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"Are the preparations for tonight's show getting ready? Make sure the beasts are obedient, alright? We can't have them cause problems like last time, we got negative feedback by our VIPs and I was scolded by the higher-ups, I don't want that happening again" I hear one of the jailers say with a warning in his tone, his higher rank enough to give him an arrogant behaviour towards the lower grade employees.

"Everything's going as planned and it won't happen again, we've made sure to show them what happens if they misbehave like that once more so they should follow the rules" another man answers with a bow before they part ways and away from my cell.

I resist a growl of annoyance and huff out to calm my anger, I hate that they don't even try to hide their conversations from us, we're nothing more than animals to their eyes and it makes me mad.

Jungkook slithers under the bars of the cell's door and over to me, his own cell definitely not made for keeping a snake still and I watch as he slides through my fur and over my body until he can wrap his length around my neck to keep warm, the cold never does any good to him.

At feeling him so near, I relax a little, a nuzzle of my nose to the side of his head, the only way I have in this form to let him know that we're going to be fine, my only way to let him know that I'll do my best to keep him safe.

It doesn't help that Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok aren't here with us right now, we're usually kept together before a show since it improves our behaviour and makes us more 'obedient', but because of what happened a few days ago, they were taken away and locked in another cold and dark room away from here.

I feel so bad about it, if only I hadn't had that sudden anxiety attack, the jailers wouldn't have tried to knock me out with a terrifying syringe and Yoongi wouldn't have tried to attack the one closest to me.

He got aggressive on my behalf and that in turn sent him away. Hoseok and Namjoon were next as they became restless. The jailers don't like us nervous, I guess we scare them when we're in that state, we're more unpredictable so it's easier to tie us up against a wall until they decide that enough is enough.

If only I had better control of myself, this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't be separated right now, the only thing I hate more than being put under the spotlight.

I feel a growl threaten to rumble its way out of my chest and Jungkook nudges my ear at the vibrations shaking my body, his body tightening just enough around my neck to warn me to stay silent, we managed to remain untouched this far, we don't want to change that now.

Another patrol of jailers walk near and I turn my face to stare at the cold stone wall in front of me to avoid seeing the way they point and snicker at me, I don't want to see the smirks they sport whenever they land their eyes on us, orbs shining as if they're looking at precious treasures.

It makes me sick.

I wish I could stand up and rip their throats open one after the other before fleeing this place, but I can't guarantee everyone's survival nor my own if I do that and the last thing I want is for my only family to get hurt in an attempt to save ourselves from this hell.

The feeling of powerlessness is like a crown of thorns holding onto my heart, a reminder that we're never going to be able to get out of here, not while we're alive. We're to be used like objects for the sickening entertainment of people who only await a bath of blood.

For the purpose of us being here is to bring to life a circus of hell.

Being forced to hurt our friends, claws digging deep enough into skin to draw blood but not enough to kill, this is what we have to do whenever we're thrown on scene.

If we refuse to cooperate, the jailers come in and toy at us with spears to make us aggressive to the point of losing sight of ourselves, and when our instincts take over and threaten to attack anyone too close, the game continues and the cheers get louder.

It's a game for the crowd but it's a painful world for us, we've all seen familiar souls get slain to death because they weren't good enough and the fear that it might happen to us one day follows us everywhere, every seconds of our life.

Being a mammal is one thing, we only have to try to put on a show but reptiles have it differently, Jungkook's race throwing him in an entirely different kind of game that brings much more damage to his mental health than it does for us.

There is a game that the crowd enjoys that includes gathering a group of humans into a large cage made of glass. Maybe it's because they've gathered too much debts to ever be able to pay back, maybe they heard things they weren't supposed to hear, I heard enough to know that none of them want to be here but one thing they all have in common is that they never get out of here alive.

Snakes are easy to upset and annoy, instincts going in overdrive and minds turning confused as a cacophony of sounds surround them, there's not much thinking to be done when all they want is to put an end to their nightmare and that in turn makes them attack anything close that produces warmth.

My heart breaks just thinking about what awaits Jungkook.

Jungkook is soft at heart, he doesn't like to hurt and being forced to kill is not something you grow used to, watching him turn depressed and filled with guilt the days following the inhumane killings always makes my heart ache with every and each pulse.

