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I groan, extremely uncomfortable and Yoongi echoes my whine as he is completely crushed under Jungkook.

"I'm so sorry hyung, I swear it's not on purpose" the latter apologizes as he remains in place, completely stuck because Hoseok's legs are resting on him while his upper body rests on Namjoon.

As for me, well I am on top of the pile, but with the different heights, I have to say I'm more scared about falling down if someone moves. There's no time for getting comfortable when Hoseok keeps giggling as if this is the most amusing game.

Now, under normal circumstances, I would've walked away, but seeing him so happy, there's no way I can crush that and I know we're all thinking the same way. Hoseok's ability to have fun right now, we want him to enjoy it as much as possible.

And so, that is why we've now been like that for far too long. How come we've yet to fall, that's a question for another day. Namjoon is so quiet I think he actually fell asleep and Yoongi-

He'll survive. Probably.

I peek down to see his face buried under Jungkook's arm and when we meet eyes, I huff out a laugh, more than amused by the face he's making. He's slowly becoming a pancake, even with how big he is.

He growls at me and, under normal circumstances, I might back down and give him his space, but seeing him like that, there's no way I can not make fun of him, so with the tip of my tail, I tickle his waist and...

"Oh shit, Y/N stop that he's about to break the tower!" Jungkook screams before Yoongi roars loudly, body unable to endure the sweet tickling before he indeed tries to move away. The door opens just as I start slipping off the pile of bodies but Hoseok's arms tighten around me to keep me from falling, except that doesn't stop Yoongi from deciding that enough is enough and that he is no more a rug carpet.

With Jungkook falling off the lion, it has me sliding to the side as well and my eyes widen as I stare at Hoseok, my body sliding through his arms and to the ground with a moment of panic that would probably hurt if not for the loud grunt I hear as another new pair of arms catch me.

"Oh my goodness guys what have you been doing?!" Jin exclaims as he sets me down safely, hands then going to settle on his hips as he glares at the others, their eyes automatically avoiding his and acting like he's not here at all.

"We say to not do anything reckless and I come back to see this- what even was that? How did you manage to create such a mountain? Why so dangerous?" he continues, eyes almost bulging out of their sockets as he tries to comprehend the chaos he just saw.

I meet eyes with Jungkook, notice the way he's biting on his tongue to try and remain calm, something that becomes even harder when he sees the same emotions flashing through my eyes.

"Don't you dare think this is funny! Who's oldest here? Yoongi? Namjoon? I can't believe you two were in this together! Shouldn't you stop this?! Is Namjoon sleeping? How?!" the man shrieks, body turning in circle before he throws hands, discouraged.

What follows these words next is silence... until Hoseok bursts into laughter, Jungkook not far behind and I have to admit that this was hilarious as well. Yoongi huffs indignantly, a growl sent my way to scold my previous action, which was the cause of this falling mountain, but I have no regret. As Jin said, as the oldest, he should've stopped this if he didn't want something like this happening.

Namjoon finally wakes up from feeling no more weight on him, Jin's loud voice clearly not helping him enjoy his rest and looks around him in confusion, a rumbly grunt sent my way when he sees me on the floor, eyes not understanding the situation when he notices Hoseok and Jungkook still laughing.

"Yes, she's down because I caught her. Here I thought we were going to have to show you guys how to play games, now I realize we're going to have to show you all how to not break your damn necks" Jin continues to mumble, visibly unhappy, but his scent isn't all as mad as he pretends to be, some light amusement piercing through the worry.

I seem to not be the only one noticing it because Jungkook and Hoseok grin, not at all ashamed by what just happened. If I had gotten hurt, things would be different, but I'm not so it's fine. The man shakes his head and reaches a table by the door to grab a container.

"I just came by to let Y/N taste something since she has yet to really try anything new, I was about to share with everyone but... I think not. Y/N, sunshine, come here" he says and I trot over, even more amused when Namjoon whines like a big baby, having no idea what just happened and then to be denied some tasty food? Poor tiger boo.

"Now, I'm going to give you a tiny little bite, just to see how you react to the spices first, okay? There's not a lot in this meal, but if you don't like it, I'll make another batch without them" he explains before picking up a piece with tongs and waits for me to open my mouth.

Sticking my tongue out, he settles the food on it and waits for my reaction as I start chewing on the piece. Right away, a weird taste spreads to my mouth and I gag, not at all liking it. What the heck is this? Why would you destroy food like that?

Jin hums to himself and I see on his face that he expected this to happen. I whine loudly, head going to bump on his leg at this sort of betrayal I just had to go through. He's supposed to make good food, what was that?!

