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I'm going to say sorry now, I have a feeling this story might shift POVs quite often because I like giving hints as to what sort of things are happening around the center and not just Y/N's POV. I don't know how often it'll occur but just know that I'll always mention whose POV it is when it switches. If I don't mention one, usually at the beginning of a chapter, always assume it's Y/N's. I hope it doesn't confuse you guys too much but please let me know if it does and I'll try to dose things down a little.

(I say this because this chapter has quite a few and I've never really done so many (3 lmao) before so I'd rather you guys expect it to avoid being too confused in the future)

"Alright, slowly, one step at a time" Jimin murmurs as he helps me to my paws, legs shaky but still able to handle my weight.

"Aww rose, you're doing it! You're standing on your own!" Sunoo exclaims happily, hands clapping as if I'm learning to walk for the first time in my life.

Rose, a nickname Sunoo gave me because apparently, that's what I smell like. I wish I could put names on scents as well but my knowledge doesn't allow that just yet. One day for sure, I will too be able to tell what the people around me smell like, both hybrids and humans.

I take a few slow steps but the itch of my stitches is quite annoying. I turn around to try and bite the skin around it to ease some of it but Jimin stops me before I can reach the skin.

"No no sweet girl, I know it's itchy but you can't touch it, we put a cream on it and we need it to stay there, try to ignore it as much as possible, okay?" he says and I grumble before doing as told and focus mostly on walking, although I can't help but shake a leg when it sometimes becomes too much.

We leave the room and the two of them patiently stay by my side, encouragements here and there when I feel like it's just not going to work. I didn't know a single week of not moving at all could make me feel so weak and I hate this feeling. How do I protect if I can't even walk?

"We'll go one day at a time, Rose, don't worry, this is already very good" Sunoo says with a smile and I can tell he means it so I chirp in response, tail swaying in front of him a little perkier.

"We can't go too far like that though, I'm afraid we won't make it to your pack at this rhythm but Jin is supposed to bring Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi later today. Taehyung is showing Jungkook everything he needs to know at the dormitory, you'll probably see him again only tomorrow" Jimin lets out and I have to say, I expected as much. It doesn't look like I can go too far in this state.

I sit down at the side of the corridor, needing to get my breathing back under control before resuming the walk and Jimin crouches next to me, a hand going to scratch one of my ears. "You're doing a good job, sweet girl. I know it's annoying that things can't be easy right at the beginning but don't give up, okay? We'll be right here by your side to help you".

As if I'd give up. Still, I nod my head and watch from the corner of my eyes as he smiles, reassured.

"Oh, Heeseung!" Sunoo suddenly chirps happily and I then notice the new scent adding to the others. Turning my head to see a tall young human coming by, I hide slightly behind Jimin, wary even though I know I shouldn't be, not towards the people here.

Jimin shushes me soothingly, a protective arm around me before bringing his attention to the man named Heeseung.

"Jimin ssi, I'm sorry to bother you but as you asked me to inform you as soon as it would happen... they're going to ask the questions, in a little while". Jimin's whole posture changes at his words, from relaxed to tense and he nods seriously.

"Alright, I'll be right there, thank you Heeseung. Sunoo, can you bring her back to her room? Give her something to try and lower the itching too and go take a look at the other hybrids to make sure they're all fine. I'll be back later, maybe in a hour or two" Jimin says before turning to me with soft eyes.

"You'll be a good girl and listen to Sunoo, won't you? I have something to do but I'll come back to see you as soon as I'm done" he whispers with a kind voice, but I can perceive in his emotions some impatience, which I'm thinking is related to the questions Heeseung talked about.

Worried about him, I stand up and lick his cheek, hoping this could cheer him up. He stares at me with wide eyes before breaking into a beautiful smile and he gently strokes the side of my face, the act making me lean into his touch, lost in his strong smell that sticks to my fur.

But then, just as quickly, he steps away from me and I watch in deception as he leaves with the other human, eager feet taking them somewhere far from me.

Jimin's POV

"How many are being questioned today?" I ask the young man and he shoots me a look that makes me frown. "Just one... it's the group's leader this time".

My eyes widen and after thanking him and saying goodbye, I hurry up to reach the place faster. They're finally questioning him. I wasn't sure why they were keeping him last but I'm not going to complain if today's finally the day. I sure hope he talks because he won't like what happens if he doesn't.

