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Inside Loonatics headquarters Duck showed Ace Rory Lexi and Nora a commercial about a vacation island. Rory really liked it.

Danger Duck: book your dream vacation today. I know I will. Pretty sweet right? Want to watch it again?

Rory: yes!

Nora: no thanks. I don't need a vacation

Ace: it's definitely something. All that worked just to put up concrete boxes?

Danger Duck: concrete resorts

Rory: how long can we stay there?

Danger Duck: as long as you want! But it's not cheap

Rory took out money from her pocket

Rory: Deal!

Nora: I don't think so. Ever heard of a scam?

Rory: oh yeah...

She put the money back in her pocket

Danger Duck: oh come on!

Lexi: I don't who's worse Duck or Ace.

Ace: what do you mean?

Lexi: vaporizing weapon permits damage claims witness statements this is the last time I'm doing your paperwork

Danger Duck: Lexi you seem overworked cranky and... well mostly cranky. Nora you seen stressed and Rory you seem bored. You know what you three need? A vacation to a tropical paradise! I can make it happen!

Duck took out a map then Nora Lexi and Rory looked at it

Rory: I'm totally going!

Nora: I don't know we're superhero's

Lexi: true but we haven't had any time of in awhile and it could be a girls weekend. Sure why not?

Rory: Yeah!

Nora: you know what? I'm in

Ace: great idea. When do we leave?

Lexi: we? I thought it was a girls weekend

Danger Duck: the plans have changed


Ace Duck Rory Nora and Lexi got ready to leave

Ace: your sure your ok staying behind tech?

Tech: yeah I can work on some of my side projects and I've been planning building something for Nora. Plus it'll be the first time I'll be totally in charge

Rev ran up to tech

Rev: whatdoyoumeanbeingtotallyincharge?Iwas thinkingIcouldbetotallyinchargeyoucouldbesecondin chargewhichhasnorealpurposebesides-

Ace: that's great your first job is to figure out who's in charge


Ace Duck Rory Nora and Lexi headed towards the Island using one of there airships

Danger Duck: the island we're heading to is called Apocalypso. The last undeveloped island. The construction workers are ripping it up as we speak

Lexi: we're going to the one island without working bathrooms?

Rory: I probably should've gone before we left...

Ace was about to land on the island but the ship started being pulled into the ground by vines.

Danger Duck: we're doomed!

Nora: no we're not!

Nora used her electricity powers to cut the vines and the airship landed somewhere else on the island. Everyone got out of it and looked around.

Rory: Wow. This place is beautiful

Danger Duck: Now all we have to do is follow the sound of construction. But it's really quiet for construction

Lexi: I don't think this place is as deserted as it looks. I hear something.

Nora: then we should look around a bit more.

Danger Duck: yeah right. With Her hearing it could be a dog scratching it's butt 1000 miles away

Lexi brain blasted Duck in the butt

Nora and Rory: Haha!

Danger Duck: what did I say?

Nora: more like what haven't you said

Two people who lived on the island walked up to them. One looked like a teenage version of poison Ivy and the other was the queen

Danger Duck: Whoa...

Ace: what's up doc? I'm Ace. Our ship is feeling a little-

They both ignored Duck and Ace and walked up to Lexi

Athena: I am Athena and this is Rose. you must be there leader.

Lexi: me? I guess I can see how you assumed that

Rory: Lexi is a great leader but it's actually-

Athena: I like how you handled the obnoxious one with the big beak

Nora: you could say this happens a lot

Danger Duck: wait my beak is the perfect size for my head!

Lexi: you mean the brain blast? It's just my superpower

Athena: superpower? It must help keep your men in line. These two warriors must help to

Rory: all the time!

Nora: we keep track

Athena: welcome to our island I am queen of Apocalypso

Rose: and I am the descendent of poison ivy

Rory: Wait what?

Rose: she is the woman who created this island

Lexi: I'm Lexi queen of the Loonatics

Nora: I'm Nora Lexi's bodyguard

Rory: I'm Rory Lexi's uhh...

Athena: lady in waiting?

Rory: yes that! What's a lady in waiting-

Danger Duck teleported in front of them

Danger Duck: hey! So what gives? You don't look like to be a part of the construction crew!

Athena: and you don't look like you have opposable thumbs

Danger Duck: ...I don't get it

All the girls started laughing

Danger Duck: Ace I don't know about you but I'm getting the feeling we're not exactly welcome.

Ace: maybe we can ask there men to help us with our ship

Athena: there are no men. We're a civilization of only women

Rory: I've been to a place just like this

Athena: we have tools back at the temple you can use. That Is if you know how


Everyone arrived at the temple but only Athena Rose Lexi Rory and Nora went inside because men weren't allowed in

Rory: this place is beautiful. I need get more often

Athena gave each of them a cup of nectar

Athena: try this. It's a very special nectar of ours.

Rose: it gives people the ability to temporarily control plants

Rory: that's so cool!

