The World Is My Circus

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The Loonatics were waiting for Zadavia to appear as a hologram but she didn't show up

Lexi: Tech is that a new toy?

Nora: it's not a toy

Tech: it's my latest and perhaps greatest invention, the Glue Gel 9000. The plasma energy core fires an impenetrable gelatins substance which provides a safe effective way to trap all enemies.

Rory: isn't that just glue?

Nora: more like much stronger then normal glue

Danger Duck: Where is Zadavia? Did somebody forget to pay the hologram bill again?

Lexi: Patience is a virtue Duck.

Danger Duck: What are you a fortune cookie?

Ace: It's not like her to stand us up. You sure we got the time right?

Nora: yes. We're right on time but don't know why she's late. That's never happens

Rory: there's first time for everything

Lexi heard something

Lexi: hold on guys. I'm hearing something I don't like!

Then the alarm went off

Lexi: told you so

A monkey ran into the headquarters

Danger Duck: a hideous beast is invading HQ! Run for your lives I mean attack!

Rory: but it's just a-

Duck attack the monkey but it jumped in Ace's arms

Lexi: I think it likes you Ace.

Ace: Check out the collar. It's from the Space Circus.

Rory: I've never been to the Circus before

Nora: imagine what a circus is like in the year 2772

Lexi: Poor thing it must've escaped and gotten lost.

Duck: Don't touch it! It's probably infested with intergalactic blood sucking fleas! I say we get rid of it!

Rory: why? It's kinda cute

Ace: I think it's time we take a trip to the big top. Let's jet!


The Loonatics arrived at the Circus. Nora was holding the monkey

Rev: maybewe'llgetfreepassestothespacecircusfor doingagooddeedforreturninganintergalacticoddityto itshomeit'llbesocoolIlovethecircusthere'ssomuch goodstufftoeatcandyandpopcornanddelicioustaffy it'llgreat!

Rory: I wish we could get tickets to see the show!

Nora put the monkey on the ground

Nora: your free to go

Danger Duck: You heard her! Shoo! Scram! Buzz off!

The monkey ran to the entrance but then looked at the team again

Ace: I think it wants us to follow it


They all followed the monkey in the Circus and saw a bunch of weird looking animals in cages. Then security guards found them

Rev: maybetheseguyscanhelpweyourlostfriendalso canwegetfreepassesforthecircusbecausethatwouldbe great!

Rory: what kind of performances are there?

Danger Duck: but first take back your monkey before we all get monkey flu

One of security guards punched Duck in the face and hit the wall but Duck got back up

Danger Duck: hey! What's the big idea?! Ok now you asked for it!

He summoned a power orb and threw it at the security guards. Everyone started fight them off too.


when the security guards were defeated the Lunatics found a laboratory

Lexi: What? No clowns?

Ace: not even a dancing bear

Rory: well that's disappointing

Nora: I have a feeling this is more than just a ordinary circus

Tech hacked into the computer

Tech: Genetic manipulation codes. Human mixed with every animal on the spectrum. It's an experimentation log a most disturbing one.

Lexi: let me get this straight these freaks are human?

Rory: being forced to be in the Circus?

Suddenly the alarm went off and all the doors closed.

Ace: Watch out! It's a trap!

The Loonatics were sucked into their own separate tube. They all tried using there powers to escape while Rory used her gadgets but nothing worked

Tech: This must've been designed to withstand our individual powers and weapons!

Ringmaster: Brilliant observation. They don't call you Egghead for nothing.

Nora: that's offensive!

Tech: yeah that's Dr. Egghead to you!

Ace: And what's your name fancy pants?

Ringmaster: They call me the Ringmaster.

Rory: I never heard of you

Ace: me either. You might wanna hire a publicist.

Ringmaster: I am the greatest showman in the universe and you are about to become my new opening act!

Rory: normally I would be excited but your making it sound like a bad thing

Ringmaster: that's because it is!

Ace: Hey Ringo what's with the contraption?

Ringmaster: I'm always trying to improve my big top, so I had this device built to accommodate your unique genetic makeup. It will manipulate your super powered DNA and transform you into monstrous hybrids under my control.

Rory: guess what? I don't have powers so it might not work on me.

Ringmaster: you'll be transformed into a monstrous hybrid

Rory: oh I get it now your insane!

Lexi: I'm with you Rory.

Ringmaster: I'm not clinically insane, I'm a master performer. By the way this is going to hurt a lot.

He turned on the Machine in all the Loonatics DNA started to change

Ace: Tech your glue gel toy!

Tech: Here goes nothing!

He fired a couple shots through the wires making the Machine explode freeing the Loonatics but now they were all different animals

Ace was a deer Lexi was a skunk Duck was a gorilla Tech was an alligator Rev was bat Rory was a bird and Nora was a dog

All: what the?!

Ringmaster: You wrecked my sonic DNA scrambler and swallowed my main attraction for that you will pay dearly!