With the interrogation team on the job, the Triple J as we call them, I don't think he'll have much of a choice, unless he's extremely loyal and if that's the case, then we're going to have to break that mindset of his because we need answers and we need them soon.

Stepping out of the Healing building to reach another one further down the road, I greet a few people walking by, everyone around the area part of the center, either on the caring side or on the attacking and defending side.

We work closely together so we had to build this sort of campus to make sure to avoid as much wasted time as possible by having to go from one place to the other. There's a huge barrier surrounding the area with a tight security system so it avoids having to let in and out people too often.

"Oh, Jimin, I expected to see you" I hear a voice say and turn around to see Mark heading over to me, his feet also taking him to my destination.

"Mark. Of course I'm going to be there, these assholes have I don't know how many other circus like the one we broke down going on around the world and we can't let that continue. Every clue we can get might help save thousand of hybrids and I intend to be there when he gives them to us".

He hums. "I know, but this one's a tough skull to crack. I don't think he'll reveal much today. Jinyoung said he expects to have to work on him for maybe a week, I doubt you'll see much progress today" he tells me and I clench my teeth, somehow having expected that to happen.

"I don't mind, I want to see the man break down".

Hoseok's POV

It's while making my way towards the dormitory to see what Jungkook is up to that I feel this sudden itch within my whole body and I freeze, mind confused by this almost unknown feeling that has been avoiding me for so long.

But as much as I want to be happy about it, worry starts filling my heart. Should I do this when I'm alone? I'm scared, I won't lie. I don't know how it's going to be and I don't want to be alone if things turn bad. Now with one more reason as to why I should find Jungkook, I resume my walk, a chirp for everyone I meet before I make it to the dormitory.

"Hey, Hoseok right? I was told to maybe expect a curious striped hyena when Jungkook came by, he said you'd be most likely the one going to visit him after a while" a stranger says as soon as I enter the area and he smiles at my visible confusion.

"Right, you don't know me. I'm MJ, another doctor just like Jimin but I stay mostly at the dormitory to make sure everyone stays healthy and follow the prescriptions he gives me for some particular hybrids, we'll see each other more often once you shift and come to reside here as well" he explains and I blink, brain registering the information.

I guess we'll see each other often very soon because I'm just barely resisting the shifting, I just need Jungkook with me first. I look around me, trying to find his scent among all the others and get the barest trace of it, but it seems already older and fading.

"I can walk you to him if you want, I know where his room is" MJ offers and without waiting for my answer, starts walking towards one of the few corridors. I quickly follow after him, knowing that getting lost in this place is very probable and I don't want that.

We walk past the kitchen where Jin works most of the time if not the other one near the infirmary and then enter a more homey section of the dormitory where I know the living room is along with the private rooms.

And there he is, in all his splendor, my perfect snake looking very human-ish with his black scales that I love so much covering certain parts of his skin. I laugh and howl to get his attention before rushing to his side and bump into his leg, more than happy to be drowned in his scent once again and when his hands come to scratch my ears once more, I melt into his touch, wanting more but the biggest urge filling me right now is the need to shift.

I pull back from him and jump around, eyes looking towards the doors to try and find where Jungkook's scent is strongest, which one is his. That's when I notice Taehyung standing up from the couch with raised eyebrows.

"Are you going to shift too, Hoseok?" he asks and I run to his side, teeth going to pull on his pants to get him to move already if he knows so much. The man chuckles and motions for Jungkook to follow behind as he leads us to a closed door, one which seems to be Jungkook's when his scent becomes even stronger.

As soon as the door opens, I enter inside and decide that shifting on the bed is going to be the most comfortable, especially after seeing Jungkook naked this morning. He seemed cold, luckily Namjoon was there to keep him warm throughout the night.

"Thank you for bringing him, MJ, can you bring some clothes please? Around Jungkook's size I guess? We'll adjust if it's too small or too big. Thank you" Taehyung says before closing the door and then and there, I decide that my criteria have been attained enough for me to shift.

What follows next is a mix of fire and ice spreading through my whole body and as I feel myself stretching and changing form, I become disoriented and in so much pain that I don't notice much of what happens around me after that.

