Chapter 10

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Hi, Still grounded, But I want to thank you all so much for 2K reads! I'm so happy and thank you guys. For that I may even post Falling to Rise even sooner :)

I'm not a big fan of this chapter but I hope you guys enjoy.


Chapter 10

Panic overwhelmed me as we all made a quick attempt to scramble off each other, and failed miserably.



"Oh crap!"

Mith helped me up and we made a dash towards Seto who was handing a horse lead to Adam. Jerome and Ian grabbed the weapons and tossed them to everyone. I pulled out my sword that I had on me and helped Jason beat down the mobs.

"Hurry! This way!" Quentin shouted, he was waving to us towards a clear area where mobs had not spawn.

Arrows were flying and then I realized, "Wait! Who has my bag?" I panicked as I realized Seto didn't grab it earlier, I had dropped mine much farther away from the horses. I stopped in my tracks only to stumble forward when someone collided into me, instead of apologizing I made a mad dash back the way we had come.

"T-Ty! Come back!" Seto's voice rang out behind me, I ignored him shoving my way through the throng of mobs. Hissing as an arrow lodged its way into my shoulder, I have to get my bag. Seto's journal is in there.

Another arrow hit me in my back, a zombie swiped at me, it was stupid to rush in here, but I had no choice. As the days go on the mobs increase, why does such a thing exist in another world! They have it rough.

Ducking just in time as another arrow sailed over my head I made a dive for my bag, just lying in a small gap. I clutched it close to me and stood up only to hear Adam yell to me.

"Ty! Look out!" I couldn't see him, nor anyone in the swarm of mobs. I panicked and only just noticed the creeper flickering in and out of flashes.


"Ty! Look out!" Adam yelled out towards Ty as a loud explosion sounded. We fought off more mobs to try and get closer to him, I know I won't have enough medicine for this. What was he thinking?

Adam was rushing towards Ty's side, Mitch and Jerome clearing a way for the him. "Ty, stay with me, K!"

"We need to get him to somewhere sheltered, we need to go this way!" I shouted, my satchel banging against my leg, I waved to the others to hurry up.

Adam carried Ty on his back, Ian behind him carrying some of Ty's belongings. I noticed Seto taking the lead keeping the mobs at bay with his powers.

Mitch and Jerome stayed up front with me as I took the lead next to Seto, "Jason, you have your flashlight?"

"Yea, you need it now?"

"No, not now, but soon."

I just pray that things go smoothly and not from bad to worse. We can't deal with worse.


"There's a swamp up ahead, let's go in, we'll be more sheltered from the mobs." I said, I let my hand clutch the strap of my bag tightly, I don't know what might happen. But I hope that maybe we can take shelter to address Ty's wounds. Adam told me he's barely breathing. The swamp is the best place to find the herbs and plants I need too.

"The swamp! But the witches!" Jerome cried out.

"We'll be fine," I assured him.

The trees were up ahead, they stood dark against the night sky. In here I don't know what to expect, except I hope I can do enough.

"I think the mob spawn has slowed down," Ian called out from the back, "I think we're in the clear to take a rest."

"Good," Everyone sighed as we made it into the swamp, they sat down immediately, "Jason now we can use that flashlight."


"I told you guys we should've made camp!" Seto was pacing the ground back and forth, "Now look, Ty had to pay for all your idiocy!"

"Whoa Seto, calm down, let's not get really hasty about this," Adam calmly spoke up only to be glared at by Seto.

"Shut up Adam, if you all had just listened, Ty would be fine, now what are we going to do!"

"Ty is not dead Seto, why don't you come help me. I only have enough medicine to stall infection, but not enough to treat his wounds," Seto glanced at me, his glare softened and he sighed.

"Fine, I'll go grab you some herbs."

"Bring someone along!" I called out, but I don't think he heard.

"I'll go," Mitch volunteered and ran after Seto.

"Adam, help me make Ty comfortable, Jason, I'll need your light. Jerome and Ian, keep watch."


"There!" I breathed in relief and sat back, "he should be fine for now, but we just have to wait for Mitch and Seto to bring back more supp--"

A loud scream broke through the air, interrupting my voice, "Mitch!" Jerome yelled. He got up and ran.

I grabbed onto the leg of his pants, "Wait! Jerome stop!" But he wrenched his leg from my grasp and I fell back.

I hit my head on the rough ground, Jason sat me up, "Are you ok?"

I nodded and pushed myself up, "Stay here, I'll go after him," I reached into my satchel and pulled out something cold, flat, and round.

"Not without me you're not!" Adam stood up and stopped me.

"No, you need to watch Ty. I can handle this."

"You dont even know what's out there," Adam tried to fight back.

"It's a witch."

"How can you be-'" Ian spoke up but I interrupted.

"There's nothing in these woods, the mobs have despawned, we're in a swamp. It can only be one thing."

"I promise, I have this under control," before they could interject I ran off in the direction Jerome went. My satchel bumped loudly against my leg.

I just hope this witch is reasonable.


I ran into a clearing, Jerome lay on the ground wheezing uncontrollably. I ran up to his side, "Jerome! Are you ok, what happened? Did you see Mitch and Seto?"

