The Fall Of Blanc

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the loonatics are traveling through space using a space ship heading to planet Blanc because it was under attack

Ace: Ok Loonatics ready set let's jet! Next stop Planet Blanc!

Duck was forced to wear a knight outfit and he looked ridiculous

Danger Duck: I still don't see why I need to dress like I'm going trick or treating

Lexi: Tweetums wanted you to wear your knight outfit Duck. There must've been a reason

Danger Duck: Every time I deal with chicken nugget I'm the one who winds up needing stitches

Rory: don't say that Duck. Tweetums is to cute not to like!

Ace contacted rev tech and Nora who were back on earth

Ace: So guys what's going down at that spinning little rock we call home?

Tech (on the communicator): I've placed Acmetropolis on code red alert

Nora (on the communicator): once there's a problem we'll be alerted immediately

Rev (on the communicator): andactivatedtheouter shields!

Ace: Sounds like someone's expecting something unexpected.

Tech (on the communicator): We seem to be getting very unusual fluxuations in the space time continuum

Nora (on the communicator): I check the time machine we're building but it has nothing to do with it

Danger Duck: You must be awfully proud of that dictionary of yours

Tech (on the communicator): Simply put something odd is happening to wormholes across the universe and I have a feeling that the Keyboard Man is behind it. When he stole Zadavia's powers with the cosmic guitar little did he know I put a tracking device on it

Rev (on the communicator): whichhappenstohave beenmyideaeventhoughI'mnotonetryingtograbcredit eventhoughthecreditI'mtryingnottograbismycreditto grabinthefirstplace

Tech (on the communicator): As you can see it's a direct match to the fluctuations emitting from the black hole that was last known to contain Optimatus

Rory: that means he freed Optimatus and now there both after tweetums?!

Lexi: So what does all of this mean?

Zadavia: It's what I feared most Keyboard Man has found Optimatus. If they join forces and capture Tweetums they'll be unstoppable

Rory: but why capture tweetums in the first place? He's a harmless little bird prince

Zadavia: The Royal Tweetums reins over Blanc and Blanc is no ordinary planet. It's the center of the universe. Which makes the hub of all wormholes.

Ace: Kind of like grand central wormhole

Danger Duck: So its freeway close to other parts of the galaxy I don't wanna visit.

Zadavia: Optimatus could use the wormholes to strike anywhere at any time. But to control the wormholes he would first need Tweetums royal scepter. Without it he'd never find his way out.

Rory: all we have to do is keep your brother from getting it. After everything we've been through it sound easy

Ace: Planet Blanc straight ahead!

Danger Duck: The unhappiest place in the galaxy

Ace: Time to armor up crime fighters. Evil waits for no one

Everyone put on space suits

Ace: Zadavia with Tech Rev and Nora back at HQ you better hang here and monitor communications

Rory: plus you have to stay safe since you don't have powers. You don't have any experience fighting with them.

Zadavia: Remember Ace the fate of the universe hangs in the balance.

Danger Duck: No big boss lady. Remember you got a secret weapon on your side and that weapon is...Danger Duck!

Rory: also space suits superpowers gadgets a team a great leader-

Danger Duck: alright I get it!

Zadavia: just the same. We may still stand a chance

Ace: Let's jet!


The loonatics arrived on planet Blanc and it was in ruins

Danger Duck: Whoa! The royal nest is a royal mess!

Rupes showed up to attack the loonatics

Rupes: did I hear someone call for an encore?

Rory: even if you did it wasn't for you!

Danger Duck: unless feel the wrath of danger duck I suggest you drop your weapon and give me the bird!

Then they all Optimatus sitting on the throne

Optimatus: Haha! If it isn't my favorite crime fighting cottontail.

The loonatics attacked Optimatus but he was stronger then they were. Then Deuce walked up to them

Ace: so look who rolled out of the old wormhole

Deuce: I'm just here to settle some unfinished business Rabbit-

He was suddenly hit in the face by Rory's boomerang

Rory: I forgot how annoying he is

Ace: nice one Rory!

The loonatics grabbed Rupes before he could get away and Deuce got back up

Rupes: Optimatus I saved you! What about our partnership?

Optimatus: i already have a partner

Optimatus and Deuce were able to escape

Danger Duck: Optimatus has Zadavia's powers and Deuce working for him. How are we ever gonna get our royal fluff ball back?

Ace: If Optimatus had Tweetums then what's he still doing here?

Rory: that's the thing Ace. I don't think Optimatus found Tweetums which explains why he didn't leave

Lexi: Maybe Tweetums got away. After all the royal highness is a pretty crafty bird

They all looked at Rupes

Ace: Maybe Mr. Music can shed some light on things


The loonatics took Rupes to a prison on planet Blanc

Rupes: listen guys if I knew anything I would tell you after what Optimatus and Deuce did to me.

Danger Duck: that's nothing compared to what we're going to do to you!

Rory: yeah we have ways on making you talk!

Danger Duck: I thought I was bad cop

Rory: you were bad cop last time! Now it's my turn

Ace: anyway tell us what you do know Rupes

Rupes: after I stole Zadavia's powers I had my one chance to to find Optimatus and convince him to let me join his crew. I used the guitar to enter a worm hole. I told him I could set him as free as a bird all i asked was to help him achieve his goal and make my tune the national anthem. All that was left was to find the man with a plan. So I created a wormhole here but tweetums somehow got away. I never thought Optimatus would double cross me

Rory fell asleep leaning against the wall but Duck pushed her to wake her up

Rory: I-I'm awake! What did I miss?

Danger Duck: everything he just said!

Ace contacted Zadavia and told her what they just learned

Ace: time to put the pedal to the metal and find Tweetums before Optimatus


The loonatics started looking for tweetums and passed Sylth Vester's cell

Sylth Vester: Hey guys remember me?

Duck: Well if it isn't Sylth Vester the bad old putty cat

Rory: I thought we wouldn't see you again

Sylth Vester: I'm now the good old putty cat.

Ace: I can see that. Nice special effects.

Sylth Vester: So how about opening the cell?

Rory: nope. We're looking for tweetums and you'll try to eat him

Sylth Vester: I can help you find Tweetums. I'm a native of Blanc I know this planet like the back of my paw!

Ace: he has a point he could prove useful after all

Rory opened the cell and Sylth Vester walked out


They all went to the gardens and there were a bunch of tweetums

Ace: According to Tech's bio scanner there are all robo Tweetums. They must be decoys to keep the real Tweetums safe

Rory: then how do we find the real one?

Robot Tweetums: Hello Mr. Duck.

Danger Duck: Yeah what do you want?

Lexi: how will we find Tweetums?

Robot Tweetums: I've been programmed to give Mr. Duck clues. The Royal Tweetums knows how much Mr. Duck loves to play games with clues

Rory: I know he's a robot but he's still adorable!

Robot tweetums: The journey will take you down a treacherous path where you will face all sorts of dangers

Rory: forget about what I just said

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