Family Business

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Rory woke up to the sound of her alarm on her phone. She picked it up and turned it off but then she noticed the date on her calendar

Rory: I-It's that day already?


Later that day tech and Nora were experimenting on a robot bug

Ace: Give us the scoop on this bug Tech.

Tech: Well to put it simply it's an extraterrestrial Bio Tech Symons parasite that enables the host with thought control levitation powers.

Ace: A what?

Duck: To put it simpler a thingamajig.

Nora: if someone has this whole angry or upset they become a supervillain

Tech: That's right! Once it attaches it'll take over anyone's free will and acted only on there deepest darkest desires

Rory stepped away from the robot bug then saw rev cleaning up the headquarters

Lexi: rev what's the rush?

Rev: sorrycan'tnotimegottacleanupgotitorganized gottamakeHQreadyforvisitorswhoIforgottomentionI invitedandarecomingfromoutoftowntheywillbehere anysecond

The doorbell rang

Rev: Whichwouldbethissecond!

Rory: who did you invite?

Rev: myfamily!

He opened the door and saw his parents and little brother

Rev: mom!pop!rip!

Ralph:Thereheis!How'sthatsonofmine?It'ssogoodto seeyouaftersuchalonglongwhileofnotseeinghimNow finallyseeinghimhisnewdigsthismustbethesuper crimefightingI'veheardaboutofcourseIamralph runnerandthisisHarrietjustcallusMaandPaRunner andthisisRip

Rip: hey

Rory: it's nice to meet you

Harriet: youmustbeRoryRevtoldussomuchaboutyou!

Rory: h-he does?

Rev: mom!

Rip: I can already see why rev likes her so much

Danger Duck: haha!

Harriet: andItissogoodtoseeyouRevhoneyEvenifI shouldscoldyoufornotcalling

Danger Duck: how does Rory understand what they're saying?! I'm checking into a hotel

Rev: folksIthinkyouneedtoslowdownjustalittlefor theirsakeok

Harriet: so... nice... to... meet... you...

Rev: okmaybenotthatslowmom

Ralph ran over to the loonatics

Ralph: Howareyou?Nicetomeetyoudon'ttellmeI'm reallygoodwithnames... mace... bexi... Rory... Dork... Cora... and-

He saw tech

Ralph: The coyote...

Harriet: Oh dear and no leash

Nora: now that's just-!

Rev: sorry they have coyotes issues

Tech: Maybe I should get back to work. Wouldn't wanna accidentally eat your ma and pa.

Tech walked into his lab and Nora followed him

Ralph: now son let's talk about you joining the family business

Rory: your leaving?!

Rev: no because i'm a crime fighter now. Pop let rip help you out

Ralph: there's no place in business for a slacker!

Rip: there he goes again

Rory: hey are you ok?

Rip: not really sometimes pops only notices Rev

Rory: sorry but I can't relate. I'm an only child

Rip: you lucky

Rory: I guess but it must be cool to have siblings even they fight sometimes

Rip: your pretty smart

Rory: Aww thanks!

Rev saw the whole thing and got jealous

Ralph: revyou'vealwaysbeenthebestatwhateveryoudo butsavingtheworldisadeadendjob

Harriet: but you did find a nice girlfriend

Rev: meandRoryaren'tdating!


Rev showed his parents the headquarters and went to see techs lab

Ralph: this place is a gold mind of gadgets! Not bad for a coyote

Nora was mad at what he just said

Ralph: so how much for one of these babies?

Nora: you can't buy anything

Tech: our inventions are not for sale

Ralph: really? 7037 and that's my final offer

Tech: No

Ralph: 6535?

Tech: no way

Ralph: 6040?

Tech: not today

Nora: or ever

Tech and Nora walked away

Rev: pop they're really not interested

Ralph: I think they have road runner issues

Rev: if you want to go to so bad I could show you when I'm working on


Rev showed his dad a toy robot that wasn't finished

Rev: this is a robo amigo!

Ralph: nowyourtalking!

Rory: Aww it's cute!

Danger Duck: that old thing? He's been working on that thing forever

Ralph: then rev we'll finish it back home together like the old days!

Rory thought of her parents when ralph said that

Rev: I'd really love to pop but I have important crime fighting duties here

Ace: no sweat rev spend some time with the family any end of the world crisis comes up we'll give you a call


The robo amigo wasn't working so rev went to tech and Nora for help

Rev: pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasehelpmemakemy popproudofmeI'veneverlethimdownbutIcan'tdoit alonewithout-

Tech: ok we'll help but what about those coyote issues?

Rev: Itoldthemyouareavegetariansoiftheyofferyoua birdseedgoalongwithit


Tech and Nora were able to fix the robo amigo and it was a huge hit but rip wasn't happy

Rip: super speed super inventor super salesman I'm super sick and tired of it! Rev might as well just get the girl to! ...but not if I get her first!


Rip went back to the headquarters and found the robot bug but when it attached to him it made rip bigger stronger and a crazy


Later that day rev went back to headquarters

Rev: guysI'msorryI'vebeenreallybusy

Rory: it's ok rev. You get to spend time with family

Danger Duck: oh yeah making toys for kids. What are you a crime fighter or Santa's elves?