He brings a hand to my head and brushes his fingers across my fur. "Sorry sunshine, a friend is making food tonight to help me and he forgot to take into consideration that some hybrids don't really like spices so much. That's why I wanted to see how you handle it, I'm going to make some more so you can eat well tonight, don't worry" he explains.

Forgiven. It's not his fault. The betrayal is canceled. I chirp and wrap my tail around his leg before going back to my bed and cuddle against Yoongi, his pout barely believable with the way he leans into me as well, his mane fluffy and soft the comfiest surface to lie against as Namjoon scoots over closer to rest his head on my shoulder, heavy and still sleepy.

Hoseok coos when he sees us all cuddled and I can see that he really wants to be part of the cuddle group again, but he resists and decides to stay with Jungkook instead, the idea of shifting back to his animal form making him frown. He just got his human form back after all.

"Alright, I'll be back in the kitchen, please, don't try anything dangerous again. Y/N was lucky I was there to catch her when she fell but my back did not like that. I don't want her hurt when she has yet to really recover. You particularly don't want Jimin finding out about that because he's going to cut you all into pieces" Jin says before heading to the door.

My eyes widen and I look up at his disappearing form. Cut into pieces? Jungkook notices my expression and hurries over to run a hand through my fur. "It's okay, Y/N, it was a sarcastic comment, a joke, they do that a lot, it's not true" he tries to reassure me when my breath becomes loud and slowly out of rhythm.

Just imagining all the bad things that can happen to my family... I close my eyes and snuggle into Yoongi's mane, needing just some time to calm down. I know Jimin wouldn't do something like that, not with the things he told me, but if this was a joke, then Jin can never do one ever again and it wouldn't be a bad thing.

"He definitely didn't think much before saying that one" Hoseok mumbles, a shake of his head as he gazes at the now closed door. "Y/N hasn't really had the time to experience his jokes when he was more careful, it probably slipped his mind" Jungkook adds, a sigh leaving his lips as he gazes down at my form.

Namjoon's head comes to rest against my jaw and he lets out a soft low sound, whiny-like but meant to be comforting. Being able to feel them safe and by my side helps me get rid of all the possible things that can happen to them and I settle down, eyes opening to find Jungkook and Hoseok gazing at me, one with his ears leaning backwards in worry while the other's scales glint softly, a comforting sight that reminds me that he's still my favorite snake, that although their appearances might have changed, that mine will as well, we're all the same, there for each other and a tight group that would do anything to protect what's ours.

"How about we go for a walk? I could show you the dormitories! Oh but is that too far? I guess it is... where could we possibly go..." Hoseok mumbles, excited face becoming pensive as he stares at my wounds, the red skin healing quickly now that I'm awake and eating.

"There's a garden outside, I saw it once when I was walking around, we could go find someone and ask if we can go there? It's not so far" Jungkook offers, curious eyes meeting each pairs as he awaits for any signs of opposition, but when he instead sees our ears perking up in interest, my face leaving the black mane to see if he's serious, he smiles and stands up from his seated position on the bed.

"You guys stay here, I'll go find someone and be right back!" he chirps before leaving the room quickly. Hoseok takes his place and scratches under my chin, my purrs vibrating against his fingers as I start drooling, unable to help it.

"That's my cute girl, so soft and sensitive" he coos, eyes delighted when he sees me leaning further into his touch under the two other hybrids' gaze, tails swooshing behind them, heart warm and content.

Jimin's POV

"How are you feeling, Hanse? Any worries you have about your incoming heat and how we're going to help you?" I ask the panther hybrid as he sits on his bed and he shrugs a little.

"I don't think so, everything was pretty clear. I can tell though that Beomgyu and Huening Kai are pretty worried about it, I think you should go see them" he responds and I nod, thankful for the information.

The last thing I want is some young hybrids going into their heat scared and afraid, that makes everything so much worse, like a magnifying effect on their symptoms. I pat his shoulder and smile before reaching for the door but a hand on my arm quickly stops me.

"Y/N... how is she? The snow leopard. We grew up together from birth so we're really close and the last time I saw her was when she was about to fight with Hoseok, just before everything went to shit. Is she okay? I heard gunshots but then that was it, I didn't know who to ask before but I heard that you're the one taking care of her" he asks and my heart softens for him, to know that he worries about her even when he's the one currently in a nasty situation with a heat coming too fast.

"She's fine, she woke up yesterday and she's eating well, her wounds are recovering quickly and although she has yet to really walk as she used to, she'll get there. I wish I could bring you to see her but not before your heat is over, you could trigger hers without meaning to and with her current condition, we intend to make full use of the month we have in front of us, but I promise you, as soon as you've recovered, you two can meet" I tell him, watch as he relaxes, a deep worry he had for her bleeding away to leave him reassured.

