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Second update today? Heck yes.

Once done eating the food, Sunoo eventually leaves since he has other things to do but promises to be back in a few hours again to keep track of my state and talk a little, something about how he could also bring Heeseung and a few other friends he has over the next days, that I could like them and become great friends, if I want to of course.

It's a shame to see him go, it was something comforting to not be the only hybrid in the room, even though I'm not particularly uncomfortable with the three humans, they're just not like me.

When only the four of us remain in the room, it's oddly familiar and entertaining to watch them bicker and have fun together, stories they tell me about some weird things the hybrids have done so far without telling me exactly who did it so as to allow them to keep their dignity, a shame really because some stories are so funny Jimin has to physically hold me to avoid me hurting my wounds.

And when it's time for Jin and Taehyung to leave after a while since they too have other tasks to do, the food they knew I wouldn't be able to eat going to the other hybrids, something that reassures me, their absence leaves me feeling emptier than ever and it must show on my face and behavior because Jimin smiles softly at me, a knowing sigh leaving his lips.

"It feels empty when they leave, doesn't it? Like the sun just left the room" he says, his words echoing my thought and leaving me surprised. Does he feel the same way I do? At my lack of response, he hums and stands up from his chair to walk around the room, an apparent need in him to tidy the place up a little before going to do something else.

I watch him to his things and yawn, a sudden tiredness taking over me now that I ate so much. I feel like if I close my eyes, I'm going to sleep forever. Jimin chuckles and nods to himself as he looks at a weird object in his hand that lights up.

"Right, you ate a lot so you must be getting tired. Your body got a lot of energy and it's going to use every nutrients it received to get you to heal properly. Don't hesitate to close your eyes and rest, something tells me the walking around will only happen tomorrow, but that's not a bad thing. It'll allow the stitches to take place properly and it'll probably be easier for you to walk by then" he explains before walking over to grab the warm blanket that was covering me earlier to draw it over my body again.

The warmth that envelops me only serves to increase my fatigue and I yawn again, jaw stretching wide, teeth exposed to the world before I rest my head down on the soft fluffy thing he adjusts for me. I'm sure a cloud would be just as comfortable as this.

"Now, if you ever wake up and need anything" he starts and points at a small object with a piece sticking out of it. "You press this button, okay? It'll make a sound, not too loud but it can take by surprise the first time. I or someone else will be around very quickly, okay? Don't worry, if I don't make it there first, I'm on the way. You can expect either Sunoo or Heeseung depending on who is free first, I know you haven't met the other human yet but don't worry, he's very sweet and attentive, I'm sure you'll like him too" he continues explaining before rubbing one of my ears between his fingers, the act making my eyes get even heavier, purr leaving me at the act.

"Now you be a sweet girl and take it easy okay? I don't want you to get out of bed alone, call for us if you need anything, anything at all" he repeats before turning off the light and leaves the room. As soon as the door closes behind him, I fall asleep, feeling content and at peace.

Jungkook's POV

It all happens so quickly. As if a lock is being unlocked after so many years, the process slow and creaky, as if my whole being is forced and pushed to do something it hasn't done in so long, but when it's done, when the key is out and you finally open the door, there's no going back.

That's what makes me attempt to shift that morning while my pack, as the humans and hybrids have been calling it, are still sleeping.

What I don't expect though, is for the process of shifting to my human form to be so painful. The door is opened, but the road leading inside is dark and in shambles. I hiss and twist, head burning but it's such a vital need in me to finally be released from this prison, from this animal form that has been my companion for so long.

I don't realize when the feeling of warm fur surrounds me, nor do I realize when the pain is over, sweat covering my whole body as my skin just keeps burning, burning as if I'm melting. Did I do it? Did it work? A nose settles into my palm and I-

My palm? I open my eyes, lids heavy, but when I start noticing the heat points surrounding me, the view of my human body is very clear to my eyes in the darkness, along with seeing Hoseok and Yoongi still sleeping. I don't remember making a sound, but I'm glad they didn't wake up.

I groan when I try to move, limbs something I am not used to anymore, how to work arms and legs, hands and feet, fingers and toes. So many things my brain has to get used to again. I hear a soft chuff and manage to look to the side to see Namjoon gazing down at me, worried yet fascinated eyes on my form before he goes to lick my face gently to congratulate me.

