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(will be re-edited)

"Wake up, beast, it's your turn".

I feel something cold slide around my neck and click before I even open my eyes, body suddenly roughly lifted up, throat squeezing causing me to wake up in shock, the panic making me aware of everything going on around me in a matter of seconds.

I try to move against the disturbing sensation in reflex, my only wish in my mind's haze to free myself but the jailer dealing with me me only groans and pulls on the chain with more force to get me to walk towards the door, my feet barely holding my weight before I make a few steps myself.

"Consider yourself lucky, you had time to sleep compared to the others, you better not cause problems" the man says with a annoyed sigh, definitely displeased that I was given an 'advantage' .

Without anymore said, he starts walking out of the room and I manage to follow his rhythm as he pulls me behind him, the cold sting of the metal collar doing no good to my sensitive skin, yet there's nothing to do about that except be fast enough to keep it from digging further into my fur.

We walk through a few doors and the further we keep going, the louder I can hear people cheer, the telltale of a fight echoing in the empty space.

My heart skips a beat, tail anxiously swatting through the air as realization hits me.

Did it already start? Did I really sleep for that long? Is Jungkook fine? What about Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon? Have they had their turn yet?

I try to look around me as we reach the loud sound, see wounded hybrids lying down in cages, some of them whining softly as blood spreads on their fur.

My heart squeezes, soul growing cold out of nervousness and I become even more restless, heart begging for my family to be fine, to be safe.

If only I could act before it's their turn, but I can't see them, no matter where I look and that can only mean one thing.

They're currently in the ring or already went.

We reach the metal door leading to the gigantic show room and I pull on the chain, uncaring that it makes the man grumble to get closer to the sight in front of me, head trying to pass through the barriers to see better as my ears connect the sounds I hear as Namjoon and Yoongi.

My eyes fall on the two of them fighting against one another, hits that appear strong but are in fact restrained, the only thing truly hurting the claws they have no choice but to use to protect each other, the sight of blood the only thing keeping them from being sent for a second round.

But where's Hoseok?

I growl when another jailer gets closer to me, my ribcage rumbling loudly from knowing my family presently suffering, unable to stop my body from sharing my fear for them even when I'm hit in the face, an attempt to make me shut up that does nothing because I barely feel anything.

I glare at the jailer and bear my teeth at him in warning, tail flickering behind me in satisfaction when I see an ounce of hesitation flash through his eyes.

Go ahead, try to hit me again, give me a reason to destroy you, see if you'd like that as much as I would.

He shares a glance with the jailer holding me, the both of them audibly gulping and when some common sense takes place, when they decide that it's not worth it, he proceeds to open the heavy metal door, sign that it's going to be my turn next.

I barely notice a form standing next to me until I look up to see Hoseok, eyes widening when I realize that I'm going to have to fight him, the worst outcome that could possibly take place tonight in my mind.

His eyes as he stares at me are sad and I know this is going to be dangerous for him because he's not going to be able to attack me.

Heck, I couldn't do that to him either, not to him. Yoongi, Namjoon, I could do, they can take it, but Hoseok is too soft, too pure for that, I just can't.

Screams and cheers make me turn back to the show room to see Yoongi falling down to the floor out of exhaustion while Namjoon hovers over him, the last of his strength used to show his dominance for the crowd's satisfaction.

The thick smell of blood reaches my nose and I shift from one paw to the other, anger and sadness mixing together and eating me up from the inside at their state. This is exactly what I want to bring to an end, this is what I wanted to save them from, but it seems I'm too late.

Hoseok sticks closer to me, his body flat against my side and I wrap my tail around him, hoping to comfort him one way or another. In comfort and in apology, because I can't change my mind now. I can only hope they won't hurt him because of me.

We watch as the four jailers in the ring bring back Namjoon and Yoongi, their head hung low, paws dragging on the ground before they're forced to move faster, a rough tug on their chain that makes their breath hitch and my own flare.

Anger makes me tremble where I stand and Hoseok curls closer against me before the man holding him steps aside to keep him further away from me, as if it would change anything to what's going to happen.

I whine at the loss of his warmth, the only thing keeping me sane right now and he does too, yet none of us move, knowing that forcing our way wouldn't serve anything right now.

The tiger and the lion enter the room and walk past me, eyes looking pained, the both of them feeling guilty from having had to hurt each other as well as being afraid for us when they see that Hoseok and I are going to be stuck in the same situation.

