Acmegeddon Part 1

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Duck came back to the Loonatics headquarters after he saw four very powerful villains escape from Acmetropolis Prison. Massive Weather Vane Sypher and Mastermind

Danger Duck: They escaped on my watch! I'm doomed!

Nora: how could you let this happen?!

Ace: don't be so hard on yourself Duck.

Rev: AceisrightduckIt'snotreallyyourfaulteven thoughitwasamajormistakeandyouprobablyfeeleven worsebecauseweallknowitmakesyoulookevenlesslike thekindofleaderthatyouwanttobe

Danger Duck: have you ever heard of the phrase 'who asked you?'

Ace: We better tell Zadavia about this

Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: I already know.

Rory: somebody's in trouble

Zadavia: How did they escape Duck?

Duck: They were just sucked into a hole and just went poof!

Zadavia: You must find them before the situation escalates. I suspect...

Ace: Suspect what?

Zadavia: I must go. I will contact you later.

The hologram disappeared

Rory: that was a little suspicious don't you think?

Duck left and came back with a bunch of weapons and gadgets some of those gadgets belonged to Rory

Danger Duck: Fear not! I shall track down those criminals and serve up justice duck style

Rory: hey is that my grappling hook?

Lexi: This is just another sad desperate attempt to kiss up to Zadavia and hog all the glory.

Danger Duck: yeah and your point is?

Ace: Ok Duck I'll make you a deal. You can go look for those super jerks-

Danger Duck: Now you're talking!

Ace: So long as you take Rev and Rory with you.

Rev: yeah!

Danger Duck: sorry I don't do partners

Rory: take it or leave it Duck. It's the only way for you to go after the villains

Danger Duck: nope. It's not happening

Rev: okthenwhataboutasidekick?Lotsofheroeshave sidekicks!

Danger Duck: that could work! Danger Duck Rooster Boy and-

Rory: gadget!

Rev and Danger Duck: who?

Rory: it's my superhero name I came up with

Rev: Ithinkit'sagreatname!

Danger Duck: let's move out!

Everyone left the headquarters


Rev Rory and Duck were looking for clues at the villains cells where there was a giant hole in the wall

Danger Duck: clearly this wall was destroyed by an unknown force. The question is what kind?

Rory: what do you think rev?

Rev: wellNoraandtechmightsayawormholeopened rightinbetweenthewallsbutthat'sactuallyinaccurate becausetherereallyaren'tanywormsinvolvedatall-

Danger Duck: your girlfriend might be interested in that stuff but I'm not

Rory and rev: we're not-

Danger Duck: it's so obvious. Rory kissed you on the cheek.

Rory: how do you know about that?

Danger Duck: I saw it. Gross

Rev and Rory both blushed but Duck didn't care

Danger Duck: I just realized there is a force powerful enough to do this! Termites

Rev: orawormhole

Danger Duck: that to


The three of them go back to headquarters and Duck scanned his hand to get inside

Computer: access denied

Danger Duck: what do you mean access denied?!

Rory: it means you can't get in

Danger Duck: thank you Captain obvious. Listen you overgrown ATM open this door or else-

Rev scenned his hand instead in the door opened

Duck: See the kind of respect I command? Even the computers are afraid of me

Rory: but it was-

Rev: justlethimhavethisone

They all walked inside and the computers were glitching

Danger Duck: who forgot to pay the satellite bill again?

The three of them were suddenly ambushed by Massive Weather Vane and Mastermind


Duck rev and Rory were able to escape and hide in an alleyway

Rev: Focusfocusfocus!Thinkthinkthink!Oh!

Danger Duck: what do you have?

Rev: aheadache

Rory: are you ok?

Rev: yeahI'mfineWait!That's it!DuckRoryaheadache!

Rory: I don't get it

Danger Duck: what are you talking about?

Rev: okwhohasthebiggesthead?mastermindandwho wasinthespeciallyundergrounddesignedprisonthat doesn'topenanymoremastermindagainsowhere wouldbetheclosestplacetolockupourbuddies

Danger Duck: Uh go fish?

Rory facepalmed

Rev: TheUndergroundPrisonTechdesigned!Comeon!

He grabbed Rory's hand and ran off.

Danger Duck: Hey wait up! Your just the sidekicks!


Rory rev and Duck found the other Loonatics being held In The Underground Prison with sypher guarding it

Danger Duck: Forget about somebody?

Nora: took you long enough

Ace: Rory entertain our friend! Rev and duck help us get out of here!

Rev and duck try to figure out a way to open the prison door while Rory distracted sypher

Sypher: your useless to me! I need real superpowers! Not some fake-

Rory punched sypher in the face while he was talking and he fell on the floor

Rory: I don't need superpowers to do that!

Rev: niceonerory!

Tech: Rory get to the key pad! I figured out the code to open the door!

Rory got to the key pad and typed in the code tech told her and the prison door opened. Sypher got back up

Rev: youdiditRory!

Danger Duck: I could've done that

Massive Weather Vane and Mastermind came back

Weather Vane: sypher you let them escape?!

Sypher: relax weather girl I'm handling it

Lexi brain blasted sypher and he hit the wall

Weather vane: never let a boy do a weather girls job

She fired lighting at the loonatics but Nora blocked it

Nora: not this time!

The loonatics started fighting the villains but the battle caused the underground prison to start falling apart so the loonatics escaped


The team made it out safely

Rory: that was to close

Ace: Nobody get comfy we got company

Massive Weather Vane Sypher and Mastermind were able to escape as well and were ready to fight the loonatics again. Then another villain appears through a portal

???: I asked you to one simple thing catch the Loonatics and you can't even do that but you are still useful to me

All the villains escaped through the portal then it disappeared

Lexi: who was that?

Nora: I don't know

Then Zadavia walked up to them. The loonatics were surprised to see her in person

Zadavia: Loonatics there is something I have to tell you.

Ace: Zadavia something about that guy looked familiar.

Zadavia: I'm not surprised. After all he is my brother

Nora: what?!

Rory: now I'm glad that I'm an only child

Ace: oh brother

Lexi: Well every family has its problems

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