Loonatics On Ice

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Rory walked inside the loonatics headquarters. She was freezing

Rory: what's with the temperature?! It was super hot earlier!

Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: loonatics we have a problem

Ace looked out the window and saw Acmetropolis covered in ice

Ace: you got that right zadavia. I say we got a serious problem

Zadavia started to explain what's happening

Zadavia: so far nobody can tell where this iceberg came from. I don't have to tell you what will happen if the temperature keeps dropping.

Duck: I knew it. We're going to lose cable again

Rory: then I won't be able to watch my favorite shows!

Nora: that's not important. What is important is that we'll freeze to death. Not to mention an iceberg takes 3,000 years to melt

Zadavia: exactly. The entire planet could be facing a new ice ice. When the meteor hit your superpowers were the only after effect this iceberg could be related.

Ace: I think we can handle one iceberg

Zadavia: Acmetropolis is counting on you to take care of this. Zadavia out.

The hologram disappeared.

Lexi: When she goes out where does she go? The movies?

Rory: that's not fair! We do all the work!

Ace Tech we'll need some toys to melt this ice cube.

Tech: Excuse me chief. they're not toys They're precision handcrafted alloyed instruments.

Ace: We'll take those too but first the toys!

Nora: he just said they aren't toys!


The Lolnatics go to techs lab and tech gave them each a heat blaster

Rory: whoa!

Tech: be very careful Rory. You can be a little clumsy sometimes

Rory: please. I can handle this. Now how does this work?

She pulled the trigger by mistake and burnt a hole through the wall.

Tech: this just proves my point

Rory: my bad! I'll be mora careful

Ace: Time to crush some ice. Let's jet!


Everyone used jet packs to fly to the iceberg except for rev who could already fly

Rev: Wouldyoulookatthatthingit'sgottabethebiggest icebergI'veeverseenI'veseensomedooziesdoyouthinkweshouldputsomemorejuiceintheblastersnotthatI

Rory: rev look out!

She pushed him out of the way before he could hit the iceberg

Rory: are you ok?

Rev: yeahI'mfinenoneedtoworrybutItotally understandwhyyouwouldworrybecauseIalmosthita gianticebergbutthekeywordtherebeingalmostthanks toyourorysothankforthesave

Rory: your welcome rev

Tech: Ok what wise guy moved Mt Everest?

Ace: Alright snow cones for everyone. Set blasters on thaw!

The Loonatics used there heat blisters on the iceberg and it started to melt. They all landed on the ground

Ace: Good guys one. Mother Nature nothing.

Lexi: Hold on Ace Mother Nature might be done but I hear something.

Duck: Perhaps a high pitched dog whistle?

Nora: why? Are there dogs?!

Duck: are you afraid of dogs?

Nora: no!

The ice began to crack and there was a Viking ship inside. Robot vikings walked out of it

Ace: what's up doc?

Rory: my dad says that all the time!

Gunnar: I am Gunnar

Ace: gonna go to a Viking convention?

Gunnar: we are here to take over your world.

Ace: You know you might as well go back to where you came from cause this a 'no invasion zone'.

Gunnar: We will conquer your world by any means necessary.

Rory walked in front of Ace

Rory: I got this. No you won't.

Gunnar: Yes we will.

Rory: No you won't.

Gunnar: Yes we will.

Rory: Yes you will.

Gunnar: No we won't conquer your world!

Rory: have it your way.

Gunnar: I will enjoy crushing you rabbit!

The Viking attacked but Rory was able to dodge

Rory: I'm not a rabbit I'm a bunny! There's a difference!

Gunnar: Hammers of frost!

They slammed their mallets to the ground and turned the ground into ice.

Tech: Their weapons seem to be charged by a subzero hypothermal liquid solidification energy that when fire can freeze-

Ace: yeah I saw

The Loonatics were now trapped in a block of ice


While the city was being put on ice Duck teleported himself out of the block of ice

Duck: Ok I'm out! I'm out and I'm safe which is of number one importance. No need to worry about me I'm...

He saw his friends still stuck in the ice

Duck: Hello? You still in there? Well I think that puts me in charge!

Nora used her electricity powers to break everyone out of the ice

Ace: nice work Nora.

Nora: it's not a problem

Duck: I would've busted you out myself if you just give me time to think.

Ace: We had seconds not hours Duck

Rory: Ha!

Duck: I liked you both better as snow bunnies

The Loonatics saw Acmetropolis was completely covered in ice

Rory: I love snow days but this is ridiculous

Zadavias hologram appeared

Zadavia: I guess you know by now that these are no ordinary Vikings.

Ace: Yeah they don't even sound Scandinavian.

Rory: what's that again?

Nora: Scandinavia is a subregion in Northern Europe with strong historical cultural and linguistic ties between its constituent peoples. In English usage Scandinavia most commonly refers to Denmark Norway and Sweden

Rory: Huh?