Lexi: Ace give him a laser blast!

Ace tried to use his laser vision on the Ringmaster but instead he had Duck's power orbs

Ace: Nora use a sneak attack!

Nora tried turning invisible but instead almost used a brain blast

Nora: why do I have Lexi's powers?

Rory: does that mean I have one of your powers?!

Ringmaster: It's time for you to get in the center ring!

The ringmaster let more of the creatures out of their cages and let them attack the Loonatics. They all tried fighting but they didn't know how to each other's everyone's powers. Ace was teleporting all over the place until he finally stopped

Ace: This is totally ridiculous!

Danger Duck: Excuse me! My powers are not ridiculous!

Tech was hit by the animals and bumped into Duck making him shoot his lasers at rev vaporizing him. Rory and Duck ran towards him

danger Duck and Rory: Rev!

Duck: rev! pal buddy! Speak to me! He's gone and it's all my fault... I'm sorry for calling you a disgrace to the bird community. I'm sorry for stealing cookies from your secret stash.

Rory: wait a minute... that was you?!

Since rev had techs powers he was able to regenerate

Rev: So you're the one! I did suspect it to be you but how could I accuse you without any proof. it's been bugging me for months! I don't know why I'm surprised really. If I had to pick one teammate would stoop so low!

Danger Duck: I liked you better when you were a pile of dust

Rory: rev it looks you have techs powers. I guess that means he has yours

Rev though Rory looked pretty as a bird

Rev: you look pretty

Rory: what?

Rev: nothing I didn't say anything we should try and stop the ringmaster!

Rory tried using someone's powers but nothing happened and was hit against the wall

Rory: seriously? The one time I get a chance to have powers and I still don't get any?

Lexi: Ace We can't keep this up and this Pepe Le Pew look definitely is not me. But it looked great on you Nora

Nora: thanks Lexi but I can't believe I got stuck being a dog

Ace: I never thought I'd say this but retreat!

Rory: I always wanted to use these!

Rory threw a smoke bomb and the Loonatics escaped to the sewer


Loonatics were trying to find a way out of the sewer

Ace: What's going on here, Tech?

Tech: My Glue Gel 9000 destroyed the DNA scrambler.

Ace: Ace: But not fast enough. I mean, look at us!

Tech: It also mixed up our genetic codes which explains why we switched powers.

Rory: but I don't have anyones powers.

Tech: it must've not completely affected you.

Danger Duck: At least you don't have to struggle like we were

Lexi: Well look on the bright side. It can't get any worse than this.

Rory: why did you say that?

Suddenly a see monster came out of the water and attacked the Loonatics

Ace: You had to say it didn't you?

Danger Duck: Ace what's the plan?

Ace: Who's got Nora's power?

Lexi: Hey! That would be me!

Lexi electrocuted the monster and it went back under water

Tech: We need a plan and fast. I can't live like this.

Nora: neither can I. Now I smell like wet dog

Ace: All right. The way I see it we have to somehow rebuild the Ringmaster's sonic DNA scrambler and reverse the transformation. You up to it?

Tech: Normally it would take me at least two days to reconstruct a machine of that magnitude. But with revs super speed and Noras help it would take... five minutes

Ace: ok then make it four and a half


The Loonatics snuck back to the entrance of the circus

Rev: Ace those creatures have amazing hearing. We don't want to get their attention.

The creatures woke up and started attacking the Loonatics again

Rory: i we're ready this time

Ace: go tech we'll cover for you!

Tech held Nora's arm and ran towards the lab and everyone else was fighting back because they were able to use each other's powers now


Meanwhile tech and Nora finished the the genetic DNA scrambler but the ringmaster found them

Ringmaster: you!

He attacked both tech and Nora but were able to take him down with there new powers

Tech: that's for calling me egghead. True genius is never appreciated. Now the genetic DNA scrambler ready to descramble!

Nora: nice work tech

Tech: I couldn't have done it without your help

Nora: *blushes* glad I could help


tech turned himself and the other Loonatics back to normal then he turned all the animals back into humans. The monkey was actually Zadavia

Zadavia: I'm back. Hello Duck.

Duck: You mean all along that monkey thing was... You never looked better.

Zadavia: We need to talk.

Rory: someone's in trouble

Danger Duck: Sorry love to chat but got to stop Ringmaster!

The loonatics go after the ringmaster and cornered him

Ace: And that's a wrap circus boy.

Rory: I hate your circus

Lexi: The show is over

The police arrived and arrested the ringmaster


Back at the loonatics headquarters Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: The Ringmaster is in prison and all of the humans that were turned into hybrid animals have been reunited with their families. Once again Acmetropolis is in your debt. Excellent work as always.

Rory: it's official I'm not going to the Circus for a long time.

Nora: agreed.

Zadavia: I did forget one thing. Duck we need to talk, alone. Now.

Rory: busted!

Danger Duck: help...

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