The Music Villain

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Inside the loonatics headquarters Zadaiva was checking in on the Loonatics

Zadavia: I'm pleased with the progress you've made with your powers Loonatics. Ace your mastery of the Guardian Strike Sword continues to grow. Soon you will be ready to learn new skills. Rory you've proven to handle yourself in battle without superpowers and continue to learn more creative ways to win battles

Rory: thanks! But couldn't have done any of it without you guys

Zadavia: And Tech I see you had an improvement from last year in the non technology hero department

Tech: I've been trying to get out of the lab more

Danger Duck: more like Nora forced him out.

Nora punched Duck in the arm

Danger Duck: Ow!

Zadavia: Well keep it up. It's most impressive.

Computer: Level Z encrypted message for Zadavia. you plus one are invited to the cosmic abyss for tonight's concert. Signed a friend

Rory: a concert? That sounds fun!

Lexi: That's a pretty hot ticket. So who's your secret admirer?

Zadavia: I don't know but I would like to find out.

Nora: I don't think you should except tickets from anonymous people

Zadavia: it's alright Nora. Nothing bad will happen

Danger Duck: So Zadavia who's the lucky one you're taking? As if I didn't know

Zadavia: let me see. I'm taking Tech.

Danger Duck: *gasp* Your taking who?!

Tech: Really? I'm honored

Nora: don't get an ideas Zadavia! He's mine!

Everyone stared at her

Nora: uhh... I mean have fun!

Danger Duck: yeah. Congratulations old buddy. Teacher's pet...

Zadavia and tech left to go to the concert

Rory: haha! Jealous again?

Nora: that was ONE TIME!


Back at Loonatics headquarters Zadavia told the rest of the team what happened at the concert

Danger Duck: Who were those guys and where did they get those funky instruments?

Zadavia: I don't know but there's something about that tune they played. I think I once heard it on Freleng

Rory: maybe the Music was so popular it made it all the way here?

Danger Duck: hmm to much pop music for me

Computer: Emergency emergency! Communications security breached!

A hologram of the lead musician appeared

Bootes: Hey what's up? This is the Bootes in the digital flesh. And I wanted to thank you personally for making the scene at my little jam session. It's just like old times.

Rory: what kind of name is bootes?

Zadavia: I've never seen you before in my life!

Bootes: Maybe your not looking close enough. Must have one of those faces easy to forget. But don't worry we'll meet again

The hologram disappeared

Danger Duck: Old boyfriend problems?

Zadavia: Like I said I've never seen him before

Nora: but he clearly knows you

Ace: Maybe we should do some snooping and see where bootes and his funky band play next

Rory tried not to laugh at bootes name


Later that day the loonatics look all over the city for bootes and his band but when they got back Zadavia was gone

Nora: it's was to quiet here

Ace: Tech run the security camera footage

Tech was about to do that but bootes appeared as a hologram again

Bootes: Hey Loonatics! Zaddy's a little in the dark about this whole thing

Rory: let me guess you're keeping her somewhere dark? It's obvious

Bootes: bingo bunny!

Ace: What do you want Bootes?

Bootes: If you want your boss babe to finish the gig there's a little cosmic guitar I'd like ugly coyote and ugly cat to create up for me. Do that and Zadavia can go free as a bird

The Hologram disappeared again

Rory: hey he forgot to tell us where to go!

Ace: he doesn't need to. Tech You got his signal?

Tech: It came from the old rail yard outside of town.

Ace: Can you build the guitar he wants?

Tech: Is the line integral of the magnetic flux around a closed curve proportional to the algebraic sum of electrical currents flowing through that closed curve?

Nora: of course!

Danger Duck: We gotta do whatever it takes to get our Zadavia back!

Lexi: You really do care about her

Danger Duck: You bet! We save boss lady and she's gonna owe us big time. I see paid vacations maybe even getting paid period!

