Chapter 37

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Shivaay , which one shall we take.  This one or that one. Anika chimed happily  showing him babies clothes. 

We are taking both of them. He take in his hands and put them in the trolly. Anika pout and held his arm resting her head on his shoulder.  

Are you tired baby??shivaay asked rubbing her hand which is resting on his forearm.

I'm. She says lazily making him smile.

Ok let's pay for all these things, then we will leave ok. Anika nods her head and both went towards the till to pay for all the things which they chosen...

At home

Seeing his wife's pale face shivaay is getting worried. Day by day her condition is getting deteriorated.  Twins are really draining her out.  After few minutes of walk, she get tired and request to sit.  His anika who was always been active seeing her too fragile making him sad. 

Shivaay you don't need to do it. She mumbled in sleepy tone feeling her husband's hands giving her massage on her legs and feet.

Hey it's ok. Let me do it. Don't need to feel shy. He  take oil In his hand and rub on her skin making her moan in delightful.  She so wanna say him  to not touch her feet. But on the same time she is enjoying his massage. He surely has magic in his hands which is draining the  pain away from her aching body. 

Seeing her relaxing  content smile appeared on shivaay face  Feeling  happy to seeing his wife in calm  mode. Before an hour he was  little worried seeing her cranky mood. But now she seems fine  and  he is glad for that. Soon after few minutes she dozed off under his touch and toss on the bed keeping her hand on her swollen belly. Seeing her snoring softly. He stopped doing her massage and covered her with blanket deciding to let her sleep for a while.

I love you ,,he whispered in her ear placing kiss on her temple and left from there shutting the  door behind in intend to not disturb her.  

On dining  Table

Has she slept. ,?? His mother asked  keeping the plate infront of him.

Yes mum she has.  She was really tried ,so I decided to put her asleep after feeding her.

You did great son. She caresses his  hair and sat besides him.

Mom you wanna say something. Shivaay inquiries seeing his mother constantly looking at him with smile. 

Pinky  slowly scoot towards him and take his hand in her palm caressing it with her thumbs. 

I'm proud of you shivaay. I never thought that I will one day say this. But today I'm saying after seeing my son changing for his wife. I'd always wanted you to be good to your wife. I never wanted you to end up alone and regret for your mistakes after leaving the previous women whom I'd chosen for you.  I know in past you were thinking, I chose wrong girl for you.  But being a mother I always wanted best for my son.  That's why I'd specifically chose anika for you because I knew that no one can be perfect for you than her. And she proven as well. She never left your hand even in your hardest pace of her life.  Infect not even that time when you were hating upon her.  I'm glad you both made up forgetting all your stressful past and now having your own children.  She smiles in tears caressing her son's head. Who take  a shaky breath controlling his tears and hugged his mother.

Thanks for showing me real path mom. If you won't had been there. Then might I would had threw myself in big misery  and spend my whole life in sorrow.   I agreed im past I was  angry with you for choosing anika. But now I find her a best decision in my life. And I'm really thankful of you to get her in  my  life to make it blissful. He broke apart and place  a kiss on her forehead. 

I promise I will take care of your favourite daughter. I will never hurt her snd will give her all the happiness which she deserves.  Pinky nods her head and squeezes his hand in  thankful manners.

What's happening between son and  mother. Hearing Shakti's voice both of them wipe their tears and pass him glint.

Nothing. We were just having a light conversation. Come here have seat. I'll serve you as well. Shakti nods and take seat besides his son " who  pass him smile while chewing his food. 

How's anika?? Where's she ??? Shakti asked looking around.

She was tired. So I  made her sleep.  Shivaay answered taking sip of the water.

Oh you did good. She must be tired after the shopping. 

Yes dad .. she..... shivaay about to say more but his phone ring disturb him making him groan. He kept the glass back on the table and  get his phone out and found his man is calling. He clear his throat passing tight smile to his parents and got up  walking little away from them . So that they doesn't hear his conversation.

Hello jamaal is everything fine. He asked finding the atmosphere little tight around him.

