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What are you doing here ???? First question left from Shivaay's mouth as he got glimpse of arsal. He always hated this man.he never gave him good vibes specially in the matter of his wife. The way he used to look at her. It was evident that he had something in his heart for her. Infect he had confessed as well to him many times and tried to pursued him to leave her. If he won't had trust on his wife. Then till now they both would had been got separated by now. And this guy always would had taken the advantage of it.

I'm here to see anika. I wanna check her if she is fine or not. He said fisting his hands tight in his pants pocket controlling his urge to burst out.

How do you know that anika is sick. As per as I remember except my family members no one else knew about the attack on her. Hearing him he bewildered and started looking here and there being dipped in sweat. He trail the fingers on his Forehead in tension and spoke.

I just had came to your house to meet anika. It's been so long I'd not seen her. So I decided to check upon her. But when I went there I'd got to know ,she's been stabbed by malika and you guys took her hospital. So without thinking anything" I decided to come and see her. Shivaay's frown thicken with his excuses and look at him with doubtfully. Surely something is not right there. He is hiding  from him something serious which he's not able to get clue of it. And evidently he will find out soon and will confront him.

Fine ... but anika is not awake yet. Doctor said she is still in influence of medicines. So you have to wait at least for some hours.

Fine. He gave him tight smile and sat on the nearby bench tapping his foot in restlessness. Shivaay look at him suspiciously and then turn his feet to go when he caught something unexpected and in no time his eyes widen in shock. He grit his teeth and ready to bounce at him but his mother called him and informed him that doctor said they can meet anika ..she is awake. Shivaay grounded his teeth in rage and stormed inside not before calling khana on the way.

Anns .. his eyes lighten up when his eyes fall on his wife ,who is laying on the bed having half open his eyes. Fresh set of tears started coming out from his seeing her condition. He had always predicted different kind of scenario of this day. He had thought that, when he will meet his wife first time after delivering his children. He will find her shining with beautiful smile. But that bitch malika ruined everything and almost had threw his wife in death bed. Imagine if he won't reached on time in the room then. Horrific expressions spread on his face even thinking about it.

Shivaay ,,, hearing her shaky yet low voice he blink his eyes and look at her erasing the sadness from his face. He slowly walk towards her and bend down to her level keeping his hand on her head softly.

You scared me. He whispered caressing her hair gently.

I'm sorry. She stutter having tears in her eyes which instantly got wipe by him.

You do not need to say sorry baby. It's not your fault. It's my fault. Who couldn't protect you despite my promises. I should had been more careful about this matter. I shouldn't had taken her lightly. I should had known that she still can be dangerous being in my clutches. If I would had then today you didn't have to get hurt like this. I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. He mumbles near her lips and peck them tenderly.

How's babies ??? She stammers trying her best to keep herself awake.

Are they boys or girls. Hearing his wife shivaay come to senses and realised that he was so much worried that he forgot to ask doctor about  his children gender.

Err they are ... he about to tell her about him being clueless when two nurses comes inside holding their babies.  

Mr oberoi your  babies.  SHe kept in his both arms passing him light smile.  Shivaay first look at the babies and then the nurse who understood what's he is trying to ask and without delay she speaks enthusiastically .

It's boy and girl.  She told  him  pointing at the babies. 

Really thanks nurse. Nurse smiles and walked out from there with her companion leaving shivaay behind all happy and relieved.

Anns. He immediately sat besides her and showed her babies. Who are sleeping acutely looking exactly same to each other. .  If nurses won't had wrapped them in different blankets then surely they won't had able to figure out who is which one.

Shivaay our babies .... Sob escaped from anika's mouth not able to grasp the reality. Finally she has her own kids.  Otherwise she thought that it will remain her dream. But it's actually happened. And she has became  mother of not only one but two kids. 

Yes our babies. Our aarish and anisha. Anika nods her head and touch the babies faces. Who immediately open their eyes and in no time they twisted their lips and burst into tears making their parents panic.