Instincts tell me to cuddle them, to reassure them and show them that it's okay, that they're fine now, that we will be too, but reality has other plans for us and I can only watch as they get taken down the hall and into a cage of their own where they can lick their wounds to try and recover as much as possible.

I hope I can stop this madness before it's Jungkook's turn later in the night. I have to. I can't fail. I have no idea how I'm going to do this, but I need to find a way, I need to give them a way to flee this place.

When I'm pushed forward to walk through the gate first, Hoseok right behind me, when we step into the wide room filled with a sickening amount of people enjoying the view of animals hurting each other, flags that show their enthusiasm, some with pictures of particular hybrids, some I know to be me, others for Yoongi, Namjoon, lights flashing in their hands, items used to show how excited they are, it makes my unsteady resolve wither into nothingness.

How can I win against this? How do I put an end to this madness?

Hoseok cackles anxiously and I turn back to see him shaking, tail curled between his legs as he tries to resist having to walk forward, the shouts too loud for him, his sanity barely hanging on but he's not given a choice, not when the jailers gather around him to push him forward, his whimpers breaking me into pieces.

He manages to come closer into the spotlight before it gets too much for him, the smell of urine reaching my nose telling me that he's about to lose it, he's already losing it.

The jailer behind him grabs a whip from his pocket and directs it at the poor hyena so fast that I hear Hoseok's shrieks of pain before I see the item hit him and I instantly see red, blood growing cold, soul murderous, my patience, my tolerance done, completely done with this shit.

I yowl in rage, turn around and bump into the jailer holding my chain, the metal sliding out of his fingers allowing me to run and jump onto Hoseok's assaulter, the latter's back meeting the ground with a loud crack under my body.

His screams of agony, from a broken bone perhaps as he twists under me are satisfying, but not enough and I snap my teeth in front of his face, ready to make him see hell but for a brief second, I hesitate.

I hesitate because I see the fear in his eyes, an emotion that I am familiar with. He's truly terrified of me, of what I can do to him.

But has seeing that from us ever stopped them from hurting us? No, never.

It's with that in mind that I sink my teeth into his throat and bite as hard as I can, the sound of his screaming dimming quickly as his windpipes get blocked and crushed, his arms and feet trying to hit me, push me away, without success.

I focus on using more strength until the disgusting sound of bones breaking in my jaw reaches my ears and vibrate against my teeth, the first hint letting me know that he's dead.

His arms fall down to his sides, feet thumping down under me, body lifeless and I let go of his neck, the taste of blood making disgust wash over me before turning toward the other jailer just as he grabs my chain, his own whip readied in hand as he glares at me in a defensive posture.

The crowd cheers, unaware that what is currently happening isn't normal, or maybe they don't care, I hear shouts and barks of orders, but I ignore them and come to stand in front of Hoseok's terrified body to glare at my next victim, my need to protect him the only thing I can focus on right now.

Before the jailer can do anything, I run forward and slip between his legs, body fast and slender as I turn around to jump on his back, his hold on the chain making it squeeze his balls before he falls to his knees with a chocked gasp.

I make the rest of his body fall down and bite into the back of his neck, waiting until the scrunch of bones breaking resonates to let go.

Hoseok's frightened cackles pulls me back into focus and I look up to see a group of jailers running towards us, the hyena by my side in no state to be defending himself, not when he's so shocked.

The taste of blood coating my tongue makes me want to throw up but I push the feeling to the back of my mind and jump off the dead body to run towards Hoseok, a nudge to his neck to get him to start running.

Away from here. Anywhere, as long as he doesn't get caught.

His teeth come to bite on the soft skin of my neck and he pulls, pace slow as he tries to make me come with him but I resist, the sight of the men coming by closer and closer, the whips, the spears and extra chains a sight that makes me afraid for my family and growl as loudly as I can, a warning for him to go now, with or without me.

He jumps back in fright, ears pulled backwards as his panicked eyes fall on me, confused and I feel my heart break at the sight.

Stumping on the ground and into an attacking posture, I hiss at him and watch as he turns around and runs away, finally, the sound of bodies getting closer, rotten smells surrounding me enough to tell me that I'm screwed.

And if I'm screwed, might as well take down as many as I can.

Screams start filling the room but I ignore them and jump on the nearest jailer, a growl leaving my throat when I feel the sharp slice of leather breaking skin and my own smell of blood reaches my nose as it mixes with the humans', but at this point, it's too late to stop.