It's as if the jailers keeping us here have forgotten that we are at the source not entirely animals, or maybe they simply don't want to admit that we also are half humans, an in-between that has been taken from us as shifting is not a possibility anymore for any of us hybrids.

Jungkook, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and I met as humans the first time we saw each other, when we were a lot younger, it was after we were bought from the different illegal breeding farms that birthed us, we all knew at least one person from the merged group, we were all terrified and confused.

I quickly found refuge in a few of the boys present in the large room, beings that felt different to me, something about them that pulled me in as effortlessly as it was to breathe.

Yoongi was the first I saw, he was older and taller than most and had an aura of protectiveness to him that brought warmth and comfort to my frightened heart.

When his eyes fell on me that day, it was as if a connection had suddenly taken place between us and suddenly, the urge to remain together, to be each other's safe place had overruled everything else, we could not be separated anymore.

Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook brought forward the same emotions from Yoongi and I and since then, we've always been together, inseparable as the jailers say.

We're not the only group to have formed through the years, but we're probably the only one to turn as desperate as we do whenever one of us is taken away and that has been used against us more times than I can count.

Not long after we met, every hybrids were separated and taken into a white room one after the other. It wasn't hard to guess that what was done there wasn't good as all we could smell was fear and urine and indeed, when came my turn, they injected a substance into my body that made me feel terribly sick, confusion, dizziness and oversensitivity swarming all my senses until I woke up in my animal form, unable to shift back.

I don't know how many years have passed since then, all I know is that we're not children anymore, we're no longer the small beings that met with tears clinging on our lashes, that much we can see by looking at Yoongi's fully developed black mane, nothing like the little crown of fur he had at the beginning.

We're no longer children, no. Now, we're older, scared and broken.

"Alright, time to get a move on, come out you stupid beast" I suddenly hear from behind me, the jailer's tone of voice smug and bored, it's clear as day that he'd rather be doing something else, yet he still enjoys knowing our impending doom closer.

"And I see that snake is there too, of course, come on, don't make me repeat myself. Get that big ass off the floor and get moving, I don't have all night" he continues with a sigh and a wave of the hand, I grunt at him before standing up to walk out of the cell, my body stiff as if I hadn't moved in weeks.

The corridor separating the cells eventually fills with other hybrids and I take a look around me to see if I can recognize any of them as jailers and animals alike whine in a sound that echo on every surrounding walls, it doesn't take long after that before the whips start snapping through the air even if the humans know to avoid using them right before a show.

Some of them just want to cause pain, it doesn't matter what we do, which is why I try to be as careful as possible, I don't want to bring harm to Jungkook. I can tolerate the pain but I don't want his smaller body to get touched by those nasty tools.

When I see a panther I recognize, I slow down imperceptibly and get pushed around a little by the other animals until I reach him.

Hanse and I grew up together in the same breeding farm, we were very close before all this and that has only gotten stronger through the years, we try to stick close whenever we can, especially when my family isn't nearby.

He flanks my side as soon as he notices me and we progress through the maze of corridors until we reach a wide, smelly room that hasn't been cleaned in ages, the putrid smell of humidity filled with spores, I hate it here.

Yet, ironically, this is where the humans wash us to make sure we're presentable for the show that happens once every two weeks, I don't know if it's because their sense of smell is that weak or if it's because they don't care, but they never show any signs of being bothered by the smells of this place.

They do complain that we smell like wet dogs though, whatever that is, I don't think any of us know.

Here is also where they wash us when the show is over, both to remove the blood and to treat our wounds to prevent infections, something that has killed a few of us in the past, they eventually learned their lessons, hybrids don't heal magically when they get nearly slaughtered alive.

A loss of money, they don't care about our health but we're too precious to die, we apparently cost them a lot of money and it's our job to make sure they don't regret it.

Having to be in this room makes me be on my guards more than usual because showering never ends without problems. Anxiety and nerves make hybrids distressed for what's to come and jailers get annoyed a lot faster since they have to wash so many of us.

Jungkook hisses in worry when we've yet to find our family in the large space, a sentiment I share because they should be here, they might have been taken aside as punishment but they still have to take part in the show.