"Thank you doctor, for taking care of her. She's... reckless when it comes to defending her pack, she doesn't care about what happens to her as long as they can be safe so please watch over her, I don't want her to have to keep living that way" he pleads softly, eyes looking straight into mine and waiting for my answer.

I nod, this is something I could already notice in her behavior so for him to confirm it, it's really important information. "I'll make sure she never has to get hurt for their well beings, I promise. Everyone here is safe. Nothing will happen, not under our protection" I claim, voice firm and that seems to be enough for him when he lets go of my arm, apologetic eyes going over the red skin but I smile, pat his shoulder again and leave the room.

Now to find the dove and cockatoo hybrids. It makes me so mad to know that such vulnerable hybrids were kept at this terrible circus. They didn't spare anyone, the lack of feathers they'd come in with a clear sign of all the stress they had to go through and now with their heat, they must be terrified. I feel so bad for them.

Hopefully, with us by their sides, we should be able to help them get through this. Every employees working here, me included will have to wear scent blockers before going to see them into their rooms to avoid making this even harder on them. Other than that, there's not much we can do except giving them what they need, to have company, someone to talk to and to be showed that what they're pushed to feel like, alone and unloved, those aren't true, not anymore. They have us now and we intend to make them see it clearly. No one is left alone here.

I leave Hanse's room and go to the living room first, wondering if they could be there and indeed find Beomgyu and Huening Kai talking with a monkey and a sea lion hybrids, Soobin and Yeonjun, the four of them talking with hushed voices as if afraid to be heard.

Before I can make a step forward, I notice Taehyun, the white bear walk closer with a tray of snacks that he settles on the coffee table in the middle of their group, probably something MJ gave them while waiting for the real meal.

Knowing that my scent blockers are making me pretty much invisible to sense right now, I clear my throat and wait for the five of them to turn to me with curious eyes. I smile softly. "I hate to do this when it's your last moment together before being being separated for the heat but can I talk with Beomgyu and Huening Kai for a moment? It won't be long" I ask, watch as the two bird hybrids seek reassurance from the others before nodding and come over to me with hesitance.

I lead them to MJ's office, which I have permission to use when meeting hybrids privately in the dormitory and once inside, close the door behind us before motioning for them to take a seat in front of the desk.

They look afraid, as if they're going to be punished and my heart hurts for them at the sight. We have such a long road in front of us before making them more confident and trusting. I take a seat at the desk and gaze at them gently. "I wanted to ask you two how you're feeling about your heat, if you have any worries, insecurities, no matter what, don't be afraid to tell me" I ask them, watch as they both look down, hands linked together for comfort.

"Well... we've always been together for our heats, it helps us not become too lonely, we just need more cuddles, that's all so... being separated for the first time... it makes us anxious" Beomgyu speaks out and I hum, arms crossed as I nod to myself.

More than needing to mate together, bird hybrids tend to simply require cuddling, to have someone with them. I am a little worried that things would be taken too far considering their mental state, but I doubt the circus would have let that happen so if they were together for every heat cycles, then it's probably safe to leave things as they are.

"Alright... I will have Beomgyu's bed moving to Huening Kai's room BUT" I start, wait until their excited eyes fall on me. "Nothing outside of the rules. You know what I'm talking about, right?" I ask, see them blush and nod eagerly. "We've never... don't worry, you could even put a camera in the room, we'll be fine" the dove claims shyly and Beomgyu nods in approval.

I keep my eyes on them, making sure to see only the truth and nod with a hum. "I trust you, no cameras will be put inside the rooms, that's unethical. I'd only ask of you to keep this arrangement on the quiet, I don't want other hybrids to get jealous and sad because most of them will have to be alone. You two are lucky to be both bird hybrids, I know your heats don't function the same way" I tell them, wait until they assure me that they will be careful before I allow them to leave to get back to their friends.

Getting my phone out of my pocket, I contact Yugyeom and wait until he accepts the call before greeting him.

"Hey, Jimin ssi, what can I do for you?" he responds, voice bright and happy. "Hey Yugyeom, Beomgyu and Huening Kai, the cockatoo and dove hybrids, I'm going to allow them to have their heat together, I know it's going to be safe, I just need someone to bring the latter's bed to the former's room before the end of the day, they're going to be kept in their room for around a week after that" I say, hear his hum and the sound of feet moving on his side.

