Part 4: Arrival (Part 2 of 3)

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I posted this since I was excited for it. More will come....but be patient. I have more than 1 draft on my profile. Along with a lot of requests that I may have forgotten excluding Rise of The Elemental Ninja which was requested yesterday. Plus challenges that I accepted. 

Ronnie Anne

When Luan told us what Lori did, I wanted to scream, destroy something or rage. However, I had to control myself. Lincoln is my best friend (and secret crush) wouldn't want me to do anything to get me in more trouble with my mother. She's already stressed as it is and Bobby...oh no. I had to tell him. He would be heartbroken and disgusted to know what Lori has done to her little brother.

"NO. Lori would never..." I heard Clyde try to say in a desperate attempt to deny what Luan told us. I knew it was the truth since Luan was never one to joke about matters this serious. 

"Clyde. It's the truth. Luan wouldn't make something like this up." I said.

"But...." Clyde said before Leni cut him off.

"Clyde, I know that you love Lori....but what we're telling you is the truth. Whatever image that you have of her is just an illusion." Leni said. Before Clyde could come to Lori's defense again....I spoke to him with hopes that he'll understand that the Lori that we both know is not the person that we think we know.

"Clyde, Are you seriously going to sit down and defend the person who wouldn't give you the time of day? The person who told you lots of bad advice just to get you to leave her alone? The very same person who stabbed Lincoln through the eye just because he didn't choose her side of their fight? Face it, Lori is not that beautiful, kind woman that you think she is and the sooner that you accept that...the sooner that you can move on and get with someone who loves you for being you." I said. Clyde stayed quiet after I said that which slightly raised my hopes that he listened. 

"I'm surprised you're acting maturely Ronnie Anne. I thought that you would destroy part of the van or something." Luna commented.

"I figured that doing that wouldn't help the situation at hand. Besides I have to tell Bobby about what happened and where his girlfriend is." I said.

"I hope that he won't take it too hard. Lori and Bobby were heads over heels with each other." Leni said.

"To be honest, I always hated how their relationship was. Don't get me wrong, Bobby and Lori were a good couple, but she controlled almost everything in it. Not to mention the numerous texts and phone calls along with those cringe inducing nicknames with the added bonus of those anniversaries that they keep having." I stated.

"Lori's always had a problem with giving up control. In fact, it's one of the major reasons why we often get into fights since she wants to abuse her duties as the older sibling. However, she has done nothing, but show us the wrong way to do things." Lisa said which brought all attention to her excluding Ms. Loud who seemed to already know this.

"Mom did mention that. Lori is..or rather was our older sister yet she never really set a good example for us. In fact, she often acted more childish sometimes when things don't go her way." Luan said.

"Not to mention the treatment that she often gives Lincoln. Speaking of which, we haven't been fair to him either. To be honest, I often feel deep regret for how we treat Lincoln." Lisa said.

"We treat Lincoln fine. Don't we?" Lola said.

"Are you kidding? We have him help us with our activities and never thanked him for helping us. Which isn't helped by the fact that we sometimes act like spoiled brats and get angry at him for nearly everything." Lana said.

"I guess we've been acting too ungrateful towards Lincoln. Man, I feel like such a jerk." Lynn said. 

"Don't feel down Lynn. We may have messed up with Lincoln more times than we would've liked, but we can still make things right now." Leni said. I could see the others nodding along which almost made me smile. However, I quickly noticed that we were entering the hospital and were parking the car.

As I followed behind the Louds, I saw my mother talking to one of the volunteers named Carol Pringrey. I had hoped that they wouldn't see me, but my hopes were dashed once my mother called my name.


 As I was talking to Nurse Santiago, I noticed that the Louds were coming through the door  with Nurse Santiago's daughter and friends. I instantly spotted Leni of course, but her older sister, Lori wasn't with them.

"Ronalda, What are you doing here?" Nurse Santiago asked.

"It's a long story Mom, but if you want the short version....Lori and Leni had a fight which lead to Lincoln choosing a side. However, He decided to follow Leni's side which lead to Lori getting extremely angry and stabbing him in the left eye." Ronalda said. I barely managed to hold the gasp of shock when I heard that. Lori was my rival/friend yet I envied her for having siblings. I thought that she would always take care of them and treat them well like any decent older sister. Turns out, I was wrong about that. 

"Oh no. I can't believe that Lori would do something like that." Nurse Santiago said.

"She's already been sent to jail and has been disowned, but I need help breaking the news to Bobby." Ronalda said. Bobby? The boy who Lori had around her fingers....the boy who too madly in love to see how poorly their relationship really was.

"Knowing him....He won't believe you. He's too madly in love to see through her outward appearance." I commented. They both looked at me for a second before Ronalda sighed. 

"I can't disagree with that. My brother is too nice to see that his loving relationship is really one sided." Ronnie Anne said.

"Then maybe you should bring him here so the Louds and I can help you break the news. Besides your brother really needs a wake up call to Lori's true face." I said. They both nodded and I saw Ronalda reach for her cellphone. Hopefully Bobby will be able to see his girlfriend's true face after all this. Besides Lori never let him have any girls as friends, but maybe we could gain a friendship to help him get through his upcoming heartache. 

A nice friendship that will never break apart no matter what. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter..Bye 👋

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