Were they kept behind? Will they be brought here later or are they already here and I just can't see them? There are many blind spots here, it's possible that they're just in a hidden corner, maybe they were already washed and kept here until it's time.

I hope they're okay.

I can't resist it when my body becomes fidgety, eyes looking all over the place, if only I could only see them, it has Hanse staring at me with concern before he nudges my nose in an attempt to calm me down, we don't want to catch the jailers' attention after all but the need to find my family and make sure they're safe is stronger than the need to keep myself safe.

With a paw, I try to convey to the snake still wrapped around me to slide over to the panther instead so I can go around and see if I can find our family but he resists, unwilling to leave me behind, the simple thought of us being separated enough to fill his soul with pain.

I wish I could keep him around, but for his own safety, and for my own peace of mind, this needs to happen, I can't bring him with me.

After some resistance from Jungkook, Hanse and I finally manage to convince him to let me go, he knows that there's no changing my mind but it doesn't make this any easier, he lingers some more seconds around me before he eventually slithers away with a sad hiss and into the comfort of the panther's fur that fully hides him from sight.

Before I go, he stretches his body until his little head pokes the side of my face and he rubs his nose there softly, a contact that has me closing my eyes to take it in, I too hope just like him to come back safe.

I leave the duo and weave my way through the sea of bodies, eyes open and on the lookout, tail low and swaying behind me as I focus on a possible trio of white, black and brown fur, of which two should be stripped.

I don't know if not finding them here should make me relieved or even more worried, but there's no time to think further about that when a familiar jailer notices me walking around suspiciously, hand signs done for the others to keep an eye on me.

I quickly avoid the few humans getting too close to me for comfort and it's as I walk past a corner of the wall that I find exactly those I was searching for, yet the sight has my heart falling to my feet just as I had expected.

The three of them are looking absolutely exhausted as they lie on the floor, chains around their neck locking them to the wall, that's not a condition to be in before the performance that is required of us during the show.

Instinctively, I whine and rush over to them, nose going to nudge them awake, this urgent need to see that they're fine and safe filling all of me, they're just sleeping, right? They're not unconscious?

If they're so badly hurt that they can't even wake up from my touch, I can't guarantee that I wouldn't try to kill one of the jailers in a burst of anger, I can tolerate others being hurt but not my family, never my family.

We've survived this far together and I can't bear imagining having one of them go, we need to stay together no matter what.

Confused and sleepy eyes blink open before falling on me and the fatigue that was weighing on them immediately flees their system as they start nudging me back with yearning, soft whimpers leaving them because how long has it been? How long were we separated for?

Exhausted as they are, they're unable to stand up yet they still try, a pull on the chains to get as close to me as possible, noses going to scent each other even though we're unable to carry a scent, scent blockers too strong in our blood, our instincts are trying anything to bring us relief.

I step closer to keep them from pulling on the chain too much and scent them back, snout pushing into the scent glands in their neck only to get annoyed because the act does nothing, there's no natural scent seeping out, nothing that is supposed to be so deeply rooted in our being filling the air, it hurts my soul yet I keep scenting anyway, heartbroken when I smell pain oozing off them like a heavy perfume.

Hoseok licks my face all over while he whines, an anxious reflex that the hyena has to calm one of us in the hopes of calming himself, I indulge him, wishing I could do more for him, if only we weren't at the feet of a show tonight.

It worries me, because Hoseok and loud noise don't go together to begin with and his weakened body and mind will be that much more sensitive, tonight worries me so much, such a bad feeling in my stomach at the thought of it.

I pull back to lick the top of his head once I feel his anxiety fade a little, can I keep him safe considering his current state? Is there anything I can do for him?

I turn my gaze to Namjoon and Yoongi, meet their worried orbs as they take me in, they too are looking me over to make sure that I'm not wounded and once satisfied with what they're seeing, the white tiger's tail wraps around my own to pull me closer before we bump heads softly, eyes closed and exhales mixing together.

Namjoon's body relaxes from having me finally close, my warmth taking from him the cold of the floor beneath our bodies, I missed them so much and I know they missed me just the same, I hate this place that keeps finding amusement in seeing us suffer from distance.

Namjoon leans back slightly to have a look at my neck, a little questioning grunt leaving him when he notices that Jungkook is not there, I motion my head towards the group of hybrids to the side to let him know that he's there, he's safe.

