It Came From Outer Space

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Lexi and Rory walked passed tech and Nora's lab and rev playing a video game

Lexi: is that a video game?

Lexi started playing it with rev and was really good

Rory: I get to play next!

Tech and Nora walked in the lab

Tech: what have you done?!

Lexi: well for one thing high score!

Rory: it won't be the high score once I start playing

Tech: that's not a game! That's our new weapon system!

Nora: you could've hit an innocent planet!

Lexi: oh no... so that was a real target and missiles?

Nora and tech: Yes!

Rev: Iwouldn'tworrybecausetherearemillionsof uninhabitableplanetsandastroidsouttherewhatarethe oddsofhittingsomethingthathadsomeonelivingonit?


In the meeting room Melvin the Motion appeared on screen and told the Loonatics what happened

Melvin: also for destroying my galactic death cruiser my Martians playing poker painting and my Martian frog and monkey statue. I demand you surrender at once or your planet will be destroyed!

Everyone gasped

Melvin: By the way nice missile targeting.

Lexi: Thanks. I mean it was an accident

Rory: everyone mistakes Can't you forgive and forget?

Rev: Yeahwethoughtwewereplayingagamebutit wasn'tagameitwasrealbutofcourseyouknewthator yousortofknewthatifyoudidn'tknowthatyouknow?

Danger Duck: I'd say mini mean and green here is all talk!

Melvin: Brave words from someone who's a finger snack from where I come from

Rory: Haha! Ok now that was funny

Danger Duck: Like I haven't heard that one before. I bet you couldn't hit the broad side of a moon with that thing!

Melvin: Oh really?

Melvin used one of his missiles to explode the moon

Danger Duck: Easy shot. I bet you could hit something smaller like-

Nora covered Ducks mouth before he could say anything else

Nora: do you WANT us to get blown up?!

Lexi: Maybe I should do the talking. I am the one who caused this. Hi Mr. Melvin the Martian sir love your helmet and those shoes I always heard that Martians had the best fashion sense

Danger Duck: Best fashion sense? The guy's wearing a tutu!

Rory: I never understood that either

Duck pushed Lexi out of the way to talk to Melvin

Danger Duck: Listen cornball if you take over Acmetropolis it's just gonna be one more planet for you to keep track of.

Melvin: True. I do have so many planets. It's hard to keep count...

Danger Duck: exactly. You'd have to shrink Acmetropolis just to make room

Nora: your an idiot...

Melvin: Good idea! I won't destroy your planet I'll shrink everything on it and add it to my collection!

Danger Duck: I handled that easily now he's only going to... shrink our planet?!

Ace: you should've let Lexi do the talking

Lexi: Melvin don't do anything rash just because I thought I was playing some silly game

Melvin: You must be a very good game player. I've just learned a new game celestial checkers. Unfortunately Sergeant Sirius lacks a CPU strong enough to master such a game.

Lexi: That's too bad. It's not much fun playing games when no one around has your skills.

Rory: I'm good at video games! There was this one time when I played one in real life! ...Long story

Melvin: Then it's settled. I won't shrink or destroy your planet I'll just take you.

He pointed at lexi

Lexi: What do you mean take me!?

Ace: Alright listen here space cadet no one's taking Lexi!

Danger Duck: lets not be to hasty! What's so bad about traveling and play checkers? How many people can say they've been a billion light years away?

Rory: lexi is an important member of the team especially to Ace

Ace: what?

Rory: nothing!

Melvin: You have 24 hours to reconsider after that Acmetropolis will be very hard to find on any map!

The screen shut off

Ace: There's gotta be something we can do to stop the little alien. I mean your super geniuses

Tech: True but the Martian civilization is ten million
years ahead of ours. They can do a few things even I can't do.

Danger Duck: You mean like wearing a tutu out in public?

Nora: me and Rory are from the past. It took me awhile just to understand the technology here to

Tech: Melvin is producing a trillion times the power of our entire planet. With that much juice we're toast

Ace: Well we got no choice. If Tiny wants a war we'll give him a war

Danger Duck: Or we could just give him what's her name

Rory: how hard is it for you to remember names?

Lexi: Listen guys Duck's right. I'm the one to blame. I feel like Helen of Troy

All: who?

Lexi: Her beauty brought on the Trojan War?

Danger Duck: please this isn't about your beauty but about your Ballistic Bunny Blast. But I do agree you deserve the blame

Rev: I'mtheonewhohackedintoTech'scomputerinthe firstplacewhichmakesmetheonetoblame

Danger Duck: right you deserve the blame!

Tech: But I created the weapons system program. If anyone's to blame it's me

Danger Duck: I agree I saw there's plenty of blame here for all 3 of you

Nora: ok that's it!

She electrocuted duck

Nora: stop playing the blame game and actually help with the situation!

Danger Duck: deciding who's fault it is is helping!

Nora facepalmed


24 hours later everything in Acmetropolis started to shrink. Lexi was feeling like this was her fault

Danger Duck: I know your feeling bad Lexi blaming yourself for this whole mess you caused but you really shouldn't.

Lexi: thanks

Danger Duck: so many have to suffer because of the acts of a few or in this case just you. I always thought Rory would be the one to mess up

Lexi: wow I feel so much better

Danger Duck: that's what hero's are for


Later that day Melvin started leaving earth

Tech: He's retreating?

Ace: Why would he do that?

Tech: No clue.

Rev: Don'taskme

Rory: we should be happy he left!

Danger Duck: I guess Martian Boy finally realized who he was up against the greatest action hero in the galaxy!

Ace realized Lexi wasn't there

Ace: anyone seen Lexi?

