01 | when he died

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"Naruto Uzumaki committed suicide last night."

Suddenly, all the voices in the classroom became silent. I felt my breath get stuck in my throat. What did he just say?

"Excuse me?" said Ino from the front row, her eyes still. No doubt, the words hadn't immediately registered in her head. But I heard them, loud and clear.

Sir Kakashi sighed, his one visible eye darkening.

"Naruto Uzumaki committed suicide last night," he repeated. A dead silence fell upon the class once again. No one dared to break it, until Kiba opened his mouth.

"Who?" he blurted out insensitively from the back of the class.

Sir Kakashi didn't seem amused at all, as his frown deepened. "He was a very important member of this community," he said, scowling at the boy.

Kiba immediately faltered in shame.

I didn't know how to feel about what I was hearing. Although I didn't really know Naruto (we never talked), I was in shock. From the brief encounters we had, I could never guess that he would kill himself.

Sure, he was somewhat of an outsider, and got teased by a few of the other kids. But he always seemed happy. He couldn't have been suicidal.

"Due to the current circumstances, classes will be cancelled today. A few of his close friends who have been greatly affected by his death have already been sent home."

I looked around, in search for Sakura. She wasn't in class.

"The rest of you can stay here and talk to the counselors the school has hired to help you deal with grief, or you can go back home. Classes will begin in two days," he finished giving instructions, a grim look on his masked face.

No one said a word. I don't know why, but sadness flowed through my veins, dulling my mind.

I couldn't express the emotions I was feeling; I felt numb.

A part of me felt like something was very wrong. He couldn't have simply died, with no warning at all.

Perhaps I could have done something.

I shook my head. What happened had happened, and there was nothing I could do about it. It was his decision.

But it just didn't feel right.

I swung my locker open, lost deep in thought.

I don't know why I was so affected by his death. I didn't even know him – why should I feel bad?

But despite this, I felt like I was being haunted, Naruto's ghost following my conscious.

"Did you here about Uzumaki?" I heard a voice behind me exclaim. I rolled my eyes at my classmates' insensitivity as more people joined the conversation.

"I know, right?" someone else said. "I just can't believe it."

At that moment, I felt slightly angry. These people didn't even know who Naruto was before today, but they acted as if his death affected them so much.

Granted, I didn't know Naruto that well, either. The one encounter I could recall with him was in the 10th grade.

I was dating his cousin for a while. I was the first to get my license in my grade level. I remember giving her a ride from school, as she sat down in my car, clinging to my arm as if her life depended on it.

"Thanks for the ride, Sasuke-kun!" Karin exclaimed.

"No problem."

All of a sudden, I heard a knock on the window of the passenger seat. There, stood a blond haired boy with whisker-like scratches on his cheeks.

The first thing I noticed were his eyes. His eyes were indescribable. They were so full of emotion – to say that his eyes were blue would be like saying the sun was yellow. It was an accurate answer, yes, but was never a sufficient enough description to describe the extent of their beauty.

I remember Karin rolling her eyes as she pulled the window down. "What do you want?" she said, annoyed.

Naruto sighed. It looked like he wasn't happy to see her, either. "You have to give me a ride home."

Karin groaned, "Says who?!"

"Your mom."

And so, Naruto ended up awkwardly sitting in the backseat as I drove Karin and him to her compound. Although he didn't live in that area, he insisted that he could walk, and Karin wasn't against the idea.

Ever since that day, I can't seem to forget his eyes.

Fun-fact: This story was originally NaruHina, but I decided that SasuNaru would fit better. Also, it was based off this prompt I found on tumblr:

"Your main character's love interest just committed suicide. What happens?"

Thanks for reading!


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