Chapter 6

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"MINAH HURRY UP!!" Minji called out for what felt like the thousandth time that morning, "I have to get to school early so I can finish sorting out all the papers for this transfer and find my homeroom teacher and find my class and know my way around the school and... Basically I have a lot of things to do and you need to hurry up." Minah replied from inside the bathroom, her voice slightly muffled "If you need to go early just go, I don't. I want to go a bit later anyway, and I'll even take Minjoon to school so you have one less job to do." Minji only huffed in response as she gathered the last of her things, "Fine do what you want, breakfast is on the table and Minjoon is eating, you better not make him late for his first day of school. I'll be off now, see you there." Minah pokes her head out of the bathroom and waves to her sister happily. The true reason she wanted to come a bit later was because she heard that most of the goodlooking boys at these school aren't exactly the obedient type, in other words, the later they come the hotter they are. Minji was kind of pissed off but oh well, if Minah had said the truth, Minji would have reacted way worse, and probably go on a whole rant about the importance of education and punctuality. Minah didn't need any of that on Monday morning, which was terrible enough in itself, to be honest. 

Minji arrived at school with 30 minutes to spare, she would have been earlier but she took a wrong turn on the walk there and got lost, wasting a whole precious 10 minutes. When she walked in, she noticed that the school was for the most part empty, each class only had a couple people. According to the schedule she had mentally planned, Minji would first have to go to the teacher's room and find her homeroom teacher. On her walk to the room, she noticed that multiple people were looking at her, whispering among themselves, but she could barely hear them, and she couldn't care less what they had to say. Some strangers even said hello in the hallway, but Minji asumed that the greeting wasn't directed at her, after all, she didn't know any of these people. One group of girls a couple of steps away however, said something that made her stop in her tracks 

"It's that b*tch Minah again, look at her already acting like she's the queen."-"Just because she's popular she acts likes she's better than everyone and won't even reply to the greetings."-"She looks at everyone as if they're complete strangers when she was so friendly yesterday too, such a two-faced b*tch."

She couldn't stand to here anymore and approaches the group, "Excuse me?" The girls turn around and look at her like deers caught in traffic, but one of them stepped up and said loud and clear "Yeah, you heard me. Just because you're a bit popular, it doesn't mean you have any right to act like you're the queen of this school." Minji glared back at the girl before replying in a composed manner, "I'm looking at everyone like this because we are complete strangers, it's my first day of school here after all. Also, I really don't appreciate the way you talk about my sister, being jealous won't make you any more popular, in fact, it just makes you look like a total b*tch." After she finished, Minji quickly turned away to continue on her walk, not wanting to face those girls any longer. To think people who didn't even know Minah well could say things like that made her outraged. However, she didn't manage to get anywhere far as she was surrounded by a crowd of people who were all gossiping.

"Hold on, "my sister"? SO that's Kim Minji???"

"So the rumors are true, we're getting two hotties at once!"

"Wow, she's so cool, that b*tch Sooyoung must be so embarassed right now haha"

 "She's a professional model isn't she, that means she'll be joining the fashion dept, right? Those guys are so lucky~"

Minji quickly found her way out of the crowd and continued in the direction of the teacher's room. 'Is this what Minah went through on her first day here too? She probably didn't mind it, but this crowd is seriously so annoying...' Minji thought to herself. She took a few steps before realizing that some people were actually following her. Her annoyance had reached its peak at this point, she was trying her best but this was enough. She turned around and said calmly with a cold gaze "Don't you all have better things to do rather than following me around? I'm just a student like you guys and I like my personal space, so please just: stop." The other students looked slightly taken aback. She coldly turns her back and sighs then heads over to the Fashion Department's teachers' office and stays there for the rest of the morning to sort out the transfer with F-02's teacher- her homeroom teacher.

Meanwhile, at Star Secondary, Minah happily dropped Joon and excitedly walks towards Jae High. As she expected, school at late hour is fantastic! She comes to school right when the bell started ringing and the bad boys with motorbikes started to launch into the school yard at high speed then press their brakes, leave both a jarring and cool sound in the air. Wow! Minah was totally impressed, it's like a performance. They are all handsome guys and admittedly, they have a lot of swag and it attracts her. Some of the boys who were wearing a helmet removed them and started looking at their reflection in the rearview mirror of their motors, fixing their hair and trying to catch Minah's attention. "Oh my god this IS my day!" Minah secretly chuckles as she walks towards the stairs in a hurry because she doesn't wants to miss any parts of the first lecture. She didn't get very far however because those boys soon came over to her and started flirting. Through the conversations, she could already pick out the real cool guys and the try-hards. Minah started making a mental list of the guys who were up to her standards as well. When she finally got to class, Miss Eul Bi was already in the middle of her lesson. The teacehr didn't say much to Minah but she gave her a deadly stare until she was settled in her seat while the whole class was so quite you could hear a pin drop. 'Next time I shouldn't take so long to get to class...' Minah told herself, not wanting to be the center of attention for this reason ever again. 

