🌸 Chapter 8 🌸

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I wake up with my swollen eyes. I been cried last night. I sit up and look down at my leg. I look at my thighs that full of bruises. I stand up and grab the towel enter the bathroom. I glad that today is Saturday so I don't have to meet them at school.

I undress and enter the shower. I open the tap and water start touch my skins. The water on my skin made me shiver by the cold and little painful because of my bruises. I bit my lip not want to make a sound.

After 15 minutes, I wrap the towel around my body and close the bathroom door behind me. I walk toward my closet and take a grey sweater and long pant to cover my bruises. I fix my hair and look at my own reflection.

I'm ugly.

I'm not pretty.

I'm not cute.

I'm not beautiful.

I'm not talent.

I'm just useless.

I'm just worthless to anyone.

I'm broke.

I'm nothing.

Just nothing...

I hate of myself.

I look away from the mirror and walk toward the door, open it and close the door behind me. I go downstairs and enter the dining room. I see eomma was prepare the breakfast to us.

"Good morning, eomma!" I put a fake smile to her even though I didn't mean it. I don't like make people around me hurting. But I'm the one who hurt made these.

I hate it doing this.

"Good morning, sweetie." Eomma kiss my cheek. I take a seat and take a plate. Jake and appa enter the living room join us as well. I take an egg and bacon. Jake take a seat beside me and appa sit across me.

I munch the food. I'm just quietly eating while they talking. After I finish my breakfast, I drink orange juice. I take the plate and glass into the sink and wash it. I make my way back to my seat as I wait for them.

Appa and Jake finish their breakfast, they wash the dishes. All of we stand in front of front door.

"Drive safe both of you." Eomma kiss appa cheeks.

"Don't stress too much, bro." I kiss Jake' cheeks like usual same as him.

"I know, I know. Don't worry, sis." He pat my head. He stop patting my head and kiss eomma cheeks. I make my way to appa and kiss his cheeks same as him.

Then, they exit the house and get inside their own car. Eomma and I wave to them as we watch them drive out.

"Eomma gonna rest a while okay, sweetie?" Eomma ask me.

I nod. "Alright, eomma. I'm just go to my room." I go upstairs and enter my room and lock it. I sit on my bed with head low.

Ding~ Ding~

I look at my nightstand and take my phone. I got a notification from an unknown. I tap the text.

77%  11:20 A.M.


Hey, bitch.

Who is this? I frown. How they found my number?

Ding~ Ding~

77%  11:21 A.M.


Hey, bitch.

Why you still alive?

I terror after I read the messages. Wh-what?

You shouldn't come out alive.

You don't belong in this world.

You shouldn't born, slut.

Why don't you just kill yourself.

Inside of me start feel the pain I never felt.

You just ugly girl I ever met.

You not pretty.

You just a useless girl.

You worthless.

You just a nothing.

Yeah, I'am.

I'm not pretty.

I'm useless.

I'm worthless.

I'm just nothing.

Just nothing.

The words keep me believe. I always take a negative words than positive. Tears began fall on my cheeks. Then a last words I can't hold it anymore.

Just suicide already.

"I can't hold it anymore!" I threw my phone on the bed and unlocked the room. I open the door and go downstairs. Eomma at her room so I don't want tell her where I go to. I open the front door and close behind me.

I run and run as the tears falling. I don't know where my legs leading me. So I let my legs leads me.

As I running non stop, my legs getting swollen. I can feel my heartbeats are beating fast. My legs getting hurt makes me stop my track. Suddenly I smell something fresh.


I look at my right, the colour of the sea makes me chill but for a while. I made my way toward the rock and stand it.

It beautiful not like a me.

I'm just an ugly girl.

I shouldn't die.

I look down, the wave hit the bottom of the rock. Should I end my life right now? I close my eyes as tears fall until touch my cheeks. I should.

I cry and cry let it out from my heart without wipping off my tears.

Why it hurt so much?
Why everyone hates me?
Did I do something wrong?
I don't understand.
I can't.....
I can't ....hold it anymore.
I don't care get myself hurt.
I don't care at all!

My tears began fall until fall into the sea. Mix with my salty tears. Then a memories of us began playing on my mind.


"Y/N! Check this out! Ryan show me a CD game that he want it so long. Where did he get these?

"Where did you get this, Ryan?" I point my finger toward the CD that he hold. I take a sip of the coffee that Ahri make for me.

"I buyed it. Come on, let's play it together!" He take my left hand and begging me to play the game with him. I laugh.

"Sure, sure."

"Yeah! Love you, Y/N!"


"Hurry, Luke!" Carol call him who setting the camera. Luke start to set up the timer. We already sit on our spot and waiting for Luke.

"Alright!" Then he run toward us as the camera red light flicking.




"Ryan!" I hop on his back when he was talking with West and Luke. His hands quickly catch my leg that on his hip.

"Oit, Y/N!" I wrap around my arms around his neck and put my chin on his left shoulder. The others just smile by my behavior. I sometimes made a cute behavior at Ryan so it hard to see me happily with him. He always teases me while I get my revenge back.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask them.