"I can do that, Jimin ssi, no problem. I'll do that right now while the rooms are empty. Now that we're on the phone, MJ told me to ask you something so your timing is impeccable. It's about the pack you take care of, he wants to know the eating arrangement. Do you want to keep them near the snow leopard so they can eat together or do you want the shifted ones to eat with the others at the dormitory? He's setting the tables with Youngjae and needs to know now".

Oh right, I didn't think of that. "I'll have them eat with Jin, Taehyung and I there. I'll bring Jungkook and Hoseok back to the dormitory later" I say as I start heading out of the office. "No problem, I'll relay the information. Did you need anything else?".

"Nope, that will be all, thank you Yugyeom". "Okay, talk to you later".

We end the call and I make my way out of the dormitory since I already saw everyone I was meant to see about their incoming heat, which is only about seven so it's going great, we can handle that.

Wondering how it's going with the others, I head to Taehyung's office no too far from mine near the infirmary and knock on the door to alert him of my presence when I find it half open. He looks up from the papers in his hands and smiles before removing his glasses from his nose to give me his full attention.

"What can I do for this beautiful soulmate of mine?" he asks as he rolls his chair backwards and pats his thighs to invite me to come take a seat. I giggle and head over to him before sinking on his lap, enjoying the feeling of his arms closing around my waist.

"I was just wondering what my lovely soulmate was up to before going to see the darling hybrids. I'm hoping everything went well since they were left alone for the first time in a while" I say and when Taehyung chuckles at my words, I look down to see his face clearly amused by something I do not know.

"About that, Jin came by earlier looking torn between laughing his ass off and absolutely mad. He apparently walked in on a tower of bodies on the verge of destruction and had to catch Y/N from falling down on her bottom. It seemed like they were having the time of their lives trying to cuddle all at the same time on the bed, although Yoongi was not happy and Namjoon was sleeping" he recounts and I stare at him with wide eyes, hardly believing what I'm hearing.

"Are you saying the truth?! I- Are we going to have to give them a lesson about how to be safe? Do they not realize how high those beds are? She could have been badly hurt- Aish these soulmates of ours are going to cause me a heart attack one day" I let out, a huff of air leaving my lungs to avoid laughing as I visualize the scene.

Taehyung laughs, head leaning backwards. "Yeah, Jin said something similar as well. I honestly am really relieved to hear that they're able to have fun. Jungkook and Hoseok were laughing, completely unbothered by Jin's reaction and he said that even Y/N looked pleased, her tail curled up and waving in slow motions behind her. This is good, Jiminie, most hybrids are going to take time before being at ease enough to play, but these ones have been adapting to this place really quickly, I have a good feeling about their recovery" he muses, a bright glint in his eyes as he imagines the next steps.

I nod at his words, thinking the same way. "Us being their soulmates must make them feel more at home than others. Our scents must be special to them and even though they don't understand why, they know that they can trust us, not only based on what they know of us but based on the way their instincts pull them to us. Take Y/N for example, she woke up alone and afraid, yet when she saw me, although wary of me at first, she opened up faster than I expected. Did you know that she even comforted me earlier? Tae, she made me lie down on her side, wrapped her tail around me and nudged me until I had a smile on my lips. She's... I have no words, she's wonderful and I'm so, so excited to see how she's going to be when she becomes confident, strong and unafraid of the world around her, she's going to be a sight to behold" I tell him, unable to keep my voice from going a pitch higher as I remember how soft she felt, the way she cared for me.

"That's lovely, Jiminie, I'm glad she could help you and I'm sure she's going to be beautiful to see grow in this world. I heard from Jackson that the interrogation didn't go so well, that's what put you in a bad mood?" he asks, thumbs going to rub up and down against my sides. I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh.

"Yeah, the man refused to say anything. We can't even find anything about him, his identity is kept under lock and the tech team is doing their best to find anything they can, but we're up against something strong, Tae, it won't be easy getting to the bottom of this" I say with a frustrated tick of the tongue.

He rests his chin on my shoulder and hums softly. "We'll do our best, Jiminie, we always do. You're not alone in this, we're a huge team working together, don't think that this all depends on you" he whispers and I nod, knowing he's right. I feel like Y/N would have said the same if she could, I could just see it in her eyes.

The door suddenly opens to an anxious Jin and I lift myself up to get a better look at him. "Jimin, Taehyung... they're gone. Y/N, Namjoon, Yoongi- something happened, they're gone. Jungkook and Hoseok came back crying and screaming" he cries out before running out again.

My heart stops in its tracks and I hurry off Taehyung to rush after him. "Someone run to the prison! I want someone calling me and telling me if the prisoners are still there!" I shout before making my way outside.

"FucK!" I scream in anger. Just after I fucking promised to keep them safe.

Whoever did this is going to pay. Oh there will be hell to pay.


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