As soon as she had settled, an icy voice rang out "You're late on your second day, Minah." Miss Eul Bi tells her without looking in her face. 'She is cold.' Minah thinks then answers her with a wry smile, "I'm sorry, Miss Eul Bi." Miss Eul Bi sighs and says "Okay, just make sure not to do that ever again." "Yes, miss." Minah smile with a hint of naughtiness and quickly gets her books. She made a quick glance at Duk's table. 'He's absent today.' "Late at the second day, huh?" someone raises their voice and cut off her thoughts. She really doesn't want to reply to that annoying voice but to be polite, she answers shortly "Yeah." Ho Bin gives her a silent gaze and continue with that stupid smirk on his face "Miss me too much ya' couldn't sleep last night?" Ewww, the mere thought of that made Minah feel like throwing up right now, right here. That is one darn disgusting sentence, especially when he is not handsome at all. She really wants to ignore him but the guy would just increasingly do thi so she decided to teach him a short lesson while Miss Eul Bi was called out by another teacher to talk about business.
Something that hardly anyone knows is that despite Minah's cute and harmless figure, she can become a very sharp-tongued person like her sister sometime when she needs to, they are sisters after-all. So when Miss Eul Bi was not there, she turns to Ho Bin and smiles sweetly. "Hey," Ho Bin has been waiting for that "hey" and he smirks, again, thinking she had fallen for his "mysterious charms"! "What's wrong?" Minah just stays quiet for a few second with her eyes lowered on her nails, her gaze full of disgust. "Nothing is wrong, I just wanted to say something about that "missing thing" that you mentioned earlier." "Oh, you mind that?" he tries to play it cool. "Not really but, about that thing, I think you should take off your sunglasses so I could take a good look at your face, I can't have much interest in your oh so handsome face when you have that big chunky black thing covering most of it." she looks at him with sharp eyes. He falls silent and his face darkens as he presses his lips together. This girl is tougher than he thought she was He just sits there, motionless. "And if you can't, it means that you are just some coward and possibly ugly asshole, so please leave me alone." She says the last half of her sentence then just ignores Hobin's stutters of replies and concentrates on noting down all the things that her teacher left on the blackboard. Ho Bin is really pissed off but he can't really say anything while Minah, which of course, returns to normal right away.

Back to Minji, her teacher, a guy actually, got her papers finished real quick then lead her to Fashion Dept, class F-02. "So, students, please be quiet and get yourselves together to prepare to welcome our new transfer student."

"I bet it's Minji."

"That model, right? Minah's identical twin."

"It must be our lucky year."

Chatters, gossip and whispers spread throughout the classroom, everyone is very excited to see Minji.

The classroom's door slides open and Minji steps in. She walks towards the teacher's desk and does some formal greetings "Hi guys, I'm Kim Minji, a transfer student who specializes in modeling and styling." And her greeting ends there.

"Wow, I can't really tell if this is Minah or Minji"

"Yeah, I didn't expect to be that alike."

"Hey! Are you Minah?" A male student raise his voice.

"No" Minji replies curtly.

"Okay, okay, enough with the greetings. Minji, I am Yoon Young Gi and I teach our class how to mix clothes to make good styles. Anyways, you will sit... Hmm." he stops and start searching a seat for Minji. "There!" He points at the seat next to the window, in front of a cute looking boy and a swaggy one with a sense of style.

Minji walks to her seat and pulls the chair out, she hears a voice coming from behind her. "Hey, Minji!" She looks back to find the cute boy talking to her. "Oh, hi, nice to meet you." That boy smiles and introduce himself "I'm Hyung Suk and this guy here is Jin Sung. Hope we can get along."

'If Minah sees these guys, she will definitely go mad.' Minji quietly looks at them for a few secs and suddenly spots a guy with his yellow bang covering his eyes sitting at the back of the class, his odd presence attracted her gaze, it was as if he was there but not really there. But then she decides to turn around and concentrate on her studies. She will probably go to the cafeteria with Minah tells her in lunchtime.

After a few boring lessons, it is finally lunch break. Minji is starving already. She put away her books from the previous lesson and stands up, making her way to the door.

She heads to V-01, slides the door open and calls out for Minah. "Hey, Minah!" Minah is still writing in her notebook when she raises her head to find her sister's familiar voice. "Oh hey sis!" She quickly clears her table and runs towards Minji. "Let's go have lunch."

This is the end of chapter 6, thank you for all the great support~ Please vote and comment, thank you for reading <3 

Big thanks to co-author: unicornxing1007


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