"We gonna have lunch outside." Ahri answer my question.

"Oh~~~" I nod as I reply.

"Oit! Can you get off from my back? Y/N." My legs still on his hands. I'm glad that he does not have books on his hands.

"Mmm, I don't want to~" I say in cute tone. I giggle. I heard he scoff.

"Hehehe, our maknae are so cuteeee." Rose pinch my cheek.

"Let's go!" Luke wrap his arm around West shoulder. Luke really love the maknae. West and I are the maknae of the group. But West are one older than me. Zach help Ryan by take his bag that on the ground. Rose take Carol's hand and walk including the others.

"Okay, then." He sigh. His hand tightly grab my legs not want me fall. He just gave in. He let me stay on his back. I giggles.


"Ahri." I close the novel and put it on my lap. Ahri and I are roommate, and we really suitable to be a roommate by our behavior.

"Mmm?" She hum as responds. She just look at her phone scroll something on the screen.

"Can you clean my ear? Please?" Ahri look at me. I make a puppy eyes.

"Sure, I will do anything to my maknae. Wait a minutes, I got get my ear cleaning stuff." She stand up from the bed and walk toward her closet. She open the closet and take the white tool box and close the closet. She walk toward my bed and sit. She pat her lap tell me rest my head on her lap.

I quickly rest my head on her lap. We just like a sister. She take out the wet cotton and wipe around my right ear. Then she take out Japanese wooden ear picking. "Tell me if hurts, okay?" She ask me before she start.

"Okay." I close my eyes as I feel the ear picking inside my ear.

"Are you feel any pain?" She stop for a while, waiting for my reply.

"No at all." I close my eyes as I smile. I can feel that she continue. I wish you are my real sister. You guys like my family to me.


Memories about us was playing on my mind. Every single memories of them, every drop of my tears falling on my cheeks. Then, I remembered about our promise. I sob.

"I'm sorry, guys.... I can't hold it anymore... I really truly am sorry.... I'm so sorry...." I cry and cry. I look at the view of the sea.

I should leave this world.

I took a deep breath and let it out. When I was about to jump from the rock, a hand grab my waist and pull me from falling and fell on the ground.

"Ah!" I hiss in pain. My eyes are close as I hold the pain.

"Ugh!" My eyes turn wide after I heard a guy groan. Who it is? I try to take a peek who save me.

A-a g-guy?

He look the same as me. His face are not like american. His face like korean like me. His eyes are still close. I take my chance to run away from this. I stand up and try to run away from him. But a hand grab my hand to stop me. I look at him who staring at me. What are you doing standing here all day long? He still staring me

Such a waste...

I release my hand from his grip roughly. I walk away from there leaving him confuse.


15 Minutes earlier ~

I yawn lazily. I just stare at the ceiling with bored. What should I do now? I got nothing to do. Should I take a walk?


Yasss, that will help me to get out from this boredom. Why I didn't think of this when I arrived. Pabo... I stand up and walk toward the mirror. I fix myself and look at my own reflection.

I'm look great.

I smile as I look at my own reflection. I take my phone with me. I close the door behind me and go downstairs. I see eomma and grandma was watching television.

"Eomma, I going outside to take a walk." Eomma look at me with chip at her hand.

She nod. "Okay, be careful Jungkook ah."

I smile and wink. "I will!" I wear my pair of shoe and close the front door behind me. I take a breath and let it out. I put my hands into the pocket. I start walk and walk. I remembered when I was a kid, grandma always take me out for a walk. She always bring me to the sea. That place was her favorite place.


I hope I still remember the way. I really miss hear the sound of the sea. The smell of the sea. The coldness of the wind. The beautiful of the view. It really made me fall the beauty of the sea.

As I walking, I can smell the sea come nearby. It looks like I choose the right way. Finally, I arrived. Before I make my way to the rock, I heard someone sobs. I frown. Is there someone crying? I follow the sound and revealing the girl stand on the rock. She cries. Why she cry and stand on the rock? Are she gonna..... no she won't right?

Then, my eyes terror when I saw her wanted to jump into the sea. She would be dead. I quickly made my wat to her and grab her waist from behind and pull her back. Both of we fell on the ground.

"Ah!" I heard the girl hiss in pain. I know that really hurt. I'm sorry for a lot. I want to open my eyes, but I couldn't.

"Ugh!" I groan. Why it hurt so much. I can feel the girl want to escape. I open my eyes, seeing the girl stand up and start to get away from me. I quickly stand up and grab her left hand. She turn her face at me so I can look at her face.

She so cute.

She so pretty.

Even the tears ruin her face, but she still beautiful.

But why she choose to suicide even though she look perfect.

I caught myself staring at her. Her look began annoying by my staring at her. She release her hand from my grip roughly. Then she walk away never look behind. I still stand there with confuse all over my face.

Who that girl?

I wish I can meet her.

I hope I can help her.

I want to know about her back story.

She must have a good reason why she doing that.


"I want to be her friend." Really. I'm really am.  I hope I will meet her again.

To Be Continue ~

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