Chapter 4

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"Here is the lunchroom." Vasco coldly talks to Min Ah while she was busy looking around the school ground. "Thank you so much, Vasco." Min Ah gratefully thanks Vasco and quickly walks to the area with a big cupboard filled of a variety of foods, mainly bread. 'Oh my, there are a lot of things to eat but I should pick something light to keep my shape.' Min Ah thought and was about to pick a cheese and ham sandwich when she noticed that Duk Hwa wasn't here yet. 'Where has he been? He said that he'll be here soon, I had better keep a seat for him.' She takes her bread, a box of plain milk as well as a meat dumpling for Duk Hwa then went off to find an empty seat. Min Ah found a whole empty table near the window of the cafeteria and decides to sit there, it's strange that such a beautiful place is vacant to be honest. 'Should I wait for Duk Hwa or should I eat first?' Min Ah kept wondering but her thoughts were cut off when Vasco walked towards her while carrying a tray full of food. "Can we sit here with you?" Vasco looked down at the little girl who's looking up at him. "Of course you can!" Min Ah brightly smiles, it's okay to let them sit since it's such a long table. Vasco nodded and took a seat, along with about ten other guys, all members of Burn Knuckle obviously

"Are you waiting for someone?" Bum Jae asked her while pulling the chair next to Vasco over. "Ah, yes, I'm waiting for Duk Hwa actually." She replied. "So that's why why you haven't eaten yet, just eat already, lunch break is almost over you know. Moreover, you already bought something for Duk right?" BumJae points at the dumplings, "You can just give them to him later." 

Perhaps she really should bring it to Duk Hwa because he might not coming down here in time after all. Se opens her sandwich wrapper and takes a bite, while chewing, she raises her head to find everyone in the lunchroom staring at her eating the bread.

"Hey, look at her chewing, she looks so cute!"

"I want to join her but she is surrounded by Burn Knuckle, too bad."

"I hate that b*tch so much! Ugh, why does she has to keep wandering around popular guys?"

"If you like those guys so much then just come and join them, you're wasting time staying here bad-mouthing someone better than you."

"Shut up!" 

BumJae silently watches Min Ah pokes the straw into her box of milk and starts taking sips off her drink. Notice the silent gaze from BumJae, she turns to him and awkwardly asked, "What's with the look?" BumJae's lips just curled up into a smile and he turned to at Vasco who now eating his meal. "Hey Vasco, it has been a long time since the last time we had lunch with a girl, right?" Vasco raises his head and looks at BumJae with serious eyes, "Yes!" Min Ah quietly listen to their conversation and asked Vasco, "Why? The Burn Knuckle gang seems to be popular with girls." Vasco stays shut and suddenly tears rolled down his face. "Oh my god! What happened? Did...Did I make you cry? I'm...I'm so sorry!" Min Ah started to freak out and BumJae wryly smile to her, "No, you didn't do anything, it's just that Vasco was reminded of our sad (nonexistent actually) love lives." 'Is it that easy for him to cry? And love lives?' She doesn't understand what BumJae is talking about. Seeing her confusion, BumJae was about to say something when Vasco started talking. "It happened when we were still new at Architecture Dept." He starts his story in tears, "After the establishment of Burn Knuckle, we always went around as a group and attracted a lot of girls to our lunch table. However, every time they said something nice about me and made me blush, they just literally ran away and never came back again."

The story ends there and Vasco just can't stop crying, BumJae even had to put his arm around Vasco's shoulder to ease him. Min Ah giggles and cover her mouth incase she laughs too hard and said to Vasco, "You are so cute!" That sentence really shocked the whole cafeteria, they just stared at Min Ah like she had grown a second head and Vasco stopped crying right away. "Hahaha, I can't believe a scary-looking guy like you could be so adorable! Hahaha, my stomach hurts!" She was laughing so hard that her shoulders started trembling. Vasco just stared at her in shock, as well as BumJae and the rest of the gang. "Really?" Vasco grabs her hands and squeezes them tightly. "Really." Min Ah smiles to him. "Since you tell me your story, I'll tell you mine too, I think many people here know it already but maybe you don't." She feels like Vasco somehow so similar to her smaller brother who is currently sleeping at home: cute and innocent. "What is it then?" Vasco excitedly asked and everyone around them fell silent to listen to Min Ah's "Story". "Oh, I have a twin older sister who looks as same as me, you can't really tell the difference between us just by glancing. Once when we were in kindergarten and in different classes, we went to each other's class and no one noticed in fact." She look at Vasco in the eye and smile.

"So that's her story? I'm a little disappointed actually."

"True. Everyone knows that she has a twin sister, they're famous."

"If I remember it correctly, her sister name is Min Ji."

Unlike the strangers, Vasco seems to be pretty surprised about the old new, kinda interested in it even. "So will she transfer here too?" Vasco asked. "Oh, she will go to school on Monday. I decided to go to school earlier to get used to things here." Min Ah replied. "What is she's like?" Vasco is still in his mood. "My big sis? Shecomes off as a bit cold and is way too mature for a 1st year so she doesn't have that many friends but she is reliable and responsible so don't think bad about her, okay?" Min Ah happily smiles as she grabs Vasco's hands which is holding hers. "She's really nice, don't worry. I bet you guys will be great friends."


"Oh my, I should go back to class now, bye guys!" She quickly stands up, grabs all the food for Duk Hwa, says goodbye to Burn Knuckle then runs as fast as she can to her class. 'Gotta give these to Duk Hwa ASAP. So that he can at least have a couple bites before classes start.  Lucky for her, the teacher wasn't there yet. She gets back to her seat, but notices that Duk Hwa still wasn't here...


This is the end of chapter 4~~

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Co-author: @Unicornxing1007


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