Rev: Iknowitsbeentakingupmytimebuthelpingthe familybusinessissoimportanttopopandI'malittletotall tobeanelfbutIpromiseI'llbewithyouguystofightevil anywhereanytimeanyhow!

Ace: don't worry about it rev

Rev: thanksguys!

Suddenly everyone heard screaming coming from Acmetropolis


The loonatics went to see what was going on and it was rip flying and destroying the city

Rev: rip! Is that you?

Rip: How does it feel to be a super failure Rev?

Rory: he's not a super failure!

Rip grabbed Rory

Rory: hey! I know where this is going and I'm NOT a damsel in distress!

Rip: to bad so sad!

Rev: lethergorip!

Tech: he can't help himself! He's possessed by the bio tech parasite! It's making him act out on his deepest darkest feelings!

Ace: this can't be good

Rip: people of Acmetropolis fear for your lives! The rip is on a tear! Haha! I've already got a signature taunt.

Rory: typical super villains

Rip started destroying things again

Rev: wehavetohelpRory!

Tech: we have other problems when Rip took the parasite he also took my molecular reconstructor.

Danger Duck: translation?

Nora: it makes things smaller and bigger

Rip made Ropa amigo huge using tech's invention

Rip: dad says I have no ambition! How's that for thinking big?!

Ace: little brother you need to chill! Try some yoga

The Robo amigo almost crossed Lexi and Ace

Lexi: I think the answer is no!

Rev flew up to rip

Rev: rip let go of my Rory!

Rory: 'm-my Rory'?

Rip: you want Rory so badly? Fight me for her!


Rory punched rip right in face then she started falling but rev was able to catch her

Rip: had enough of me yet?!

Rev: No! Your still my brother even if you are making it difficult to remember!

Tech: We've have find a way to get that thing off him!

Ace: if we could get him into the open maybe I could hit the thing with my laser vision

Rip: Just be careful not to hurt Rip

Ace: It's not Rip I'm worried about.

Rory: since he's your bother we won't

Rev: also Rory about what I said-

Rory: w-we'll talk about that later ok?

Nora and Lexi attacked the robo amigo using there powers and Ace attacked rip with us laser vision but it didn't do anything

Ace: So uh what's up Doc?

Rip: Ha! Definitely not you!

Rip slammed Ace onto the ground

Lexi: Ace!

Tech: The parasite's been attached for so long. I don't think if we could get if off. I'm afraid its going nowhere until it wants to leave.

Rory: we have a plan right?

Rev: oh no Not we just me!

Rev flew towards rip grabbed him and started flying towards the ground

Rip: Are you crazy!? What are you doing!?

Rev: I'm getting my little brother back!

The robot bug came off and rip was back to normal. Rev and rip landed safely and the loonatics caught up to them

Rip: Thanks Rev. You know I didn't mean those things I said.

Rev: Yeah you did but it's ok. I'm just sorry I wasn't better listener earlier.

Rip: After all the things I did to you and your friends you risked everything to save me.

Rev: Hey forget about it Rip. That's what brothers do they look out for each other

Rory: I wouldn't say forget.

Rip: right. I'm sorry for what I did and said to you

Rory: that's all I wanted to hear and your forgiven

Ralph and Harriet ran up to them

Rev: Mom Pop what are you guys doing here?

Harriet: We saw you boys on TV and thought we'd come down to see you.

Ralph: I'vegotgreatnewsIusedRip'sfirsteditionidea andnowtheRoboAmigoisbackinbusiness!


Later that day Rory was playing with her robo amigo when rev ran up to her

Rev: heyRorysoaboutweIsaidearlierIhaveaperfectly goodexplanation-

Rory: rev it's fine. I think it's sweet

Rev: okgoodI'mglad another thing I was wondering about is that you were sad before. Does it have something to do with your family?

Rory: ok it's not a big deal but... today is my dad's birthday. Me and my mom would get him presents and then spend the entire day with him together. My dad would always clear his entire schedule no matter how busy he was starring in movies and we would take a birthday photo together.

Rory showed rev every birthday picture they took as a family

Rory: it's not a big deal so I... didn't want to bring it up. But this year I'm not with him and I don't have a gift... and when you told me about your family I don't know. Maybe I was jealous or needed a distraction. I'm sorry...

Rev: ...I have an idea wait here

He ran off and came back with his robo amigo

Rev: when you get back to your family give this to your dad as a birthday gift! I know they're for kids but it's the original and Great souvenir for what happened today!

Rory: but that's yours. I can't take it

Rev: you mean more to me then a toy

Rev realized what he said

Rev: thatcameoutwrong!ImeanttosaythatIwantyouto feelbetterand-

Rory kissed him

Rory: thank you

Rev fainted

Rory: rev? Rev?! Speak to me!!


That night Rory added a candle to a cupcake she made and lit it

Rory: happy birthday dad

She blew out the candle

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