"H-hyung, I did it" I whisper, a tired smile on my lips when he grunts quietly in approval, not willing to wake the other two from their sleep but not willing to ignore me either. He licks my face and neck to clean me and sighs, realizing that he's got a lot more work in front of him than when I was still in my snake form.

I whine lowly when his tongue feels like it's scratching my skin, the flesh much more sensitive than scales but his tail comes to graze my cheek in tender affection while he keeps going, softer and as gentle as he can to get rid of all the sweat sticking to my skin.

I lick my lips, his scent filling my mouth and reminding me of trees, of forests we once were allowed to see. It's so comforting and with the tip of his tail stroking my face gently, body cradled against his and keeping me warm from the nakedness in which I find myself, I eventually get lulled back to sleep.


When I wake up again, it's to hear life awakening from deep slumber, yawns and bodies stretching as the sun starts peeking in from the windows in the large room.

I look up to see that Namjoon is still sleeping, tail curled around my waist and hiding me from being exposed while Hoseok and Yoongi are still sleeping soundly. I sigh and decide to take this moment to try and move my fingers, get the feel of them again, to relearn how to use a human body, something I haven't done for too long.

I let my eyes wander my skin, notice the scales covering my forearms and ankles, black shininess against pale skin, a contrast so easy to notice and I wonder if I'm going to have to try to hide this part of me. I allow my fingers to slide up my skin, notice the scales also covering my waist and as I reach my neck, I can also feel them crawling from my nape to the beginning of my jaw, but everything else is only smoothness and softness.

A loud sneeze has me looking to the side to see Hoseok with surprised sleepy eyes, his body having decided that it's time to wake up against his will. I giggle at the view, a sound that none of us are used to hearing and the hyena snaps his head to me, body trying to determine if whoever broke inside our cage is safe or not until he sniffs the air.

When he registers my smell, his eyes widen, round like the moon and he jumps to his feet before running to me, tongue going to lick all over my face in over-excitement, so happy that I could finally shift, something we're all wishing for to happen soon. His scent feels just as happy as he is and I can't help but puff in pride as it adds to Namjoon's scent on my skin.

"Calm down, hyung" I let out in a giggle as he cackles and laughs not so quietly, the sound definitely pulling others from their sleep, along with Yoongi, the latter looking all grumpy before he realizes what Hoseok is excited over.

Surprise leaves place to amazement, bitter scent softening slightly and he scrambles up to his paws with difficulty before rushing over, his fluffy mane engulfing me as half of his body climbs on me, thrilled purrs vibrating through the air and over my whole body that has Namjoon eventually waking up as well, tired eyes looking over our happy group and his smell sweetening is sign enough that he's pleased by the sight in front of him.

"Guys, please, you're so heavy" I whine, the use of my voice something I was starting to dream about, to finally use words we can all understand. I wish so dearly that Y/N could've been with us for this moment, that I could see the amazement in her eyes, the softness of her fur against my skin, but at the same time, I'm glad she's not because the simple thought of her seeing me naked makes me incredibly shy.

"Well I see a pack looking extremely happy this morn-". I look up and away from my family to see Jimin staring at me with wide round eyes, posture frozen in place as his brain starts processing what he's seeing.

I stick my tongue out briefly, allow his emotions to add to the others on my tongue and I can tell right away that he's incredibly happy, but for some reason, he's doing his best to tone it down, eyes blinking quickly, breath evened out by force before he finally steps closer, eyes unable to let go of me.

Is he disappointed by what he's seeing? I can't help but worry that I'm not to his taste for some reason, my appearance now more alike to his than before, physical traits of my face more distinct and subject to hate and love. You can't really call a snake ugly, but what about my human form?

I watch as he steps closer and the blush that creeps onto his cheeks doesn't manage to hide from my sight, eyes noticing the heat in his face increasing to a degree that looks uncomfortable. "I- You- Gosh I feel like teenager... You need clothes, I'll be right back" he manages to say after taking a look at my body and hurries away as if fire is running after him.

Not knowing what to think of his reaction, I bring my attention back to my three pack members and attempt to scratch their heads, fingers going to massage the ears as I've always wanted to and seeing the pleased look taking over their faces, scents telling me they're loving this, it makes my own satisfaction reach a whole new level. Not restrained anymore by a body that can't do anything.