Nora: it's a different country

Rory: Got it

Zadavia: I believe the iceberg slipped through one of the interdimensional portals that opened up after the meteor hit. These techno vikings must have been frozen inside during an ice storm in their own dimension but now that they're here in Acmetropolis and have been released-

Ace: They can freeze and paralyze the world so it's easy for them to take over

Zadavia: Precisely. But right now you have bigger problems.

Rory: what do you mean by-

The Loonatics were hit by a ice blast and slowly got back up

Rory: funny how she said 'you' and not 'we'

Duck: I didn't get the last part what are the bigger problems?

Nora: take a wild guess!

They all turn around to where Nora pointed and saw a giant viking ship

Lexi: If their trail leads to the city what are they doing back on their boat?

Ace: Maybe they didn't want to miss the dinner show. Gunnar on ice! Let's jet!

The team used there jet packs to fly towards the ship and they avoided all of their attacks

Lexi: How long are we gonna let them use us for target practice?

Ace: Until they run out of spit rods, which is right about now!

The Viking ship ran out of ice to blast at them

Ace: Let the fun begin!

Lexi: Aye aye skipper.

Ace: Loonatics unite!

Rory: I would've said Loonatics Assemble

They all flew away but came back on a boat

Ace: Tech you've outdone yourself!

Tech: You can say it I'm a genius.

Nora: your a genius

Tech: thanks Nora.

Ace: Launch the torpedo!

The torpedo was launched and it headed straight for the ship.

Duck: So long Ice Geeks!

The ship started to fly and wasn't hit by the torpedo

Rory: what the heck?!

Ace: Yeah Rory we didn't see that one coming. Flying Vikings?

Tech: They won't be flying for long.

their ship should could fly too

Ace: tech take it out

The ship it dropped explosives onto the vikings ship and it exploded. The Loonatics got on what was left the Viking ship

Ace: With their ship down do you think do big freeze is over Tech?

Tech: All their power seems to be coming from the horns on these helmets.

Rory: I'll take that as a yes

Rev checked the boat but no one was there

Rev: zerozilchnonenoonenobodyonborednilnothing nada

Lexi: So where did they all go?

Nora: something isn't adding up

Ace: First we see them now we don't. This game of battleship was a distraction. Hey Rev can you get me a reading from the Vikings?

Rev showed them a hologram of Acmetropolis and zoomed in towards the vikings

Rory: I didn't know you could do that.

Rev: itsnobigdealjustsomethingthesuitcando

Lexi: They're heading for the planetary power grid.

Ace: That must've been what Zadavia was trying to tell us.

Rory: before her hologram exploded when the Vikings attacked us.

Tech: Not to alarm anybody but if they freeze the city's power core

Lexi: Then the whole city will have one bad case of frostbite.


The Loonatics arrived at the power grid right before the Vikings could freeze the Power core

Ace: what's up horn heads?

Gunnar: Freeze them!

Ace: you picked the wrong planet to invade pal

The Loonatics split up to fight the Vikings. Rory was surrounded

Rory: Ice of you to drop in!

she used her boomerang to hit all of them with one throw. Rory caught her boomerang when it came back.

Rory: I had to say it

Another viking was about to attack Nora but she became invisible. The Viking looked around to find her but it was suddenly electrocuted by Nora who was visible again. The Viking fell on the floor

Ace: Tech we gotta turn the tables! We gotta make things hot!

Tech: I'll reprogram them! Just keep them busy!

Nora: I'll help you out. It will take twice as fast

Tech: good idea

The fight continued as tech and Nora reprogrammed one of the Vikings

Ace: tech Nora please tell me you guys are almost ready!

Tech: you can't rush brilliance

Nora: or intelligence for that matter.

Ace: no but you can't give it a swift kick in the can!

Rory grabbed her boomerang after hitting another viking

Rory: what does that even mean?

Tech and Nora finish the reprogramming and reversed all of the effects of Vikings caused. Everything was back to normal

Ace: we did it! It worked!

Lexi: The energy from the Vikings has recharged the power core!


Back at the loonatics headquarters everyone was relaxing after saving the day until

Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: Loonatics I just had to personally say to each and every one of you job well done. The ice age is averted the techno Vikings destroyed and Acmetropolis is safe. Thanks to you Ace rev Lexi tech Duck and the two newest members of the team Nora and Aurora

Rory: uh sorry to bother you zadavia but I just prefer to go by Rory if that's ok

Zadavia: alright Rory.

Zadavias hologram disappeared

Rory: oh I almost forgot. Duck weren't you trying to find a superhero name?

Duck: yeah why?

Rory: how's Danger Duck sound? Short simple and easy to remember

Duck: Fine. danger Duck I can live with that.

Ace: Good because we like it too.

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