I think they are hungry. Shivaay chimed looking at his wife worriedly. Who nods her head and  ask him to help her to sit. Which he did and  kept the babies in her lap not intended to hurt her.

Let me lift your shirt up. He stand on his feet and slid her shirt down revealing her breast and then help the babies to  latch their mouth on her nipples.  Seeing her children attached with her , anika's eyes filled with fresh tears and she look at shivaay having smile.

I love you Anns.  And thank you for everything. Shivaay joined his forehead with her and peck her lips.
I love you too. She mumbled closing her eyes in content.

After a day

Anika spent whole night in the hospital ,in morning first thing she requested to her husband to shift her back in the home . As she can't tolerate the small of the hospital. but shivaay being stubborn he didn't listen and decided to prioritise her health over her  wish.  If it would had been matter of different things then he would had listened to her. But it's about her health and doctors strictly said that she has to stay in hospital for a week. They can't take chance of sending her home with the fresh wound as well as c section. So she has to stay whether if she wants or not.    

Here have this. Shivaay said softly passing her spoon full of oatmeal. Anika try to deny eating it. But one glare from her husband made her accept the defeat and she started eating unwillingly. 

Good girl. He wipe her mouth with the tissue and then feed her more until whole bowl didn't get empty.

You became mother but still you are a child Anns. He chuckled seeing her smearing the oats on her  nose. 

Yes right.  Anika fake glare him and wipe her nose itself. Shivaay once more left a humorous chuckle and kept the plate on the table and went towards to his kids who are sleeping peacefully in their cribs.   

Shivaay pass me the water.  Hearing his wife he immediately turned toward her and about to grab the jug when he heard the knock on the door. Both turned and in none seconds Shivaay's mood got sore when he found none other than arsal standing having a big bouquet in his hands passing smile to anika  which shivaay is hating to his core and wanna remove it by punching his face.

Arsal ??, anika  mused finding him infront of her.  

Congratulations anika. He comes towards her and pass her flowers which soon been snatched by shivaay and he threw on the floor making anika shock as well as arsal. Who couldn't understand why would he do that.

Will your drop your fake drama now.  Shivaay seethed in his thick yet powerful voice. 

What ??? What drama shivaay. I just came to meet anika I .... Ha about to say more but shivaay didn't let him and held his collars making his wife   gasp.

Shivaay what are you doing ??, she voiced out loud seeing his husband behaving like this. 

What I'm doing. Or what he's been doing behind his this  innocent face. Shivaay hissed shoving arsal away who bent his head down in shame being known where this conversation is  leading. 

What do you mean shivaay. What he has done. Anika ask looking at arsal  ,whose face is full of remorse. 

Yoy wanna know what he has done then listen anika he is the one who had helped malika to escape. He had sent his men to get her out of my  grip and then  drove her to our house to kill you. Shivaay  shout looking at arsal with pure hate and disappointment.

It's not true. I didn't bring her to your house to kill anika.  I even didnt know that she gonna attack on anika. I just wanted her to confront you that's all.
Anika ,,anika trust me. I swear to god ,,I didn't know that she will attack  on you.  I didn't have a single clue of it. Moreover why would I ask her to hurt you when I love  you so much. I can never even in my dream think to harm you. Then how can   I join hand with malika to hurt you.

So you are agreeing that you helped malika to escape . Anika chocked having moist  eyes. 

Yes but he about to complete his word but one strike from anika made him shut his mouth

I can't  believe you could do such thing arsal. I had considered you my best friend. I'd thought that no matter what happen. You would never intend to hurt me. But you proven me wrong and helped that evil woman to attack on me. 

I didn't anika  please try to understand. I didn't know that she would do such thing. She had told me that she just wanna confront shivaay that's all. But I didn't know that she has another plans. Please believe on me. I didn't  know about her evilness.  I ...he try to hold on anika but shivaay  grasp  his collars and  pushes him away making him stumble back.

Don't touch  my wife. Don't even dare.  Leave from here.   We really don't wanna see your face. 