A series of coughs and then he answered hoarsely, "Stupid witch poisoned me as I was trying to help Mitch, but Seto was no where to be found."

I nodded and searched through my bag, "Here," I handed him a bottle of milk, "take this, it isn't enough to get rid of the effects, but should weaken them until they wear off."

He nodded weakly and I lifted his head up as he drank the milk greedily. He sighed in relief and with my help I sat him up.

"We need to find Mitch and Seto before that witch makes stew out of them."

Jerome nodded and he pulled himself up and leaned against me, "The witch took Mitch that way." He pointed in the direction I had already been heading.

We walked in that direction, at a slow pace might I add, but we stayed silent hoping to hear anything. I still clutched medallion in my hand.

"Let go of me you smelly old hag!" A voice yelled farther away.

"Mitch!" Jeromes sore voice cried out in vain, but was barely audible. He tugged at me to move faster.

"Calm down, we'll get to him, but you're still feeling the effects of poison, you can't keep putting strain on your body."

"Don't care, Mitch needs me." He sped up his pace making me move faster. We were reaching another clearing, I was starting to catch a glimpse of Mitch's body being dragged across the forest floor like a rag doll.

"Mi--!" Jerome spoke out but I slapped my hand over his mouth.

"Shh we need the element of surprise--"

"Let go of our friend!" From only about several feet away Adam emerged from the treeline with an unconscious Ty on his back, he pointed a glaring finger at the witch. From behind him Jason appeared with his flashlight off and Ian holding out his bow, an arrow nocked and pointed at the witch.

"Wha-!" Without think I pulled me and Jerome out into the clearing and under the moonlight. It was only then I realized how much risk I just put me and Jerome in.

The witch glanced at us and then Adam and the others, Mitch's foot was still clutched tightly in her bony hand.

"Ha! I'm saved you stupid witch!" Mitch jeered, she dropped his leg and pulled out to bottles.

"Wait!" I shouted but she threw them at me and Jerome and the others. I panicked and held up my arms, hoping to shield Jerome from the effects. When no bouts of coughing came from me or Jerome I looked up confused.

The witch was glaring at me, while the others were leaning against trees for support as the poison took over.

"Where'd you get that you vile little creature!" She hissed at me with such disdain spittle came flying out of her mouth, barely visible in the moon light.

When I gave no answer she pointed her long bony finger at my raised hand, "That medalion you fool, where'd you get it!"

"My mother," I paused, I had never needed to use this and even if I do it could just be like she warned. Not all witches are understanding, plenty are hateful and may just kill us anyway, "I-I'm Quentin."

Straightening up I held the medal out so she could see and prayed this would work, "Son of Jinx. Witch of Rurd Marsh."

The witch made no move as her eyes squinted, judging me trying to figure out if I'm lying. The silence that invaded was interrupted by another bouts of coughs from and Adam and the others.

"W-what? Son--Witch? What are you saying--" Adam gasped.

"If you're Jinx's son, then what's wrong with you?" The witch gestured to me, now holding Mitch's leg again. He said nothing but glared at her while on the ground.

"Honestly, I'm adopted but that's a mouthful to say 'Adopted son of Jinx'" I placed the medallion back in my bag and helped Jerome up.

"Well if you're really her son, or adopted son... whatever, I suppose you and the furball can come." She started dragging Mitch along the ground until I spoke up.

"And my friends?" I pointed to Adam and the others, now the effect of the poison were wearing off, but they will definitely still be weak without some milk or health pots.

"Fine." Starting to walk once more with Ian and Jason supporting Adam and each other as they all carried Ty together. This would not help his injuries for sure.

"Don't forget Mitch!" Mitch shouted, still being dragged. She glared and looked up at me, I gave her a pointed look and she sighed.

"Now you're just asking me to go hungry you wretched children!" She said a few more inaudible words and then grumbled a quiet fine. Dropping Mitch's leg with a huff me and Jerome went up and helped him up.

"Thanks, I think I was getting a bit light-headed like that."

"No problem biggums," Jerome patted him grinning slightly.

"Excuse me?" I perked up, "I don't believe we got your name."

She snorted, "Call me Hon."


"Yes! Are you deaf! Now tell your friends in the back to hurry along unless they want to camp out here in the cold with the after effects of poison." She sped up her hobbled pace forcing all us to keep up. Being the only one not affected by poison I had no trouble but as for the others...

"Last question," I said a little uncertainly.

"What is it..."

"Have you seen our other friend, his name is Seto and he wear a purple cloak. He would've been with Mitch, the one you were dragging on the ground."

At first she said nothing, then said, "Yes, I saw him, but he vanished. I threw a potion at him and before it made contact he disappeared, so unfortunately I only got one catch instead of two."

"Oh, I see," So Seto is still unaccounted for, but I'm sure he's fine. He lived on his own for 3 years without us, I'm sure he can go a night by himself. After a night's rest we can all go out and search for him.

"Thanks," now besides shelter we need some medicine especially for Ty who was lucky he didn't die in the explosion. Now the poison has only added salt to injury.

Thank you again, and I love you all! :D <3


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