The tiger lets out a sound of relief before licking my face and I bring my attention to Yoongi, the huge black lion, my heart squeezes with guilt as I get closer to him, I should be the one here right now, I should've been the one getting hurt instead of him, the sight of a deep gash of red covering half of his face enough to have me cry for him.

A sad and guilty rumble seeps out of my throat and I dive forward, body curving against his own before tucking my head under his to try and show him how sorry I am, I didn't want this, I really didn't want any of this.

Yoongi's black mane covers most of my head as I push myself closer to him and he licks my neck in an attempt to reassure me that he's fine, he can sense my emotions as if physical extensions of my body and he doesn't like that, he wants to make my scent soften but my culpability doesn't go anywhere, not when I know them chained to a wall while I'm not.

He wishes so dearly he could use words to let me know that what happened wasn't my fault, but he can only let me find warmth in him as I slowly process that despite everything, they're still fine, they don't seem too badly wounded.

I finally start to relax when Hoseok's cackles alert me, his warning too late when I'm forcefully shoved backwards before one of the jailers who likes to have his way with me sits on me after straddling my body, legs and arms played uncomfortably under his weight and limbs hurting from the angle they're kept at, I can't help the surprised growl that leaves me in the process.

"Can't stay fucking still for a minute, can you? Want to end up like your friends here? Is that what you want?" his annoyingly raspy voice taunts me right in my ear, his breath nearly makes me gag from how pungent it is and I try to get him to fall off me, something that doesn't work because they've all trained, this isn't new to them.

If it wasn't for their damn injections making us weaker and easier to control and push around, he wouldn't be this confident, I hate this.

Namjoon roars defiantly as he tries to break off the chains keeping him from reaching my side, the black stripes on his white fur making him look majestic even in his current state while Hoseok's nervous cackles fill the room, the sound loud, too loud, they'll get attention to themselves and that's not what I wanted when I came here.

The jailers won't hesitate to hurt them if they decide that we're too noisy, too unstable and I don't want that for my family, not because of me, not again.

Yoongi must think the same because soon, I can notice from the corner of my eye as he moves to stand in front of them to try and calm them down, his black body hiding the sight of me from the younger ones to protect, always protect, even if it ends up costing him in the end.

I whine and growl softly before submitting, which gets the attention back on me as other jailers join our group and I let them handle me however they want, rough and hurtful but away from my family, away from Hoseok and Namjoon, their worried sounds reaching my ears that Yoongi tries to hush as I'm pulled away by the tail.

Terribly ashamed by the way others are seeing me as I'm brought out of the room, I close my eyes tightly and can only grunt when a harsh pull on my tail has my insides twisting in pain. Knowing that Jungkook and Hanse saw me like this as the door closes makes me feel awful, the snake is now alone because of me.

At least, I know the panther will take care of him but I know it's not the same, Hanse is my friend more than he is theirs, Jungkook wasn't given a choice and I know he would scold me about it later if he could.

In the overwhelming silence of the now empty corridors, the jailers keep pulling me towards a destination of their choice and I don't dare make a sound, nor do I dare react in any way, knowing that anything I do might turn against me or worse, against my family.

One of the jailers surrounding me opens a door and after the one holding my tail releases me, a sudden foot to my side sends me inside the room with force, my breath exiting my lungs abruptly before they close the door behind me with a loud screech and a slam.

It takes me a moment to get over the way I was handled, body aching much more than I would like but nothing that keeps me from moving as I usually do and when I slowly open my eyes, orbs quickly adjusting to the darkness surrounding me, it's to find myself in an empty and cold room.

I manage to stand up and after stretching to make sure that I don't have any discomfort anywhere besides my sore tail, I start walking around the large room, the scents along with the splatters of blood on every surfaces telling me that I'm currently in what the jailers call the discipline room.

I've been here a few times before, they call it discipline but really, it's just giving you enough pain to make sure that you won't act up again.

Thankfully, the fact that the show is coming up soon means they won't do anything to me but this is clearly a warning, they're letting me know that if I don't play my role well tonight, this is where I'll end up for the night, and I won't be alone then.

