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Namjoon's POV

This was supposed to be a simple outing. A walk in the garden, then back inside.

Yet here we are, inside a truck, scents I wish I could never have to smell ever again a clear sign that whoever managed to get their hands on us, they're affiliated with the circus, with the organization that used us for most of our lives.

I can't even process what happened. We were walking outside after promising Heeseung to be back in a few minutes, to not wander off too far, to stay near the flowers. He'd made us wear collars, little things that we could barely feel but that still felt oppressing, but he said that if we get lost, or anything, just in case, that these would help them find us.

Y/N's curious and fascinated eyes looking over the colors when we reached the garden, nose brushing against them and taking in deep breaths to get their smells, everything was lovely and going so well.

But then, I heard a weird noise. Something not normal. I barely had time to look behind me before I heard a sound of surprise leaving Yoongi, then Y/N. Jungkook started screaming, Hoseok tried to reach me, then black surrounded me as I felt myself being carried away.

There was no body to attack, nothing but metal surrounding me and now, here we are, the three of us in separate cages, in a truck moving at high speed while we keep sliding left and right, Y/N hissing in pain as her wounds must get hit more often than not by the shocks.

And then, as if that could change anything, I feel the need to shift. Of all places and time. As if that could help our situation. Yoongi cries in worry for our girl, to hear her in pain and yelping from the cages unable to stay still, the driving violent and rough.

I can only hope that these collars really work.

"We got three of them, coming over right now, open the doors and wait for us" a voice says at the front of the truck. "I can't believe we pulled this off, man. They didn't even bother checking to see if the owner of the pass was really registered in the center, they just took for granted that no one else can make a copy, this is a lot better than I expected" another voice says.

So they tricked their way inside. That's bad. Is the same thing going to happen to other hybrids or were we easy preys because we were outside? I would almost laugh at the idea of predators turning into preys so easily if the situation wasn't so dangerous.

"Still man, I can't believe we left boss behind". "Chill, he's the one who told us to leave him there, that it would catch too much attention if he left with us. He's got his burner with him, hid it in his pillow so others won't see, he can contact us whenever he has a chance". "Wait, what about the camera?". "I don't know bro, you think I spy him or something? Just let him do his shit and let's take care of ours".

These imbeciles just saying everything in front of us as if we can't understand a thing. This is important information, I'll have to tell Jimin as soon as he comes to us. But I need to shift for that. I wonder if I can keep my consciousness for long enough to tell him, every minutes count.

"Idiot, watch where you're driving, the hybrids can't disappear". "Bro, I feel like they're listening, I don't know man". "Of course they're listening you dumb shit, they have ears. Who cares though, it's not like they can do anything, we're taking them to one of the bases we have situated in Osan, they won't find us since they're only detectable with satellite scans". "You're right man, yeah, okay".

I breathe in and out quietly. Truly imbeciles. I don't know what satellite scans are but I'm sure Jimin, Taehyung, Jin and the others can figure it out. I wish I could've been the only one taken away because this situation is actually pretty good, but knowing that Yoongi and Y/N are besides me right now, scared and confused, it makes me wish for this to be over really soon.

"It sucks that we're going to have to open a new circus, buying new hybrids is so expensive, I can't believe the Head didn't kill us all for being incompetent". "Yo don't say things like that, you'll bring us bad luck man". "Did that newbie go to the farms in Sacheon? I heard they got some new potentially good predators for us, although young, they're strong and sturdy". "Yeah, the guy's supposed to come back today with some more, had a budget and was told to get as many as he could, but only quality hybrids".

My blood boils at their words. How can you speak of living beings like that? Was that how we were bought as well? Chosen because we had potential at being fighting machines?

A sharp turn makes me bump against the side of my cage harshly and Y/N's pained yelp reaches my ears, the smell of blood starting to fill the back of the truck. Shit. Yoongi lets out whiny grunts to which she replies softly, weak chirp that has me begging for this to be over soon, to get to her and soothe her.

I just want us to be safe and sound.

Taehyung's POV

It's while trying to find Jungkook and Hoseok that I walk around the center, questions asked to anyone I see to find out where they are. Sunoo eventually finds me and points at the lounge room, already knowing why I'm wandering the corridors.

I reach said lounge room to see them curled up on the couch and crying their eyes out, unable to process what just happened. As soon as they notice my scent, their eyes lift up to meet mine and the sight breaks my heart, tears it into pieces and then steps on it.

Their red eyes, chin trembling with every sobs tearing through their body, it doesn't take long for me to start tearing up as well and hurry to kneel in front of the two hybrids, arms wrapping around them to take them into a hug.

Their hands take a grip of my shirt and they resume their crying, bodies shaking so much I wonder how they even made it here.

"We'll find them, I promise, we'll get them back" I whisper along with a kiss to their temples, body tense and hoping for these words to be true. I don't want to lose our newfound soulmates. Especially not to the very people who've been hurting them all their lives. We didn't free them only to have them fall into this hell again.

