyes. But one glare from her made her drop her weapon and she started chewing the apple unwillingly.

What's happening here. Shivaay comes there having a bright smile on his face despite working for whole seven hours sitting on one place. Eventually He comes towards bis wife and placed a kiss on her head.

Nothing it's just your wife wants to eat crisps instead apples. Pinky chimed tucking anika's hair back who is slowly eating the apple like a little bird. Shivaya can see his wife is not liking the apples. And it made him chuckle seeing her cute face. But he immediately covered it up and nods his head.

Mom is right. Apple is good for babies not these crisps. He says taking seat near her taking her in side hug.

But babies wanted to .....

To eat crisps. Oh come on Anns. Don't blame my innocent babies. I know that it's their mumma 'who is craving for crisps. Not those little minions. He smiles taking the piece of apple from her plate making her whined in annoyingness.

Now stop making these faces and finish the whole plate. He orders fake glaring her.

Fine .... She huffs and got busy finishing the apples. Seeing her kids together pinky bless them and left from there giving them privacy. Which actually shivay was waiting to have and In no time he turn his wife's face and take her delicious lips in his mouth which already had apple juices on them.

Shivaay she moans and immediately travel her hands towards his hair pulling him more closer. She don't know but she is craving to have her husband again and again . Yesterday only they had got intimate on her request ..despite her being 7 months pregnant, she didn't know if it's her mood swings or something. But she wants him again and again. Thinking about this she shifted in his lap and Reciprocated the kiss with equal passion.

God I love your lips. He hold her nape and suck her bottom lip making it bleed. But that didn't bother anika that much and she started opening his pant which was too fast for shivaay to react and in no time her dress been gathered near her stomach while her underwear have been slid aside and pushed his cock straight inside her fully making her moan delightfully.

Ufff he closed her eyes and started moving up and down without caring they are sitting in the garden and anyone can catch them having sex.

Oh yes baby he hold her Nape and kiss her lips subsiding her moans while moving into her with good speed keeping in mind that she is pregnant with his babies. Soon with span of time both grunts and unloaded hugging each other tightly. Thankfully pinky or another person of house didn't see them in this position. Otherwise a big fit of embarrassment they would had faced.

I love you shivaay. I love you so much. She gave him a long suck on his moist lips and rest her chin on his shoulder closing her eyes in tiredness.....

At night

Anika comes out from the bathroom which is apparently her fifth time in whole hour.  Because of pregnancy she goes in washroom a lot and it's annoying her so badly. As she consume some liquid ,,next second she will find herself sitting on the toilet. Now she can't wait to finish those two months more and her life comes in normal routine. Being 7 months pregnant" she looks like in full nine months. Her belly is so big because of twins that she can't even see her feet and it some times makes her cry. Perhaps if shivaay won't  had been there then surely she would be spending her whole day in crying. He is very supportive and caring towards her. As sometimes she  feel tired or stressed. He is the first person who reliefs her and  makes her feel safe. 

God she closed her eyes  fixing herself on the bed and  lean on the bed head board closing her eyes.  She was in process in going in slumber 'when Shivaay's phone beeped. She groans in annoyingness and calls Shivaay's name ,,but he didn't listen her  making her irritated more with the shrill voices of phone. She huffs and decided to pick it up.  Promptly she grabs the phone and about to voice out but before she does" another side of person speak.

Boss ,  miss malika is not well. She has fainted. We tried our best to wake her up.  But nothing is working. She is still laying subtle without moving. Hearing him a gasp left her mouth and phone slipped strong felling on the mattress.

Hello hello boss.  Shivaay who came back from the kitchen holding the glass of milk , he stopped in door seeing  his wife's pale face. 

Anns, he frowns calling her name. But soon he understood the matter when he heard his security man voice from the phone. He swallow the lump in his throat and slowly padded towards her. He little calm himself and grab the phone still tucking his eyes on his wife who seems all traumatised and shocked with the revelation. (He guessed ).

Whay happened to her ??, hearing his boss voice. The security man narrated whole story which shivaay carefully listened and then answered.

Call doctor chohan. He  knows what he has to do. Saying this he cut the call and kept his phone near the milk glass. 

Mal....  Is Malika with you ??? She stammers.  You'd kept her occupied all the time. That's .... That's mean you are the man who hid her and declared her dead. She stutter having threatening tears in her eyes giving him side eye.  Shivaay exhale a long breath and scoot towards her.

Anns ... he take her name trying to take her palm in his hold.  But she immediately pulled it away glaring him.

Is she with you??? Yes or nooooo. She  screams in her loud voice making him bite his bottom lip in anticipation.

Yes she is.  But it's not what you think. I'd done for you.  I just wanted to protect you and.

Protect me??Really me.  That's why you hid your so called friend from me.she chocked shaking her head in disbelief. 

Yes I did it. I didn't want her to hurt my family. She had gone mad. And I knew that if I left her free. Then she will do so many crazy things. And one of them will be harming you. which I can't afford. So in day light I took that bitch and hid her from the whole world declaring her dead. And not only that. I made her feel same the way she made you feel. And you know what I don't have regret for that. She has dared to touch shivaay Singh oberoi's family.  Surely she has to pay for her deeds. Hearing him anika shook her head and  started crawling back making shivaay scared with her reaction. 

You are not my shivaay. She hiccups looking at him in frightened state.

Anns he try to get hold him but she didn't let him snd shoved his hand away.

Don't touch me just don't.  I'd thought that you can show your anger from front. But you are soft hearted from inside.  But I was wrong. You ..... are beast.  A beast. How can you do this shivaay. I agreed that woman was evil. But this wasn't the solution of getting rid off her. There was many ways to do. But you chose this. Which can lead you to snatch away from me for life time. (She hiccups.  )After so many years things were getting  fine between us. But now because of your one mistake ,,our all happiness will drain in seconds.  How can you do this shivaay. Why didn't you even discuss with me before taking such a big decision.  She sobs breaking his heart seeing him hating open him for doing that thing ,,which he specifically done for her. He thought she won't  react like this. After all she hates malika to the core. But here she is acting different. Whicn is totally unexpected.

Anika nothing gonna happen. Stop thinking like this. Moreover you shouldn't react like this. Specially being known ,how did she treat you. Me and you both knows , if I would had  left her like this then she would had taken you away from me in jealousy. She was an devil in human disguise.  She is an evil woman. She can do anything in rage.  Still you are considering my fault in that how could you anika. How can you.  Seeing tears in his eyes she went in silent mode and stare at him without blinking. Seeing her like this , shivaay slowly scoot towards her and held her both hands in his cold hands gently. 

Ok tell me one thing. If someone would had  intended to harm me like malika was trying to harm you.  Then would you sit idle or do something.  

I would had killed him. She answers after whole 20 seconds of silence. 

That's what I've done. That person who was harmful for you. I finished her existence from the world. Now she is dead for every one despite being  alive and I don't think so , it's less punishment than anything else.   Moreover you shouldn't forget that she taken our child's life. She killed the fetus ,who didn't learn to breathe even properly. Hearing him pool of tears started rolling from her eyes  with thick hiccups and she hugged him tightly making him sigh in relief. 

If someone got to know then. I don't wanna lose you shivaay. I don't want you to be behind the bars for rest of your life.   I don't want our children being raised without their father. She cry  tightening her grip around him.

No one will find her I promise neither our children will live their life without their father . Just faith on me.  I will make everything fine. Hmm. Anika nods her head and burst into tears more in fear of losing him. 

Precap ..... someone took malika away from Shivaay's place. Later anika's delivery

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