Something warm suddenly takes the chilling away from my skin, but the burning becomes even more intense and I feel myself sweating more than ever, skin drenched and eyes clenched tight as I curl up and whine.

"Shh, you're okay, it's over, you did it Hoseok, you did it" I hear Jungkook's voice whisper to me and I sigh in relief before losing consciousness.

Your POV

When Jimin comes back, it's to see him moody and unhappy, scent invading my senses with it's increased sourness and his emotions mostly negative, something that worries me.

With his frown still in place, instead of greeting me, he goes straight into observing my wounds to make sure they're healing fine, fingers taking a gentle hold of my ears to look inside, then a look at my pupils, my pulse, everything he can think of, he does.

In the meantime, I stay silent and follow him with my eyes, worried about him and wondering if there's something I could do to help. Having him feeling so bad makes me feel failed, that even while he's with me, I can't make things better and I hate that, so after a while of him fleeting around the room and adjusting things for my comfort, a soothing cream added to my stitches, it becomes evident to me that he's just trying to keep himself busy.

I chirp lowly and wait for him to give me his attention. He freezes and looks up from his attempt at cleaning my paws to meet my gaze. I chuff and direct my chin towards the space next to me, tail going to pat the bed as well to make him understand that I need him to sit down for a minute.

He seems about to refuse but I growl out a puff of air before pulling him in myself by biting on his clothes. A hint of a smile teases the corners of his lips and he finally takes a seat next to me on the bed.

About time. I make myself comfortable on my stomach and lift my head to stare at him. And I wait.

He stares back at me, confused. "What?" he lets out and I sigh, disappointed by his ability to understand what seems obvious to me. I try to open my jaw a few times, light little chirps coming out before gazing back intently at him, a nod of my head to signal that it's his time. Damn is it hard proving a point when you can't use your voice.

He points at himself slowly and with hesitation. "You... want me to talk?" he asks and when I nod, he sighs. "I wish I could sweet girl, but this is not something you should hear" he counters but I'm not having this. I grunt and snap my teeth before chirping again. Talk damnit!

He stares at me in silence, inwardly debating about what to do, but he eventually nods softly and looks down at his knees.

"We have locked away some people who worked at the circus where you were kept to be interrogated, we know they have many more spread throughout the world and if we want to bring an end to this savagery, then we need answers. Today, we started interrogating the head of the circus but we know he himself is working for someone else, there's no way he's managing them all. That's why I left earlier, I wanted to be present to hear what he would have to say but... The asshole is keeping his mouth shut no matter what. The interrogation team is going to have to take measures to get him to talk and it's going to take time, which means more hybrids keep suffering in the meantime and there's nothing we can do about that" he lets out, the barrier giving up and allowing him let out his worries and disappointment.

I listen to every words he says and at this moment, I understand just how much he cares about hybrids, how much he's ready to invest to help us. His shoulders droop and he sighs again before running a hand through his hair.

"I just... I know finding the circus is going to be hard, it's going to take time and even more so with getting permission to raid the place and rescue the hybrids, it took us years to find where you were kept, it was a full year of gathering proof, pictures and videos and sending them to the higher ups before waiting for their approval only to be told that it's never enough, that we risk being sanctioned if we don't get better proof. When we were given the permission to rescue you guys, it felt like a win, finally, our efforts paid off, but I can't just stop there and think, hey this is enough. There are thousand of hybrids suffering all over the world and I wish I could help them all, I wish I could make their lives better and it sucks that I can't".

His voice breaks at the end and tears of anger slide down his cheeks. My heart twists and hurts at the sight, his pain so visible that it makes me want to cry too. The pressure he's keeping upon himself, as if our fate depends on him. There's only so much a human can do. Saving us was a miracle and miracles take time, he can't expect them to all happen at the same time.

I scoot closer and behind him before using my nose to try and make him lie down against my side. His eyes widen when he understands what I'm trying to do.

"No, sweet girl, I can't do that, your wound-" I ignore his words as he keeps trying to find reasons to avoid being comforted and eventually manage to have him lie his head against my side where I want it, shoulders and neck engulfed by my fur.