"Loves, you have to tell me what happened, can you do that?" I ask, still hugging them tight, unable to let go, as if doing that would make them disappear as well. Jungkook sniffles and tries to steady his breathing.

"W-we were walking through the garden... We just-" he starts but his crying gets the better of him and all I can do is stroke his back gently and be patient.

I know Jimin went out to search for them right away and Jin will probably tend to the other hybrids around the center, the rescue team will be sent as well to cover as much ground as possible.

The tech team will observe the city's cameras to try and track them down but this might not be easy depending on if this operation was prepared or not. If it was prepared, then the cameras might have been all turned off to help them flee the scene unnoticed. We'll have to investigate how this happened inside our walls because if it happened once, then it can happen again.

"Heeseung gave us collars, said they were to find us if anything happened" Hoseok suddenly blurts out and I instantly push back to see his eyes, watch as Jungkook nods quickly, hands going to his own neck where the collar indeed is.

Goodness freaking pizza mama.

I cup each of their face and leave a strong kiss to their cheeks before standing up to grab my phone. "That's- I need to call Jimin- Wait no, Bambam, I'll call him" I mumble before pressing on his contact icon and bring the phone to my ear, the two hybrids' eyes on me.

"Taehyung, Heeseung just told me that he gave tracking collars to the missing hybrids, I'm finding their location right now and sending it to the rescue team. Keeping Jimin for last so he doesn't rush to them alone" he says right away and I fall down to the floor, legs giving out under me.

Jungkook and Hoseok look ready to crumble into tears again, probably thinking my reaction as something bad but I can't bring myself to smile, my heart drowning in overwhelming emotions.

"Thank goodness, this... I'm going to kiss Heeseung until his cheeks fall off when this is all over. How far are they? How long before we get them back?" I ask and Bambam hums.

"Not too far actually, they seem to be heading to... a nonexistent location about thirty minutes south of Seoul, situated in Osan. This might be one of their bases, Taehyung, I'll try to run more scans, I need to keep Jinjin up to date as well, he'll want copies of what happened so I need to go but don't worry, we got this, they won't make it away".

I run a hand through my hair and end the call. Giving tracking collars is such a by the book protocol rule that not many follow since they think this place perfectly safe, so for Heeseung to apply it? Giving them a collar when they were only going to the garden? I can't thank him enough. He saved my soulmates.

Bringing my attention back to the snake and hyena hybrids, the two of them looking confused and wary, eyes awaiting for me to explain, I scoot back to them and grab their hands in mine.

"They found their location, we know where Y/N, Namjoon and Yoongi are. We'll send our rescue team to their location, they'll be fine, they'll be back before the end of the day" I tell them, watch as they crumble into my arms again, tears of relief shaking their bodies.

I hug them tight and close my eyes. Now we can only wait.

Jin's POV

I can't help it, I have to go around and make sure every hybrids are present, that they're safe. I know Taehyung is with Jungkook and Hoseok while Jimin went straight outside and on the road so all that remains is watching over the others.

I explain the situation to MJ, Yugyeom and Youngjae and together, we start tracking down every hybrids, check names as we find them to make sure nothing is out of place, no one else taken away.

I try to act as calm as possible, immensely glad for the scent blockers since they help my anxiety to stay silent and under the radar, hybrids only smiling at me when I smile although they seem to notice that they don't quite reach my eyes.

Finding every single hybrids supposed to be at the dormitory, at the dormitory, that does help soothe some of my anxiety, but I won't be fine until I have Y/N, Yoongi and Namjoon in front of me, within sight. I won't sleep until I see them safe and sound.

"Jin, come take a seat, please" MJ beckons me over from the kitchen where Moonbin is now gathering the food for the meal. I hesitate, but a good look at his face tells me that he'll make me listen if I can't by myself.

I walk to the counter and sit down on one of the stools, head leaning down against the cold surface to close my eyes. MJ walks around the counter and takes a seat next to me.

"Jin, I just got a call from Sanha, they have their locations, they're on the way to rescue them" he says and my eyes widen, head lifting off the counter to stare at him. "Are you for real?" I let out, eyes already tearing up and a sob threatening to leave my throat any seconds now.

He nods. "Heeseung gave them tracking collars even though they were only going to the garden, he went to tell the tech team as soon as he could, the hybrids will be back here tonight" he says and I burst into tears, hands going to cover my face as I process his words.

I can't believe this. I'm going to be thankful towards Heeseung for the rest of my life, he prevented this situation from getting so much worse. MJ's hand comes to rest on my shoulder and he squeezes softly.

"They'll be fine Jin, Sanha said they're going to reach their location soon, the collars stopped moving at what seems to be an empty location in Osan. If you want, head to the Safety building and reach Bambam and Mark's lab, you can get live info from there, we'll handle the rest here" he offers.

Without waiting, I jump to my feet and nod. That sounds like a good idea. I can hear the calls, know what is happening as it happens. "Thank you" I tell the man before rushing out of the room.

