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The Loonatics and Sylth Vester were able to find the real tweetums In a big cave

Tweetums: I'm a sweet Tweetums hiding on Planet Blanc. I'm small and so cute and at least I'm safe from that old putty cat

Rory: Aww! Your so cute!

Sylth Vester: That's it! Kiss your royal butt goodbye

He fell through a trap door and landed in water. He was able to climb back out

Tweetums:I knew this would be the one place where the bad men would never find me or my scepter

Rory: well your safe now I promise

They all turned around and saw Optimatus standing there

Optimatus: Loonatics. Thanks for leading the way. Too bad you won't be staying

Rory took out her boomerang

Rory: lets finish this right here and now!

Deuce walked next to Optimatus

Deuce: I hope you don't mind but I brought along a few guests.

A bunch of robots burst in and attacked the loonatics. Rory used her boomerang to hit a lot of them with one throw. She caught her boomerang when it came back. Then Deuce grabbed tweetums

Deuce: Hand over the royal scepter!

Rory: yeah right. Your bluffing!

Deuce: oh really?

He started squeezing tweetums

Deuce: I'm waiting for an answer!

Ace gave him the scepter and deuce let go of tweetums. Then Optimatus and Deuce captured Duck got away and trapped everyone inside the cave

Lexi: Maybe I can blast us out.

Ace: Better halter the brain blast Lexi This place could come down at any time.

Suddenly Tech rev and Nora were able to get through using giant drills

Ace: Tech! Rev! Nora! You guys are a breath of fresh air!

Rory kissed Rev. He almost fainted but held it together

Tech: We locked onto your tracking signal and got here as soon as we could

Nora: luckily we had these drills so that saved some time

Rev: Ifitweren'tforthelawofphysicswhichhasnothing totravelfasterthanthespeedoflightwemight'vegotten hereevensooner

Rory: your here now! That's what matters the most

Tweetums: You must stop the bad men Ace and save my friend Sir Duck.

Sylth Vester: it's over! They got the royal scepter!

Tweetums: True but the royal scepter don't work without the royal jewel.

Nora: that's a little too convenient

Tweetums: I gave it to Sir Duck when I knighted him. I couldn't chance it falling into the wrong hands.

Ace: Where is the missing gem?

Tweetums: Safely around Sir Duck's neck.

Lexi: But Duck is in the wrong hands!

Rory: so we're right back where we started

Tweetums: That's why you must stop them from reaching wormhole central before it's to late!

Ace: Lexi Rory Sylth your with me! Tech Nora Rev keep an eye on our royal majesty!

Nora: you got it Ace


Ace Lexi Rory Sylth Vester arrived wormhole central where Deuce and his army of robots were waiting for them. Duck had handcuffs that wouldn't let him use his powers

Ace: So this is grand central wormhole. better keep your eyes peeled. We seem to be one nut job short.

Rory: if anyone is nuts it's Deuce!

Lexi: Looks like we got here just in time

Deuce: I'm afraid time is something you've run out of. Now step aside.

Ace: I'm afraid we can't do that

They all started fighting the robots. Duck was surrounded

Danger Duck: if this is the end Rory I want you to know the only reason I was mean to you was because I liked you but I moved on I swear!

Rory used her boomerang to hit the robot with one throw. She caught her boomerang when it came back.

Rory: you have a weird way of expressing your feelings and I'm not interested. Rev is my boyfriend

Danger Duck: I'm completely fine with that! But Let's never speak of this again

Rory: agreed

Lexi: there's too many of them!

Ace: We've been in tight situations before Lexi! Come on!

Zadavia and Optimatus showed up and took out the rest of the robots

Deuce: Zadavia

Zadavia: I told you your disloyalty would be your undoing!

Deuce: How sweet. Siblings fighting side by side. Techno soldiers destroy them!

The robots were able to take everyone down

Deuce: Any last words?

Danger Duck: I got a few. Only I'd have to wash my mouth out with soap afterwards.

Rory: and I want to make a very inappropriate hand gesture!

Sylth Vester: Mr. General Sir do you think you can let me go? I'm not really with these heroes

Deuce: And what do you offer me in exchange?

Sylth Vester: I happen to know that the scepter won't work without the royal jewel. Duck is wearing it around his neck

Rory: you traitor!

Danger Duck: So my neck was really on the line when it was on the line.

Deuce took the jewel and put it on the scepter. Suddenly a spaceship appeared and tweetums came out of it

Tweetums: I order you to drop your weapons and surrender at once!

Deuce: And who's going to make me?

Tweetums: Just little old me... and me army of egg bots!

An army of egg bots showed up and so did rev tech and Nora.

Tweetums: My good friends have retro-fitted my servant bots with special armor.

Tech: Made of the strongest ally found this side of Andromeda

Nora: it doesn't get better then that!

Rev: ortheotherofandromedaforthatmatterif Andromedahadsideswhichitdoesn'twhichhasaspiral shapedgalaxywithmanylightyearswideandalsoasM31 andNGC234

the egg bots attacked and destroyed the robots and Deuce tried to escape but Rory threw her boomerang and Deuce was hit in the back of the head with it.

Deuce got back up and ran off but Ace ran after him. A few minutes later there was a giant explosion and all the robots shut down

Danger Duck: Not bad for a day's work. Taking out the trash is my favorite chore.