To smell the fear mixed with the blood, the pain and the previous tears that flooded this place as if absorbed into every surfaces, it makes me feel uneasy, tail curling around myself as I sit down in a corner, the silence allowing for my mind to play tricks on me, echoes of my family's saddened pleas swirling around me to fill the void that this place brings.

The games they play on the mind to better control us, always to control us, it makes me so angry, so tired, it's a game I don't want to take part in anymore. I've had enough, I know we all have.

We've been here for so long and every day is the same, every shows and every cheers from the crowd worse than torture, does this only end with our death?

If we're to die in this rotten place anyway, why not die while trying to stop this madness instead of dying the way they want us to?

Just thinking of Yoongi, Jungkook, Hoseok and Namjoon spending their last breath in here, minds and bodies broken, it makes a rage fuel my soul, a motivator that makes me stare at the door with a sharp glare, body relaxing so I can rest, energy that will be needed if I want to put my plan in action.

Enough is enough, tonight, I'm not playing their game, I'm destroying it.

It might end up with me dead, but I am tired of obeying them, I am tired of hurting my friends, of seeing them hurt and get hurt between them, I am tired of my family being regular preys to the jailers because of our particularities.

No... tonight, they will be the ones hurting, not us.

I close my eyes and even out my breathing. Can this go well? Or will this go wrong? Am I putting everyone in danger by trying to bring an end to this hell in which we are stuck, or am I giving them a chance at life by taking the first step?

I can only hope that this would not turn against the four hybrids who I love so deeply, but I need to do this, for them. We've been chained for far too long and if we don't try to free ourselves, we'll be stuck in here forever until we die.

No one will save us but ourselves, that much is clear.

I'd rather die trying than die whimpering in this shithole.

Jimin's POV

"I can't believe we've finally gathered enough proof to get permission to act" Taehyung says as he leans his back on the desk with sparkling eyes, his excitement easily heard in his voice, something I understand fully.

I nod, eyes fixated on the pictures in my hands, a strong resolve burning in my guts as I take in the wounded hybrids in their animal form, so many of them.

I can't even start to imagine how hard this is going to be, they won't trust us right away until we show them that we deserve their trust, how long have they been enduring this abuse? It makes me want to punch a hole through every culprits' faces.

"I know, Tae, it feels like eternity since we started, it's almost surreal that we get to save them now, after all this time..." I murmur, anxiety eating me up from the inside despite the joy I feel at finally being able to get them out of there.

There are so many different ways tonight can go. What if something goes wrong in the process of getting the hybrids outside? What if they get hurt in the process? What if the jailers manage to run away with some of the hybrids when we attack? I would hate for some to be brought back into this hell when our goal is to save all of them.

Even with most of the pictures being blurry because of conditions we were in while trying to find said proofs, you can clearly see the hybrids' fear, be it in their posture or in the way they behave around the humans, you can see the wounds that decorate their bodies and it breaks my heart to know that this has been their reality for too long.

To think that this organisation is one of many doesn't help to ease my soul, this is happening all over the globe.

Taehyung settles a hand on my shoulder and squeezes gently to try and comfort me, eyes going over the pictures neatly organized on the desk, more hybrids as well as the human patrols, the different entries and some VIPs that we need to look out for, it was a shock when we found out that the President's son was part of the people to feed this hybrid abuse.

Thankfully he's going to be dealt with by the authorities, no money will keep him from the consequences of what he's done.

"It's going to be fine, Jiminie. We have trained fighters, they know who they're going against, they had many meetings to find the best course of action, no one's jumping in blindly. The hybrids will be saved and they'll finally be free from this hell, it will happen, our plan is solid" he assures me, words hopeful, he's right, yet I can't help the worry that continually wraps around my heart.

"Jinnie is going to be part of the rescue team, I can't not worry" I whisper with a deep exhale, Taehyung remains silent but I can feel the tension that takes place in his body from the way his fingers tighten on me.

I turn to have a look at him and my guilt rises at seeing the concerned frown on his face, lips pressed into a tight line before he takes a shaky inhale. This isn't easy for him either, yet here I am focusing only on myself.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung... I know that you worry about him just as much as I do, it just feels wrong to send him there while we remain here, it's going to be so dangerous and it makes me restless" I explain, I wish I didn't lack trust in this operation but I can't help it, it's our soulmate we're talking about.

