Chapter 3

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Time flies, the lessons are over before they know it and it's time for a lunch break, Min Ah smiles a little and put away the books from the previous lesson. She turns to Duk Hwa, "Do you want to go to the caferteria together? I don't know my way around yet so it would be nice to have a guide." 

"You see her? She's one pretty chick, I want to date her."

"Dream on, pal. It's not only you who desire her."

"That girl over there is Kim Min Ah right? Both her and her twin sister are A&J models, their dad is the CEO of A&J in fact."

"Yeah, it's pretty interesting to see two different people but same face on the posters, it's kinda new."

"Looks like we're not the only people who are here."

"Haha no kidding, the whole department is here."

"I'm pretty sure that she will soon be called Queen."

"Wait, is that Ho Bin sitting next to her? His friend told me that she gave him the nearest A&J shop address and a 20% Coupon Code when he asked her number, how pitiful."

The whole Vocal Department showed up, pushing each other to get a good view of Min Ah through the window, chatting non-stop. She just stands up and walks to the door, people are blocking her way so she can't go out though. "Um... everyone, since this is my first day at Jaewon, I would like to go around school on my break time..."

She is just half way through her sentence when a stranger shout out, "Me! I will take you anywhere."

Min Ah spotted a hand waving to her somewhere in the crowd and its whole body showed up after the voice. It's a small and short guy wearing a lot of complicated rings and a big crossed earring.

"Err... I appreciate your kindness but I already have a guide." Min Ah said as she gestured towards Duk Hwa. She smiles and take a step forward, people parted into two and make a way for her to go. However, as soon as she and Duk Hwa were out of sight, evil whispers filled the hallway. 

"That pig? Is she seriously going around with him now?"

"She's probably taking pity on him."

"I bet she's just pretending to be an angel so all the boys will like her more. What a two-faced bitch."

They were walking together for a while, when suddenly Duk Hwa got a text. After reading it, he said that he had to go to the bathroom and pointed her in the direction of the cafeteria.

Min Ah nodded and told him to meet her in the cafeteria and started to walk by herself towards the room. Even though she was sure that she was following Dukhwa's exact words, Min Ah still ended up lost in the school,  having somehow wandered to Architecture Dept. 'Architecture?'

She looked around the area but the  only one she spotted is a tall man drinking chocolate milk at the other end of the long hall, by the vending machine. She quickly made her way towards him and called out "Excuse me, I'm new here and I'm trying to find my way to the cafeteria, do you think you could lead-"

Min Ah couldn't finish her sentence due to the shock that overcame her when she came face to face with the guy.

He was tall, gigantic even and very muscular as well. His body was covered in tattoos, and he even had a mustache. He looked just like those gangsters Min Ah usually sees in the movies...

She knew it was rude to stare and quickly snapped herself out of and went on to say what she meant to in the first place. "Sorry to bother you, but I'm new here and I got lost finding the cafeteria, could you please show me in the right direction?"

The taller opened his mouth to reply, but got cut off by a loud shout from behind him, "VASCO!!! Are you done with that chocolate milk, it's time for us all to go to the lunchroom!"

The owner of the voice, however, stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Min Ah and started stuttering "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in the middle of something Vasco. I'll go..."

Min Ah quickly stopped him "NO! You guys are going to the cafeteria right? Can I just come with? I'm new here and got lost while trying to go there... My name is Min Ah- Kim Min Ah- a new student from the Vocal & Dance dept."

The smaller guy (with outstandingly large ears) smiled in reply "So you're the new girl that everyone is talking about? Well I'm BumJae and my big friend over here is Vasco!"

Min Ah looked up at Vasco and greeted him cheerfully, "Hi!"

He nodded back cooly "Hey."

There was an awkward pause until BumJae broke the silence "Well, why don't we all make out way to the lunchroom together, let's go."

By "together", Min Ah thought he meant the three of them but nope, as they walked past what she assumed is Vasco's classrooms, a horde of guys came out, all of them muscular, huge and scary...

Noticing how intimidated Min Ah seemed, Vasco spoke up, "We're the Burn Knuckles. Don't worry, we only beat kids who break rules and hurt others, so you don't have to look so scared."

Min Ah didn't have a chance to reply because all the dudes came up to greet her one by one. Contrary to their scary appearance, they all seemed friendly and kind. She was so glad that they weren't like those other people who kept on following her around everywhere she went. 

This is the end of chapter 3, thank you for reading.

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Co-author: unicornxing1007


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