Chapter 5

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'Weird...' Min Ah thought while walking home. Ever since Duk Hwa left for the bathroom, she hadn't seen him anywhere, it was as if he had disappeared. She sighs and runs her hands through her hair, 'Where is he I wonder...?' Busy thinking, she saw a short and fat figure who groggily walks out from a small corner of the road. "Oh, Duk Hwa! Is that you?" Min Ah calls out to the person. Upon noticing her, that guy quickly take his sleeves and wipes his face as he waves to her. "Where have you been, Duk Hwa?" Min Ah asks with a worried ton and comes closer to him. "Oh my god, what happened? Did you get beat up?" She notices the many cuts and bruises on Duk Hwa's face, some of which were still bleeding, the sleeve that he had used to wipe his face is cover in blood. She freaks out and immediately pulls out her napkin pack to starts dabbing away the blood on his face but he insisted that he could do it himself. Min Ah just stood opposite him, utterly confused as she tried to work out everything. "What happened to you, Duk Hwa?" She asked in a small voice, she could guess, but she wanted to know what he felt. "I...just accidentally fell down the stairs." He lowered his voice and tells her without even looking her in the eyes. Looking at him, she could tell that he was lying, but she could also sense that this was a subject he would rather avoid so she didn't pry further. "These cuts are pretty bad though, let's go to the pharmarcy, I'll get some bandages for you and help with bleeding. And I am definitely not taking no for an answer. Sensing the assertiveness in Min Ah's voice as well as her concern, Duk Hwa agreed with her request. They didn't talk much at the pharmacy despite Minah's efforts to clear the heavy air of awkwardness. She was saying random things while bandaging him like "Hey, can I call you Duk from now on? Kinda like a nickname." Duk Hwa smiles slightly, "Sure, why not." Minah didn't give up then, she tried to start a conversation again, "Duk, can you bring some of your track records to school on Monday? I'd like to here them, and you have promised too." She reminds him of the tracks he mentioned during the first lesson. "Yeah!" He nodded a bit in response. Minah didn't say much else until she had finished the job. Dukhwa quickly stood up on his feet after everything was done and thanked Minah "Thanks for helping me out with this. I know what you're thinking but it's really okay, you don't have to worry about me. I'm sorry for wasting your time like this as well." Minah was quick to reply with a bright smile "Don't worry about it Dukhwa, what are friends for." Dukhwa returned the smile before they bid goodbyes and started for their own homes.



Min Ah throws her bag on the bed, feeling totally exhausted. Her big sister is making dinner downstairs, she should get changed quickly and come to give her a hand.

She comes downstairs after a couple minutes, puts on her cute pink apron and ties up her hair. Big sis was currently preparing the main dishes. "Sis, what do I have to do?" Min Ah cheerfully asked. "Just wash these vegetables and boil them, okay?" MinJi smiles a little and talks to her younger sister. "Oh yeah sis, where's Joonie?" Min Ah asked while washing the veggies. "He's in his room, playing games, I assume." Minah sighs, "That boy is always gaming isn't he." Min Ji glared her little sister and pats her head, hard. "Ouch, sis! What did you do that for?" Minji puts her hands on her heads and starts rubbing the spot where she got hit. "Still he gets good grades, stop it and concentrate on what you are doing, those vegetable should be in the pot already." MinJi grumbles and goes back to chopping the carrots. "Yes, grumpy big sis." Min Ah mutters and puts the vegetables in the pot of boiling water then covers it up.

After half an hour, dinner is finally ready. "Min Ah!" MinJi called out to her little sis. "Yes?" Min Ah wipes her wet hands on her apron. "Go up stairs and call Joon please." "Kay, sis!" Min Ah unties her apron and runs up stairs to call for her little brother Kim Min Joon.

"Have a good meal!" Min Ah cheerfully says and digs in right the way. MinJi silently looks at her sister. "So, how was school?" She asked. "School? It's quite fine, I think." She swallows the food before replying. "How fine?" MinJi gets into topic. "Well, there are many handsome guys around but I think someone is being bullied, he is in my class." Min Ah said while looking up at the ceiling. "Bullied, you say?" Minji had heard that this school was full of delinquents and could predict something like that. If it wasn't for her circumstances, Minji would have never chosen to go to such a school "But when I asked, he said he fell down the stairs and seemed like he didn't want to talk about it. He had many cuts and bruises on his face too, falling down the stairs obviously wouldn't do that to a person." She thought carefully while saying. "Well if that is so, he probably IS being bullied." MinJi admitted. "I want to help him somehow." Min Ah said while using the chopsticks to pick up a piece of kimchi and put it in her mouth. "Honestly speaking, I don't think you should get too involved with this sort of stuff, it's not a smart choice. You might end up being the one bullied in the end even." MinJi reminds her. Things will be so bad if she really gets bullied. "Yeah sis, I'm not planing to do anything stupid anyways." Min Ah sighs. "Well did anything else happen at school?", Minji asks. "Architecture Dept has like a gang called Burn Knuckle and the leader of that group is just so darn hot! I think I'm dying. He is gigantic, muscular, and he even have mustaches and tattoos but he..." "He sounds like a gangster." MinJi cuts in, evidently suspicious of her sister's peers, but Min Ah ignores her, "He is so cute! Oh My God! I can't believe a man who looks like him could be so adorable and innocent." "So do you like him?" Their innocent but nonetheless highly intelligent brother asked. "Oh my cutie Joonie, how could I like him when he is so similar to you, sweet and innocent, just like a second brother of mine." MinJi stops chewing and raise her head and calmly says "Minjoon also gets good grades, has no tatoos, and no sign of facial hair." "Oh, come on, sis, so they aren't completely alike! Vasco is really nice though and so are his group of friends." Min Ah says to her big sis. "I will judge that when i meet this Vasco person. Anyways, it seems like you are fitting in at Jae High, huh?" "They have a lot of handsome guys, how could I not be fitting in? My god, I might hire the newspaper club to publish a magazine about all of Jae High's handsome males." "Oh please, Min Ah, not all the handsome guys are good." "Believe me, sis, I have an eye for guys." Min Ah confidently winks and slowly stands up. "I'm done with the meal!" "Don't forget that today's your turn to wash the dishes." "Yeah, yeah, just call me down when you finish, I'll be upstairs." She said as she walks upstairs. "MinJi noona, you and I will be going to school on Monday, right?" Min Joon asked. "Yeah, we won't be at the same school though, but worry not, I will drop you off first." MinJi answers. "Are you excited for school this time, noona?" Minji replies after a few seconds of thinking, "Yes, I think I am."


This is the end of chapter 5, thank you for reading.

Big thanks to co-author:  một người dùng


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