Taehyung wraps his arms around my shoulders to pull me into his chest and then kisses the top of my head, the act making me melt into his hold, head resting against his heart that beats quickly and loudly.

"I know, Jimin, I know, it's not easy but remember what hyung said, he needs us to remain here where we are needed. When they send the hybrids over, they're going to be confused, scared, they'll need us to make them feel safe, they'll need us to show them that everything is going to be fine and we can't do that if we go with him. Jin will come back as fast as he can, you know he can never stay away from us for too long" he whispers into my hair, his gentle warmth helping in calming me a little.

I nod and wrap my arms around his waist to hug him back. "You're right, thank you Tae, I'm glad you're here. "Of course, I'll never be far from my soulmates" he murmurs back with his arms tightly holding onto me.

We stay like this in each other's arms for a while longer until duty calls, everything needing to be ready for the arrival of approximately thirty hybrids, that info being taken from the little we could gather from observing the circus for over a year, it could easily be more but we're ready for that possibility.

Taehyung goes to take care of his tasks while I do mine along with many other agents.

Medicinal equipment, tranquilizers, as much as I don't want to use them, we're all aware that it might have to be done since some of the hybrids are going to be extremely agitated and aggressive, we can't afford anyone getting hurt, especially not tonight, not with the intensity of what awaits us.

"Doctor Park, we're ready" one of my assistants, Heeseung, says as he comes to stand by me, his sharp eyes and tensed jaw showing me that he too is extremely nervous about tonight, this is his first heavy case after all, his first important mission.

I look over the wide room to see the large cages we had set up, a clean space filled with warm blankets, food and water on the side, they probably won't be happy to go from one cell to the other but this is only until we figure out the extent of their wounds, we need to treat them before we can allow them more liberty around the establishment.

Each cage can shelter a few hybrids so we'll have to be on the lookout for any groups, any hybrids looking for another. We don't want to separate them during this chaotic night, that would only make them even more dangerous and that's the last thing we need, they were trained to fight each other so what would stop them from ripping us to pieces?

We can't have that happen.

"Alright, thank you Heeseung-ah, that's some good work you did there. Did Sunoo make an inventory of our stock? Will we have enough or should we send a request for more supplies?" I ask as I turn my attention to where my other assistant is currently talking with an agent.

Heeseung nods. "He had a look and we'll be fine. We have salves, stitches, pain medicine, enough shots of antibiotics for double the amount of hybrids we're expecting and the team is ready to react on your orders" he answers efficiently, his voice calm and collected despite his nerves.

I make a noise in the back of my throat and excuse myself before leaving his side when I see Taehyung coming in with a pile of papers in hands, a frown on his face. He sees me coming and hands them to me as soon as I'm within reach, something that lets me know I was meant to receive these anyway.

I look over the sheets carefully and find there the profiles of the hybrids we're expecting with a little bit more details than the last one I had looked over a few days ago. There's not much new information but this is still going to be useful for the night, the images were processed to give more clarity, we can use these to examine the hybrids as they come and fill in the blanks.

I quickly glance through the sheets, there are a lot of predators but there are some preys too, we'll have to make sure to keep them in separate rooms before we allow them a shared space, we'll have to be extremely careful with handling them, it's hard to make a proper decision since we don't know how they feel about each other.

As I read some profiles, I notice by the end five papers with a purple sticker peeking out, Taehyung notices them too and explains before I can ask. "Those are the hybrids they said we should be careful of the most. Aggressive behaviour as soon as they're separated, we need to keep them together at all cost. I'm thinking they formed a pack during their stay there so they're most likely to be calmer if they can stay grouped".

My heart twists painfully when I look at the pictures in front of me. A stripped hyena, a black lion, a white tiger, a black mamba and a snow leopard, how the heck did they get their hands on these hybrids?

These are not common animals to begin with, they are rare.

The organisation's assholes must have made use of these poor hybrids as much as possible, it's not hard to guess the mental state we'll receive them in... fucking hell.

"Okay, I'll let the others know and we'll be sure to spot them as quickly as possible, thanks for letting me know" I mumble without looking away from the pictures, but I do feel his lips press to my temple before he walks away to keep preparing for the long night awaiting us.

