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Rory entered the Loonatics headquarters holding three basketball tickets

Rory: I got three basketball tickets to the next game! Who wants to go with me?

Rev ran up to Rory right away

Rev: HeyRoryIwaswonderingifmaybepossiblyIcould gowithyoutothebasketballgameifyouwantto

Rory: of co rev! It'll be fun!

Ace: can I come to? I was planning on watching the game on TV but I would love to see it in person

Rory: sure!

Rev was a little disappointed that it won't be just him and Rory.


At the end of the basketball game Rory Rev and Ace went to meet the best player named Sypher

Sypher: hey I know you guys!

Rory: can I get your autograph?

Rev: wealsojustwanttotellyouitwassocoolthewayyou scoredeverysingleshotandIwanttojoinyourfanclub becauseyouwerefantastictremendousstupendous!

Ace: the point is your very good

Sypher: I'm glad your fans but I wish I could do what you do. Your real superhero's. Great to meet you

Sypher shook Ace's hand and Ace suddenly felt really weak. Then sypher shook Revs hand and rev also felt really weak.

Rory: are you guys ok?

Sypher: there fine. I didn't get a chance to shake your hand cutie

Rev heard what sypher said but was to weak to say anything

Rory: I would but I just realized I'm late for something important.

Sypher: whatever you say. Later

He walked away

Rory: are you guys ok?

Rev: no. I'm not feeling to good

Ace: neither am I.

Rev: and listen to my voice it sounds so slow


Back at the Loonatics headquarters rev was on a treadmill testing his speed

Tech: this Machine will measure your steps per hour.

Rev: that's as fast as I can go! Getting... tired...

He fell of the treadmill and Rory helped him back up

Rory: something is clearly wrong. You never get tired

Rev: exactly!

Tech: Well Rev the good news is the machine is working the bad news is that your not.

Nora: Ace try using your laser vision to hit the target

She pointed to the target on the wall

Ace: come on Nora I've already tried this. Ok here it goes

He tried using his laser vision at the target but nothing happened

Nora: ok you can stop now

Ace: thanks I was starting to get a headache

Tech: I'm afraid there's no denying it Ace. Both you and Rev are no longer in procession of your super powers.

Rory: now you guys are just like me!

Everyone stared at Rory

Rory: which isn't exactly a good thing...

Ace: yeah but I still have my skills.  You can take away my powers but you can't take away my moves!

Nora: I was just about to explain that

Tech: Ace still got the moves that he got before he got your super powers and Rev can still run like a normal roadrunner. Whatever did this must have not affected your natural abilities.

Ace: Who needs super powers anyway? Rory never needed powers

Danger Duck: You know the last time i checked superheroes need super powers.

Rory: hello? I'm right here

Rev: yeah what about Rory?

Danger Duck: she doesn't count. You guys were the best of us but until your better I think it's time for a new leader.

Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: That's an excellent idea Duck.

Danger Duck: it is?

Nora: that's a first

Rory: haha!

Zadavia: Ace until we can figure out what happened to your enhanced abilities You shouldn't be going into battle and neither should Rev.

Rory: but I don't have powers and I can go into battle.

Zadavia: that's true but you have experience fighting without powers. Ace and rev don't. As for the new leader Lexi I'm counting on you.

Lexi: you got it Zadavia

Zadavia: you'll have to be fast I just received this report that the dam from Central Acmetropolis Reservoir is about to burst. Take Nora and Duck. Rory and tech I need you to stay here and teach Ace and rev how to fight without superpowers

The hologram disappeared

Lexi: you heard her lets jet!


Lexi Nora and Duck arrived at the dam

Danger Duck: watch and learn Lexi!

Duck summoned power orbs and used them to stop the dam from breaking.

Nora: is it just me or was that to easy?

Then Sypher walked up to them

Sypher: I've always wanted to meet the hottest superhero's in Acmetropolis.

Sypher shook both Lexi and Nora's hands and both girls felt really weak then went to shake ducks hands but a bunch of people wanted his autograph

Lexi: what just happened?