Jimin comes back quickly with clothes and he motions for me to stand up, cheeks back to a regular color, although the heat seems still presents. I do as asked and stumble a little forward before his arms come to steady me with a gasp.

"Easy there, you don't have to go so fast, soft boy, baby steps" he says before slowly stepping back and I almost whine at the loss of his body heat on mine, something that felt so right and comforting, something that I wish would never end. Something that makes questions add up in my mind, this attraction that I feel, that I know we all feel, towards these three humans, between the four of us and towards Y/N as well, even if she's not present right now.

He grabs pieces of clothing and helps me put them on, everything to my size and I figure out that must have been why he was staring me up and down earlier, although it was rather embarrassing. I can't say I feel too proud for needing help to get dressed, but my clumsy body isn't doing such a good job right now so he doesn't really give me much of a choice.

Once fully dressed in comfortable clothes, nothing that hides my scales, which I'm pretty happy about, I turn in circle to show the others my look and earn myself some approving purrs and grunts, which helps boost my confidence.

"Looking good, soft boy, when did you shift?" he compliments me, his words causing my heart to warm up before I focus on his question. I turn to Namjoon, as if he could tell me the answer.

"I guess it was in the middle of the night? I don't really remember, it was rather painful but Namjoon took care of me so I fell back to sleep rather quickly" I explain and Jimin nods before eyeing the others in the cage.

"So you know each others' names then? Mind helping me on that one? I'd love knowing the names of our sou- of the hybrids under our responsibilities" he cuts himself off at a word before taking a different direction and I don't let it show on my face that it wasn't so discreet, although I have to say, that was pretty suspicious.

Sou... what could possibly start with those letters? I have a feeling he just almost let out some pretty important information and I intend to find out. But that's for another time.

I point to myself. "My name is Jungkook. This hyena here is Hoseok, the tiger is Namjoon and the lion is Yoongi. You know the leopard, Y/N, we told each other our name when we met the first time before being shifted to our animal shapes by force" I explain before biting on my lips.

"Can I see her? I really want to show her that I shifted and to tell her how we are doing, she must be lonely all alone since she woke up yesterday" I ask him and he sighs with a nod, hand going to scratch the back of his neck.

"Of course Taehyung would tell you everything. I guess we can go see if she's awake but if she's still sleeping, it'll have to wait, she's still recovering from her wounds and I don't want anything getting in the way of that. Now that you shifted, we can't possibly have you stay here so we'll have to bring you to a room of your own and show you how the dormitory works and that takes time so we can't waste too much time. Now, I see your reaction, I know you'd rather stay here, but our goal is to have this place completely empty and to fill the rooms instead. You'll be a lot more comfortable there in this form and you won't be alone, I promise. I'm sure your pack won't take too long before joining you" he says and I swallow the complaining about to get out, knowing that if Jimin says something needs to happen, then it's going to happen.

I don't want to be away from them, but I know this isn't my decision to make. We've been able to see that this place is safe throughout the week and I know it won't be different just because I'm not with them anymore. Hoseok curls around my leg and I instinctively bring a hand to run through his fur to seek and give comfort.

Jimin smiles and pats my shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll be able to come see them everyday if you want, it's just mainly for sleeping and meal times, we'll have to fully adapt your diet to that of a human so we need to keep a watch on you for the meals. It's going to be fine, don't worry" he says, voice soothing and reassuring.

Yoongi and Namjoon come to join our sides and cuddle my legs some more before nudging Hoseok back into the cage to let me go. I turn to them and send them an excited smile. I'm going to see Y/N, our missing family member, I hope she's awake.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you how Y/N is doing when I come back and when you all shift as well, then we can go see her together" I muse aloud to which they reply with happy chirps.

I know they can't wait to see her as well, although I do suspect Hoseok and Yoongi to have seen her in secret yesterday. When they came to us running, overjoyed and bearing a new smell, one that easily reminded me of her, Yoongi more than Hoseok, it just made sense to me. I'm guessing Hoseok just rubbed his fur against the lion to try and get some of it too because it wasn't as strong, but they were together, as they are most time so whatever Yoongi did, Hoseok did too.

I chuckle at the thought and proceed to follow Jimin through corridors leading to a room where I can smell the exact scent Yoongi so proudly kept to himself before it started fading away. And when the door opens, when I see her, alone with the cat hybrid, I suddenly feel overly protective, as if my territory just got trampled upon. Resisting the urge to let my teeth poke out, venom that is not needed right now seeping out onto my tongue, I follow Jimin inside.