Wrapping a tail around his waist to keep him close, I proceed to nudge his cheeks with my nose to get rid of the tears, tickling touches until he lets out a small giggle, head turning to try to flee my nose but I just follow and lick his neck instead, his giggles becoming high pitched yelps that help lift up his mood, scent letting go of its heaviness to become the lively sourness that is normally his.

It makes me relieved to have been able to put a smile on his face even though I can't comfort him with the use of words and he seems relieved as well as he gazes up at me from his position on his back.

With a hand going to cup my cheek, he smiles and uses his thumb to gently slide under my eye. "You're such a sweet girl, you know that? Managing to make me talk and then making me smile as if I didn't just drop the biggest bomb of information on you. We're truly lucky to have you. You and the others, such wonderful beings, I promise to do my best to help you gain a normal life, to be happy and free. I promise" he whispers, voice so soft and eyes bright as he takes in the sight of me gazing down at him.

I press my nose against his and close my eyes. I believe you.


"Guess who's here!" a voice suddenly exclaims as the door opens and I see Jungkook enter the room followed by a new human body, but the smell... Hoseok?


"You guessed right! It's your favorite hyena! I shifted earlier today, I'm really glad that I went to Jungkook for that because it wasn't really so great, but I rested and now I feel awesome!" he chirps happily before rushing over to my bed to jump on it and proceeds to hug me tightly, legs straddling my back while still being careful of where I'm wounded.

"I missed you, Y/N, you're so soft and you smell amazing, I could stay like this forever" he muses, unable to stop himself from rubbing his cheeks against my face and ears and I start purring, just as happy to have him so close to me, finally.

I notice Taehyung and Jin walk in as well before my eyes fall on Namjoon and Yoongi. My eyes widen and when Namjoon meets my gaze, he chuffs loudly and proceeds to jump onto the bed as well, body going to curl against mine right away, his strong purrs covering Hoseok's happy laughing as he licks me all over the face, thrilled to finally see me awake.

And that's when I realize that we're all here now. We're all together. Yoongi stays by Jungkook, the two of them looking over our trio with warm eyes, pleased by the sight while the humans do the same, backs leaning against walls and arms crossed over their chest while they grin, happy for us.

But I have to say, it doesn't seem like just happiness on their faces, there's also a hint of satisfaction and I myself feel rather complete, content, as if all the pieces of my soul are now in place.

Deciding to push that information aside for the moment, I give Namjoon all my attention and lick his face back, cheeks, nose, ears and he lets me do what I want, eyes closed and enjoying having my scent being transferred to his own fur while his transfers to mine.

"Oh right, did you know? Taehyung is allowing me to use the same room as Jungkook, we'll be adding another bed to his room so we can stay together" Hoseok says after a while of silent cooing over us, his fingers scratching our ears and enjoying the way our purrs become even louder.

Taehyung chuckles. "Well, the rooms are wide enough to allow two beds in one and considering you guys are a pack, it feels like a shame to give you one room each. We can do the same with Namjoon and Yoongi when they shift as well if that's something they want. As for Y/N... well I'm afraid she's going to have a room of her own in the opposite section of the dorm, we try to avoid males and females sleeping together once in their human form, we'll explain eventually".

I whine at that knowledge. Why should I be the only one alone? Jin crouches by the bed and smiles softly. "I'm sorry, sunshine, I know it doesn't seem fair, but we need to have your hormones under control, all of you. I don't know how your last heats were but I'm sure they were painful, we need to keep an eye on that to see how you guys handle yourselves first" he explains softly, although the subject has his ears turning a bright pink.

"You're saying... you're afraid that we mate during our heat" Jungkook says bluntly, to which Jin nods, steam almost getting out of his ears. "That... is correct".

Namjoon huffs a laugh at the man, his large body content to be cuddled with mine, but the memory of my last heats comes back to mind and when I burrow my face under his chin, he settles his head on top of mine, not all of its weight but enough to be a soothing pressure. Hoseok's fingers massage my neck, a sigh leaving his lips.

"Well, we were usually kept in different cages when the time came for our heats, we've always been pretty much in sync for that, Jungkook didn't really go through much though so he could usually keep one of us company, depending on who he was put with. I'd have to say Y/N had it the worst, we could hear her yowl and it broke our heart every single time, she was kept away and I think they would hurt her often because she was louder than most, she was lonely, she doesn't like being alone for too long" the latter explains and I am glad for the way Namjoon covers me because it's both humiliating and hurtful to know that it was always just me, the loud, in heat female who kept bothering everyone.

