Attack Of The Fuzzballs

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Lexi and Rory walked into the Loonatics headquarters holding a new pet called a Fuzz-z

Lexi: Hey look what we got!

Rory: aren't they cute?

Ace walked up to them

Ace: What is that? Did you buy a new cotton tail?

Lexi: No it's a fuzz-z. come mon bio pets are only the coolest trends ever hit Acmetropolis.

Ace: what do you hit it with?

Lexi: You don't hit it you love it.

Rory: it's called a pet.

Danger Duck: Hold it right there! How did you get a hold of one of these anyway? My fuzz-z's been on back order for weeks. Are you sure this isn't supposed to be mine?

Lexi: back off Duck. Zozo is mine

Danger Duck: Zozo?

Rory: I like it

Duck took Rory's Fuzz-z instead

Danger Duck: then this one must be mine

Rory took her pet out of his hands

Rory: your not having Zee ether

Danger Duck: Z?

Rory: no. Zee with two E's at the end. Just like zee zatara

Everyone just stared at her because No one new who that was

Rory: from DC? The justice league? Never mind.

Danger Duck: how did you buy a fuzz-z anyway? Your only 13

Rory: I'm 14 actually and I have plenty of money saved up. Nora did you get one?

Nora stopped working on a blueprint for an invention with tech to talk to Rory

Nora: no. I don't have time to take care of a pet but it is cute

She got back to work then Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: You're not going to believe this one Loonatics. there's a situation in South Acmetropolis that requires your attention. A residential zone in the fourth quadrant seems to have a giant spider problem.

Rory: spiders?!

Zadavia: This family barely escaped with their lives.

Rory tired not to panic

Tech: Species? Origins?

Zadavia: Unknown and unknown.

Rory started to panic even more

Danger Duck: Forget where it came from. Where's it going? it's not coming here is it?

Zadavia: The plan was for you to go there. I'll transfer coordinates and transit. Zadavia out

The hologram disappeared

Ace: She gets to go out and we get to battle mutant spiders. Let's jet!

Rory: ...why did it have to be spider?


The Loonatics put on there jet packs but Ace saw Rory holding Zee

Ace: maybe the Fuzz-z Rory

Rory: Can she come with us?

Ace: how about no

Rory: ok

Ace and Rory took off but Rory Zee inside her jet pack


The team started searching Acmetropolis for the giant spider

Ace: according to Zadavias readings we should be able to spot that spider right about-

The giant spider jumped out of a building and landed on the ground

Ace: now

Danger Duck: look at that thing! It has three wait four no five legs

The spider kicked Duck hard and he hit a wall

Ace: make that six legs

Nora: spiders have eight legs. That's a simple fact

The Loonatics tried fighting the spider and it crashed into a wall. When the smoke cleared the spider was gone

Rory: where did it go?

Tech: There's gotta be an explanation.

Nora: it couldn't have just disappeared. That's my super power

Duck saw another Fuzz-z

Danger Duck: I don't believe it!

He picked it up

Danger Duck: I found a Fuzz-z! And this one is mine. Look I got my very own superhero sidekick now! How about it wonderfluff? Yeah that works

Rory: I would've named it Duck Junior DJ for short

Ace: Big spider pulls a disappearing act and we find a hard to get bio pet in it's place. What are the odds?

Tech: twenty seven thousand and eight hundred sixty seven to one.

Nora: that's also considering the weather time of day and temperature

Ace: Kind of high on the coincidence meter don't you think?

Danger Duck: You're not trying to pin this on Wonderfluff are you?

Ace: Until we can come up with something better yes

Rory walked a few feet away and took Zee out of her her pack

Rory: you're way too adorable to be dangerous.

Zee jumped out of Rory's hands and went inside Duck jet pack instead. Roy ran back to the group

Danger Duck: Sorry i guess they like me better. Now I have two superhero sidekicks! How cool is that?

Ace: You had to bring the fuzz Rory

Rory: I couldn't leave her by herself!

Zee and wonderfluff started eating something in Duck's jet pack

Lexi: There's a party going on in your backpack.

Danger Duck: I never go out in the field without some chocolate inducer bars. They must be really hungry.

The fuzz-zs jumped on the ground and became giant spiders

Rory: Zee?!

Danger Duck: I'm not sure Wonderfluff has had all his shots. Anybody wanna buy a bio pet cheap?

Ace: Duck!

Danger Duck: yeah?

Nora: No! Duck as In look out!

Duck dodged the attack and the spiders threw Ace against the wall

Ace: smacked down by a fuzz ball? You realize of course this means war!

He was about to attack but Rory stopped him

Ace: what are you doing?

