Acmegeddon Part 2

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The Loonatics and Zadavia go back to there headquarters to come up with a plan

Ace: So Zadavia are you going to spill the beans or what?

Zadavia showed the loonatics a hologram of her home planet

Zadavia: This is my home the Planet Freleng. My brother and I were born into the royal family. My brothers name is Optimatus

Rory: this is going to be a long story isn't it?

Zadavia: I used one of Optimatus own wormhole generator to escape to Acmetropolis. I thought I left no trace for him to follow but I was wrong. Somehow my brother found me. He sent a meteor towards Acmetropolis he did not care who else might suffer destroying me was all that mattered to him. I was able to slow down the meteor saving Acmetropolis from destruction. Still the impact through your world knocked off its axis and released a radiation which of course gave you your powers.

Lexi: So basically by coming here to get away from your brother your responsible for creating these super villains

Zadavia: There were a number of unexpected side effects

Nora: he must've created the other meteor that we blew up

Zadavia: exactly. had been scanning your Solar System for signs of Optimatus then I found a small planet approaching the asteroid belt.

Ace: So big brother's on that rock

Zadavia: yes

Tech: If we take the the spaceship we used last time me and Nora will need to install hyper drive boosters.

Zadavia: That's alright Tech. We'll use my ship. It has warp light speed capability able to cross the Solar System in a matter of moments.

The team walked outside and a giant spaceship landed in front of them

Ace: you've been holding out on us

Nora: no way! Zadavia you had this ship the whole time?!

Everyone entered the spaceship and it took off


In space the loonatics were figuring out the controls

Nora: this is amazing! What's the power source? How fast can this space ship go? What was used to build it-

Danger Duck: ok we get it. Your a big nerd

Optimatus appeared as a hologram

Optimatus: hello sister. As much as I'd love to talk I think you should spend these next few moments preparing for your demise

Enemy spaceships starting shooting lasers at their spaceship. Ace steered spaceship out of the way but more enemy ships kept coming

Lexi: nice moves Ace!

Ace: thanks but more are coming!

Rory: please tell me this ship has weapons!

Tech: deploying laser weapons!

Tech activated the laser cannons and it destroyed most of the other ships

Lexi: Hey where's Zadavia?

Rory: did she just leave us here?!

Everyone saw Zadavia fly out of the spaceship and used her powers to destroy what was left of Optimatus spaceships

Nora: didn't know if she could breathe in space

Ace: Zadavia this is not the time to take a stroll!

Zadavia: I'll hold them off! You get to the meteor and stop Optimatus!

Suddenly Zadavia was zapped by an laser and dragged into a spaceship

Ace: Tech Slam Duck Lexi Rory get out there and help her! Me rev and Nora will cover you!

Rory: but what about-

Rev: we'llbefinenowgosaveZadavia!

Tech Slam Duck Lexi Rory put on space suits and flew out of the ship


The five of them landed on the meteor but saw Zadavia's spaceship was hit by a laser and exploded

Rory: r-rev Ace and Nora made it out right? Please tell me they're ok!

Tech: I didn't get to tell Nora I have feelings for her...

Danger Duck: I knew it!

Rory: read the room Duck

Lexi: they didn't have a chance... Ace was the best leader there's nothing left...

Ace: who are you calling nothing?

Everyone turned around and saw Nora Ace and rev standing behind them wearing space suits. Rory immediately hugged rev

Lexi: Ace!

Rory: you guys are ok!

Rory kissed rev on the cheek and he almost fainted

Rev: keepittogetherkeepittogetherkeepittogether

Tech: I'm so glad your safe Nora I-

Nora: I think I know what your going to say but can it wait until after we save the world?

Tech: yeah good point

Lexi: you scared us! We thought you died!

Rev: YeahbutAcehadusejectedfromrightbehindthe planetoidsoitlookedlikewedied.YouknowIwonderif Zadaviahadinsurancebecausereplacingoneofthose shipsmust'vecostafortuneunlessyou'dthinkitwasa rental.Ormaybeifwegetdowntotheplanet'ssurfacewe couldtalktosomeoneaboutanewone

Lexi: rev not the biggest problem right now let's go


The Loonatics made it to Optimatus lair and started fighting off his robots and Duck freed Zadavia from her prison and she started fighting her brother and was able to beat him

Danger Duck: Optimatus wormhole is gonna send Acmetropolis off to some kind of intergalactic meat locker!

Ace: any ideas?

Tech: Ace Me and Nora may be smart but I know nothing about wormhole technology.

Nora: wait a wormhole is a portal and so is a time portal and what did we use get here?

Rory: a time portal!

Nora: exactly! If I opened a Time portal a might be able to close a wormhole!

Rory: don't you mean we opened a time portal?

Nora glared at Rory

Rory: yeah ok not the time to argue about that got it

Nora hacked into Optimatus computer system and the wormhole eventually closed. Everyone immediately celebrated

Rory: we won!

Ace: Nora you shut down the wormhole!

Nora: not exactly. Can you find a way to shut it close it. I could only move it right next to the meteor we're on right now. We don't get out of here right now that wormhole is going send us to another galaxy far far far away

Zadavia: Everyone into my brother's ship!


The loonatics and Zadavia went inside Optimatus space ship and it took off into space. They all saw the meteor and Optimatus be sucked into the wormhole

Zadavia: Thank you, Loonatics. You saved me, and the galaxy. You are all heroes my heroes.

Danger Duck: Just for the record she's talking about me.

Nora: you barley did anything!

Danger Duck: anyway what happened to Optimatus?

Rory: also sypher weather vane master mind and massive?

Zadavia: The wormhole will reopen in some cold remote part of the universe. I doubt we'll be bothered by them for a long time

Rory: that's a relief


Back at the loonatics headquarters everyone was celebrating over the fact that they just saved the world and Nora walked up to tech

Nora: do you want to finish what you were saying before?

Tech: yes. I have feelings for you Nora. Ever since I met you

Nora: I like you to tech

She kissed him on the cheek

Lexi: Aww! there's so much romance.

Ace: y-yep.

Rory was about to push Lexi so Ace would catch her but Nora stopped her

Nora: don't even think about it

Rory: but-

Nora: let there relationship develop on its own.

Rory: fine

Nora: I also have good news. Now that I know how to open and close a wormhole we're one step closer to opening a time portal back to the year 2022

Rory: yeah!

Rev: that'sgreat!Butyournotleavingrightawayright?

Nora: of course not. We still need to build the portal

Rev: phew.NotthatI'mhappyyouguyscan'tgohomeyet Ijustwantedtosaygoodbyefirst

Rory: don't worry rev. We're not going anywhere

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