"Fucking shit, that thing's strong!" one of them shouts when they try to pull again on the chain to keep me back but in the adrenaline, I don't care anymore if it hurts, strength doubling to try to stay alive as I slice open a chest with a swing of the paw, claws sharp as they tear through clothes and skin and bones.

I do the same with two other men before I hear something that has me freezing in place.

A gun loading and a whimpering cackle.

I jump back and turn towards the sound, see Hoseok flat on the ground under two jailers, one of them pointing a gun at his head.

Feeling the fight leave me as fast as it appeared has me staggering and I don't notice the feet swinging towards me until I'm growling in pain, head snapping towards the man who did that but before I can even decide to do anything, a loud gunshot and a pain in my shoulder has my heart stopping for a moment.

Hoseok howls, alarmed and panicked as I fall down to my side from the impact, body shocked, ears ringing from all the noise that surrounds me as the burning sensation pulses through my flesh, a warm and wet thickness spreading all over my fur.

I huff softly and close my eyes briefly, orbs remaining on my family, on Hoseok as he stares back while crying.

That's not going well at all.

At this rate, I'm simply going to die without being able to save a single hybrid. I'll have caused Hoseok to see me die and he'll be forced to keep living a shitty life here, forced to get even more broken with each passing day. Namjoon and Yoongi will have to keep fighting one another and Jungkook will have to endure killing humans month after month.

From the corner of my eye, I see a man get ready to swing his foot at my face and then it's dark.

Jin's POV

"What the heck is going on?!" I shout from the room we were told to wait in while they get everything ready.

We had a team evacuating the rows of audience watching the damn show and straight into the police's hands, something that must have triggered the alarm within the organization, but we weren't supposed to take action just yet.

"Why did I hear a gunshot?!" I continue, body ready to slam past Sanha but Eunwoo grabs me tightly and pulls me back to stand with the others while Rocky gets a walkie-talkie out of his pocket, visibly ignoring me but I know he heard me just well.

"Rocky on call, what is the situation? Over" he asks, the screech of the machine making me wince before I shake my body to have Eunwoo let go of me. I'm not devoid of control, it's not like I'm going to attack anyone in here.

"Jake on call. An animal attacked the enemy. I repeat, an animal attacked the enemy. A snow leopard, it's shot. A hyena is trying to fight, but it won't stand a chance. We're on the scene, asking for permission to take action. Over".

I swear, fists clenched tight. They shot a hybrid, one of the rarest. What stops them from shooting the others as well? I turn to Rocky and plead him with my eyes.

"Please, Rocky, let them take action. They might be young but they're the best of their team. You can't let these hybrids get killed" I beg, hands going to grip his shoulders, everything to avoid running to the scene myself.

Rocky bites on his lip and turns to Sanha. "Give the order. Take Moonbin and Eunwoo with you and assist the Juniors, make sure no one is wounded and get every hybrids you find to safety" he orders and the rat hybrid nods, agile body quick as he hides his own walkie-talkie in his pocket, earbud tucked in his ear and motions for the two rescuers to follow him out of the room.

Rocky turns to me and is about to say something but a voice comes in from the machine and he pauses to listen to it.

"Niki on call. The snow leopard was taken away. We managed to get the hyena, using tranquilizer right now. We found around fifteen wounded hybrids in cages, seven jailers taken down. Over".

Damn that was fast. But then again, I shouldn't be surprised. They are the elite of the elite.

Rocky clicks his tongue and points at me. "With me, now" he urges before hurrying out of the room with me following closely behind.

The soldier loads his gun and leads us through several corridors, the place a real labyrinth and I have to stand back a few times while he shoots down the jailers we find, each more stupid than the last. It's a wonder really how we managed to take this long to find a breach.

"It's like they have no idea what they're doing" I say through gritted teeth and Rocky nods.

"That's exactly that. They have no idea what they're doing, they're following orders and that's it, they're no fighter, just puppets".

We push open doors we come across, hybrids found isolated and sick looking, every single one of them. My heart hurts for each one of them but Rocky needs me to follow him so I give directions to each team of rescuers, give them as much information as I can about the hybrids' state before continuing the search.

"What are we looking for?" I ask him, tired of being kept in ignorance. My job here is to help the hybrids, so why the heck have I not been doing that yet?