Jimin's POV

As soon as my phone rings, I press on the right button from the steering wheel and wait for the voice to speak up.

"Jimin, I'm sending you a location, the rescue team is already there and taking over the situation, it's around fifteen minutes from your current location, permission to go against road rules granted".

I let out a loud sigh but as much as I want to focus on the feeling of tension bleeding out of my system, being on the road makes that quite hard. I can't believe they found them so fast. I was expecting to be driving all night trying to find a damn sight of a vehicle looking shady but this is so much better.

"Jimin, you hear me?" Jinjin, the center's director asks, voice concerned. I'm honestly surprised to have him call instead of someone else but since he's giving me permission to break rules, he can't really have those words said by anyone but himself.

"I am, thank you sir" I say, feet already stomping down to go faster as I press on the location sent to me, the car's lights turned on along with the siren to have people give way. Fifteen minutes might just be five at this rhythm.

"Are they fine? Did they tell you? How's the three hybrids?" I ask, hear a sigh on his end. Oh no.

"The snow leopard's wounds have reopened, we're thinking it's from being in the cage while in the truck, every turns must have made her fall and hit the walls. They say the tiger looks fine, a little shocked but fine, he's protecting the leopard and the lion- what? Alright, yeah, the lion is attacking a group right now, he's covered in blood".

I hit the steering wheel in anger. The lion is one of the calmest hybrids I've ever seen, for him to lash out like that, something happened. I'm going to hope the blood isn't his, I honestly couldn't give a shit for the person he's attacking right now, I know for a fact they're enemy and that leaves me feeling satisfied that they're finally getting a taste of their own medicine.

I reach the destination I was sent to and find a huge building that didn't show up on the map. I find the fox hybrid, Niki waiting by the front gate and as soon as he notices me, he motions for me to keep going, area safe. I nod at him and drive through the entrance before stopping by the building's front doors, glass shattered.

There was a fight here, clearly, bullets spread across the area. I enter inside and find a corner with a few dead bodies, which I know right away to not be of ours thanks to the uniform and keep walking through the corridors until I find Jay waving at me as he opens a door.

I run inside and see Namjoon and Y/N together, her eyes wide and panicked, unfocused on anything and body shaking while Namjoon tries to reassure her, his body almost covering all of hers and keeping her safe. I can see her stitches have snapped again and I wince at the sight, having an idea of just how much that must have hurt.

I then notice Eunwoo entering the room with a med kit and I let out a sigh of relief when he quickly goes to tend to her, basic first aid emergency until I can take care of the wounds properly back at the center. Again.

"Where's Yoongi?" I ask as I turn to stare at the young man and he motions for me to follow him. Quickly, the sound of roars and screams of pain reach my ears and I'm taken aback by the fact that it's still going on.

"He's unstoppable, we had to shoot him tranquilizer from a distance but the adrenaline is fighting against the dose, he just won't stop, we were told to stay back and wait for you" he explains as another door opens where I find Yoongi tearing apart one last body, four others dead around him.

He's breathing heavily, out of control and when he turns to me, his pupils are black, afraid and angered. Right now, he's a strong lion protecting his pack and if I'm not careful, I'm next on the dead list.

"Yoongi, it's me, Jimin, do you hear me? Do you recognize me?" I ask as I make one step towards him but stop just as fast when he roars, body into position to tackle me if I make one wrong move. I can't believe he's resisting the tranquilizer with so much energy.

"Yoongi, pup, Y/N is safe, Namjoon is with her, they're both fine, it's over" I murmur, as softly as I can, but it doesn't seem to reach him. He growls and backs away into a corner of the room, body still fighting the tranquilizer.

Someone pats my shoulder and I turn around to find Rocky staring at the black lion. "You're his soulmate, he should be calming down right now, are you wearing scent blockers?" he asks, confusion on his face. Scent blockers- oh damn, I am!

Quickly ripping off the patch that nullifies my scent, Rocky grabs it before backing out of the room, not willing to compromise the situation with any unwanted smells.

I make slow steps towards Yoongi again. "You're a good boy, Yoongi. You protected your pack, the bad men are dead now, it's over. You've done enough, pup" I keep murmuring, hoping that my voice could reach him.

As I get closer, I notice the exact moment his eyes clear up slightly, the darkness that was covering his orbs fading away to leave us with only the vibrant coffee brown. He suddenly stumbles and falls to his side, a low grunt leaving his throat when his head touches ground.

I hurry over, knowing that he's back to himself now and crouch by his side to start looking over his body to make sure he's not wounded. Except for a few cuts, he's caused more harm than he's endured them in here. I breathe out softly and rub one of his ears, watch as his eyes close slowly. "You can rest now, big boy, we're going back, it's over" I murmur before watching as he loses consciousness.

Rocky and Jay enter the room and start barking orders to get people to get him out of here and into one of our trucks to transport him back safely. I'm about to walk back to the room where Y/N and Namjoon are when Eunwoo comes over with wide eyes.

"Erm... Jimin. I- Namjoon wants to talk to you".

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