"Why is he here?" I ask, unable to hide the frown on my face and my voice gets the two's attention, heads turning to see us by the door. Jimin rubs a hand along my back up and down and smiles. "Sunoo hasn't been able to stop talking about Y/N since yesterday so I'm thinking he simply missed her and came by to say hello. Sunoo, say hi to Jungkook, one of Y/N's pack members" Jimin presents us to one another.

Y/N's eyes widen at the mention of my name and when they fall on me, I feel extremely pleased to see how proud she looks at seeing me standing on two feet. "Y/N? So that's her name them?" Sunoo repeats happily and steps aside to give me the space around her, which I appreciate, the sense of threat I kept feeling subsiding and allowing my venom to take a break.

I join her at her bed and sit down next to her, eyes going over her stitches to see that she seems to be doing a lot better already. She excitedly and very slowly makes her way onto my lap, a few glances at Jimin as if he's going to tell her to stop anytime soon but he lets her be, pleased eyes gazing at us as he takes a seat at a chair nearby after telling Sunoo that he'll handle the rest and that he can go.

Having my beautiful girl looking up at me with her wide eyes makes me want to cry because the last time I saw her, she was still unconscious and there was no sign of her about to wake up soon, yet here she is, bursting with energy and looking much more healthier than last time.

"I'm so happy to see you Y/N, how are you?" I ask softly, hands going to cup her cheeks, fingers rubbing under her eyes when I notice some tears of her own, as if she can't believe this is really happening. She licks my hand before growling softly and pushes me down to my back without warning to climb on my chest and starts licking my neck with energy, the act both ticklish and painful but I let her do as she pleases, only too happy to see her strong and doing well.

"Y/N, stop, please" I plead in a giggle after a while when my skin starts burning, smile so wide it hurts but I can't stop, not when her scent is so intoxicating and comforting and wrapping around me with every lick of air I take, when her joy is so flagrant, not only with the way she smells but with her behavior, something I've never seen from her, not when she was always on guard and watching over us, as if our survival depended on her.

Which might not have been too far from the truth. She always managed to stop us from doing something that would break us or bring an end to our life, she always stayed with us when we were sad, depressed, lost or simply in need of comfort. She was our strong pillar, helping us hold on.

But while she was strong for us, did we manage to do the same for her? I somehow doubt it. I know I didn't, I don't think so anyway. What could a snake possibly do?

The feeling of teeth nipping at the skin of my neck makes me gasp and I look down to see her frowning at me. She does her cute mix of scolding grunts and chirps before nudging my neck softly, apologetic lick of the tongue where I now expect to find a wound later. I stroke her fur and sigh. She must have smelled my guilt, I know she hates us being hard on ourselves.

Huffing out to keep only positive emotions within me, I smile and hum. "So, I figured you would want to hear from one of us how it's been going so far since our arrival here" I say, wait until she settles comfortably, my hands sliding around her ears until her purrs start resonating throughout my body. Once she's ready, she lets me know with a quiet chirp, the sound putting a grin on my face.

"At first we were really confused, we just wanted to see you and make sure that you were safe, I was present during your operation and I was really scared for you, there was so much blood, but Jimin kept reassuring me that you were going to be fine so I decided to trust him. Once we were allowed to come visit you, it really helped ease our worries and we came by to see you everyday, that's how we got to know more about Taehyung and Jin along with some other people working here and they're all so nice, they take good care of us, they feed us well, huge amount of food for each of us like you wouldn't believe, Jin cooks so well, it really shows when it's someone else taking care of the food-"

Jimin bursts into laughter at that and I stop, confused as the sound of hands hitting skin reaches my ears. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry but I'm so telling that to Taehyung, he's been the one taking over the cooking when Jin is busy on the job" he suddenly exclaims and I feel my embarrassment go through the roof at his words.

"I-Is that the truth?! Oh please don't tell him I said that, the food he makes is really good too, Jin's is just particularly good- Don't tell him please" I plead, head lifting off the bed to look into his amused eyes.

"Alright, alright. Don't worry, I'll keep this a secret" the doctor muses but when the door opens to reveal Taehyung, the man looking at me with pouty lips, I hold my breath, feeling mortified that he heard everything.

