Guardian Strike Sword

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The loonatics found Ace in the park with someone they never met

Lexi: Ace did you hear about the runaway train at the park today?

Ace: Hear about it? I got bruises to show for it in places I don't like to show. By the way this is my new friend Deuce if it weren't for him my tail would be toast

Deuce: its no big deal. You might say I have a way of being in the wrong place and the right time

Nora: so you just happened to show up? that's a little suspicious if you ask me

Deuce: I promise I'm only here to help

Ace took out his sword to clean it

Deuce: Ace I've been to every corner of the galaxy but I've never seen a sword like that before

Ace: thanks it was given to me when I first became super hero

Deuce: Can I hold it?

Danger Duck: hey! We've worked together for a year and you never once let me hold your sword!

Rory: if anyone is going to hold Ace's sword first its going to be me!

Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: I won't even ask

Ace: Hey Zadavia there's someone I'd like you to meet. This is-

She saw deuce standing next to Ace

Zadavia: Deuce! I never thought I'd see you again

Lexi: You two know each other?

Zadavia: Only too well.

Rory: i feel like you don't really like him

Zadavia: your right Rory. Let's just say Deuce and I have had our differences in the past

Deuce: I know I made some mistakes. I'm only here to ask your forgiveness and a chance to start over.

Zadavia: Then you've made a very long trip for no reason

Deuce: maybe I should leave.

Zadavia: Not maybe. Definitely

The hologram disappeared and Deuce walked away


Back at the loonatics headquarters the team wanted to know why Zadavia didn't like Deuce

Ace: why we're you so hard on Deuce Zadavia?

Zadavia: During the fall of my home planet the last craft to depart was the royal intergalactic quasar train. It was rumored to have carried cargo that could make a man king

Danger Duck: Sound code for treasure!

Zadavia: pay attention Duck!

Dang Duck: what did I do?

Zadavia: A blast struck the transport and caused it to launch on a run away course. It disappeared into a wormhole and was believed lost forever until recently. I fear the arrival of Deuce is not a coincidence.

Lexi: You think he's after the train?

Nora: it makes sense since Deuce showed up right after the train disappeared

Ace: it's also possible that he's changed

Rory: everyone deserves a second chance

Zadavia: it's a risk I can't risk. The train must be stopped before it falls into the wrong hands.

Lexi: even if we can stop this train how do we find it?

Tech: Nora and I may be able to help on that


Everyone went into techs lab where tech and Nora did research on the computer

Tech: I was able to find the exact time and coordinates of where the next wormhole will appear. According to my algorithm it will open in exactly seven and a half minutes

Rory put that timer on her phone

Rory: got it!

Nora: as for where the wormhole will appear next it'll be right at the center of Acmetropolis

Ace: tech you Nora and Lexi keep  keep monitoring the situation. Everyone else it's time to jet


Ace Duck Rory and Rev left to put on there jet packs but Deuce was there to

Danger Duck: hey what's Mr. popular still doing here? You've been eavesdropping about our train haven't you?

Rory: calm down Duck he probably just wants to help us out

Deuce: she's right. I heard about the quasar train and I thought if i could bring it back maybe I could earn Zadavia's trust again

Danger Duck: yeah another sad story! Look worlds smallest violin

Deuce: alright fine I won't come with you

Ace: so do you always give up so easily?

Danger Duck: what are you doing?

Ace: Duck he saved my life

Danger Duck: what's your point?

Rory facepalmed

Rory: Deuce earned at least a little bit of trust and like I said before everyone deserves a second chance

Ace Duck Rory Rev and Deuce used there jet packs to fly of


They we all able to find the train exactly when it left the worm whole

Ace: looks like our train is right on time

Deuce: let's catch our ride!

Everyone landed on the train

Ace: we have to work fast and stop this train before the wormhole closes again. Rory Duck check the cars Rev and I up front

Rev was a little jealous that Rory had to go with Duck and not him


Rory and Duck entered to the first train car

Danger Duck: every train comes with an emergency cord. There has to be one around here somewhere

They both started looking around

Rory: I wonder what other kind of stuff is in here

Suddenly someone blasted the train car door open. It was Ophiuchus Sam

Ophiuchus Sam: now I got you right where I want you!

Danger Duck: Rory do something!

Rory threw her boomerang at Ophiuchus but Deuce shut the door making it hit the door and hit Rory it the face

Rory: Ow!

Deuce: sorry Rory can't go out and play until she finishes her homework

Danger Duck: thanks Deuce!

Rory: yeah thanks a lot...

