The Cloak Of Black Velvet

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In the Loonatics headquarters Duck was trying to order cape online but no one was answering his phone while tech was meditating

Danger Duck: Hello? Hello?

Rory: what's wrong Duck?

Danger Duck: I'm trying to order a cape. Just trying to jazz things up a bit. Give the costume a little flare. Stand out more in front of the boss lady.

Rory: what about a matching mask? That would be so cool!

Danger Duck: ...that's not a terrible idea.

He tried to call someone so he could order his cape but still no one was answering

Danger Duck: this is ridiculous. It's the 28th Century we've got jet pack hover crafts Computer latte makers but I still can't get a good a call signal on the 134th floor!

Nora: me and Rory got by just fine without any of those things in 2022

Danger Duck: must've be been horrible!

Rory: No it wasn't. Our battery lasted just fine to

Duck tried calling someone again and this time it was annoying tech

Tech: Duck shut that thing off.

Danger Duck: At least the ringer works. The rest of its junk.

Tech: Have some respect. I'm clearing my mind here.

Danger Duck: Please you need a hazmat to clear the junk out of your head

Nora gave Duck a small Electric shock

Danger Duck: Ow! What was that for?

Nora: for not giving tech some respect

Danger Duck: either way no more technology for me. From now on I do everything the old fashion way.

Lexi: Yeah right. No phone no EMP music blaster 5000.

Ace: And no high tech weapons.

Rory: you could use a boomerang like I do

Danger Duck: I don't need weapons. My bare hands are lethal weapons.

Nora: you wouldn't last a very long

Tech: Nora is right. You couldn't go one week without high tech stuff.

Danger Duck: Oh really? Well I'm not you Mr. and Mrs. Techno Geeks!

Nora blushed after Duck said that

Tech: Make you a bet. If you can get through one week I'll buy you that new cape. if not you buy it for me.

Danger Duck: You're on mister!

Rory: I have a feeling duck is going to win this bet

Nora: it's going to be tech


The Loonatics sat at the meeting table and Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: We have a major crisis Moments ago someone calling herself Black Velvet stole the Acme Doppler Series Five Radar System

Rory: I feel like that's important

Tech: it is. That system directs all air and space traffic in and out of Acmetropolis.

Zadavia: I'm afraid it gets worse. They've also taken the Acme Super Computer.

Tech: It's the most advanced system in the planet. I should know I built it.

Nora: that's incredible tech

Tech: thanks Nora

Danger Duck: This what you get when you rely on technology! Utter chaos! I'm so going to win this bet!

Zadavia: Duck pay attention. I'm uploading security footage now.

The footage showed Black Velvet commanding her robot army. The boys thought she was hot

Lexi: She's not that pretty.

Ace: She's hot.

Lexi: Keep your eyeballs in your head!

Zadavia: Attractive or not she's bad to the bone. And you have to figure out what she's up to. Good luck Loonatics

The hologram disappeared

Ace: let's jet!

The Loonatics left there headquarters and Rory walked up to rev.

Rory: rev you don't think black velvet is pretty do you?

Rev: ofcoursenot!Yourwayprettierthenher!

Rory blushed

Rory: I-I didn't ask if I was prettier but thanks for the comment

Rev: iknowbutimeantyourprettycoolyeahthat'swhatI meantbecauseit'snotlikeIlikeyouoranythingbecause onlysomeonewholikedsomeoneromanticallysaythat andIdon'tlikeyounotthatIdon'tlikeyouatallImeant thatIdon'tlikeyouinaromanticwayanywayweshouldgo

He ran off with the others and Rory eventually followed him


The loonatics were tracking down black velvet

Lexi: Ace aren't we going the wrong way? The space port is east.

Ace: Yeah, but we're going where the action is. Check out the skyline. Just like it was before the attack.

Tech: That's right over at the AcmeTech University.

Danger Duck: Which is the homeland of geeks dweebs and brainiac nerds!

Tech: I went to school there.

Danger Duck: There's a big shocker.

Nora: ok

Nora shocked him again

Danger Duck: Ow! I meant shocker as in surprised sarcastically!

Nora: I know and you should treat tech with more respect


The team go inside a building black velvet might be in and then the lights go out. Then a bunch of robots around them

Danger Duck: Mommy! Someone turned out the lights. Failed again by technology.

Rory: tech made my boomerang glow in the dark! Not because I'm afraid of the dark or anything.

Ace: Tech any thoughts? Any suggestions?

Tech: Right now Rev's has to be our eyes.

Rev: NoproblemTechwithmybuiltinGPSIgotalockon them!Roryyoursurrounded!Letmehelp!