But let me talk to anika I .... He try to  walk towards Anika . But shivaay again come in between and pushed him away.

Just leave. Didn't you hear. My wife doesn't want to talk to you. Jusr get out and never come back in our life.  I don't want you to wonder around us. Specially around anika. As if I saw you even five feet away from  her then surely I'll kill you with my own hands. Now leaveeeee he screams making arsal throw his head in remorse.

I'm sorry anika. I'm sorry for everything.  From now on I won't come infront of you.  I guess it's only my punishment for putting you in such state.  I'm sorry again and stay happy. He gave a longing look to anika and left from there being dejected with everything. It was only anika ,whom he wanted in his life. And he lost her as well because of his one mistake.  If he won't had joined his hands with malika then might today anika would had been mother of his children not Shivaay's.

He wipe his tears hanging his head down and left from  there aiming to not see her again in his life. As he knows nothing left behind for him.

Why didn't you tell me that it was him.  Anika sobs hugging shivaay who caresses her hair and peck her temple.

I didn't want to stress you out Annie.  Moreover I'd got to know yesterday only.  when I'd seen malika's earring hanging in his sleeves.  I was itself so shocked after seeing it. But I controlled myself and dig everything for proves and then I found out indeed he was with malika.  

And whah about malika where's she ??? Anika sniffles breaking apart from him. Shivaay wipe her tears and answered politely.

She is in rehab. First I'd decided to take matter in my own .  As I wanted to punish her with my own hands. But then I remember you didn't want me to do such thing. So unwillingly I handed her to the police and then they took her rehab where they declared her mad. Now she gonna stay there forever.

But shivaay if she told that you are the one kidnapped her then.  Anika mumbled in worriedness.

And who will believe her seeing her mental state. . He smirk making anika pout sadly. 

I really didn't want anyone get ruin like this. But she deserve it after whatever  she has  done to us. She puffs  resting her head on  his chest playing with his buttons.

I know baby.  I know. He remove  tendrils from her forehead and patched a light kiss watching his kids who are looking so adorable wrapped in their blankies. 


Shivaay where are you shivaay please hurry up. We are getting late. Mum said guests have already arrived.  Anika shouts entering in the room while fixing her dress when suddenly her eyes caught her husband who is looking super sexy in tuxedo. She smiles and move towards him with slow steps holding her hands on her back.

Someone is looking super handsome. She  says looking at him tip to toe.   Shivaya smirk seeing her checking him out and yanked her towards him.  

I've been always handsome. It's just you  who
don't notice me. He whispered nuzzling into her hair.

God you smell so good. He whispered placing kisses on her neck.

I know Shiv. But we are getting late. And  I don't think so we have time to have sex.  So let's go.  Mom dad and kids must be waiting for us.  Come she hold his arm and forcefully dragged him with her despite his pleading for a quickie. 


Mom, dad ...Anika immediately hugged pinky as she entered in the venue. 

Happy anniversary.  She  chimed placing kiss on her cheek. 

Thank you darling.   Pinky caresses her hair looking at her lovingly.

Where you been people. We were waiting for so long. Shakti said side hugging his daughter in law. 

Your son was taking so much time in getting ready. That's why we got late. She huffs fake glaring shivaay. 

Noo I wasn't. Stop lying anika.  Shivaay whined like a child getting giggle from his wife.

Yes yesh right mom dad  knows who takes so much time. She struck her tongue out in playfully earning chuckle from her family.

By the way where are the kids??,, anika ask looking around for her children. 

Here they are.  Pinky pointed towards maids who comes towards them and passed arshi snd anisha to their parents. 

Aww baby did you miss mommy daddy. Shivaay says in childish manner kissing his daughter's cheek. Who snuggled with him indicating indeed they missed them.

Ok shall we go and cut the cake.  I'm starving. Anika said rubbing her stomach  like a kid. 

Yeh let's go. Her husband hold her hand while her father in law side hugged his wife and they left towards the  venue where cake  been displayed looking all happy and complete family which they always craved to witness in their lives. 

The end

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