Nora: honestly I don't know

Danger Duck: fan I'm right here! Available for autographs


Lexi Nora and Duck came back to the headquarters and told everyone what happened

Lexi: Then he touched us and our powers were gone

Rev: Well if he did steal our superpowers maybe he'll use them to save people

Rory: and now I can teach you guys how to use all my cool gadgets

Lexi: Sorry but stealing is stealing. Time to take this guy down! I want my powers back!

Nora: so do I! The more powers he has the harder it will be to stop him

Danger Duck: calm down you and Lexi are already on one big power trip. Tech and I are the only ones left with super powers

Rory: again what about me?

Danger Duck: kids without super powers shouldn't lead a team

Rory was hurt by what Duck said Rev glared at him

Danger Duck: seeing as Tech couldn't lead parade I should be making the decisions.

Ace: alright then Duck what do you think we should do?

Danger: uhh... hunt down this Sypher guy and find a way to get all our powers back!

Lexi: Whoa! He got it on the first guess.

Nora: I'm so surprised

Then Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: Sypher shouldn't be to hard to find as we speak he is acting as the Grand Marshall at a parade thrown in his honor

Ace: talk about over exposure

Rory: we never got a parade

Zadavia: don't be to impressed. Sypher is not as heoric as he pretends to be. The Security cameras at the dam caught sypher using Ace's powers to make the dam crack.

Ace: That faker! He used my power to crack the dam!

Danger Duck: Further proof why my powers are the best

Nora: I'm getting tired of your bragging

Lexi: That glory hog set us up to steal our powers just so he could be famous?!

Rory: that's just ridiculous

Zadavia: he he needs to be stopped before he does something that even super powers can't fix.

Danger Duck: Yes! Now let's uhh...

Rory: rain on his parade?

Danger Duck: rain on his parade! I came up with that myself

Rev: no you didn't-

Rory: rev it's fine


At the parade Sypher was writing autographs for fans and then the Loonatics arrived

Danger Duck: Save the celebration Sypher for the real super heroes because you stole my friends powers! It means that you're a big fraud!

Lexi: We're to take our powers back

Nora: your outnumbered by 7 to 1

Rory: so we're going to take you down

Sypher: Stole your powers? Look there upset because I can do everything they can't do way better! I say they go back to the petting zoo where they came from!

Rory: what. Did. You. Just. Say?

Sypher: But Sypher is willing to forgive and forget

He touched Rory and tech on the shoulder

Sypher: will you be my friends?

Rev: get away from her!

Sypher got techs powers but noticed nothing happened with Rory

Sypher: what the?

Suddenly rory punched sypher across the face and the other loonatics didn't see that coming

Rory: here's a quick fact. I don't have any powers but I don't need any to fight you!

Sypher: I just want be friends by the heros won't let me!

The crowd believed Sypher

Nora: I can't believe they actually believe him

Danger Duck: Maybe if we mall rush in on him at once he won't be able to defend himself!

Ace: Good thinking Duck your starting to scare me

The loonatics ran towards sypher but he used Nora's electricity powers to knock them all against the wall

Nora: so that's what it feels like to get electrocuted

Danger Duck: any more thoughts?

Rory: not really...

Sypher: You see? I gotta defend myself!

Danger Duck: let me ask you something. Can you do this?

He summoned power orbs

Sypher: no but it sure looks cool

Duck threw the power orbs at sypher but he was able to Dodge them. Sypher tried to touch Duck but he teleported a few feet away

Danger Duck: Ha! Top that!

This kept going on until sypher manage to get ducks powers


Back at the loonatics headquarters the team were having a meeting on what to do next

Ace: that's 6 out of 6.

Danger Duck: What are we gonna do? Now that he's got my powers he's practically invincible! We're doomed!

Rory: he may have all your powers but he doesn't have my gadgets!

Danger Duck: that doesn't help! We're still doomed!

Tech: Duck's right. Without powers we're useless against him.

Rory: am I invisible or something?

Nora: that's my thing

Ace: sypher is not going to get the best of us. Rory has her gadgets and we still have our skills!

Tech: I could fashion some kind of body armor! I may have just the thing. Nora I'll need your help for this

Nora: I'll be happy to help

zadavia appeared as a hologram

zadavia: before you all go back into action you still need a leader. Rory I'm trusting you with this responsibility

Rory: you can count on me zadavia!