Rory: no need rev!

Rory threw her boomerang and it hit all of the robots that were coming towards her. Another robot grabbed her but she kicked it in the face

Rory: back off robot!

Black Velvet stole the light wave eliminator.

Black Velvet: We have what we came for. Crush them! I see dark days ahead Loonatics!

She flew back to her ship with the light wave eliminator and the building the Loonatics were inside started to collapse but they made it out just
in time

Ace: come on we can't lose her now!

The Loonatics went after the black velvet in their ship

Ace: Picking up anything, Tech?

Tech: They must've deployed some sort of cloaking device.

Rory: what's that again?

Nora: it's like turning invisible

Rory: oh! Got it

Ace: Anything Rev?

Rev: notracenosignnomarknotrailnoheatnoscrapno specnoparticlenonothing

Then everything went dark

Ace: I hate being left in the dark.

Danger Duck: Who turned out the lights?

The lights went back on but tech was gone

Ace: where did tech go?

Lexi: look!

A robot took tech inside black velvets ship

Ace: Alright Loonatics she's to learn you take one you take us all!


The loonatics followed it inside black velvets ship. It was like an actual city on the inside

Lexi: we're not in Kansas anymore

Rory: I thought we were in Acmetropolis

Nora: this isn't time for jokes

Rory: but you have to admit it was funny

Ace: lets go crush some velvet

Everyone split up to look for Tech


Ace Duck and Nora found tech working on something in velvets lab

Ace: Hey Tech Let's make like an atom and split.

Black velvet came out of the shadows

Black velvet: Tech only answers to me now. You are just in time to watch us usher in the dark ages!

Nora: do you know what's great about the dark?

Black velvet: what's that?

Nora: sneak attacks are a lot easier

She turned invisible ran towards black velvet and electrocuted her but she got back up easily

Tech: your Shroud Caster is ready.

Black velvet: Activate the Shroud Caster! Now!

Nora ran up to tech

Nora: tech please don't do this! I-

Danger Duck: wait I can wake him!

He turned on his ring tone which annoyed tech so much it broke him out of black velvets control

Tech: that annoying phone!

Black Velvet: Ha! Too little too late! Darkness was my curse now it will be yours Loonatics!

Suddenly black velvet was hit in the head with Rory's boomerang. Rory cut her boomerang when it came back

Rory: that's not going to happen!

Lexi: nice timing!

Rory: thanks and pretty convenient too

Tech reversed the machine causing the whole ship to explode but the lunatics were able to get out of there just in time


Back at headquarters Duck was looking for tech

Danger Duck: Has anyone seen Tech? I think he has something that he might want to say to me.

Tech: thanks

They also tech wearing the cape Duck wanted in the first place

Tech: I went and ordered it. They're sending you the bill.

Nora: you look great in it tech.

Tech: thanks Nora.

Rory stood next to Nora

Rory: weren't you going to say something to him?

Nora: I have no idea what you're talking about

Danger Duck: But thats mine! You were supposed to buy that for me!

Ace: You used your phone Duck. we all saw you.

Rory: which is surprising since it was really dark in black velvets ship

Danger Duck: But I only used the phone to save him! If not for me he'd still be walking around saying 'Whatever you say black Velvet'

Lexi: A bet's a bet.

Rory: I knew tech would win the whole time

Nora: no you didn't

Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: Good work Loonatics. Despite Black Velvet's disappearing act the Shroud Caster has been dismantled and all the parts have been returned. And tech I like the new cape

Tech: thank you Zadavia

hologram disappeared.

The hologram disappeared.

Danger Duck: Wait! Come back! I picked out the cape I'm the heroic looking one! Be impressed with me!

Lexi: Maybe you can call her back on your cell phone.

Ace: If you can get a signal.

Rory: and if you have enough battery life

Nora: i'm not charging it for you

Danger Duck: You know you all despicable.


rev was playing air hockey by himself because he was so fast

Rev: revfightsforthegoalrevbeathimtohithelaysitin thecorneritgetshitbackbyrevanothertrickyshotbutnot quitetrickyenoughrevshootssavebyrevrunnerhe

Rory: nice one rev!

Rev: thanksrory-

He turned around to see Rory add a purple cape and purple mask to her uniform. She also dyed her hair purple

Rory: what do you think?

Rev: youlookabsolutelypositivelyamazing!

Rory: thank! Duck trying to buy a new cape gave me an idea to upgrade my look. I know we don't have secret identities but I just feel like the mask is a nice touch.

Rev: its perfect

Rory: I'm going to show everyone else!

She ran off

Rev: why didn't I say anything about how I feel?

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