A Creep In The Deep

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The loonatics were enjoying a day at sea using techs new boat

Tech: with my superior knowledge of aqua dynamics it was no challenge to build the ultimate watercraft. with a top up it'll make four hundred knots under water

Rev: Whydotheycallitknotsanyway?Icanmakereal knotsaslipknotadoubleknotwindsorknotahalfinch knotadoublehalfknotaforgetmenot

Tech: Speaking of knots that was highly elucidating. Not!

Rory: don't listen to him rev I thought I it was interesting

Rev: thanksandthat'sonlyafewoftheknotsIknow!

Danger Duck This is the life. Out at sea perched on the rail of a ship after all I am a waterfowl.

Nora and Lexi were both seasick

Lexi: Foul is the word for it alright. I've never felt so sea sick in my life!

Nora: that makes two of us. This is one of the reasons why I hate water...

Suddenly something hit the boat hard causing Duck to fall in the water but tech was able to control it again

Rory: is everyone ok?

Ace: What's going on? What turned the boat?

Lexi: Not to mention my stomach...

Nora: does anyone have a barf bag?

Rev: thatwascloseIhaven'tbeenthatscaredsinceIwent onthejetslalomattheAcmetropoliswaterparkofcourse atthewaterparkweweren'tabouttoplowintoafullsized oceanliner

Rory: wait there's a Acmetropolis water park? We have to go there at some point!

Tech: It appears that's not our biggest concern!

A giant whirlpool was sucking in a Cruz ship

Lexi: Since when do whirlpools form around ships?

Ace: Since now

Duck teleported back on the ship

Danger Duck: hey guys guess what else is cool about-

He saw the cruz ship sinking

Danger Duck: did I miss something?

People on the cruise were able to make it to safety using life boats

Rory: it's a good thing everyone is ok

Rev saw Dolphins in the ocean

Rev: lookatthosedolphinsaren'ttheycuteyouknow
therearestoriesaboutthemsavingsailersfightingoff sharksandjumpingthroughhoopsthewaterparks

Ace: why got to find what's going on with that whirlpool

Tech: I think we should pay Zadavia a visit


The loonatics arrived at Zadavia's home which was under water

Zadavia: There have been several reports of mysterious attacks at sea.

She showed them what was happening on a screen

Zadavia: Disappearing oil rigs light houses ships oceanography stations and even small land masses. The size or weight of the structure doesn't seem to matter

Ace: What's gotten into those whales? They're swimming in formation and causing the whirlpool. those dolphins are on the scene every time

Lexi: There was something weird about them. It sounded like that dolphin was talking

Nora: talking?

Rory: it's actually not that surprising for me I've seen weirder things

Tech: Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures with quite sophisticated communication skills

Ace: Hey Tech Nora can you create some language translator so that we can talk to those dolphins?

Tech: child's play

Nora: even Rory could do it

Rory: hey!

Nora: what? That's a compliment!

Eventually Tech and Nora finished the language translator's

Rory: are you coming with us nora?

Nora: a cat with electricity powers underwater? I'll pass


Ace Lexi Duck and Rory went underwater wearing scuba gear. Tech Nora and rev stayed on the boat

Danger Duck: is this great or what? So what are we doing again?

Rory: we're looking for the dolphins

They all saw the dolphins but they swam away

Lexi: wait! We come in peace!

Danger Duck: I'm try to tell you that they don't

Ace: relax Duck they're our lead


They all split of to follow the dolphins. Rory went with Lexi and Duck went with Ace

Lexi: hey Come back! It's ok!

Rory saw two mutant dolphins coming her way

Rory: I got this!

She threw her boomerang but it just stayed where it was

Rory: right I'm under water so none of my gadgets will work down here.

The dolphins pushed Rory against a rock hard

Lexi: hang on Rory! It's brain blast time!

Lexi used her brain blast but it was loud sound waves instead which hurt her head. Luckily it hurt the dolphins to. Rory swam over to Lexi

Rory: we should head back to the boat


Rory and Lexi made it back on the boat where rev tech and Nora were looking for Duck and Ace

Rev: Haveyoutriedmodifyingtheharmonic manipulatorortryingtotriangulatingtheepidemic wavelengthorhowaboutuplinkingthebiflexingon vectorflat?

Nora: we've tried all of those things but nothing is working

Duck climbed onto the boat panicking

Danger Duck: Seal the hatches call the marines hoist the mizenmasts!

Tech: Duck! Where's Ace?

Danger Duck: He's been fish napped I mean dolphin napped! kidnapped by dolphins! those dolphins were coming at me and I slammed them with my new aqua dense power it worked so great!

Lexi: you know your new power isn't the only thing that's dense! You let Ace get captured!

Tech: the question is what are they going to do with him?

Tech rev and Nora continued to try and track down Ace

Rev: I'mnotpickinganythinguponsonarotherthana bunchofreallycoolseaanemonesabunchofswanky bottomfeedersbutcertainlynotanythingresemblinga rabbit

Rory: we just have to keep looking

Suddenly the dolphins created a giant whirlpool but the loonaitcs were far away enough to not be sucked in

Tech: now they're after Acmetropolis City! We've gotta get out of here before that whirlpool gets any bigger!

Danger Duck: Lexi you and I better find Ace pronto while you other guys try to stop those whales!

Lexi: Ok let's go water boy!

Duck and Lexi went back underwater

Rev: howarewegonnastopthosewhaleswhenthey're reallyreallyhugewhenwe'rereallyreallytinynotto mentiontheygotuswayoutnumbered!

Rory: lets all stay calm I'm sure we can think of something

Tech: The only feasible mythology for neutralizing that vortex is to establish a countervailing projector at the perimeter

Nora: What should stop the Whirlpool in time

Rory: uhh... rev?

Rev: I have to spin the other way

Rory: oh ok! That makes sense

Rev left the boat and ran around the whirl pool the opposite way but a whale swallowed him

Rory: REV!!

Nora: wait Rory-!

Rory jumped into the water to save rev but was swallowed to. Then Lexi and Duck came back with Ace

Danger Duck: We're back!

Nora: perfect timing you guys!

Tech: we need all the help we can get

Ace: Where's Rev and Rory?

Tech: Whale food.

Nora: believe it or not Rory's been in worse situations

Danger Duck: either way they need us!

Duck and Lexi went back into the water and used there new powers to stop the whirlpool. Then the leader dolphin was captured by the loonatics

Ace: now that your mind games are over how about giving back our friends?

The whale spit out Rory and rev and they landed back on the boat

Rory: we're alive! Woohoo!

Rev: thatreallywildIfeltjustlikePinocchiointhere-!

Rory hugged rev tightly and he blushed

Rory: I'm so glad your ok. You scared me

Rev: I'm glad your ok to

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