Danger Duck: what?! Your choosing a kid with no powers to lead us?

zadavia: Rory has the most experience fighting villains without superpowers so she will in charge until you all get your powers back

The hologram disappeared

Rory: no hard feelings Duck?

Danger Duck: now we're definitely doomed


Tech finished the body armor and everyone put it on over there normal superhero outfit. Rory didn't need one because she got even more gadgets

Danger Duck: Now that's what I'm talking about!

Nora: we each get our signature colors

Tech: Each suit has been designed to mimic and deflect our individual super powers

Rory: nice. Let's jet!

Ace: that's my line!

Rory: you didn't get mad when Lexi said it.

Ace: alright you can use it just this once

Rory: thanks!


The loonatics found sypher's headquarters and went inside. Sypher was sitting on a throne

Sypher: Check out my new home. Pretty awesome right? By the way nice outfits

Rory: look who's talking

Ace: What are you the fashion police sypher?

Sypher: bring it on bunnies

He jumped and shot a laser beam at Ace who blocked it with his armor

Sypher: Nice one Tech but I don't think it will help you against this

He shot a brain blast at everyone but they all got out way. Nora used her new armor to shoot electricity at sypher but he dodged it

Sypher: Wow! Fake powers too very cool. Wait! No not cool it's sad.

Rory: I don't need powers to beat you!

She kicked sypher but he dodged that to. Ace grabbed sypher and Ace got his powers back. Then he went back to the other Loonatics

Ace: Tech I know how to beat him when I touched Sypher I felt my powers come back

Nora: that makes so much sense

Tech: No wonder he won't let any of us near him. He absorbs the powers through touch but we can get them back the same way!

All the loonatics ran towards sypher but he was able to take them down.

Tech: He's never gonna let us get near him

Rory: I might be able to get close because I don't have any powers for him to steal.

Sypher: Ha! I have super hearing remember? I know what your up to. I've been where you are and I am not going back!

Rory: that's what they all say.

Rory threw a smoke bomb

Sypher: where are you?!

Suddenly Rory covered sypher's eyes

Rory: NOW!

The Loonatics all grabbed sypher and everyone got there powers back

Ace: The real heroes stand up and the villains fall down!

Sypher: this isn't over you-

Suddenly Rory hit sypher on back of the head using her boomerang and he became unconscious

Rory: tell it to the judge. Hmm I probably should've said that before I hit him.


Back at the loonatics Headquarters Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: Congratulations team. Now that word's out on Sypher his popularity is gone. He won't be touching our lives anytime soon. Nice work all of you.

The hologram disappeared

Rory: alright Ace now that everyone has there powers back your the leader again

Ace: I think you did a good job as temporary leader

Danger Duck: what? No! Rory You should take advantage of being the leader and make me your second in command!

Rory: first off I'm don't let power get to my head unlike you and second why on earth would I make you second in command when all you do is be rude and just straight up mean to me sometimes?

Danger Duck: really? Name one mean thing I said

Rory: 'you don't count' 'kids without super powers shouldn't lead a team' 'I came up with that joke' 'you can't choose a kid with no powers to lead us'

Danger Duck: hey! I said name one

Rory just walked away

Ace: I hope your proud of yourself Duck.

Danger Duck: what did I do?

Rev: everythingRoryjustmentioned!

Lexi: face it Duck you hurt her feelings

Danger Duck: those things I said shouldn't bother a superhero

Nora: Rory still has emotions and is allowed to feel things. Right rev?

Nora turned around but saw that rev was gone


Rev found Rory looking for something to watch on TV

Rev: heyRory

Rory: hey rev.

Rev: Ijustwantyoutoknowthatyoushouldn'tlistento whatducksaidandI'mproudofyouforleadingtheteam sowelltoday

Rory: you are?

Rev: yeah!Thewayyouusedyoursmokebombsand boomerang!Nottomentionyoupunchedsypherrightin theface!

Rory: haha! I guess you right. Thanks for cheering me up rev

Rory kissed rev on the cheek and walked away. Rev just stood there so surprised

Rev: soawesome!Ilovebeingasuperhero!

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