🌾 Chapter 9 🌾

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Taehyung P.O.V

I watch the K-Drama that call 'What Wrong With Secretary Kim?' This drama is really caught my attention. The drama is really hilarious. I sit on the coach alone with remote in my hand. I wonder what Namjoon hyung doing? He been lock himself in his room from this morning.

Two day ago, he really happy that he was accepted to be rapper. And I really proud of him. Suddenly I heard a door open.

It must be Namjoon hyung.

I look at my right, seeing Namjoon hyung wear a nice cloth. I frown. Are he want to go somewhere? With a bag at his hand?

He look at me before take a car key. "Taehyung ah, I have to go for work. You know what it is. And take care of the house, will you?" He wear his shoes.

I stand up and walk toward him. I cross my arms. "Alright, I will." I watch him open the front door. "Annyeong!" I wave him.

"Annyeong, maknae!" He close the door and leave me alone. I sigh and walk toward coach and sit. I take out my phone and check the other if they online.

68%  2:10 P.M.

Last seen on yesterday 9:30 P.M

Jinnie Hyung

I go back and tap the other one.

68%  2:10 P.M.

Last seen on yesterday 7:20 P.M.

Sleepy Grandpa

Mmmm....Not either....

68%  2:11 P.M.

Last seen on yesterday 9:10 A.M.

Mochi Chim

Wah, 9:10 A.M.? Guess he too busy to become a trainer dancer. He must be work hard.

67%  2:11 P.M.

Last seen on yesterday 11:10 P.M.

My Hope World

What did he do that time? It late by the way. Hobi hyung and suga hyung are at same place. Maybe Hobi hyung do something important. Suga hyung😑 don't tell me. His work is sleep only.

67%  2:12 P.M.

Last seen on yesterday 2:05 P.M.

Kookie Bunny

Eh? 2:05 P.M.? That's weird. He usually online on late night. Mmmm. That strange...

I threw my phone beside me. I look at the outside through the window. I should take a walk at least. I walk toward my room and change into black hoodie. I grab my wallet and close the door. I turn off the television and take my phone. I take a house key and close the front door behind me. I lock it and enter the elevator. I push the G button.


The door elevator open, I walk out and exit the building. I walk and walk heard the people talking, laughing. It reminds me of we old days. Until we take a separate way to catch our dreams. I follow Namjoon hyung because I got nothing to do at Seoul. If they take a flight already, I was leave alone by myself. That why I decide follow Namjoon hyung. But Namjoon hyung will lonely if he alone.

Jungkook the only one who follow with his family. He really happy to meet his grandma. I remember when his account been hack, and I try my best to hack it back. After his account was save, he treat me a free food. Jimin was jealous of me that he can't eat fried chicken. 😂😂😂 He should be grateful cause I give him some fried chicken to him.

I stop walking as I heard children laughter. I look at my left seeing kids playing with their friends. I go toward to the beach and sit.

I sigh. I look up watch the sky full of clouds. Next week I have to go to university. But I'm not alone. Namjoon hyung also have to attend the university. But he said, sometimes he will attend the class or he skip the class cause of his 'work'.

I put my head down feel my head get hurt as I look up too long. My eyes caught attention of a big tree not too far away from me. A girl sit under the tree with a book on her lap. She have a red long hair. She wear a earphone at her ears. I think she draw on her notebook. She always take a peek at the kids and turn back on her notebook. I wish I can look at her eyes.

I hope I can see you again.

In other time.

I smile and leave the park. I look at my watch and thought about Namjoon hyung.

"I should go buy foods for dinner."


Jungkook P.O.V

I sit on my bed and intertwine my hands together curiously. I start remembered about yesterday. That girl.

Who that's girl?
She looks like desperate yesterday.
Are she really think that her decision are good to her?
Doesn't she cares about her family and her friends?

She must have a great life than mine.
No way, a girl like her want to end life so fast.
But why, yesterday she want to suicide?
She must have her reasons why she did that.

I have to meet her.
I want to protect her even though I don't know her.
I want to stay by her sides, I don't care if she push me away.
I want to check her up if she's alright.
And I want to help her.

I sigh. I lay back and close my eyes. Tomorrow... My first day of school. I hope I will go to same school of her.