They drank the nectar in the cup

Nora: it's delicious

Athena: it's the source of our energy that bonds us and makes us one with all. The nectar can help you tap into powers you don't even know you have. Go ahead and try

Lexi Nora and Rory tried to control the plants and it worked

Rory: I finally have superpowers!

Athena: very impressive

Lexi: I've always had a green thumb. I can't wait to show Ace!

Rory: oh just Ace?

Lexi: a-and everyone to of course

Nora: Sure whatever you say

Athena: don't worry about Ace. Rose is taking care of the men

Rory: I feel like I should we worried because of the way you said that

Rose: don't be. This won't take long

Rose left but Rory Nora and Lexi were suspicious


Athena gave the three girls a tour around the temple and put flowers in there hair

Lexi: thanks for the makeovers Athena

Rory: everything here is so pretty!

Athena: thank you and we're preparing for zero hour

Lexi: what's zero hour?

Athena: lets just say after today we'll finally be rid of a certain planet and there annoying male creatures

Nora: I had a feeling something was going on!

Lexi: thanks for the tour but we should get back to the guys.

Rory: it's uh... getting late anyway.

Athena: there's one more thing I have to show you all


She showed them a room where they kept all the nectar

Athena: this is where we make our nectar. It's our energy source that makes the zero hour possible.

Lexi: we don't understand. Why are you telling us this?

Athena: because we want you three to join us.

Nora: no thanks. We're already a part of a team

Rory: plus we're on a mission to get home

Lexi: why would we abandon our friends?

Athena: we saw how they treated all of you. It was the same with our men. Until we took care of things

Rose ran up to them

Rose: Athena we have trouble. They refuse to leave

Rory: who refuses to leave?

Athena: I'll be right back. Think it over

Athena and rose both leave again

Rory: ok I'm done with this place!

NoraLet's stop whatever's going on

Lexi: good idea. You two find Ace and Duck. I'll figure out what Athena and rose are planning

Rory: be careful. Rose is the descendent of poison ivy a super villain who can control all plant life on earth. She wanted to destroy all human life and make sure plant life took over. I have a feeling rose wants the same thing

Lexi: how do you know all that?

Rory: it's a long story but the sum it up research


Nora and Rory ran towards the exit but bumped into Ace and Duck who were dressed as women to get in

Rory: huh this is familiar

Danger Duck: this island is infested with man eating plants that also love rabbit and ducks! And a hot flower girl was after us! Now we got to get out of here!!

Nora: after we stopped Athena but first...

Rory and Nora started laughing at the way Ace and Duck looked

Danger Duck: yeah get it out of your System

Ace: where's Lexi?

Lexi was able to find them

Lexi: I was gone for a few hours and you're already wearing my clothes. Anyway Athena said something about a zero hour and how today they would have enough energy to finally be rid of a certain planet

Danger Duck: yep that sure sounds like alien code for destroying the world

Lexi: but why blow up the planet they're on?

Nora: It doesn't make sense even to me

Danger Duck: who knows how girls think. You'd almost have to be one

Lexi Nora and Rory all glared at duck

Danger Duck: what?

Lexi: look the secret to there power lies in their nectar! If we can blow it up we can stop them in there tracks!

Rory: I am an expert on making things explode. On purpose or by accident


They all found Athena and rose in the room where they keep the nectar

Athena: Lexi. Nora. Rory. I offered the three of you a place with us. But instead you all chose to betray us. I thought we understood each other

Rory: you don't understand anything!

Rory a took out a bomb and threw it in the nectar and it exploded destroying it

Ace: zero hour is over queen!

Rose tied up both Ace Duck Nora and Rory in vines while Lexi was fight Athena

Rose: I'll finish what my my ancestor started

Danger Duck: so you won't go out with me?

Rose: NO.

Rory: you made the right choice

Danger Duck: Hey!

Rory: someone had to say it

Nora: ok that's it!

Nora electrocuted the vines freeing them and they were about to attack Athena but Lexi stopped them

Lexi: it's ok! We were wrong about Athena! This island is some sort of bio pod that was supposed to lift off today

Rory: ohhh... feel like none of this would've happened if we just asked...

Nora: but what about rose?

Rose: I just wanted to save the island

Danger Duck: that's gonna be difficult because I radio tech and he's sending missiles as we speak! We only got five minutes to get off the island.

Nora slapped Duck across the face

Nora: your an idiot!

Lexi: Athena you have to leave this second!

Athena: we can't! Without the nectar we can't generate enough energy to lift off

Lexi: exactly how much Energy do you need?

Duck used his Aqua dense to bring in the sea water and lexi Nora and Rory used their plant powers to turn it into nectar.


The team got on there airship and took off. The Island floated into the air and the missiles hit the water.

Lexi: it's funny but sometimes the real bad guy isn't always obvious at First. The one willing to destroy someone's home for greed

Nora: that reminds me of a certain someone we know

Danger Duck: I'm not a bad guy! I just work for the bad guys! I mean the company was trying to improve the island.

Ace: I have to say lexi you did good.

Lexi: thanks Ace

Rory: after everything that happened I need a vacation

Nora facepalmed

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