After taking in as much information from the files as I can, I turn on my heels and spot MJ keeping himself busy nearby by adding more blankets into the cages, his caring nature making him worried that the hybrids could not have enough, the cages can get cold so they need more warmth, more comfort.

"MJ" I call out to the man, watch as he turns to me quickly before running over, already ready to hear anything I might have to say, he hates having to wait here while the others are on the way to the circus, I know exactly how he feels but we can't do much about that for now.

I show him the files that were handed to me and give him some time to take everything in, his reaction very similar to mine when he reaches the last five hybrids that we have to look out for. He glances up at me with round, alarmed eyes before turning the pages to read more, as if in disbelief.

"I know, I have no idea how they came to have such hybrids in their hold but it can't be good. They apparently formed a pack so we need to keep them together. We don't know what state they'll be in when they arrive so keep an eye out for them, put them together as they come, no matter what, it's very important" I inform him, to which he nods, he's aware that this isn't to be taken lightly.

If we want to earn their trust, then we need to do things well right from the beginning, there will not be much space for mistakes, they'll be sensitive enough as it is. One wrong move and we could have a much harder time dealing with them later on.

I send him away after asking him to let the others know too and then look around me to try and find something else to keep myself busy with, my nerves kicking in the more time goes as I try to find anything that could make someone trip by being misplaced, is there anything sharp in a visible spot that could make the hybrids panic?

Anything that looks slightly off, I try to find but every agents here are skilled and prepared for this kind of night, everything is in order, who we have here nothing else but professionals, this is what we've trained for, what we've practiced for for so long.

I breathe in deeply to calm myself, there's no use bringing myself to madness trying to find things that are already fixed. I make a move to sit for a short moment when my phone decides to ring at the exact same time.

I take it out of my pocket to see who's calling and when I see the name on the screen, I hurry away from the loud noises filling the room as people talk and run around and move into my office nearby before bringing the device to my ear after accepting the call.

"Jinnie" I let out in a whisper, jaw clenching when I realize how obvious my nerves sound in my voice, even to my own ears, Jin doesn't need that.

'Jimin-ah, how are you feeling' he asks softly and I huff out a small sigh, I wish he could be here right now, how selfish am I?

"You're the one asking me that, hyung? You're the one participating in such a dangerous mission, it should be me asking you how you're feeling, how you're doing" I admit weakly, hear his chuckle on the other side of the line, it sounds nervous but still confident, Jin is always confident.

'Worried for me, my adorable little mochie? You forget that I have the best team of agents with me, the fighters division is getting ready to take action, they'll be clearing up the path and us rescuers are going to follow behind them to get to the hybrids, we trained for this moment, everything will be fine' he says to reassure me, I can almost hear the smile in his voice as he speaks.

I breathe in and out deeply before nodding my head as I slump on my office chair. "I didn't forget, I'm just... I can't keep myself from worrying, you know how I am, but I should show the example and believe in all of you, I know that if I look too nervous, others will start believing that this is more than we can handle... Everything will be fine, it has to" I repeat his last words, shoulders straightening and chin raising up in a mean to convince myself.

'That's more like it. They're depending on you but you can also depend on them, Jimin-ah, tonight is all about teamwork, you're the most skilled doctor we have around but that doesn't mean the others don't know what they're doing, they'll be able to follow your directives without any mistakes done. Believe in us but believe in yourself as well, we'll get through this night just fine' he muses and I allow a smile to finally stretch over my face, he's right, as always.

'We're not your usual rehabilitation center, everyone working here is the best of the best, we're all people who have been recommended by the higher management, we're elites chosen from among elites. Remember what you learned as a doctor and do your best, meanwhile I will remember what I learned as a rescuer and will also do my best. We're not aiming for perfection tonight, Jimin, we're going to take over and annihilate those bastards'.

I chuckle at that. "How is that not perfection, hyung? That sounds like exactly what we should be doing" I let out with a grin, a lightness in my chest coming back thanks to my eldest soulmate.

He chuckles lowly, a darkness to it that brings chills through my body. 'Oh, it's so much more than perfection, my love, we're going to attain the epitome of flawlessness. They won't see what hit them, they will fear this night for the rest of their life, we'll make sure of it'.

I hum and look out of the window to see the darkening sky.

"That sounds wonderful, hyung. Show them exactly what it is that happens when you mess with us".

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