Rory: that's Zee! She's just upset

Zee tried to attack rory but Rev got her out of the way in time

Rev: That'snotZeeit'sagiantspidertryingtoeatallofus andIdon'twanttoseeyougethurt

Rory: I can take care of myself rev!

Suddenly the spiders became fuzz-zs again

Ace: What's gotten into these power puffs?

Zadavia appeared as a hologram in front of everyone

Zadavia: Something powerful.

Ace: Powerful but easy to get a hold of.

Zadavia: Good point Ace.

Rory: so what does that mean?

Zadavia: The boy with the first fuzz-z fed it chocolate candy before going to bed.

Rory: and our fuzz-zs had ducks chocolate

Nora: that's when they turn into monsters

Zadavia: Professor Zane's laboratory is located in the seventh quadrant. Just east of the industrial center.

Ace: The guy who invented these hairballs, better know a way to cure them because Acmetropolis is full them.

Rev: Itsgonnatakeamiracletogatherupallthesefuzz-zs Icangrabahalfofthembutwe'regonnaneedsomething reallyamazingtogettherestofthem


Back at headquarters the Loonatics go to techs lab to see if tech and Nora had any kind of invention I could help them out

Ace: I bet Tech and Nora have a few toys we can use.

Nora: like I said before they are not toys!

Tech: Tech: I give you the Exovac 2400 X.

Text showed all of them a ship thats used like a vacuum

Tech: It's the ultimate urban vacuum

Ace: I get it. So you're saying this machine sucks. Fuzz-zs that is. Lexi you Royand Duck warn this Zane guy he could be in danger from his own creations. The rest of us will work on rounding up the furball's that are still out there


Lexi Rory and Duck arrived right outside Zanes lab.

Danger Duck: looks like no one's home.

Rory: i'll go check on Zee

Lexi: no someone's in there. I can hear breathing inside


The three of them go inside the lab and it was really dark

Lexi: hello? Professor Zane? We've come about your bio pets. We have reason to believe that they're very-

The lights turned on and Lexi danger duck and Rory were surrounded by giant spiders. Rory took out her boomerang but was clearly terrified

Danger Duck: well looks like they had they're chocolate today

Lexi: I hope that's all they crave

Rory: don't say that! I'm already terrified enough as it is!

Zane walked in the lab

Zane: not only do they love chocolate they also have a taste for duck rabbit and guess what it's feeding time!

Rory: how many times do I have to say it?! I'm not a rabbit! I'm a bunny! There's a difference!

Each spider grabbed one of the team members and after struggling Lexi started to ask questions

Lexi: so you knew all along chocolate mutated the fuzz-zs.

Zane: I made sure of it. My first fuzz-zs weren't

supposed to transform so soon not until I completely flooded the city with bio pets.

Danger Duck: sounds like your mom didn't get you enough chocolate when you were little

Rory: or you were just mad they said no to getting a pet that doesn't turn into a monster

Zane: you're just as naïve as the Acmetropolis science council. Imagine firing me because they deemed my experiments too dangerous. They never appreciated me or my Genius my-

Rory: insanity madness craziness stupidity meanness and psychopath actions? I could keep going. I've done this before

Zane: I decided to show Acmetropolis needed to see firsthand what I am capable of. So cute and cuddly until they have a bit of chocolate

Rory: we'll make sure that doesn't happen

Zane: why are you even here? Your just a child

Rory: your going to regret saying that!

Suddenly the other lunatics burst in ready to fight

Ace: see too much chocolate will make you sick

Duck rory and Lexi got out of the spiders grip and started fighting the spiders with the others. Rev grabbed Rory and got her away from the fight. They were still in the lab though

Rev: RoryareyouokI'mheretoprotectyouIwasso worriedaboutyouwhenyoudidn'tansweryourcallandI thoughttheworstsowegotherejustintime

Rory: I'm glad your here but I don't need protection. Watch this

She threw her boomerang without even looking and it hit Zane right in the face. Rory gabbed the boomerang when it came back.

Rev: greatthrowrorythatwasincredible!

Rory: thanks rev

All the spiders were turned back into fuzz-zs


The Loonatics brought all the fuzz-zs somewhere safe. Lexi Duck and Rory were saying goodbye to there fuzz-zs

Lexi: time to go. No deranged scientist to mess with you and no chocolate let's hope

Danger Duck: I salute you. you've been a brave soldier wonderfluff. I also fear you but let's not go there now

Rory: you've been my best and only pet ever. Even though you turn into a giant spider and tried to kill me but I know that wasn't really you.

The fuzz-zs left the Loonatics and Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: Congratulations Loonatics. Thanks your efforts Zane's operation has been shut down. Take the rest of the day off you deserve it

The hologram disappeared

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