Sir someone took malika from our  place.  Hearing his gurgle voice shivaay widen his eyes and shout. 

Whatttt ??, he  yells turning back finding his parents looking at him in amusement.Which made him realised  his tone and he smiles  at them and assure them everything is fine.

How did this happen.  ?? How can someone reach on our place. He whispered despite knowing his parents can't hear him because of the tv voice. Which  apparently his father is watching

I'm sorry sir. We've been looking for her everywhere hopefully we get her soon. 

Just get hand on her as soon as possible.  We can't lose her like this. You know that how dangerous she is. Just do hurry up and get her in your  custody.  I'll be there In some minutes. Saying this he cut the call and strode towards door in hurry to get that bitch in his grip as soon as possible. Because he knows,, If she got free from his clutches then she will create mess  in his life.  Which he won't able to control. He rub his hand on his face in anticipation and about to head out when suddenly his feet got jammed hearing his wife's voice from upstairs.

Anika ,, he gasp her name and without thinking shining run towards their room following by his parents. Who  got equally tensed as him ..

Anns. He barge in calling her name but next second    Shriek left his mouth when he  found his wife standing having blood dripping near her abdomen. While  malika is standing holding big  knife whicn is literally soaked jn  blood making him terrified.

I'd told you shivaay.  If I won't stay happy. Then I won't let you as well. She chuckle in devilish tone having blood red eyes. 

She gonna die shivaay.  She gonna die along with her  monster growing inside her. She screams and  Yet  again raise her  knife to stab anika  but on meantime shivaay screams and shove  her away making her fell on the floor. 

Anika ,, his mother cups her face seeing her daughter  felling on the floor and on meantime she held her along with Shakti who is equally shock as his wife.

Anns ,, shivaay who was going to hit malika. Seeing his wife's condition , he immediately crawl towards her and held her in his  lap.

An... Anns. Ann's he sobs keeping hand on her wound trying to stop the blood.

Shivaay bab....ies.  ... babies. She stammers resting her blood filled hand on his face.

Nothing will happen to the babies. I won't let anything happen any of you. He cry picking her up in his arms storming towards exit in fast pace.

She gonna die shivaay. She gonna dieeee like her baby as well as  these two also . Malika laugh evilly  wiping her nose which is bleeding profusely because of Shivaay's hard punch.

Sir ... khana  got panic when he saw his boss coming out holding his bleeding wife. 

Get that bitch in your custody. Don't let her go anywhere.   Saying this he   Drove away from there along with his parents in fast speed hoping to save his wife and children.  While khana  strode inside to get that bitch  malika in his hand as soon as possible before she runs away.

On the other side

Malika climb on the side pipe and    jump  to escape from there. But maybe it wasn't her day and she got surrounded by nearly  five heavy built men making her gulp. 

You have enough  lived on the earth madam. Time came to go back to god. Saying this khana hit her on her head with the back of the gun and yet again took her back in their custody.

Take her away he orders his men who obliged and took her body away. 

What have you done malika. The person who  got her out he hit his head sitting in his car watching them taking her away yet again. 

In the hospital.

Shivaay will they he both girls or boys. Anika asked  climbing on him resting her head on his chest.

I want girls. But if they are boys then I don't mind either. He answered playing with her fingers. 

And if they are one boy and one girl then. Sue again asked question making him chuckle. 

Then it will be more great isn't. Our family will be complete.  He grin packing her lips.

What do you mean ,,, ??? How will our family will be complete. She  frown sitting on the bed.

Obviously it will be. I'll get my princess and you will get your prince. Family complete. Otherwise if it will both boys or girls set. Then we have to try again to get either of them. He winks pulling her back in his arms making her chuckle. 

Yeh right.   Shivaay.  She again called him making him sigh. 

Yes baby... he whispered placing kisses on her neck. 

If something happened to either of us then. What will you do ??? Hearing her he stopped whatever  he was doing and look at her  with  pure hurt.

Shivaay. She got tensed seeing tears in his  blue oceanic eyes.

Shivaay ,,, she cups his face and try to wipe his face. But he just jerk her hand away making her more worried.