"How dare you say that my cooking isn't up to Jin's level! The man is a genius of the kitchen, of course I can't be at his level! Ah but I'll have you know that my grilled-cheese are the best!" the man exclaims as he enters the room, a quick kiss to Jimin's cheek before he brings his attention back to me intently, suddenly realizing that he doesn't recognize me but also looking as if he feels like he knows me but can't quite replace me in his memory.

"Taehyung is right about that, his grilled-cheese is delightful. Tae, I'm sure you already had a doubt, but this is the black mamba we've been taking care of, Jungkook. He shifted during the night, I found him in this form when I came by this morning, he requested to see this sweet girl, hence why we're here right now" he explains and Taehyung's eyes widen in excitement.

"The black mamba?! You shifted! That's amazing! How do you feel? It must be weird having limbs, isn't it? Do you need anything? You must be hungry, shifting takes energy, do you want me to make you something? I might not be as good as Jin but my food is filling nonetheless and that's what you need, right? Oh I'm rambling, congratulations on shifting back to your human form, Jungkook right?" he's about to end but then gasps and steps closer with even more excitement.

"Wait, please tell me you know the others' names! What's Snowy's name? What about the lion? And the tiger, the hyena as well! I bet your names are all so great, Jungkook fits you perfectly, you're so handsome, I'm sure the others are going to be so handsome as well, and her? Oh she's going to be gorgeous, I can't wait to see her shift as well, all of you, this is so exciting!" he exclaims, unable to keep his energy in as it just keeps exploding all around us, his smell strong and perfumy.

Unable to find out where to start with everything he just threw my way, I turn to Jimin to see him chuckling as he pulls on the other man's hand to make him sit on his lap. "Calm down, Tae, there's only so much he can reply all at once, one question at a time, I'll help him answer, okay?".

Taehyung nods, wide smile on his face and I sigh in relief while Y/N huffs a laugh, head going to rest in my neck while her tail slides up and down my arm soothingly. Having her on me like that fills me with much more happiness than I could ever describe and I wish we could stay like that forever.

And so, just like that, we spend some time together, questions asked and answers given to the best of my ability until the man finally jumps to his feet with a promise to make food good enough to get a pass from me.

"If you don't like the grilled-cheese I make... then your taste buds have a problem. You'll see, it's quite different from what you're used to eating, but we've made you slowly adjust so I'm sure you'll be fine, it won't be such a shock. I'll be back soon, they don't take long to make! But I have to say, no sharing with Y/N! She's not ready for that kind of food just yet" he says before getting closer to the door but stops when he sees her lift her head with a look of betrayal in her eyes.

He chuckles and tuts at her softly. "Don't worry, Snowy, I'll bring you something else, Jin left me a few recipes for you that will help your stomach get ready for human food, give it some time and you'll be allowed my wonderful grilled-cheese as well" he says, to which she replies with whiny chirps.

Unable to resist her cuteness, I wrap my arms around her neck and nudge the top of her head with my cheeks, the sensation of her soft fur against my skin something so soothing and heartwarming.

"Stop being so cute, Y/N, I can't handle it! We all went through the same process, you can't take the faster road or you'll get sick. That's what happened to one of the other hybrids, quite impatient he was, he stole someone's sandwich and ended up throwing it up the next minute. I don't want that to happen to you" I tell her and she huffs in disappointment.

"I know, I know, but you'll see, Jin makes boring meals interesting, there's always a variety of aliments, you won't even notice that you're not eating the same food as I am" I retort but she grunts and slaps my arm with her tail, still unhappy about her situation. We always share, that's a silent rule we made, but it's not my fault if I have to break it!

I grin and hug her tighter as she keeps grumbling, endeared by the fact that even through her discontentment, she still indulges me, her scent wrapping around me, something that I know will make the others jealous.

"I know you love me, you can't hide it" I tell her, a giggle leaving my lips when she snaps her teeth at me, a warning for me to shut up before she bites something off. "Ah I know, I know, it's okay, nothing to be ashamed of, I love you too" I muse, eyes closing as I keep rubbing my face in her fur, unaware of the doctor's eyes gazing at us with much more love than there should be.

Who would've known that one day, we'd bicker like this without having a sense of danger following close behind us? I wish this can last forever because I really love this.

Please, why are they so cute 😭

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