He saw Optimatus

Danger Duck: it looks like I missed one bag of crud!

Zadavia: No Duck! Optimatus had changed. It was the thirst for unlimited power that corrupted him. Now he must learn to use his powers to be a better leader.

Rory: so what I'm hearing is that we won? Because this looks like a win to me!

Lexi: what about Ace?!

Rory: oh right!


Everyone went to the main portal and saw Ace fetid deuce but he was pretty hurt

Lexi: ACE!

Lexi punched Ace in the arm

Ace: Ow! What was that for?

Lexi: that was for scaring me!

She kissed him

Lexi: That was for everything else

Rory: finally! Took two seasons but finally!

Danger Duck: what are you talking about?

Rory: nothing important


The loonatics and Zadavia got back to

Zadavia: Congratulations Loonatics. Before I leave you I want you to know that it's been an honor working with all of you even you Duck

Rory: you're leaving aren't you?

Zadavia: Yes. The time has come for me to return to Freleng with Optimatus. It signals a new beginning. Until now you've been heroes in training. You must now rise to the next level and become guardians of the universe

Ace: Guardians of the Universe? I like the sound of that. Maybe we should make Planet Blanc our new HQ since it is the center of the universe.

Lexi: And with the wormholes we can be anywhere we're needed in a flash.

Nora: it's a great offer Zadavia but me and Rory can't expect. We have to go back to our own time eventually

Rev started cry and Rory hugged him

Zadavia: then it has been an honor to have you on the team


a few days later the time Machine was ready but Nora and Rory were going to say their goodbyes first.

Rory: Ace thanks for letting me be apart of the team. I'm so lucky to call myself a Loonatic

Ace: you definitely grew up the last two years. I'm proud of you

Rory: thanks Ace. Lexi your like the big sister I never had. Even though I still mess up sometimes

Lexi: What matters if that you learn from you mistakes and you always got back up

Rory: all I had to do was think of all of you guys. Duck you may be annoying rude overly confident and a show off

Danger Duck: And?

Rory: and you are. But deep down I know you care about me.

Danger Duck: yeah well you are my friend so don't think about it to much

Rory: I wasn't finished. I see you as my brother.

Duck tried not to try

Danger Duck: w-whatever Rory!

Rory: Tech you taught me a lot of technology and Machines even though I almost broke a few of them

Tech: I just hope you won't forget the things I was able to teach you

Rory: I promise.

She walked up to Zadavia

Rory: Zadavia I thought you were pretty strict at first so I'm glad I got to know you better

Zadavia: you've accomplished so much. Your future is looking bright Rory.

Rory: thank you

Rory noticed rev crying and hugged him

Rev: I'll never forget you...

Rory: and I won't forget you either rev. Which means that we'll never be a part. Not really. Nothing will ever change how much I love you. Not time or space or being years apart.

Nora and Rory were about to enter the time machine

Danger Duck: no matter what happens... I will not cry!

Rory remembered something

Rory: rev theres just one more thing!

She ran up to rev and kissed him for the last time. Rev smiled when she let go

Rory: thank you! All of you!

Nora and Rory entered the time machine


Rory and Nora appeared in Nora's bedroom which was where they were sent to the future in the first place

Nora: we're back

Rory: I'll check the year

Rory checked her phone and it's 2022

Nora: it's only been five minutes! We can-

Rory ran off to see her parents


Rory ran back home and saw her parents

Bugs: your back already? That was-

Rory hugged both her parents so tight they couldn't breathe

Lola: did we miss something?

Rory: YES!!


The End-

Rory: Wait! I don't care if this ruins the moment! I didn't sing my song!

She pressed play on her phone and the music started

Rory: don't really care
about what they say
I'm a come back like
a boomerang I won't
let the haters get their
way I'm a come back
like a boomerang yes
I'm a come back just
like a boomerang I'm
a come back they can
keep talking their talk
I'm a keep walking my
walk and I won't hear
a sound they are just
trying to see If they'll
get the best of me but
not this time stuck to
there phone like they
are alone hide behind
the screen cause they
are just so mean but
we don't play like that
we will fight back and
all of their words we
just brush it off saying
we're fake no we are
not trying to throw us
off track we know how
to come back I don't
care about what they
say I'm a come back
just like a boomerang
won't let all the haters
get their way cause I'll
a come back just like a
boomerang I'm a come
back like a boomerang
I'm a I'm a come back
try to try to make me
stop but I'm climbing
to the top so look how
far I've go one bigger
better faster stronger
yeah see I ain't just a
talker catch me if you
can catch so us if you
can stuck to the phone
like they are alone hide
behind the screen all
cause they're so mean
but we don't play it like
that we will fight back
their words we brush it
off saying we're fake
no we're not trying to
throw us off track but
we know how to come
back don't really care
about what they say
I'll a come back like a
boomerang won't let
all the haters get their
way I'm a come back
like try try to throw us
off track we know how
to come back I don't
care about what they
say I'm a come back
just like a boomerang
I won't let the haters
get their way I'll come
back like a boomerang
I'm a come back I'm a
I'm a come back bigger
better faster stronger
see I ain't just a talker
catch me if you can so
catch us if you can

The music stopped

Rory: ok now it's over.

The End

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