I yawn. I'm so sleepy today. I look at the clock that on the wall.

3:36 P.M

Seriously? I keep yawning and I gave up. I wrap around myself with blanket and doze off.

Carol P.O.V

I take a cab to go to David's house. I didn't tell him that I coming to his house. I want to make a surprise to him. I smile myself as I look at outside through the window.

After 8 minutes, I arrived at in front of his house. I pay the debt to the driver and hop off from the cab. I watch the cab drive off.

I walk at in front of his door and push the bell. But nobody answer it.

"David?" I call his name softly. I push the bell again but again nobody answer. I try to twist the door knob and it not lock. Weird.

David always lock his front door no matter how early today. I open the door widely to made myself come in. "David?" I call him name but I can't him figure. I walk to the living room trying to find him but he not there. Then I heard some weird noises from the upstairs. I can't describe the noises cause it not clearly to me heard it.

I go upstair and follow the noises. Every step I follow the noise, the noise keep loud. But this sound like kind of moan?

I keep follow the noise until I stop in front of David's room. This is my third times I visited his house so I know the room of his house. The noise keep louder and louder. It couldn't be...

My hand made a way to door knob. My hand start to tremble like crazy. My fingers finally touch the door know and twist it.

My eyes were terror and regret I came here. David were naked and a girl under him naked. My heart are shattered when I recognize that girl. Raven. My best friend. Or maybe I should call ex-best friend. I couldn't believe he fuck my best friend. And I couldn't believe my best friend betrayed me.

When I open the door, they stop what they're doing. Both of they snap their head toward me with shock. I can feel my eyes were watery.

"C-Carol... This is not what you thinking of!" He sit up and Raven take a blanket to cover herself.

I scoff. "You think that I'm a fool? What would a guy was nake with a girl with no cloths on under him?! You are fucking cheating on me with my best friend! Or... I should say ex-best friend." I give a death glare to Rave A.K.A ex best friend. Or I should say a slut and a whore.


"You know what? We done! Don't try to get closer to me and beg me like a idiot! And I wish you guys were good together!" I leave the room and go downstairs quickly. I can heard he call my names and try to chase me. I go toward front door and leave the house. I run away from them with my tears. Even though, I said to them with harsh tone. But it really hurt me a lot. I never said harsh tone to everyone. And this is my first time doing this. I'm not like that kind of girl. I not barely talk to people except my beloved friends.

I run and run as the tears keep coming out. I stop from my track as I arrived at the park. I sit under the tree and hug my knees. I can't let Zach see me like this. I  cries softly not want make a sounds. I hide my face as I hugging my knees.

I'm such a fool.
Why I didn't notice it?
I really regret that I accepted his confession.
I should listened Luke and Y/N.
If I listened to them, I wouldn't be like this.
Cry like a baby.

Why I didn't trust my friend and instead trust over my boyfriend.
Who I barely knows him.
I shouldn't dating him.
How could she betrayed me with my boyfriend.
I thought we were best friend.
Who listening my problems.
Who support me all the times.
Well I guess all of she does to me, are fake.
All fake.

She not my friend anymore.
He not my boyfriend anymore.
I'm just have my friend who still stay by my sides.
They were the only friends I have.
They never leave me alone.
They always be there for me when I need a  help.
I miss you guys so much...

I sobs as I hug my knees tightly.

Guys, where are you. I need you guys right now...


I sit on my bed with my swollen eyes.

*Ding~ Ding~*

*Ding~ Ding~*

*Ding~ Ding~*

I ignores the notifications cause I know that from my ex. I hug my knees together and low head down. I sobs slightly not want Zach heard my cries. I don't want he know about earlier me between David. Because I don't want Zach make a trouble with him at university. I lift head up and reach my phone on the nightstand. I open my phone and got the messages from David. 

58% 7:25 P.M.

A Cheater Brat

Carol! I'm sorry.

Let me explain!


Don't ignores me.

Please reply to me!

Baby, please come back to me.

The word 'baby' from him making me sick. I block his number and throw my phone beside me.

I really need someone right now.

But I got nobody.

Zach... I can't.

He will know about it.

I can't let he know about it.

I had to hide about this.

From everyone.

To Be Continue ~

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