Deuce: I'm going to go help Ace and Rev. Keep looking for anything valuable

Deuce left but a few minutes later someone entered again so Rory and Duck decided to hide and see who it was. It was Ophiuchus and Deuce

Ophiuchus sam: how come I'm always getting beaten up? And where's the treasure?

Deuce: soon Sam. First Ace's sword then the treasure and then I'll take care of Ace

Duck and Rory came out of hiding

Danger Duck: your not fooling anybody

Rory: I knew you were evil the whole time!

Deuce: Ha! then why didn't you say anything?

Rory: uh well I... it doesn't matter!

Danger Duck: come on Rory. Let go tell Ace

Deuce: I'm afraid I'm going to have to put your little plan on hold!

Deuce thew his shield at all the heavy boxes making them fall on Rory and Duck. When they both got up Deuce and sam already left the car and locked the door


The train went through another wormhole and Duck was panicking

Danger Duck: we're doomed. Doomed I tell you! Stuck to rot in a wormhole like... worms! Rory we have to find something to eat! We could be in here for a while!

Rory smacked Duck across the face

Rory: get ahold of yourself Duck! You panicking isn't helping our situation!

Danger Duck: your right! Wow I never thought I would say that...

Rory: anyway! we have to find something here we can use to get back

She picked up a piece of metal

Danger Duck: that's not good that's robot junk

Rory: forget about the food!


The train went through another wormhole and it was back in Acmetropolis. Rory and Duck jumped out of the train just in time. Duck ram up to Ace

Danger Duck: Ace what ever you do don't give Deuce your sword! It's a scam! By the way where is your sword?

Ace: Deuce got away with it

Rory noticed Ophiuchus sam trying to escape

Rory: where do you think your going?

She used her grappling hook to tie him up

Ophiuchus Sam: hey! Let me go right now!

Rory: not until we get some answers


The loonatics went back to there headquarters and put Sam in a cell there. Rev hugged Rory once he saw her

Rev: i'msogladyourok!don'teverscaremelikethat again!

Rory: I won't. I Promise

Ace: Zadavia I don't know what to say. I should've listened to you about Deuce

Nora: I knew something was suspicious about him

Danger Duck: here I thought me and Rory were the only ones who ever screwed up around here.

Rev: it'snotRory'sfault!

Rory: yeah I don't screw up all the time! just sometimes before I ended up in the future

Zadavia: it's not anyone's fault. I should've told you all the entire story. Back on my home planet Deuce was once one of my most powerful generals who was determined to lead the greatest army. But tensions grew between us when I refused to place all of of my army under his control. Deuce was only interested in glory for himself. When the uprising took place he and his army were nowhere to be found.

Lexi: So after all that Deuce came across the entire galaxy just to steal some treasure?

Danger Duck: Well the jokes on him. Rory and I checked that train from top to bottom and there isn't any treasure. The cars are filled with nothing but broken down robots.

Rory took out the piece of metal she found on the train

Rory: I thought it would be a cool souvenir.

Zadavia: That's it! It was his army he was seeking. His army of robots

Nora: can't he just build more robots instead of going after the train?

Lexi: and why did he take Ace's sword?

Zadavia: That sword once belonged to the greatest of all warriors one of the guardians of Freleng. It holds powers you can't imagine

Ace: My sword has powers? How come you never told me this before?

Zadavia: Great power used to soon can create as much harm as good. It will come to you when you're ready.

Danger Duck: I think read that in a fortune cookie once.

Rory: I thought she was going to saw with great power comes great responsibility

Zadavia: Deuce knows the powers of the sword better than anyone.

Lexi: how are we going to find Deuce or the train?

Ace: Deuce has probably mapped where the wormholes will appear. All we have to do is follow Sam who is the one person who knows where to find him.

Danger Duck: Won't he be suspicious if we just let him go?

Ace: Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Ace just left the cell door open and left Sam escape


The loonatics followed Sam to where he met Deuce

Deuce: my tracker says a wormhole will open right about now

Ace: you might as well give up Deuce it's all over!

Deuce took out Ace's sword

Deuce: no! It's all over for you!

The wormhole opened and the train came out of it. Deuce jumped on and so did Ace.


Ace was able to get his sword back and deuce was trapped in the wormhole

Zadavia: Once again Ace you did an amazing job not only did you recover your sword but you proved yourself a true warrior

Ace: about the sword when are you gonna tell me all its secrets and everything it can do?

Zadavia: In time. Too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing.

Rory: Aw man I don't want to wait that long!

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