Suddenly Lexi appeared as a hologram

Lexi: Hi guys. Sorry to leave without a goodbye but I knew you'd try to take me out of what I have to do. I decided to take Melvin up on his offer.

She blew a kiss towards Ace and the hologram disappeared

Ace: what? I mean why would she do that?

Rory: we had so many great adventures!

Danger Duck: You know women when they get something into their heads there's no stopping them. You could try but they never listen

Rory held Nora back from electrocuting duck again

Lexi appeared as a hologram again

Lexi: i almost forgot thanks for your advice Duck. You were right. It is better to sacrifice one then for all to perish

The hologram disappeared again and Rory let go of Nora and she electrocuted duck one last time

Ace: Ok Tech you and Nora can use your molecular reconstructor to size things up while the rest of us go after Lexi

Tech: Unfortunately my remote security scanner indicates that the Martians space craft is in impenetrable.

Rev: SayrememberwhenLexisaidaboutfeelinglike HelenofTroymaybewecanmakeherreallyfeelthatway

Rory: are you saying you want her to feel worse?

Rev: nope!


The loonatics went into space using a space ship that looked like a Trojan horse. Tech and Nora stayed at the headquarters

Ace: good idea rev

Rev: thanksbutI'mjusthappytodomypartsinceitwas mydoingthatledustodowhatwe'redoing

Rory: it wasn't your fault


They all pretended it was a gift and Melvin let them in his space ship and started looking for Lexi

Ace: Where to start looking? This bucket of bolts is huge!

Rev: Andthereseemstobenobodyaroundwithevery thingautomatednowonderMelvintheMartianislonelycanyouimaginewhatitwouldbeliketobeallalonenot havinganyonetotalktodayafterdayafterdayafterday-

Danger Duck: yeah it's paradise

Ace: Alright here's the plan. Duck and I will look for Lexi Rory you cover us.

Rory: on it Ace!

Ace: Rev find the ship's computer and begin the upload.

Rev: I'm already there!

Rev ran off to the computer


Ace Duck and Rory started looking for Lexi

Danger Duck: We'll never find Lexi. I say we cut our losses and go home. We can divide up our stuff and call it a day. There's a sequent jacket I had my eye on

Ace: Duck!

Danger Duck: What? You can have first pick

Rory: that's basically stealing

They found Lexi and Melvin playing celestial checkers then tech contacted is on his communicator

Ace: What's up Tech?

Tech (on the communicator): The Martians double crossed us. The warships are back. The weird thing is the pattern of city buildings being miniaturized kind of looks like a checker board

Rory: so the game Melvin is playing is connected to the shrink rays! I think...

While Melvin and Lexi were playing celestial checkers Melvin saw the Trojan horse on the screen

Melvin: Someone brought me a gift? I usually don't receive many gifts this deep in space!

He left to see the horse in person and Duck teleported in front of Lexi while Ace and Rory walked up to her

Danger Duck: Surprise!

Rory: did really think we wouldn't come here?

Danger Duck: I organized a rescue mission to save you!

Lexi: Right was that before or after you planned to divide up my things?

Danger Duck: how did you-

Lexi: Super hearing Remember?

Danger Duck: Hey you'd had to have a warrant to use those super hearing

Lexi: Look I appreciate you coming but I can't leave. I made a deal to save Acmetropolis

Ace: Well your little playmate already broke that deal. He somehow rigged the checkerboard to his weapons system. Every time you make a move a part of Acmetropolis is zapped... toy size!

Lexi: What!? You mean I'm destroying stuff by accident again!?

Danger Duck: Old habits die hard

Rory punched Duck in the arm

Danger Duck: Ow!

Ace: Time to jet!


Everyone made it back to the Trojan horse spaceship

Rev: energyuploadtoacmetropolisisunderwaybe completedineightminutesormaybenineminutes dependingonthesolarwindsbutmyguesswouldbeeightminutesbuttobesaveIwouldsaynineminutes

Ace: nice work rev

They all made it into the space ship but Melvin got in front of Rory holding a bomb

Melvin: intruders make me so angry!

Rory: what's up doc?

Melvin: I have something for you a uranium explosive space modulator now take it!

Melvin tried to give it to her

Rory: No I won't

Melvin: Yes you will

Rory: No I won't

Melvin: Yes you will

Rory: Yes I will

Melvin: No you won't!

Rory: have it your way.

Rory got into the space ship and it took off

Melvin: I sure showed her! She'll think twice before she ever-

The bomb exploded in his face


The team made it Back at the Loonatics headquarters but Melvin sent missiles towards Acmetropolis

Ace: Missiles! And they're heading straight towards Acmetropolis!

Rev: There'ssomethingwecanandIknowjustwhocan doitandthatwouldbeyouLexibyusingyourballistic bunnyblasttoclobberthosemissilesjustlikeyou clobberedMelvin'sspacecraft!

Rory: Great idea rev!

Lexi: Yeah! If I did once by accident well twice I can do it this time on purpose!

Duck: What!? You're leaving the fate of our planet in the hands of some joystick juggler!?

Rory and Nora both facepalmed

Ace: You go Lexi kick some Martian butt!

Lexi used the new weapon system like a game again and was able to destroy the missiles and blow up Melvins space ship.

All: yeah!

Rev: youdiditLexi!

Danger Duck: Yeah I knew she could do it all along


Later that day Lexi walked up to Ace

Lexi: hey Ace I just wanted to say thanks for coming all the way to space just for me.

She kissed Ace on the cheek and walked away and Ace was shocked at what just happened. Rory and Nora saw the whole thing

Nora: I told you we should let there relationship develop on its own

Rory: alright fine you were right and it's so cute!

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