The scents in the room take a turn, shock and pain mixing together and silence greets Hoseok's words for a moment.

"Oh sweet girl... it won't be the same now, I promise. We all understand how heats can get for hybrids, you don't have to be afraid of the same happening here, okay? We'll watch over you and we'll make sure it goes smoothly, you won't be lonely and you won't be hurting either" Jimin soothes my worries slightly and although I don't believe a heat can go well for me, I decide to try and trust him for now.

Jin grabs a pen and a paper and takes some notes. "Thank you for mentioning that yours are usually at the same time, we'll start implementing suppressants to your human diet starting today for Jungkook and Hoseok, as for the other three, it won't be before you finally shift since we really need your blood cleared of the drug before we give you anything. Do you remember when your last heat cycle was?" he asks and Jungkook hums.

"It wasn't so long before you took us away from the circus. Maybe a few days?" he answers, unsure of himself but when Yoongi nods his head, Jin writes down the information, an estimation of when the next one should be on his lips.

"So in a month and a half should be the next one, probably... I'm surprised to hear that your cycles have adapted to be at the same time though, that's curious" he mumbles and Jimin nods, although he knows why.

"They have similar cycle patterns, so when one of them would start theirs, since they were always together, I'm guessing it would trigger the others' as well. Things will be different here, especially with the suppressants. You guys will barely feel anything at all so you'll still be able to function rather well. We'll see how it goes when we reach that point, having more than a month to get your body used to it will be plenty enough" the doctor explains and it is a relief to hear, really.

"Hear that, Y/N? You'll be fine now, no more suffering heats for you" Hoseok coos softly, happy for me. I let out a rumbly sound of approval, not quite ready to leave Namjoon's warmth just yet but feeling better nonetheless.

Taehyung steps forward and pats Jimin's shoulder. "Remind me later to give you the notes I've taken today, a few hybrids look like they'll go into their heat soon, we'll need to take measures to get them ready for it, the suppressants won't have had enough time to kick in to be enough yet" he whispers and the latter nods, newfound information stored in his brain before he turns back to us with a smile.

"We'll give you guys some time to yourselves, don't make her run but it's okay if she walks a little, just help her get up and down the bed so she doesn't exhausts herself too much. I want to go see who Taehyung is talking about, they must be worried and scared" he says, the care easily heard in his voice.

"Oh, if we're doing that now, I'll run to my office to get my notes, I'll join you at the dormitory" Taehyung says before hurrying away after waving at us and Jin hums.

"I guess I'll start working on dinner, it's getting pretty late and if I want everyone to be able to eat, then I need to get started now" he says, feet already taking him towards the door but Jimin's eyes widen slightly as he remembers something.

"Ah right, Moonbin is already working in the kitchen. The white bear was getting bored so he offered to give you a break today but knowing you, you'll want to go anyway so just try to take it easy, he'll feel bad if you take over since he did this initially to help you" Jimin warns the man and Jin coos with a hand over his heart.

"Moonbin is such a cutie. I'll just go and see if he needs help then, we can always talk if he's firm on me not doing anything, I haven't talked with him since the rescue day. Alright, bye you five, don't do anything reckless, okay? I'll come back when it's time to eat!" and with that, Jimin and Jin both leave the room.

Jungkook and Yoongi come by closer to observe me as I remain hidden under Namjoon's neck. "Y/N, baby, it's okay, you don't have to hide" Jungkook whispers as his hands come to the base of my ears to massage gently.

I grunt and chuff, trying to convince them that I'm not hiding anymore, Namjoon is just that comfortable. Namjoon purrs, always seeing through me so easily and licks my ears again, ready to stay where he is for as long as I want him to.

"I don't think she wants to move, why don't we just rest here for a while?" Hoseok offers, body still straddling mine. "Well... can we all fit on that bed?" Jungkook asks, unsure but Hoseok nods vigorously.

"Watch me make this happen" he claims proudly, large grin on his face and ears twitching with excitement.

Was the switching POV okay? Too much? Just fine?

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