I didn't mean that I ....

You didn't mean that. Are you really serious anika. I've always said to you that imagining my life without you feels like sky without moon. If something will happen to you then straight away my breath will stop as well. I can never imagine myself without you. Moreover ,, I've promised you that I will never let happen anything to you. I won't allow you to leave me. Then how can you even talk about your de.... He chocks (He couldn't complete the sentence ).

I'm sorry I'm so sorry. She sobs and throw herself in his arms crying bitterly.

I promise Anns. I won't let anything happen to you. So stop thinking that you will leave me. I'm shivaay Singh oberoi. And shivaay Singh oberoi knows how to protect his wife. Saying this he pushes her hair back and kissed her passionately.


Shivaay , someone calls his name bringing him back on earth. He tremble and look around finding himself sitting on the floor filled with blood every where and it's none other than belong to his beloved wife. Whom he had promised every day that he will protect her no matter what happen. But he proven it wrong. He couldn't protect her. He couldn't shield his anika. Despite doing everything , he couldn't stop malika to harm his wife. He has failed as husband. He failed as a father. Now if something happen to anika then what will he do. The purpose of his life will be finished. How will he Live his rest of his life.

Shivaay look at me shivaay. His mother forcefully made him look at her and wipe the blood from his cheek which was actually smeared by anika's hand.

She will be fine my son. Don't worry. Your anika will be fine. Just faith in your god. He can never be that cruel to take life of this three innocent lives. Your wife is strong. I'm sure she will make it. She assures him in her soft yet shaky voice while holding his face in her palm.

And if she didn't make it then. Hearing him she got silent and then shook her head.

Don't think negative. I've told you na. Anika is not weak. she will make it. SHe and babies trio will be fine. Just trust on god.

Mom I can't live without her. He sobs. Imagining my life without her making me feel breathless. My heart is paining mom. I'm in so much pain to process. She is my life mom. She my everything. He hiccups hugging his mother breaking his parents heart seeing his vulnerable condition.

I've done so many bad things with her mom in the past. I've always broke her heart every-time. Almost four years took me to realise how big mistake I've done to hurt my wife. Urs been only a year that I started being a real husband. I was trying to give her everything which she deserve. But now god is taking her away from me. I can't afford that mom. Please ask him to not do that. Ask him to feel mercy on me. I can't live without anika. Please mom please. Saying this he burst into tears crying like a small child whispering his wife's name again and again making his mother cry as well.

She will be fine shivaay. Please stop crying. Just don't fall weak. If you will be like this then who will take care of anika. She needs you shivaay. Your children need you. Don't be so fragile son. She in process of consoling him when doctor comes out making shivaay alert. Without thinking anything he broke apart from his mother and run towards doctor stumbling.

How's how's my wife ... is she fine. And the babies. Are they good. Doctor tell me is my family ok. Nothing happened to them right. Doctor exhale the breath and kept hand on his shoulder squeezing if little.

Mr oberoi calm down. Relax. Just breath.

What do you mean breath. My wife is dying inside and you are asking me to relax. He screams gaining everyone's attention around him.

Shivaay calm down let him speak. Doctor how's anika. Is she fine .... Shakti ask in calm manners Earning nod from the doctor.

She is fine. Thankfully knife didn't damage her inside deeply. She managed to escape from the big danger. But because of the blood loss. We had to do her c section Hearing him a big relief washed by Shakti and pinky. But shivaay is in still shock mode.

And the babies ??? How are they. How are my children ?,, he ask impatiently rubbing his hand in tension.

They are fine as well. Nurses just took them to examine for final the process. Shivaay closed his eyes tight and take a long relaxing exhale.

You can meet her after an hour.Saying this he pat his shoulder and left from there leaving his parents squeal in happiness and they took him in hug congratulating him.

Congratulations new daddy. Shivaay blushes hearing his father's remarks and embraced them. Suddenly his eyes caught the person whom he didn't expect to see there.

Arsal.... ??, he whispered

Precap........ malika been found in the rehab by her parents later shivaay finds out who had helped malika in escaping

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