Nora was about electrocute duck but stopped herself

Nora: you know what it's not worth it


tech and Nora were able to build the guitar and the loonatics went to the old rail yard outside of town where bootes and his band were waiting.

Bootes: if it isn't a blast from the past!

Rory: how did he know me and Nora are from the past?

Bootes: do you have the package?

Ace: yeah we got it. Now where's Zadavia?

Bootes: presenting Zadavia

a train car door opened where Zadavia was being kept prisoner. Then door closed

Bootes: so are we going to dance?

Ace: only if i get to lead.

Ace gave bootes the guitar to bootes but everything was a hologram including Zadavia. They got away with the guitar


The loonatics went back to there headquarters and tech did some more research

Tech: I've been performing a sonic scan on each of the band members using my bio quadrant filter. They're all manikins except for one

Lexi: You mean like puppets?

Rory: just like Pinocchio?!

Nora: no nothing like that.

Rory: oh...

Ace: but whose pulling the strings?

Tech: That would be the Keyboard Man. Now I understand why he the 64 string guitar. Are you familiar with the string theory?

Danger Duck: Of course. It's that stuff that you wrap around your finger so that you don't uh... I forgot.

Nora facepalmed

Tech: Think of the Universe as a galactic orchestra. The Keyboard Man knows that if he can channel Zadavia's energy into his guitar he can use that power to control the Universe

Danger Duck: you said something about string?

Nora: keyboard man use guitar world in danger.

Danger Duck: Oh! Wait I'm not a child Nora!

Ace: So if keyboard was tough before he'll be impossible to stop now.

Lexi: Then what's his next move?

Tech: Beats me. I'm a brilliant scientist not a moody musician

Everyone noticed Rory looked excited for some reason

Ace: Rory do you have a plan?

Rory took out a piece of paper with lyrics on it

Rory: ok I didn't want to say anything yet but I've been writing my own song for a while called 'boomerang' get it? Because I fight with a-

Danger Duck: we get it!

Rory: right. Anyway if I wanted to sing this song I would want the biggest audience possible. I'm guessing he wants the same thing.

Ace: There could only be one musical fest for that.

All: Galaxy Fest!

Ace: The ultimate concert of concerts! We gotta figure out a way to stop and get Zadavia back! Let's jet!

Rev: Ididn'tknowyoucouldsingorwritesongs!

Rory: it's just a small hobby. Maybe I could sing my song sometime


The Loonatics went to the Galaxy Fest

Ace: keep your eyes peeled. The key man has to be around here somewhere

Bootes and his band appeared on stage

Bootes: hey loonatics! Glad you could all make it! Me and the band want to welcome you with song a I like to call 'kiss your butts goodbye'!

The loonatics attacked the band

Danger Duck: I guess it's up to us to save the day. So what exactly do we have in mind?

Tech took out his new invention

Tech: It's my sound wave cancellation reverberator. It'll stop the funk

Duck: Yeah. Especially if they try to pronounce it.

Rory: but it won't stop our music!

Bootes attacked them with sound waves but techs cancellation reverberator reflected it in the sound waves hit bootes and his band instead

Ace: Time to cut this song short!

The keyboard man used the guitar to open a portal in escape. Zadavia was set free and was safe

Danger Duck: Good riddance to bad music I always say

Ace: You know Duck has a point. We could always get the guitar back.

Nora: I never thought I would hear the sentence 'Duck has a point'

Danger Duck: hey!

Zadavia: I'm afraid it's not just the guitar that he's taken. He's also taken my powers.


Back at the loonatics headquarters the team was trying to figure out what to do next

Ace: Well there's gotta be something we could do to help you out.

Danger Duck: Yeah can't we just plug you into the wall and wait until you recharge?

Nora: I could help you recharge

Zadavia: Something far worse has happened then just the loss of my powers. Rupes the Keyboard Man said he was going to find someone else someone as strong as himself. That can only mean one thing... my brother

Rory fainted but rev was able to catch her

Ace: Optimatus is back

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