Rocky raises a finger to shut me up, his other hand cupping his ear as he listens to something said through his earbud, a necessity to avoid the walkie-talkie echoing and giving away our position. He nods to the voice only him can hear and looks around us before pulling me with him into a large empty room not far from our position.

Before I can say anything, he's motioning for me to keep quiet and makes us hide in a corner behind a large desk. What the fuck is going on? Is what I want to say but the door suddenly swings open and I tense up, not expecting that to happen, eyes observing the little that we can see from under the desk.

"She's the only one we could keep, boss, the building has been fully raided, no matter where we go, our men are being shot and hybrids taken away" a voice explains as a body enters the room, the sound of something dragging on the floor making my heartbeat gain in speed.

The snow leopard, the brave girl who fought against them.

I let my eyes go over her body, notice the gunshot wound, blood seeping out of it slowly, a few gash here and there and the sight destroys me. So hurt, and for what?

For the sadistic pleasure of people with no sense of moral.

"Tsk. Such a waste of money" who I assume to be the boss says as he enters the room along with one... two... three... four other people, feet coming in one after the other before they close the door.

Then the sound of a gun loading reaches my ears. "Make sure she doesn't cause any problems again or I'm shooting a bullet right through her skull. Maybe through one of yours as well if you keep disappointing me. I have no use for puppets unable to listen".

An indescribable rage fills me at his words and I have to hold onto every fiber of my being to avoid jumping out of our hiding spot. A hand on my shoulder helps me gather the necessary strength to stand still, but I've never wanted to kill someone as much as I do now.

Something calling me to that hybrid, to protect and take care of. And I'm not dumb. That's not just because of my job or my love for hybrids.

She's one of our missing soulmates. I'm sure of that, I've never been wrong about my instincts and that won't start now. That bit of information makes it that much harder to remain calm.

Could it be that the hybrids she formed a pack with could in fact be our remaining soulmates as well? The urge to scoop her up in my arms and run away to find the others is so strong I have to bite on my tongue until the taste of iron fills my mouth to keep me from doing something stupid.

I look up to see Rocky with annoyance in his eyes. He's not pleased by the situation either but we can't act rashly.

This is the head of a whole organization that kidnapped and bought hybrids for so many years without ever being caught. Who knows if he has other places like here somewhere else? We can't let him go. They lock the door behind them, triple locked even. This isn't good.

Rocky presses a button on a machine tucked in his chest pocket and I recognize that as the signal sent to get reinforcement. That's only used in emergencies so they'll understand that we're in a particular situation. Now it's a waiting game. If we can afford it at all.

The hybrid tries to move away from the men but a foot settles on her body and I notice the bones poking at her skin, fur so short at places, waist so thin that I wonder how she could even fight at all. That's not the body of a healthy predator. Far from that.

Her eyes open and fall on me and I watch with a broken heart as her gaze hardens, hate flashing through her orbs and she growls, body writhing under the foot, pained snarls as she tries to save herself, but she has no strength anymore, the sounds she makes weak and pleading for help.

I turn to Rocky, unable to resist anymore. "I'm sorry, I can't- that's my soulmate, Rocky, I can't keep watching" I murmur before jumping up to my feet and onto the nearest man to get him away from her.

My fist connects with his jaw and I watch as his body falls down, head hitting against the wall before the body remains immobile. A swear behind me notifies me that Rocky has also stepped out of the hiding place and I turn towards the remaining danger.

"Don't move or I shoot" Rocky screams as he comes closer, his gun pointed at them and the frightened jailers hide behind a taller body, the one we automatically assume to be the boss.

I step in front of the leopard and sigh in relief when she finds enough strength to get away to a corner of the room.

"Now, now, surely we can make a deal, can't we?" the tall man says, voice aloof and unbothered, as if the situation here isn't a matter of life or death for him.

He points at the hybrid. "You take her and you let us go, hm? How's that?" he tries but I scoff.

"So you can start again? No thank you, you're coming with us" I let out, body aching to put an end to all of this so I can treat the girl's wounds. My girl. To think that I would meet a soulmate in this kind of situation.

The man sighs and lifts his own gun in front of his face, eyes looking over the engravings, bored. I tense up because that is an incredibly hard to read behavior. Is he going to shoot? Is he going to point the weapon at someone? Is he just teasing us?

Rocky seems on edge as well, his lips pressed into a thin line and I step back, not wanting to get in the way. I put us in that situation after all, I can't get in the way anymore.

