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                            Karkat's POV

We get to our base, set up a place for gamzee to sleep, then go to our stations.

It was silent. Like usual. Nepeta takes my hand and holds it strongly. "You ok?" I ask.

"Y-ya." She whispers. "Do..." I here nepeta start, " do you think we'll find Feferi?"

I was surprised that she said that. She would always have confidants in everything no questions asked and no one could convince her otherwise, not even......

Not even equius.

" I'm sure we will." I finally answer. " are eridan and sollux at their stations?" Nepeta shakes her head. " then where are they?" Nepeta points to a janitors closet and suddenly I didn't want to know what they were doing. Now that I listen more closely I could here moaning noises coming in the derection she was pointing.

Well now I definetly didn't want to know what they were doing. So I laid down and rested my eyes.

The next morning we were woken up by the sound of glass breaking. " shit!" I whisper as me and nepeta shoot up on guard for what could have broke glass. I lend nepeta on of my sickles since it would take to long for her to get her claws and we slowly creep toward where the sound came from. When we are to the smashed glass I see Gamzee looking at it like a retard.

"Gamzee did you fucking do this!?" I yell. He looks away searching for an answer. "Just nevermind god your an idiot!" Nepeta tugs my shirt indicating that I should stop. "What's going on here?" I hear eridan say as he walks over.

"Gamzee smashed a fucking bottle on the ground and scared the shit out of nepeta and me!" "Oh well, even though that was a stupid fucking move we needed a wake up call." I rolled my eyes then shifted toward Nepeta.

She gave me a gentle look then took my hand. I glare at her still full of rage but, she didn't look as if she cared. She gave a small smile and then kissed me on the cheek.

"Let'2 go love bird2!" Sollux teased and I swore if Nepeta wasn't holding my hand I would of tackled him to the ground.

We got to the museum and we all stared up at the rusty old building. "Let's go." Eridan said simply walking in.

I gave Nepeta my hand and walked in and Gamzee and Sollux followed behind. It was quiet really quiet. Eridan was looking around and the rest of us were looking dumbfounded on how the place had become.

The place was a disaster area. All of what used to be a museum was now looking like a dump with the shattered glass scattered everywhere.

After taking a good look around nepeta tugs at my hand."let's go. Eridans gonna get onto us if we don't start looking."

"yeah" I say and we begin looking around.

. . .

"Shit!!!" I hear someone yell.  Eridan?

Me and Nepeta shoot toward where the shout came from to see tons of zombies approaching eridan and now us.

"that the fuck i2 going on!?"

"ah fuck... "

We start to kill zombies aiming for there foreheads and necks and blood splattering every where.

"vriska! Come on we need to help!" a light voice yells.


feferi comes running into the museum and starts shooting with her pistol.

"fef!" eridan calls. letting his guard down a zombie come out from behind him.

"eri-" I tried to call out but  it was too late the creature had token hold of eridan and sunk its teeth into his neck. other zombies began to gather around him and feast on his flesh. before he lost consciousness I heard him yelp,

"sol.... help... me."

"ERIDAN!!!!" sollux  and feferi yell trying to get to him.

nepeta , gamzee and i grabbed them and vriska who just came helped me keep sollux restrained. Tears rapidly shot down sollux's face. ive never seen him cry before.


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