"Put your weapon down right now" Rocky warns him with a cold voice but except for the whimpering jailers, the boss has no reaction whatsoever, eyes not moving away from the cold metal in his hand except for a sly smile taking place on his face.

That ticks me off. This looks like a game to him. I despise criminals of his kind. Not a care in the world for what they do.

I discreetly slip a hand into my pouch at my back and grab a shot of tranquilizer. It's quite a strong doze made for hybrids in their animal forms so that would put him out of order for quite a while, if I could just make it to him without being shot at...

A light growl reaches my ears and the feeling of fur against my leg has me looking down with wide eyes just as the sound of shooting rings in the closed room, something incredibly painful about it as it pierces through my ears, but not more than the view of the snow leopard falling down in a pool of blood in front of me.

As if it was timed on purpose, the door's locks blow and the door snaps open, something that causes confusion in the room as the enemy wasn't expecting any more people here, jailers screaming as they get away from the commotion, the tall man frowning his displease before he points his gun at someone else.

I make use of that moment, head pounding painfully but brain working faster than it ever has to react, injection within my fingers ready before I dart forward to stab the man's arm with it, his eyes widening in surprise.

It doesn't take more than two seconds before he falls unconscious to the floor and the soldiers from the fighters division proceed to arrest everyone in the room. Without wasting a single more second, I rush to my soulmate's side and take in her state.

It's bad, really bad. I snap my pouch off my back and empty the content on the floor, hands looking for bandages to try and slow down the bleeding, anything to keep her alive.

At this moment, I regret not taking Jimin with me, knowing that we have quite a while on the road to reach the center and with the state in which she is, I fear she might not make it there without precise care. I'm going to have to call him and let him guide me by voice.

"I'm taking her with me, I'm not leaving her side" I state once the bandages are tied tightly around her wounds and make an attempt at lifting her up in my arms only to end up wanting to cry at how easy it is, how light she is.

I shouldn't be able to lift her up. Not at all. Yet here she is, scooped up against my chest, her heavy breathing filling my soul with fear.

"Can someone drive? Please" I plead, unable to keep my voice from wavering as I stare at the familiar faces in the room. My soulmate is currently dying in my arms and I don't know how long I can keep a straight head for.

Jay, one of the young soldiers steps forward, eyes taking in her state before he stares back at me.

"I'll do it" he offers, voice confident and kind and I nod gratefully before turning to Rocky, guilt on my face.

"I'm sorry, I really couldn't let them hurt her" I whisper because although I can't say I regret what I did, I still changed the mission without permission and put us both in danger, all three of us.

He smiles lightly and pats my shoulder. "Hurry up, stop wasting time now" he says simply and that's all I need to run out of the room, Jay leading the way through the endless corridors and to the exit.

I'm so glad they were made to memorize the whole building because we really can't afford losing time and right now, I'm not focusing very well with her body in my arms as she keeps losing blood, the thick liquid seeping through the bandages.

Once back outside, the moon now high in the sky, which tells me just how long we've spent in here, I notice most of the trucks are gone and I allow myself to feel some relief because that means we got them all. We did it.

"This mission was a success" Jay states as he opens the door of the nearest truck and helps me in at the back and onto the carpeted area, the space enough to have a few hybrids in at a time, straps safely tied around her body to keep her safe while we're on the road.

"It was" I murmur, hand already fishing out my phone and composing Jimin's number before bringing it to my ear.

He answers quickly, much to my relief because the hybrid's breathing isn't getting any better. "Jimin-ah-" I start but he cuts me off.

'Hyung, four of the hybrids here are our soulmates' he all but shouts, clearly overwhelmed by the situation, emotions in overdrive.

My heart squeezes at his words. I knew it.

"I had a feeling there would be more... but more importantly right now, Jimin-ah, I need your help. I have our last soulmate with me. She's badly hurt, two gun shots, I don't know how deep the bullets are, I need you to tell me what to do" I say, unable to focus on anything else but the blood pooling in front of me as the truck starts moving.

'Shit, fucking hell. Okay, okay, answer my questions and do exactly what I tell you to do' he says, voice going stricter and I know he's back in work mode, which makes me sigh in relief, because I really need him like that at the moment.

'Is she breathing? Count her pulse for me' he starts and I want to answer yes, obviously, but when I bring a hand to her neck, my soul wants to scream.

"She's not- Jimin she's not breathing" I panic.


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